16 research outputs found

    Stock market trading volumes and economic uncertainty dependence: before and during Sino-U.S. trade friction

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    This article mainly studies the interaction between the economic uncertainty and stock market trading volumes changes before and during Sino-U.S. trade friction using multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (M.F.-D.F.A.) and multifractal detrended crosscorrelation analysis (M.F.-D.C.C.A.). Our research aims to reveal whether the economic uncertainty increased by Sino-U.S. trade friction affects stock market trading volume more susceptible, as well as how policymaker strengthen risk management and maintain financial stability. The results show that the dynamic volatility linkages between economic uncertainty and stock market trading volumes changes are multifractal, and the cross-correlation of volatility linkages are anti-persistent. Through the rolling-windows analysis, we also find that the economic uncertainty and trading volumes are anti-persistent dynamic cross-correlated. This means that while economic uncertainty increases, trading volume decreases. Besides, Sino-U.S. trade friction has impact on the cross-correlated behaviour significantly, suggesting that stock markets’ risks are relatively large and trading volumes changes are more susceptible by economic uncertainty during Sino-U.S. trade friction in the U.S. Our study complements existing literature about the stock markets trading volumes and economic uncertainty dependence relationship by multifractal theory’s methods. The overall findings imply that the increased economic uncertainty caused by Sino-U.S. trade friction exacerbates financial risks, which are useful for policymakers and investors

    Higher-order Topological and Nodal Superconductors MS (M = Nb and Ta) Transition-metal Sulfides

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    Intrinsic topological superconducting materials are exotic and vital to develop the next-generation topological superconducting devices, topological quantum calculations, and quantum information technologies. Here, we predict the topological and nodal superconductivity of MS (M = Nb and Ta) transition-metal sulfides by using the density functional theory for superconductors combining with the symmetry indicators. We reveal their higher-order topology nature with an index of Z4 = 2. These materials have a higher Tc than the Nb or Ta metal superconductors due to their flat-band and strong electron-phonon coupling nature. Electron doping and lighter isotopes can effectively enhance the Tc. Our findings show that the MS (M = Nb and Ta) systems can be new platforms to study exotic physics in the higher-order topological superconductors, and provide a theoretical support to utilize them as the topological superconducting devices in the field of advanced topological quantum calculations and information technologies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Synchronous post-acceleration of laser-driven protons in helical coil targets by controlling the current dispersion

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    Post-acceleration of protons in helical coil targets driven by intense, ultrashort laser pulses can enhance ion energy by utilizing the transient current from the targets’ self-discharge. The acceleration length of protons can exceed a few millimeters, and the acceleration gradient is of the order of GeV/m. How to ensure the synchronization between the accelerating electric field and the protons is a crucial problem for efficient post-acceleration. In this paper, we study how the electric field mismatch induced by current dispersion affects the synchronous acceleration of protons. We propose a scheme using a two-stage helical coil to control the current dispersion. With optimized parameters, the energy gain of protons is increased by four times. Proton energy is expected to reach 45 MeV using a hundreds-of-terawatts laser, or more than 100 MeV using a petawatt laser, by controlling the current dispersion

    Um programa de ginástica para coronariopatas Coletânea de Exercícios Sugeridos

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    The acceleration of super-heavy ions (SHIs) from plasmas driven by ultrashort (tens of femtoseconds) laser pulses is a challenging topic waiting for breakthrough. The detecting and controlling of the ionization process, and the adoption of the optimal acceleration scheme are crucial for the generation of highly energetic SHIs. Here, we report the experimental results on the generation of deeply ionized super-heavy ions (Au) with unprecedented energy of 1.2 GeV utilizing ultrashort laser pulses (22 fs) at the intensity of 10^22 W/cm2. A novel self-calibrated diagnostic method was developed to acquire the absolute energy spectra and charge state distributions of Au ions abundant at the charge state of 51+ and reaching up to 61+. The measured charge state distributions supported by 2D particle-in-cell simulations serves as an additional tool to inspect the ionization dynamics associated with SHI acceleration, revealing that the laser intensity is the crucial parameter for the acceleration of Au ions over the pulse duration. The use of double-layer targets results in a prolongation of the acceleration time without sacrificing the strength of acceleration field, which is highly favorable for the generation of high-energy super heavy ions

    Performance evaluation of ventilative cooling systems for buildings under different control parameters and strategies

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    Ventilative cooling is an energy-saving technology to diminish thermal discomfort and overheating risk of buildings, meanwhile achieving high indoor air quality (IAQ). However, there is still no optimal control strategy in practice, which considerably limits its application. This study developed a typical office building model to evaluate the performance of ventilative cooling systems with different control parameters and strategies for five typical cities in different climatic zones of China. Results showed that, when the control parameter was selected as the upper limit of satisfied comfortable zone by 90% of the occupants, the adaptive thermal comfort (ATC) model, which outperformed the other models in terms of outdoor air utilization, was not necessarily optimal in terms of energy efficiency. The outdoor air utilization potential based on the indoor dry-bulb air temperature (Td) and indoor operative temperature (Top) control was similar, but the energy usage varies considerably, especially in the hot climatic zones. When the overheating period controlled based on the thermal comfort models was the same, the energy usage would be underestimated by 16%–38% without considering the effect of radiant temperature. The ATC-based control could have up to 37% of energy-saving compared to thermostatic control, but inappropriately low limits could make it less advantages to achieve energy-saving. The energy-saving potential associated with the PMV and ATC controls showed a completely opposite trend in the different climatic zones. The analysis results indicate that eliminating the drawbacks of the lower limit in the ATC model is an effective way to demonstrate energy-saving effectiveness. The findings of this study will contribute to the effective improvement of the application potential of ventilative cooling in different climatic zones.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Design & Construction Managemen

