64 research outputs found

    Optimal Operation of Combined Photovoltaic Electrolyzer Systems

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    In this study, the design and simulation of a combination of a photovoltaic (PV) array with an alkaline electrolyzer is performed to maximize the production of hydrogen as a reliable power resource. Detailed electrical model of PV system, as long as thermal and electrochemical model of electrolyzer is used. Since an electrolyzer is a non-linear load, its coupling with PV systems to get the best power transfer is very important. Solar irradiation calculations were done for the region of Miami (FL, USA), giving an optimal surface slope of 25.7° for the PV array. The size of the PV array is optimized, considering maximum hydrogen production and minimum excess power production in a diurnal operation of a system using the imperialistic competitive algorithm (ICA). The results show that for a 10 kW alkaline electrolyzer, a PV array with a nominal power of 12.3 kW The results show that 12.3 kW photvoltaic system can be utilized for supplying a 10 kW electrolyzer. Hydrogen production and Faraday efficiency of the system are 697.21 mol and 0.3905 mol, respectively

    Studies of Nanotube Channeling for Efficient Beam Scraping at Accelerators

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    While particle beam steering (and in particular, "scraping") in accelerators by bent channeling crystals is an established technique extensively tested at IHEP Protvino and other major high-energy labs, an interesting question is how one could improve channeling capabilities by applying modern nanotechnology. Theoretical research of nanotube channeling was in progress over recent years. In this work, we assess potential benefits from nanotube channeling for real accelerator systems. We report simulation studies of channeling in nanostructured material (carbon SWNT and MWNT) tested for possible serving as a primary scraper for the collimation systems of hadron colliders. The advantages of nanostructured material as a potential choice for a primary scraper in a high-energy accelerator such as LHC or the Tevatron are discussed in comparison to crystal lattices and amorphous material. We evaluate physical processes relevant to this application and reveal nanotechnology requirements.Comment: Presented at the Int. Conf. on Atomic Collisions with Solids (ICACS-21, Genova 4-9 July 2004

    Low Level Light Could Work on Skin Inflammatory Disease: A Case Report on Refractory Acrodermatitis Continua

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    Low level laser or light treatment on the various clinical condition is getting considerable attention now. However, there has been no report about the clinical effect of low level polarized polychromatic noncoherent light (LPPL) on the inflammatory skin disease. We experienced a case of acrodermatitis continua in a pregnant woman refractory to any conventional treatment including the most potent topical steroid. She was successfully treated with LPPL. LPPL could be a possible treatment modality producing substantial clinical result in inflammatory skin condition without any side-effect

    On X-Ray Waveguiding in Nanochannels: Channeling Formalism

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    The question on X-ray extreme focusing (smallest reachable spot size) brings us to the idea for using the wave features of X-ray propagation in media. As known, wave features are revealed at propagation in ultra-narrow collimators as well as at glancing reflection from smooth flat and/or strongly curved surfaces. All these phenomena can be described within the general formalism of X-ray channeling.Comment: by the invited lecture at ISRP-1

    Channeling of Positrons through Periodically Bent Crystals: on Feasibility of Crystalline Undulator and Gamma-Laser

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    The electromagnetic radiation generated by ultra-relativistic positrons channelling in a crystalline undulator is discussed. The crystalline undulator is a crystal whose planes are bent periodically with the amplitude much larger than the interplanar spacing. Various conditions and criteria to be fulfilled for the crystalline undulator operation are established. Different methods of the crystal bending are described. We present the results of numeric calculations of spectral distributions of the spontaneous radiation emitted in the crystalline undulator and discuss the possibility to create the stimulated emission in such a system in analogy with the free electron laser. A careful literature survey covering the formulation of all essential ideas in this field is given. Our investigation shows that the proposed mechanism provides an efficient source for high energy photons, which is worth to study experimentally.Comment: 52 pages, MikTeX, 14 figure


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    Abstract. Investigation into the properties of carbon nano-structures, involving fullerene molecules, carbon nanotubes, and the most recently contrived graphene, has been growing at a relentless rate over the past decade or so owing to prospects of their applications in nanotechnology. While interactions with particle beams have been an important part of this research endeavor in the context of various spectroscopic techniques (TEM, EELS, ...), the use of energetic electron and ion beams has recently emerged as a novel engineering tool for modifications of atomic structure and electronic properties of carbon nano-structures In that context, the most widely studied themes in literature are concerned with changes in carbon nanotubes upon exposure to the ion-beam irradiation at energies ranging from several tens of eV to some MeV. On the other hand, the empty cylindrical space in individual carbon nanotubes, and a high degree of their ordering and alignment in structures called ropes or bundles, provide unique means for achieving the effect of ion channeling. Prospects of realization and a range of possible applications of ion channeling through carbon nanotubes at energies from keV to TeV have stimulated an active research area, which was recently reviewed After assessing some key experimental facts and the status of computer simulations of ion irradiation effects on carbon nanotubes, I shall discuss several problems arising in modeling of ion interactions with carbon nanotube

    Advanced Channeling Technologies in Plasma and Laser Fields

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    Channeling is the phenomenon well known in the world mostly related to the motion of the beams of charged particles in aligned crystals. However, recent studies have shown the feasibility of channeling phenomenology application for description of other various mechanisms of interaction of charged as well as neutral particle beams in solids, plasmas and electromagnetic fields covering the research fields from crystal based undulators, collimators and accelerators to capillary based X-ray and neutron optical elements. This brief review is devoted to the status of channeling-based researches at different centers within international and national collaborations. Present and future possible developments in channeling tools applied to electron interactions in strong plasma and laser fields will be analyzed

