430 research outputs found

    The thermal conditions of Venus

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    Models of Venus' thermal evolution are examined. The following subject areas are covered: (1) modified approximation of parameterized convection; (2) description of the model; (3) numerical results and asymptotic solution of the MAPC equations; (4) magnetism and the thermal regime of the cores of Earth and Venus; and (5) the thermal regime of the Venusian crust

    Anomalies of Density, Stresses, and the Gravitational Field in the Interior of Mars

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    We determined the possible compensation depths for relief harmonics of different degrees and orders. The relief is shown to be completely compensated within the depth range of 0 to 1400 km. The lateral distributions of compensation masses are determined at these depths and the maps are constructed. The possible nonisostatic vertical stresses in the crust and mantle of Mars are estimated to be 64 MPa in compression and 20 MPa in tension. The relief anomalies of the Tharsis volcanic plateau and symmetric feature in the eastern hemisphere could have arisen and been maintained dynamically due to two plumes in the mantle substance that are enriched with fluids. The plumes that originate at the core of Mars can arise and be maintained by the anomalies of the inner gravitational field achieving +800 mGal in the region of plume formation, - 1200 mGal above the lower mantle-core transition layer, and -1400 mGal at the crust.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Deoxyribophosphate lyase activity of mammalian endonuclease VIII-like proteins

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    AbstractBase excision repair (BER) protects cells from nucleobase DNA damage. In eukaryotic BER, DNA glycosylases generate abasic sites, which are then converted to deoxyribo-5′-phosphate (dRP) and excised by a dRP lyase (dRPase) activity of DNA polymerase β (Polβ). Here, we demonstrate that NEIL1 and NEIL2, mammalian homologs of bacterial endonuclease VIII, excise dRP by β-elimination with the efficiency similar to Polβ. DNA duplexes imitating BER intermediates after insertion of a single nucleotide were better substrates. NEIL1 and NEIL2 supplied dRPase activity in BER reconstituted with dRPase-null Polβ. Our results suggest a role for NEILs as backup dRPases in mammalian cells

    Engineering geological characteristics of artificial soils in Kazan city (Russia)

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    © SGEM 2014. Zoning by type and thickness of artificial soils was conducted in 2012. Following categories of artificial soils were identified : sandy and loamy fill-up soils, sandy hydraulically filled soils, soils from industrial dumps, modern dissimilar fill-up soils, which contain household and construction debris, cultural layer soils. Special attention in this article is given to geological and engineering assessment of heterogeneous fill-up soils and industrial wastes. Our investigations show that these soils are characterized by high chemical and microbiological aggressiveness to underground constructions, which undoubtedly require anti-corrosion actions

    First principles molecular dynamics study of filled ice hydrogen hydrate

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    We investigated structural changes, phase diagram, and vibrational properties of hydrogen hydrate in filled-ice phase C2 by using first principles molecular dynamics simulation. It was found that the experimentally reported 'cubic' structure is unstable at low temperature and/or high pressure. The 'cubic' structure reflects the symmetry at high (room) temperature where the hydrogen bond network is disordered and the hydrogen molecules are orientationally disordered due to thermal rotation. In this sense, the 'cubic' symmetry would definitely be lowered at low temperature where the hydrogen bond network and the hydrogen molecules are expected to be ordered. At room temperature and below 30 GPa, it is the thermal effects that play an essential role in stabilizing the structure in 'cubic' symmetry. Above 60 GPa, the hydrogen bonds in the framework would be symmetrized and the hydrogen bond order-disorder transition would disappear. These results also suggest the phase behavior of other filled-ice hydrates. In the case of rare gas hydrate, there would be no guest molecues rotation-nonrotation transition since the guest molecules keep their spherical symmetry at any temperature. On the contrary methane hydrate MH-III would show complex transitions due to the lower symmetry of the guest molecule. These results would encourage further experimental studies, especially NMR spectroscopy and neutron scattering, on the phases of filled-ice hydrates at high pressures and/or low temperatures.Comment: typos correcte

