264 research outputs found

    A semi-analytical model for estimating total suspended matter in highly turbid waters

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    Total suspended matter (TSM) is related to water quality. High TSM concentrations limit underwater light availability, thus affecting the primary productivity of aquatic ecosystems. Accurate estimation of TSM concentrations in various waters with remote sensing technology is particularly challenging, as the concentrations and optical properties vary greatly among different waters. In this research, a semi-analytical model was established for Hangzhou Bay and Lake Taihu for estimating TSM concentration. The model construction proceeded in two steps. 1) Two indices of the model were calculated by deriving absorption and backscattering coefficients of suspended matter (ap(λ) and bbp(λ)) from the reflectance signal using a semi-analytical method. 2) The two indices were then weighted to derive TSM. The performance of the proposed model was tested using in situ reflectance and Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) data. The derived TSM based on in situ reflectance and GOCI images both corresponded well with the in situ TSM with low mean relative error (32%, 41%), root mean square error (20.1 mg/L, 43.1 mg/L), and normalized root mean square error (33%, 55%). The model was further used for the slightly turbid Xin’anjiang Reservoir to demonstrate its applicability to derive ap(λ) and bbp(λ) in other water types. The results indicated that the form Rrs −1(λ1) − Rrs −1(λ2) could minimize the effect of CDOM absorption in deriving ap(λ) from the total absorption. The model exploited the different relationships between TSM concentration and multiband reflectance, thus improving the performance and application range in deriving TSM

    Phylogenetic, Expression, and Bioinformatic Analysis of the ABC1

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    We studied 17 ABC1 genes in Populus trichocarpa, all of which contained an ABC1 domain consisting of about 120 amino acid residues. Most of the ABC1 gene products were located in the mitochondria or chloroplasts. All had a conserved VAVK-like motif and a DFG motif. Phylogenetic analysis grouped the genes into three subgroups. In addition, the chromosomal locations of the genes on the 19 Populus chromosomes were determined. Gene structure was studied through exon/intron organization and the MEME motif finder, while heatmap was used to study the expression diversity using EST libraries. According to the heatmap, PtrABC1P14 was highlighted because of the high expression in tension wood which related to secondary cell wall formation and cellulose synthesis, thus making a contribution to follow-up experiment in wood formation. Promoter cis-element analysis indicated that almost all of the ABC1 genes contained one or two cis-elements related to ABA signal transduction pathway and drought stress. Quantitative real-time PCR was carried out to evaluate the expression of all of the genes under abiotic stress conditions (ABA, CdCl2, high temperature, high salinity, and drought); the results showed that some of the genes were affected by these stresses and confirmed the results of promoter cis-element analysis

    PromptStyle: Controllable Style Transfer for Text-to-Speech with Natural Language Descriptions

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    Style transfer TTS has shown impressive performance in recent years. However, style control is often restricted to systems built on expressive speech recordings with discrete style categories. In practical situations, users may be interested in transferring style by typing text descriptions of desired styles, without the reference speech in the target style. The text-guided content generation techniques have drawn wide attention recently. In this work, we explore the possibility of controllable style transfer with natural language descriptions. To this end, we propose PromptStyle, a text prompt-guided cross-speaker style transfer system. Specifically, PromptStyle consists of an improved VITS and a cross-modal style encoder. The cross-modal style encoder constructs a shared space of stylistic and semantic representation through a two-stage training process. Experiments show that PromptStyle can achieve proper style transfer with text prompts while maintaining relatively high stability and speaker similarity. Audio samples are available in our demo page

