97,033 research outputs found

    Microscopic study of induced fission dynamics of 226^{226}Th with covariant energy density functionals

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    Static and dynamic aspects of the fission process of 226^{226}Th are analyzed in a self-consistent framework based on relativistic energy density functionals. Constrained relativistic mean-field (RMF) calculations in the collective space of axially symmetric quadrupole and octupole deformations, based on the energy density functional PC-PK1 and a δ\delta-force pairing, are performed to determine the potential energy surface of the fissioning nucleus, the scission line, the single-nucleon wave functions, energies and occupation probabilities, as functions of deformation parameters. Induced fission dynamics is described using the time-dependent generator coordinate method in the Gaussian overlap approximation. A collective Schr\"odinger equation, determined entirely by the microscopic single-nucleon degrees of freedom, propagates adiabatically in time the initial wave packet built by boosting the ground-state solution of the collective Hamiltonian for 226^{226}Th. The position of the scission line and the microscopic input for the collective Hamiltonian are analyzed as functions of the strength of the pairing interaction. The effect of static pairing correlations on the pre-neutron emission charge yields and total kinetic energy of fission fragments is examined in comparison with available data, and the distribution of fission fragments is analyzed for different values of the initial excitation energy.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Accurate Modelling of Left-Handed Metamaterials Using Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method with Spatial Averaging at the Boundaries

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    The accuracy of finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) modelling of left-handed metamaterials (LHMs) is dramatically improved by using an averaging technique along the boundaries of LHM slabs. The material frequency dispersion of LHMs is taken into account using auxiliary differential equation (ADE) based dispersive FDTD methods. The dispersive FDTD method with averaged permittivity along the material boundaries is implemented for a two-dimensional (2-D) transverse electric (TE) case. A mismatch between analytical and numerical material parameters (e.g. permittivity and permeability) introduced by the time discretisation in FDTD is demonstrated. The expression of numerical permittivity is formulated and it is suggested to use corrected permittivity in FDTD simulations in order to model LHM slabs with their desired parameters. The influence of switching time of source on the oscillation of field intensity is analysed. It is shown that there exists an optimum value which leads to fast convergence in simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Journal of Optics A Nanometa special issu

    Observation of a resonant four-body interaction in cold cesium Rydberg atoms

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    Cold Rydberg atoms subject to long-range dipole-dipole interactions represent a particularly interesting system for exploring few-body interactions and probing the transition from 2-body physics to the many-body regime. In this work we report the direct observation of a resonant 4-body Rydberg interaction. We exploit the occurrence of an accidental quasi-coincidence of a 2-body and a 4-body resonant Stark-tuned Forster process in cesium to observe a resonant energy transfer requiring the simultaneous interaction of at least four neighboring atoms. These results are relevant for the implementation of quantum gates with Rydberg atoms and for further studies of many-body physics.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Measurement of the Dynamical Structure Factor of a 1D Interacting Fermi Gas

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    We present measurements of the dynamical structure factor S(q,ω)S(q,\omega) of an interacting one-dimensional (1D) Fermi gas for small excitation energies. We use the two lowest hyperfine levels of the 6^6Li atom to form a pseudo-spin-1/2 system whose s-wave interactions are tunable via a Feshbach resonance. The atoms are confined to 1D by a two-dimensional optical lattice. Bragg spectroscopy is used to measure a response of the gas to density ("charge") mode excitations at a momentum qq and frequency ω\omega. The spectrum is obtained by varying ω\omega, while the angle between two laser beams determines qq, which is fixed to be less than the Fermi momentum kFk_\textrm{F}. The measurements agree well with Tomonaga-Luttinger theory

    Anomalous Hall effect in non-collinear antiferromagnetic antiperovskite Mn3_{3}Ni1x_{1-x}Cux_{x}N

