214 research outputs found

    Spiking Neural Encoding and Hardware Implementations for Neuromorphic Computing

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    Due to the high requirements of the computational power of modern data-intensive applications, the traditional von Neumann structure and neuromorphic computing structure started to play complementary roles in the area of computing. Thus, neuromorphic computing architectures have attracted much attention with high data capacity and power efficiency. In this chapter, the basic concept of neuromorphic computing is discussed, including spiking codes and neurons. The spiking encoder can transfer analog signals to spike signals, thus avoiding using power-consuming analog-to-digital converters. Comparisons of training accuracy and robustness of neural codes are carried out, and the circuit implementations of the spiking temporal encoders are briefly introduced. The encoding schemes are evaluated on the PyTorch platform with the most common datasets, such as Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST), Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, 10 classes (CIFAR-10), and The Street View House Numbers (SVHN). From the result, the multiplexing temporal code has shown high data capacity, robustness, and low training error. It achieves at least 6.4% more accuracy than other state-of-the-art works using other encoding schemes

    Research on Teaching Satisfaction under the Application of Social Media Tools from the Perspective of Multiple Incentives

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    Education big data has risen to China's national strategy, and the construction of education big data has ushered in major historical development opportunities (Zhang Wei, 2017). Social media, as the collector of the most micro-level education big data, supports the entire data ecology. Social media-based mixed teaching is changing the traditional classroom, but we still know very little about the current status of social media teaching, especially the internal and external environment of social media teaching for college teachers. In this study, a questionnaire survey was used to systematically investigate the satisfaction of college students with mixed teaching based on social media. The study found that in the mixed teaching process, teachers can have an impact on teaching results through multiple incentive modes; among them, spiritual and interactive incentives can have a significant impact on teaching satisfaction; this will provide a useful reference for college social media teaching. Promoting the transformation of the role of teachers in colleges and universities helps to promote the high development of education

    Orbital Cellulitis Following Uncomplicated Glaucoma Drainage Device Surgery: Case Report and Review of Literature

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    Purpose: Orbital cellulitis (OC) is a rare postoperative complication of glaucoma drainage device (GDD) implantation. To date, there have only been 10 reported cases of OC following GDD implantation. Case Report: Here, we report a case of OC in a 57-year-old man who developed pain, proptosis, and limited extraocular motility two days after uneventful Ahmed FP7 implantation in the right eye. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the orbits demonstrated fat stranding and a small fluid collection, consistent with OC. He had minimal improvement with intravenous antibiotics and ultimately underwent GDD explantation. A systematic review of the literature showed that the development of OC following GDD implantation can occur in the early or late postoperative period. Immediate hospitalization with intravenous administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics is recommended. Explantation of the infected GDD is often required for source control. Conclusion: OC is a rare postoperative complication of GDD implantation. Prompt evaluation and treatment are required, often combined with GDD explantation

    Genomic Inference of the Metabolism and Evolution of the Archaeal Phylum Aigarchaeota

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    Microbes of the phylum Aigarchaeota are widely distributed in geothermal environments, but their physiological and ecological roles are poorly understood. Here we analyze six Aigarchaeota metagenomic bins from two circumneutral hot springs in Tengchong, China, to reveal that they are either strict or facultative anaerobes, and most are chemolithotrophs that can perform sulfide oxidation. Applying comparative genomics to the Thaumarchaeota and Aigarchaeota, we find that they both originated from thermal habitats, sharing 1154 genes with their common ancestor. Horizontal gene transfer played a crucial role in shaping genetic diversity of Aigarchaeota and led to functional partitioning and ecological divergence among sympatric microbes, as several key functional innovations were endowed by Bacteria, including dissimilatory sulfite reduction and possibly carbon monoxide oxidation. Our study expands our knowledge of the possible ecological roles of the Aigarchaeota and clarifies their evolutionary relationship to their sister lineage Thaumarchaeota

    Dosage Compensation of the X Chromosomes in Bovine Germline, Early Embryos, and Somatic Tissues

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    Dosage compensation of the mammalian X chromosome (X) was proposed by Susumu Ohno as a mechanism wherein the inactivation of one X in females would lead to doubling the expression of the other. This would resolve the dosage imbalance between eutherian females (XX) versus male (XY) and between a single active X versus autosome pairs (A). Expression ratio of X- and A-linked genes has been relatively well studied in humans and mice, despite controversial results over the existence of upregulation of X-linked genes. Here we report the first comprehensive test of Ohno’s hypothesis in bovine preattachment embryos, germline, and somatic tissues. Overall an incomplete dosage compensation (0.5 \u3c X:A \u3c 1) of expressed genes and an excess X dosage compensation (X:A \u3e 1) of ubiquitously expressed “dosage-sensitive” genes were seen. No significant differences in X:A ratios were observed between bovine female and male somatic tissues, further supporting Ohno’s hypothesis. Interestingly, preimplantation embryos manifested a unique pattern of X dosage compensation dynamics. Specifically, X dosage decreased after fertilization, indicating that the sperm brings in an inactive X to the matured oocyte. Subsequently, the activation of the bovine embryonic genome enhanced expression of X-linked genes and increased the X dosage. As a result, an excess compensation was exhibited from the 8-cell stage to the compact morula stage. The X dosage peaked at the 16-cell stage and stabilized after the blastocyst stage. Together, our findings confirm Ohno’s hypothesis of X dosage compensation in the bovine and extend it by showing incomplete and over-compensation for expressed and “dosage-sensitive” genes, respectively

    Using multivariable Mendelian randomization to estimate the causal effect of bone mineral density on osteoarthritis risk, independent of body mass index

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    OBJECTIVES: Observational analyses suggest that high bone mineral density (BMD) is a risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA); it is unclear whether this represents a causal effect or shared aetiology and whether these relationships are body mass index (BMI)-independent. We performed bidirectional Mendelian randomization (MR) to uncover the causal pathways between BMD, BMI and OA. METHODS: One-sample (1S)MR estimates were generated by two-stage least-squares regression. Unweighted allele scores instrumented each exposure. Two-sample (2S)MR estimates were generated using inverse-variance weighted random-effects meta-analysis. Multivariable MR (MVMR), including BMD and BMI instruments in the same model, determined the BMI-independent causal pathway from BMD to OA. Latent causal variable (LCV) analysis, using weight-adjusted femoral neck (FN)–BMD and hip/knee OA summary statistics, determined whether genetic correlation explained the causal effect of BMD on OA. RESULTS: 1SMR provided strong evidence for a causal effect of BMD estimated from heel ultrasound (eBMD) on hip and knee OA {odds ratio [OR](hip) = 1.28 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.05, 1.57], p = 0.02, OR(knee) = 1.40 [95% CI = 1.20, 1.63], p = 3 × 10(–5), OR per standard deviation [SD] increase}. 2SMR effect sizes were consistent in direction. Results suggested that the causal pathways between eBMD and OA were bidirectional (β(hip) = 1.10 [95% CI = 0.36, 1.84], p = 0.003, β(knee) = 4.16 [95% CI = 2.74, 5.57], p = 8 × 10(–9), β = SD increase per doubling in risk). MVMR identified a BMI-independent causal pathway between eBMD and hip/knee OA. LCV suggested that genetic correlation (i.e. shared genetic aetiology) did not fully explain the causal effects of BMD on hip/knee OA. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide evidence for a BMI-independent causal effect of eBMD on OA. Despite evidence of bidirectional effects, the effect of BMD on OA did not appear to be fully explained by shared genetic aetiology, suggesting a direct action of bone on joint deterioration