    Climate change drives rapid warming and increasing heatwaves of lakes

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    Climate change could seriously threaten global lake ecosystems by warming lake surface water and increasing the occurrence of lake heatwaves. Yet, there are great uncertainties in quantifying lake temperature changes globally due to a lack of accurate large-scale model simulations. Here, we integrated satellite observations and a numerical model to improve lake temperature modeling and explore the multifaceted characteristics of trends in surface temperatures and lake heatwave occurrence in Chinese lakes from 1980 to 2100. Our model-data integration approach revealed that the lake surface waters have warmed at a rate of 0.11 °C 10a-1 during the period 1980-2021, being only half of the pure model-based estimate. Moreover, our analysis suggested that an asymmetric seasonal warming rate has led to a reduced temperature seasonality in eastern plain lakes but an amplified one in alpine lakes. The durations of lake heatwaves have also increased at a rate of 7.7 d 10a-1. Under the high-greenhouse-gas-emission scenario, lake surface temperature and lake heatwave duration were projected to increase by 2.2 °C and 197 d at the end of the 21st century, respectively. Such drastic changes would worsen the environmental conditions of lakes subjected to high and increasing anthropogenic pressures, posing great threats to aquatic biodiversity and human health.</p

    Dual-polarization huge photonic spin Hall shift and deep-subwavelength sensing based on topological singularities in one-dimensional photonic crystals

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    Although several efforts have been taken to enhance the photonic spin Hall shift in deep-subwavelength region, according to effective medium theory, the fundamental confliction between near-zero reflection coefficient and near-zero incident angle still hinders the further application. Here, we reveal a fundamental breakdown of effective medium theory due to the existing of topological singularity in deep-subwavelength region in one-dimensional photonic crystals. We find that near the topological singularity, huge photonic spin Hall shift can be achieved for s-polarization and p-polarization. At the topological singularity, the reflected filed is split as dipole-like distribution with zero photonic spin Hall shift for both-polarizations, which is resulted from the interfere of the spin-maintained normal light and spin-flipped abnormal light. Based on the theoretical research, dual-polarizations thickness and dielectric constant sensing devices can be designed in deep-subwavelength region. Further more, by applying more complicated layered structure, multi-channels dual-polarizations detection and broadband dual-polarizations huge spin Hall shift platform can be designed. This work paves the way to exploring the topological properties and polarization control of photonic crystals and provides a prospective method for the design of multi-channels sensitive detection spin optical devices

    The unprecedented 2022 extreme summer heatwaves increased harmful cyanobacteria blooms

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    Heatwaves are increasing and expected to intensify in coming decades with global warming. However, direct evidence and knowledge of the mechanisms of the effects of heatwaves on harmful cyanobacteria blooms are limited and unclear. In 2022, we measured chlorophyll-a (Chla) at 20-s intervals based on a novel ground-based proximal sensing system (GBPSs) in the shallow eutrophic Lake Taihu and combined in situ Chla measurements with meteorological data to explore the impacts of heatwaves on cyanobacterial blooms and the potential relevant mechanisms. We found that three unprecedented summer heatwaves (July 4-15, July 22-August 16, and August 18-23) lasting a total of 44 days were observed with average maximum air temperatures (MATs) of 38.1 ± 1.9 °C, 38.7 ± 1.9 °C, and 40.2 ± 2.1 °C, respectively, and that these heatwaves were characterized by high air temperature, strong PAR, low wind speed and rainfall. The daily Chla significantly increased with increasing MAT and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and decreasing wind speed, revealing a clear promotion effect on harmful cyanobacteria blooms from the heatwaves. Moreover, the combined effects of high temperature, strong PAR and low wind, enhanced the stability of the water column, the light availability and the phosphorus release from the sediment which ultimately boosted cyanobacteria blooms. The projected increase in heatwave occurrence under future climate change underscores the urgency of reducing nutrient input to eutrophic lakes to combat cyanobacteria growth and of improving early warning systems to ensure secure water management.</p

    Isolation, characterization, and genomic analysis of a novel bacteriophage MA9V-1 infecting Chryseobacterium indologenes: a pathogen of Panax notoginseng root rot

