769 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Coarticulation Resistance in Speech Production Using Ultrasound

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    Sound segments show considerable influence from neighbouring segments, which is described as being the result of coarticulation. None of the previous reports on coarticulation in vowel-consonant-vowel (VCV) sequences has used ultrasound. One advantage of ultrasound is that it provides information about the shape of most of the midsagittal tongue contour. In this work, ultrasound is employed for studying symmetrical VCV sequences, like /ipi/ and /ubu/, and methods for analysing coarticulation are refined. The use of electropalatography (EPG) in combination with ultrasound is piloted in the study. A unified approach is achieved to describing lingual behaviour during the interaction of different speech sounds, by using the concept of Coarticulation Resistance, which implies that different sounds resist coarticulatory influence to different degrees. The following research questions were investigated: how does the tongue shape change from one segment to the next in symmetrical VCV sequences? Do the vowels influence the consonant? Does the consonant influence the vowels? Is the vocalic influence on the consonant greater than the consonantal influence on the vowels? What are the differences between lingual and non-lingual consonants with respect to lingual coarticulation? Does the syllable/word boundary affect the coarticulatory pattern? Ultrasound data were collected using the QMUC ultrasound system, and in the final experiment some EPG data were also collected. The data were Russian nonsense VCVs with /i/, /u/, /a/ and bilabial stops; English nonsense VhV sequences with /i/, /u/, /a/; English /aka/, /ata/ and /iti/ sequences, forming part of real speech. The results show a significant vowel influence on all intervocalic consonants. Lingual consonants significantly influence their neighbouring vowels. The vocalic influence on the consonants is significantly greater than the consonantal influence on the vowels. Non-lingual consonants exhibit varying coarticulatory patterns. Syllable and word boundary influence on VCV coarticulation is demonstrated. The results are interpreted and discussed in terms of the Coarticulation Resistance theory: Coarticulation Resistance of speech segments varies, depending on segment type, syllable boundary, and language. A method of quantifying Coarticulation Resistance based on ultrasound data is suggested.sub_shsunpub143_ethesesunpu

    Regularities of slope processes forming on the “kazan“ ski complex area (russia)

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    © SGEM 2014. In the beginning of the 21 century, on the right bank of the Sviyaga river, the building up of the sport ski complex “Kazan” was organized and almost at once after that, an active landslides with considerable shifts of the soil began to happen. Previous researches were based on the conventional geology aspects of this area-sub horizontal deposits of Permian measures. Thus the critical angle and nature of the formed landslides are absolutely did not correspond to the typical destruction of rock massive of the area nearby. Our researches showed that on the area of sport ski complex, the geological aspect is absolutely different. Permian measures have an “invention” and considerably folded. It can testified to that we have a deal with an old landslide, forming of which had started in the period of late Neo-Pleistocene with the beginning of the depositing of the right flowing of Sviyaga river-Sulitsa river. In this work are presented the results of a comprehensive assessment of landslides danger on that area, which are based on a large volume of field and laboratory researches. As a result it was established that one of the reason of the landslides developing (not determinate during previous researches) is a strong dislocation and durability loss of carbonate and terrigene Permian measures. Therefore at calculation of stability of slopes it is necessary to consider possibility of formation of a circular cylindrical surface of sliding, by analogy to disperse soil. Mechanical properties of massive material have to be defined taking into account their fracturing. Also conducted researches led to revision of the earliest wrong ideas of a geological structure of this area and to make correction of geological maps

    Groundwater aggressiveness as an important factor of engineering-geological conditions in the kazan city (Russia)

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    Many destructions appeared last decades in Kazan were caused by failure of underground communication systems and constructions. One of the basic approaches for proper and safe planning of the city development is estimation of the groundwater aggressiveness to underground constructions. A set of quantitative analytical data of groundwater compositions has been processed from more than 195 sampling sites. Chloride, sulfate and bicarbonate groundwater aggressivenesses were estimated and related with local physical properties of host soils and rocks. The results obtained were used for development of the groundwater aggressiveness map as a continuously-operating model. The sulphate aggressiveness dominating in the Kazan area (12%) and have natural genesis as well as the bicarbonate-alkaline (<1%area) and the carbon dioxide (10% area) aggressivenesses. Chloride aggressiveness is of exclusively anthropogenic genesis and its appearance depends on specific local conditions. The map can be used for preventing failures in aged underground constructions and for proper planning of new constructions in Kazan. © SGEM2012 All Rights Reserved by the International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM

    Zoning of the Kazan City territory by the stability of foundation soil during dynamic impact