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    We report the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in antiperovskite Mn3_{3}NiN with substantial doping of Cu on the Ni site (i.e. Mn3_{3}Ni1x_{1-x}Cux_{x}N), which stabilizes a noncollinear antiferromagnetic (AFM) order compatible with the AHE. Observed on both sintered polycrystalline pieces and single crystalline films, the AHE does not scale with the net magnetization, contrary to the conventional ferromagnetic case. The existence of the AHE is explained through symmetry analysis based on the Γ4g\Gamma_{\rm 4g} AFM order in Cu doped Mn3_{3}NiN. DFT calculations of the intrinsic contribution to the AHE reveal the non-vanishing Berry curvature in momentum space due to the noncollinear magnetic order. Combined with other attractive properties, antiperovskite Mn3_{3}AN system offers great potential in AFM spintronics.Comment: Supplemental Materials not include

    Chemical composition of 90 F and G disk dwarfs

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    High resolution, high S/N spectra have been obtained for a sample of 90 F and G main-sequence disk stars covering the metallicity range -1.0 < [Fe/H] < +0.1, and have been analysed in a parallel way to the work of Edvardsson et al. (1993). Effective temperatures are based on the Alonso et al. (1996) calibration of color indices and surface gravities are calculated from Hipparcos parallaxes, which also allow more accurate ages to be calculated. In addition, more reliable kinematical parameters are derived from Hipparcos distances and proper motions. Finally, a larger spectral coverage, 5600 - 8800 A, makes it possible to improve the abundance accuracy by studying more lines and to discuss several elements not included in the work of Edvardsson et al. The present paper provides the data and discusses some general results of the abundance survey. A group of stars in the metallicity range of -1.0 < [Fe/H] < -0.6 having a small mean Galactocentric distance in the stellar orbits, Rm < 7 kpc, are shown to be older than the other disk stars and probably belong to the thick disk. Excluding these stars, a slight decreasing trend of [Fe/H] with increasing Rm and age is found, but a large scatter in [Fe/H] (up to 0.5 dex) is present at a given age and Rm. The derived trends of O, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Ni and Ba as a function of [Fe/H] agree rather well with those of Edvardsson et al., but the overabundance of Na and Al for metal-poor stars found in their work is not confirmed. Furthermore, the Galactic evolution of elements not included in Edvardsson et al., K, V and Cr, is studied.Comment: 16 pages with 10 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

    Submillimeter Array multiline observations of the massive star-forming region IRAS 18089-1732

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    Submillimeter Array (SMA) observations of the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 18089-1732 in the 1 mm and 850 μ\mum band with 1 GHz bandwidth reveal a wealth of information. We present the observations of 34 lines from 16 different molecular species. Most molecular line maps show significant contributions from the outflow, and only few molecules are confined to the inner core. We present and discuss the molecular line observations and outline the unique capabilities of the SMA for future imaging line surveys at high spatial resolution.Comment: Accepted for ApJ Letters, SMA special volum

    SMA outflow/disk studies in the massive star-forming region IRAS18089-1732

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    SMA observations of the massive star-forming region IRAS 18089-1732 in the 1mm and 850mu band reveal outflow and disk signatures in different molecular lines. The SiO(5--4) data show a collimated outflow in the northern direction. In contrast, the HCOOCH3(20--19) line, which traces high-density gas, is confined to the very center of the region and shows a velocity gradient across the core. The HCOOCH3 velocity gradient is not exactly perpendicular to the outflow axis but between an assumed disk plane and the outflow axis. We interpret these HCOOCH3 features as originating from a rotating disk that is influenced by the outflow and infall. Based on the (sub-)mm continuum emission, the mass of the central core is estimated to be around 38M_sun. The dynamical mass derived from the HCOOCH3 data is 22Msun, of about the same order as the core mass. Thus, the mass of the protostar/disk/envelope system is dominated by its disk and envelope. The two frequency continuum data of the core indicate a low dust opacity index beta ~ 1.2 in the outer part, decreasing to beta ~ 0.5 on shorter spatial scales.Comment: 7 pages of text, 1 table, 3 figures, accepted for ApJ Letter