    Frontier ocean thermal/power and solar PV systems for transformation towards net-zero communities

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    Ocean thermal and power energy systems are promising driving forces for seashore coastal communities to achieve net-zero energy/emission target, whereas energy planning and management on ocean thermal/power and distributed building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems are critical, in terms of serving scale sizing and planning on geographical locations of district building community, and cycling aging of battery storages. However, the current literature provides insufficient studies on this topic. This study aims to address this research gap by transforming towards zero-energy coastal communities from the district level in subtropical regions, including centralised seawater-based chiller systems, distributed BIPVs and coastal oscillating water column technologies, as well as multi-directional Vehicle-to-Building energy interaction paradigms. Advanced energy management strategies were explored to enhance renewable penetration, import cost-saving, and deceleration of battery cycling aging, in response to relative renewable-to-demand difference, off-peak grid information with low price, and real-time battery cycling aging. Furthermore, in accordance with the power generation characteristic of two wave stations (i.e., Kau Yi Chau (KYC) and West Lamma Channel (WLC)) in Hong Kong, energy system planning and structural configurations of the coastal community were proposed and comparatively studied for the multi-criteria performance improvement. Research results showed that, compared to an air-cooled chiller, the water-cooled chiller with a much higher Coefficient of Performance (COP) will reduce the energy consumption of cooling systems, leading to a decrease in total electric demand from 134 to 126.5 kWh/m2·a. The scale for the net-zero energy district community with distributed BIPVs and oscillating water column was identified as 5 high-rise office buildings, 5 high-rise hotel buildings, 150 private cars and 120 public shuttle buses. Furthermore, the geographical location planning scheme on the Case 1 (office buildings close to KYC, and hotel buildings close to WLC) was identified as the most economically and environmentally feasible scheme, whereas the Case 3 (only office buildings are planned close to all power supply with oscillating water column) showed the highest flexibility in grid electricity shifting, together with the highest value of equivalent battery relative capacity. This study demonstrates techno-economic performances and energy flexibility of frontier ocean energy technologies in a coastal community under advanced energy management strategies, together with technical guidance for serving scale sizing and planning on geographical locations. The research results highlight the prospects and promote frontier ocean energy techniques in subtropical coastal regions.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care. Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Design & Construction Managemen

    Experimental and Numerical Investigation into Full-Scale Model of New Type Assembled Integral Utility Tunnel

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    This article summarizes the current construction methods of prefabricated utility tunnels. (1) The proposed cast-in-place utility tunnel project was used as a background for this study. (2) The original cast-in-place structure was divided into components, and the connection methods of prefabricated composite slabs and mortise and tenon joints were used to propose a new type of prefabricated concrete utility tunnel construction method. After completing the design of the new prefabricated utility tunnel, a numerical simulation analysis of the actual stress situation of the utility tunnel was carried out using ABAQUS finite element software to verify the overall structural performance of the assembled utility tunnel. In addition, after completing the construction of the full-size model of the dual chamber, static load tests were carried out. (3) The test used the method of monotonic static bidirectional loading with a central hydraulic jack and tensioned steel strands, analyzed the cracks, deformation curves, and stress-strain of steel bars and concrete of the overall structure of the utility tunnel, and (4) verified the feasibility of the new assembled integral utility tunnel

    The strand-biased transcription of SARS-CoV-2 and unbalanced inhibition by remdesivir

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a positive single-stranded RNA virus, causes the coronavirus disease 19 pandemic. During the viral replication and transcription, the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase “jumps” along the genome template, resulting in discontinuous negative-stranded transcripts. Although the sense-mRNA architectures of SARS-CoV-2 were reported, its negative strand was unexplored. Here, we deeply sequenced both strands of RNA and found SARS-CoV-2 transcription is strongly biased to form the sense strand with variable transcription efficiency for different genes. During negative strand synthesis, numerous non-canonical fusion transcripts are also formed, driven by 3-15 nt sequence homology scattered along the genome but more prone to be inhibited by SARS-CoV-2 RNA polymerase inhibitor remdesivir. The drug also represses more of the negative than the positive strand synthesis as supported by a mathematic simulation model and experimental quantifications. Overall, this study opens new sights into SARS-CoV-2 biogenesis and may facilitate the antiviral vaccine development and drug design

    Impact of Low-Temperature Storage on the Microstructure, Digestibility, and Absorption Capacity of Cooked Rice

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    This study examined the effects of low-temperature storage on the microstructural, absorptive, and digestive properties of cooked rice. Cooked rice was refrigerated and stored at 4 °C for 0.5, 1, 3, 5, and 7 days, as well as frozen and preserved at −20, −40, and −80 °C for 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. The results indicated that the stored rice samples generally exhibited a higher absorption capacity for oil, cholesterol, and glucose than the freshly cooked rice. In addition, after storage, the digestibility of the cooked rice declined, namely, the rapidly digestible starch (RDS) content and estimated glycemic index (eGI) decreased, whereas the slowly digestible starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS) content increased. Moreover, the increment of the storage temperatures or the extension of storage periods led to a lower amylolysis efficiency. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis indicated that storage temperature and duration could effectively modify the micromorphology of the stored rice samples and their digestion. Moreover, microstructural differences after storage and during simulated intestinal digestion could be correlated to the variations in the absorption capacity and digestibility. The findings from this study will be useful in providing alternative storage procedures to prepare rice products with improved nutritional qualities and functional properties