85 research outputs found

    Cost-Based Droop Schemes for Economic Dispatch in Islanded Microgrids

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    In this paper, cost-based droop schemes are proposed, to minimize the total active power generation cost in an islanded microgrid (MG), while the simplicity and decentralized nature of the droop control are retained. In cost-based droop schemes, the incremental costs of distributed generators (DGs) are embedded into the droop schemes, where the incremental cost is a derivative of the DG cost function with respect to output power. In the steady state, DGs share a single common frequency, and cost-based droop schemes equate incremental costs of DGs, thus minimizing the total active power generation cost, in terms of the equal incremental cost principle. Finally, simulation results in an islanded MG with high a penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources are presented, to demonstrate the effectiveness, as well as plug and play capability of the cost-based droop schemes.Feixiong Chen, Minyou Chen, Qiang Li, Kaikai Meng, Yongwei Zheng, Josep M. Guerrero, Derek Abbot

    Bidding for Highly Available Services with Low Price in Spot Instance Market

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    ABSTRACT Amazon EC2 has built the Spot Instance Marketplace and offers a new type of virtual machine instances called as spot instances. These instances are less expensive but considered failure-prone. Despite the underlying hardware status, if the bidding price is lower than the market price, such an instance will be terminated. Distributed systems can be built from the spot instances to reduce the cost while still tolerating instance failures. For example, embarrassingly parallel jobs can use the spot instances by re-executing failed tasks. The bidding framework for such jobs simply selects the spot price as the bid. However, highly available services like lock service or storage service cannot use the similar techniques for availability consideration. The spot instance failure model is different to that of normal instances (fixed failure probability in traditional distributed model). This makes the bidding strategy more complex to keep service availability for such systems. We formalize this problem and propose an availability and cost aware bidding framework. Experiment results show that our bidding framework can reduce the costs of a distributed lock service and a distributed storage service by 81.23% and 85.32% respectively while still keeping availability level the same as it is by using on-demand instances

    CXCR5+PD-1+ follicular helper CD8 T cells control B cell tolerance

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    Many autoimmune diseases are characterized by the production of autoantibodies. The current view is that CD4+ T follicular helper (Tfh) cells are the main subset regulating autoreactive B cells. Here we report a CXCR5+PD1+ Tfh subset of CD8+ T cells whose development and function are negatively modulated by Stat5. These CD8+ Tfh cells regulate the germinal center B cell response and control autoantibody production, as deficiency of Stat5 in CD8 T cells leads to an increase of CD8+ Tfh cells, resulting in the breakdown of B cell tolerance and concomitant autoantibody production. CD8+ Tfh cells share similar gene signatures with CD4+ Tfh, and require CD40L/CD40 and TCR/MHCI interactions to deliver help to B cells. Our study thus highlights the diversity of follicular T cell subsets that contribute to the breakdown of B-cell tolerance

    Mirc11 Disrupts Inflammatory but Not Cytotoxic Responses of NK Cells

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    Natural killer (NK) cells generate proinflammatory cytokines that are required to contain infections and tumor growth. However, the posttranscriptional mechanisms that regulate NK cell functions are not fully understood. Here, we define the role of the microRNA cluster known as Mirc11 (which includes miRNA-23a, miRNA-24a, and miRNA-27a) in NK cell–mediated proinflammatory responses. Absence of Mirc11 did not alter the development or the antitumor cytotoxicity of NK cells. However, loss of Mirc11 reduced generation of proinflammatory factors in vitro and interferon-γ–dependent clearance of Listeria monocytogenes or B16F10 melanoma in vivo by NK cells. These functional changes resulted from Mirc11 silencing ubiquitin modifiers A20, Cbl-b, and Itch, allowing TRAF6-dependent activation of NF-κB and AP-1. Lack of Mirc11 caused increased translation of A20, Cbl-b, and Itch proteins, resulting in deubiquitylation of scaffolding K63 and addition of degradative K48 moieties on TRAF6. Collectively, our results describe a function of Mirc11 that regulates generation of proinflammatory cytokines from effector lymphocytes

    Insight-HXMT observations of Swift J0243.6+6124 during its 2017-2018 outburst

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    The recently discovered neutron star transient Swift J0243.6+6124 has been monitored by {\it the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope} ({\it Insight-\rm HXMT). Based on the obtained data, we investigate the broadband spectrum of the source throughout the outburst. We estimate the broadband flux of the source and search for possible cyclotron line in the broadband spectrum. No evidence of line-like features is, however, found up to 150 keV\rm 150~keV. In the absence of any cyclotron line in its energy spectrum, we estimate the magnetic field of the source based on the observed spin evolution of the neutron star by applying two accretion torque models. In both cases, we get consistent results with B∼1013 GB\rm \sim 10^{13}~G, D∼6 kpcD\rm \sim 6~kpc and peak luminosity of >1039 erg s−1\rm >10^{39}~erg~s^{-1} which makes the source the first Galactic ultraluminous X-ray source hosting a neutron star.Comment: publishe
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