    The formation of Uranus and Neptune among Jupiter and Saturn

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    The outer giant planets, Uranus and Neptune, pose a challenge to theories of planet formation. They exist in a region of the Solar System where long dynamical timescales and a low primordial density of material would have conspired to make the formation of such large bodies (\sim 15 and 17 times as massive as the Earth, respectively) very difficult. Previously, we proposed a model which addresses this problem: Instead of forming in the trans-Saturnian region, Uranus and Neptune underwent most of their growth among proto-Jupiter and -Saturn, were scattered outward when Jupiter acquired its massive gas envelope, and subsequently evolved toward their present orbits. We present the results of additional numerical simulations, which further demonstrate that the model readily produces analogues to our Solar System for a wide range of initial conditions. We also find that this mechanism may partly account for the high orbital inclinations observed in the Kuiper belt.Comment: Submitted to AJ; 38 pages, 16 figure

    Exact analytical solution of the problem of current-carrying states of the Josephson junction in external magnetic fields

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    The classical problem of the Josephson junction of arbitrary length W in the presence of externally applied magnetic fields (H) and transport currents (J) is reconsidered from the point of view of stability theory. In particular, we derive the complete infinite set of exact analytical solutions for the phase difference that describe the current-carrying states of the junction with arbitrary W and an arbitrary mode of the injection of J. These solutions are parameterized by two natural parameters: the constants of integration. The boundaries of their stability regions in the parametric plane are determined by a corresponding infinite set of exact functional equations. Being mapped to the physical plane (H,J), these boundaries yield the dependence of the critical transport current Jc on H. Contrary to a wide-spread belief, the exact analytical dependence Jc=Jc(H) proves to be multivalued even for arbitrarily small W. What is more, the exact solution reveals the existence of unquantized Josephson vortices carrying fractional flux and located near one of the junction edges, provided that J is sufficiently close to Jc for certain finite values of H. This conclusion (as well as other exact analytical results) is illustrated by a graphical analysis of typical cases.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Tidal Response of Mars Constrained From Laboratory-Based Viscoelastic Dissipation Models and Geophysical Data

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    We employ laboratory-based grain-size- and temperature-sensitive rheological models to 16 describe the viscoelastic behavior of terrestrial bodies with focus on Mars. Shear modulus 17 reduction and attenuation related to viscoelastic relaxation occur as a result of diffusion- 18 and dislocation-related creep and grain-boundary processes. We consider five rheological 19 models, including extended Burgers, Andrade, Sundberg-Cooper, a power-law approxima- 20 tion, and Maxwell, and determine Martian tidal response. However, the question of which 21 model provides the most appropriate description of dissipation in planetary bodies, re- 22 mains an open issue. To examine this, crust and mantle models (density and elasticity) are 23 computed self-consistently through phase equilibrium calculations as a function of pres- 24 sure, temperature, and bulk composition, whereas core properties are based on an Fe-FeS 25 parameterisation. We assess the compatibility of the viscoelastic models by inverting the 26 available geophysical data for Mars (tidal response and mean density and moment of in- 27 ertia) for temperature, elastic, and attenuation structure. Our results show that although 28 all viscoelastic models are consistent with data, their predictions for the tidal response at 29 other periods and harmonic degrees are distinct. The results also show that Maxwell is 30 only capable of fitting data for unrealistically low viscosities. Our approach can be used 31 quantitatively to distinguish between the viscoelastic models from seismic and/or tidal ob- 32 servations that will allow for improved constraints on interior structure (e.g., with InSight). 33 Finally, the methodology presented here is generally formulated and applicable to other so- 34 lar and extra-solar system bodies where the study of tidal dissipation presents an important 35 means for determining interior structure

    Semiclassical approach to the decay of protons in circular motion under the influence of gravitational fields

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    We investigate the possible decay of protons in geodesic circular motion around neutral compact objects. Weak and strong decay rates and the associated emitted powers are calculated using a semi-classical approach. Our results are discussed with respect to distinct ones in the literature, which consider the decay of accelerated protons in electromagnetic fields. A number of consistency checks are presented along the paper.Comment: To appear in Physical Review