    Oleksandr Zhevago's Quick Files

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    The Quick Files feature was discontinued and it’s files were migrated into this Project on March 11, 2022. The file URL’s will still resolve properly, and the Quick Files logs are available in the Project’s Recent Activity


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    Context. Generating university course timetable is one of the most important tasks of managing the educational process. Growingrequirements for the quality of education, a reduction in the material base and an increase in the number of specialties lead to theneed to optimize the process of using human resources, the classroom fund and to save energy resources. Since all the factors influencingthe schedule are almost impossible to take into account and the interests of the participants in the educational process are diverse,the task of creating a schedule is multicriteria with a fuzzy set of factors. In this regard, the problem of automating the timetablingis still one of the urgent problems of the organization of the educational process.Objective. The goal of the work is the improving the quality of university timetables and reducing the time it takes. The qualityof the schedule is determined by the extent to which the necessary and desirable requirements are met. It is necessary to provide possibilityof expanding the desired requirements without changing the optimizing mechanism.Method. To describe the processes of scheduling classes applied the methodology of constructive-production modeling. Fromthe point of view of constructivism: on the basis of a number of structures with a given structure and content, it is necessary to completethe construction of a schedule with a given structure and partly content. The development of the designer provides for the definitionof expandable carrier, signatures of relations and operations, as well as information support. The most difficult and essentialpart is the creation of a set of substitution rules, which define the output process of the corresponding constructions.Results. Developed a university course timetabling constructor and software that implements the proposed method.Conclusions. The experiments confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed approach and the software that implements the proposedmethod. This allows us to recommend it for use in practice in solving problems of scheduling classes.Актуальность. Составление расписания учебных занятий является одной из важнейших задач управления учебнымпроцессом. Рост требований к качеству обучения, сокращение материальной базы и увеличение количества специальностейприводят к необходимости оптимизации процесса использования кадрового потенциала, аудиторного фонда и экономииэнергетических ресурсов. Поскольку все факторы, влияющие на расписание, практически невозможно учесть, а интересыучастников учебного процесса многообразны, задача составления расписания является многокритериальной с нечеткиммножеством факторов. В связи с этим проблема автоматизации составления расписаний учебных занятий в образователь-ных системах по-прежнему остается одной из актуальных проблем организации учебного процесса.Цель. Повышение качества расписания занятий университета и уменьшение времени его составления. Качество распи-сания определяется тем насколько соблюдаются необходимые и желательные требования к нему. Необходимо предусмот-реть возможность расширения желательных требований без изменения оптимизирующего механизма.Метод. Для описания процессов составления расписания занятий применена методология конструктивно-продукционного моделирования. С точки зрения конструктивизма: на основе ряда конструкций с заданной структурой исодержанием необходимо завершить конструирование расписания с заданной структурой и частично содержанием. Разра-ботка конструктора предусматривает определение расширяемого носителя, сигнатуры отношений и операций, а также ин-формационного обеспечения. Наиболее сложной и существенной частью является создание множества правил подстановки,определяющих процесс вывода соответствующих конструкций.Результаты. Разработан конструктор составления расписания занятий и программное обеспечение, реализующее пред-ложенный метод.Выводы. Проведенные эксперименты подтвердили эффективность предложенного подхода и программного обеспече-ния, реализующие предложенный метод. Это позволяет рекомендовать его для использования на практике при решениизадач составления расписания занятий.Актуальність. Складання розкладу навчальних занять є одним із найважливіших завдань управління навчальним процесом. Зростання вимог до якості навчання, скорочення матеріальної бази і збільшення кількості спеціальностей призводять до необхідності оптимізації процесу використання кадрового потенціалу, аудиторного фонду та економії енергетичних ресурсів. Оскільки всі фактори, що впливають на розклад, практично неможливо врахувати, а інтереси учасників навчального процесу різноманітні, завдання складання розкладу є багатокритеріальною з нечіткою множиною факторів. У зв’язку з цим проблема автоматизації складання розкладів навчальних занять в освітніх системах навчання як і раніше залишається однією з актуальних проблем організації навчального процесу.Мета. Підвищення якості розкладу занять університету і зменшення часу на його складання. Якість розкладу визначається тим наскільки дотримуються необхідні і бажані вимоги до нього. Необхідно передбачити можливість розширення бажаних вимог без зміни оптимізуючого механізму.Метод. Для опису процесів складання розкладу занять застосована методологія конструктивно-продукційного моделювання. З точки зору конструктивізму: на основі ряду конструкцій із заданою структурою і змістом необхідно завершити конструювання розкладу із заданою структурою та частково змістом. Розробка конструктора передбачає визначення розширюваного носія, сигнатури відносин і операцій, а також інформаційного забезпечення. Найбільш складною і істотною частиною є створення множини правил підстановки, що визначають процес виведення відповідних конструкцій.Результати. Розроблено конструктор складання розкладу занять та програмне забезпечення, що реалізує запропонований метод.Висновки. Проведені експерименти підтвердили ефективність запропонованого підходу і програмного забезпечення, що реалізує запропонований метод. Це дозволяє рекомендувати його для використання на практиці при вирішенні завдань складання розкладу занять