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    © 2017, Advanced Engineering Solutions [AES.COM] Ottawa, Canada. All rights are reserved. The article presents the results of zoning of the Kazan City territory by dynamic instability of the foundation soils. The work is based on mathematical analysis of databases of the geological environment digital model constructed by the results of drilling more than one thousand boreholes. This GIS model incorporates all the environment components necessary to evaluate the occurrence possibility of soil dynamic instability patterns: spatial location of sands, their grain-size composition and the database of mechanical properties of soils and rocks. A complex of some criteria such as the soil occurrence depth, degree of humidity, relative density made it possible to distinguish the soil conditions subtypes and also to construct the map of potentially possible dynamic instability for the city territory

    Seismic Fluidification of Soil in the Bed of the Kazanskaya Riviera Tower

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    © 2016 Springer Science+Business Media New YorkA procedure and results are examined for experimentally studying the seismic stability of sandy soil in the bed of a developed high-rise building in Kazan’ city. It is shown that the studied soil are not susceptible to fluidification in response to expected seismic events, although in certain of these, development of large additional deformations is predicted, which should be taken into account in design

    Seismic Fluidification of Soil in the Bed of the Kazanskaya Riviera Tower

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.A procedure and results are examined for experimentally studying the seismic stability of sandy soil in the bed of a developed high-rise building in Kazan’ city. It is shown that the studied soil are not susceptible to fluidification in response to expected seismic events, although in certain of these, development of large additional deformations is predicted, which should be taken into account in design


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    Статья содержит исследование маркетинговой стратегии магазина «Agent Strawberry» в сети Интернет. Приведены данные анализа информационного контента в сервисе Instagram, ассортимента представленного товара по отношению к ассортименту конкурентов. По итогу исследования представлены рекомендации по повышению узнаваемости бренда «Agent Strawberry».The article contains a study of the marketing strategy of the Agent Strawberry store on the Internet. The data of the analysis of the information content in the Instagram service, the assortment of the presented goods in relation to the assortment of competitors are presented. Based on the results of the study, recommendations are presented to increase the brand awareness of «Agent Strawberry»

    Regularities of soil aggressiveness formation towards the building constructions of reconstructed objects of oil and gas industry in the eastern part of the Republic of Tatarstan

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    The article presents the results of soils tests, selected during engineering-geological researches at reconstructed oil and gas industry objects in the eastern part of the Republic of Tatarstan. The purpose of researches was to identify the main factors of soil aggressiveness formation in relation to the building constructions. It is shown that chemical composition of the researched soils differs from the composition of soils located outside the exploited objects: pore waters contain sulfate and hydrocarbonate ions; sodium predominates among the positive ions. The average absorption capacity volume is amounted to 4.85 mg/eq to 100 g of soil, pH varies from 4.9 to 9.0. As a result we found an increase in chemical and electrochemical aggressiveness of soils to underground constructions in comparison with not chemically contaminated analogues. Chemical pollution of soils is the most likely reason for increasing of its aggressiveness. The process of chemical pollution occurred in the result of various fluids losses during the operations at the oil and gas industry objects. It is recommended to take into account the increasing of chemical and electrochemical aggressiveness of soils during exploitation for corrosion protection systems design

    Dispersed weathering products of carbonate rock: Features and formation conditions from the construction's point of view (by the example of Kazan, Russia)

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    Geological conditions of the Kazan city area are typical for East European Platform: alluvial sandy-clay sediments overlay the eroded surface of Permian, mainly carbonate section. Dispersed products of carbonate rock weathering appear at interfacial contact of these two associations. They can be attributed to a group of problem soils, because of their considerable inhomogeneity, irregular variability of physical-mechanical properties, internal instability, susceptibility to suffosion and solubility. All of these properties suggest the difficulties in implementation of field tests and in sampling, as well as in measurement of physical-mechanical properties in laboratory conditions. This paper presents laboratory test results on dispersed products of carbonate rock weathering sampled on the Kazan city area. A series of triaxial compression tests was conducted to understand the mechanical properties of these samples. The spatio-temporal model of carbonate weathering crust formation process is proposed. The recommendations are made for organization the engineering- geological research in the regions, where dispersed products of carbonate rock weathering. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London

    Automatic detection of limb prominences in 304 A EUV images

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    A new algorithm for automatic detection of prominences on the solar limb in 304 A EUV images is presented, and results of its application to SOHO/EIT data discussed. The detection is based on the method of moments combined with a classifier analysis aimed at discriminating between limb prominences, active regions, and the quiet corona. This classifier analysis is based on a Support Vector Machine (SVM). Using a set of 12 moments of the radial intensity profiles, the algorithm performs well in discriminating between the above three categories of limb structures, with a misclassification rate of 7%. Pixels detected as belonging to a prominence are then used as starting point to reconstruct the whole prominence by morphological image processing techniques. It is planned that a catalogue of limb prominences identified in SOHO and STEREO data using this method will be made publicly available to the scientific community