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    Chryseobacterium indologenes is one of the primary causative agents of root rot of Panax notoginseng, which significantly affected plant growth and caused economic losses. With the increasing incidence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial phytopathogens, phage therapy has been garnered renewed attention in treating pathogenic bacteria. However, the therapeutic potential of phage therapy on root rot of P. notoginseng has not been evaluated. In this study, we isolated a novel lytic phage MA9V-1 infecting C. indologenes MA9 from sewage and monitored the formation of clear and round plaques with a diameter of approximately 0.5–1.5 mm. Phage MA9V-1 exhibited rapid absorption (&gt;75% in 8 min), a latency period of 20 min, and a burst size of 10 particles per cell. Transmission electron microscopy indicated that the phage MA9V-1 is a new myovirus hosting C. indologenes MA9. Sequencing of phage genomes revealed that phage MA9V-1 contained a linear double-stranded DNA genome of 213,507 bp with 263 predicted open reading frames, including phage structure, host lysing, and DNA polymerase/helicase but no genes of tRNA, virulence, and antibiotic resistance. Our proteomic tree and genomic analysis revealed that phage MA9V-1 shares identity with Sphingomonas phage PAU and Tenacibaculum phage PTm1; however, they also showed apparent differences. Further systemic evaluation using phage therapy experiments on P. notoginseng suggested that phage MA9V-1 can be a potential candidate for effectively controlling C. indologenes MA9 infection. Thus, we have presented a novel approach to solving root rot in P. notoginseng

    Ecological networks of dissolved organic matter and microorganisms under global change

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    Microbes regulate the composition and turnover of organic matter. Here we developed a framework called Energy-Diversity-Trait integrative Analysis to quantify how dissolved organic matter and microbes interact along global change drivers of temperature and nutrient enrichment. Negative and positive interactions suggest decomposition and production processes of organic matter, respectively. We applied this framework to manipulative field experiments on mountainsides in subarctic and subtropical climates. In both climates, negative interactions of bipartite networks were more specialized than positive interactions, showing fewer interactions between chemical molecules and bacterial taxa. Nutrient enrichment promoted specialization of positive interactions, but decreased specialization of negative interactions, indicating that organic matter was more vulnerable to decomposition by a greater range of bacteria, particularly at warmer temperatures in the subtropical climate. These two global change drivers influenced specialization of negative interactions most strongly via molecular traits, while molecular traits and bacterial diversity similarly affected specialization of positive interactions. Microbes are intimately linked with the fate of organic matter. Here the authors develop an ecological network framework and show how microbes and dissolved organic matter interact along global change drivers of temperature and nutrient enrichment via manipulative field experiments on mountains.Peer reviewe

    Water clarity response to climate warming and wetting of the Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang Plateau: A remote sensing approach

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    Water clarity (generally quantified as the Secchi disk depth: SDD) is a key variable for assessing environmental changes in lakes. Using remote sensing we calculated and elucidated the SDD dynamics in lakes in the Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang Lake Zone (IMXL) from 1986 to 2018 in response to variations in temperature, rainfall, lake area, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and Palmer's drought severity index (PDSI). The results showed that the lakes with high SDD values are primarily located in the Xinjiang region at longitudes of 75°–93° E. In contrast, the lakes in Inner Mongolia at longitudes of 93°–118° E generally have low SDD values. In total, 205 lakes show significant increasing SDD trends (P < 0.05), with a mean rate of 0.15 m per decade. In contrast, 75 lakes, most of which are located in Inner Mongolia, exhibited significant decreasing trends with a mean rate of 0.08 m per decade (P < 0.05). Pooled together, an overall increase is found with a mean rate of 0.14 m per decade. Multiple linear regression reveals that among the five variables selected to explain the variations in SDD, lake area accounts for the highest proportion of variance (25%), while temperature and rainfall account for 12% and 10%, respectively. In addition, rainfall accounts for 52% of the variation in humidity, 8% of the variation in lake area and 7% of the variation in NDVI. Temperature accounts for 27% of the variation in NDVI, 39% of the variation in lake area and 22% of the variation in PDSI. Warming and wetting conditions in IMXL thus promote the growth of vegetation and cause melting of glaciers and expansion of lake area, which eventually leads to improved water quality in the lakes in terms of higher SDD. In contrast, lakes facing more severe drought conditions, became more turbid
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