1,615 research outputs found

    On the classification of conditionally integrable evolution systems in (1+1) dimensions

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    We generalize earlier results of Fokas and Liu and find all locally analytic (1+1)-dimensional evolution equations of order nn that admit an NN-shock type solution with Nn+1N\leq n+1. To this end we develop a refinement of the technique from our earlier work (A. Sergyeyev, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen, 35 (2002), 7653--7660), where we completely characterized all (1+1)-dimensional evolution systems \bi{u}_t=\bi{F}(x,t,\bi{u},\p\bi{u}/\p x,...,\p^n\bi{u}/\p x^n) that are conditionally invariant under a given generalized (Lie--B\"acklund) vector field \bi{Q}(x,t,\bi{u},\p\bi{u}/\p x,...,\p^k\bi{u}/\p x^k)\p/\p\bi{u} under the assumption that the system of ODEs \bi{Q}=0 is totally nondegenerate. Every such conditionally invariant evolution system admits a reduction to a system of ODEs in tt, thus being a nonlinear counterpart to quasi-exactly solvable models in quantum mechanics. Keywords: Exact solutions, nonlinear evolution equations, conditional integrability, generalized symmetries, reduction, generalized conditional symmetries MSC 2000: 35A30, 35G25, 81U15, 35N10, 37K35, 58J70, 58J72, 34A34Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX 2e, now uses hyperre

    Rigorous 3D inversion of marine CSEM data based on the integral equation method

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    Journal ArticleMarine controlled-source electromagnetic (MCSEM) surveys have become an important part of offshore petroleum exploration. However, due to enormous computational difficulties with full 3D inversion, practical interpretation of MCSEM data is still a very challenging problem. We present a new approach to 3D inversion of MCSEM data based on rigorous integral-equation (IE) forward modeling and a new IE representation of the sensitivity (Fréchet derivative matrix) of observed data to variations in sea-bottom conductivity. We develop a new form of the quasi-analytical approximation for models with variable background conductivity (QAVB) and apply this form for more efficient Fréchet derivative calculations. This approach requires just one forward modeling on every iteration of the regularized gradient-type inversion algorithm, which speeds up the computations significantly. We also use a regularized focusing inversion method, which provides a sharp boundary image of the petroleum reservoir. The methodology is tested on a 3D inversion of the synthetic EM data representing a typical MCSEM survey conducted for offshore petroleum exploration

    Formation of singularities on the surface of a liquid metal in a strong electric field

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    The nonlinear dynamics of the free surface of an ideal conducting liquid in a strong external electric field is studied. It is establish that the equations of motion for such a liquid can be solved in the approximation in which the surface deviates from a plane by small angles. This makes it possible to show that on an initially smooth surface for almost any initial conditions points with an infinite curvature corresponding to branch points of the root type can form in a finite time.Comment: 14 page

    Direct observation of mode-coupling instability in two-dimensional plasma crystals

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    Dedicated experiments on melting of 2D plasma crystals were carried out. The melting was always accompanied by spontaneous growth of the particle kinetic energy, suggesting a universal plasma-driven mechanism underlying the process. By measuring three principal dust-lattice (DL) wave modes simultaneously, it is unambiguously demonstrated that the melting occurs due to the resonance coupling between two of the DL modes. The variation of the wave modes with the experimental conditions, including the emergence of the resonant (hybrid) branch, reveals exceptionally good agreement with the theory of mode-coupling instability.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    First direct measurement of optical phonons in 2D plasma crystals

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    Spectra of phonons with out-of-plane polarization were studied experimentally in a 2D plasma crystal. The dispersion relation was directly measured for the first time using a novel method of particle imaging. The out-of-plane mode was proven to have negative optical dispersion, comparison with theory showed good agreement. The effect of the plasma wakes on the dispersion relation is briefly discussed.Comment: submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Wave mode coupling due to plasma wakes in two-dimensional plasma crystals: In-depth view

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    Experiments with two-dimensional (2D) plasma crystals are usually carried out in rf plasma sheaths, where the interparticle interactions are modified due to the presence of plasma wakes. The wake-mediated interactions result in the coupling between wave modes in 2D crystals, which can trigger the mode-coupling instability and cause melting. The theory predicts a number of distinct fingerprints to be observed upon the instability onset, such as the emergence of a new hybrid mode, a critical angular dependence, a mixed polarization, and distinct thresholds. In this paper we summarize these key features and provide their detailed discussion, analyze the critical dependence on experimental parameters, and highlight the outstanding issues

    Group classification of heat conductivity equations with a nonlinear source

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    We suggest a systematic procedure for classifying partial differential equations invariant with respect to low dimensional Lie algebras. This procedure is a proper synthesis of the infinitesimal Lie's method, technique of equivalence transformations and theory of classification of abstract low dimensional Lie algebras. As an application, we consider the problem of classifying heat conductivity equations in one variable with nonlinear convection and source terms. We have derived a complete classification of nonlinear equations of this type admitting nontrivial symmetry. It is shown that there are three, seven, twenty eight and twelve inequivalent classes of partial differential equations of the considered type that are invariant under the one-, two-, three- and four-dimensional Lie algebras, correspondingly. Furthermore, we prove that any partial differential equation belonging to the class under study and admitting symmetry group of the dimension higher than four is locally equivalent to a linear equation. This classification is compared to existing group classifications of nonlinear heat conductivity equations and one of the conclusions is that all of them can be obtained within the framework of our approach. Furthermore, a number of new invariant equations are constructed which have rich symmetry properties and, therefore, may be used for mathematical modeling of, say, nonlinear heat transfer processes.Comment: LaTeX, 51 page

    Mobile application for archaeological exploration

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    Is described the problem of automation of the archaeological exploration. Is developed mobile GIS application for its decision.Рассматривается задача автоматизации археологической разведки. Разрабатывается мобильное геоинформационное приложение для ее решения