578 research outputs found

    Multilayered specification of the T-cell lineage fate

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    T-cell development from stem cells has provided a highly accessible and detailed view of the regulatory processes that can go into the choice of a cell fate in a postembryonic, stem cell-based system. But it has been a view from the outside. The problems in understanding the regulatory basis for this lineage choice begin with the fact that too many transcription factors are needed to provide crucial input: without any one of them, T-cell development fails. Furthermore, almost all the factors known to provide crucial functions during the climax of T-lineage commitment itself are also vital for earlier functions that establish the pool of multilineage precursors that would normally feed into the T-cell specification process. When the regulatory genes that encode them are mutated, the confounding effects on earlier stages make it difficult to dissect T-cell specification genetically. Yet both the positive and the negative regulatory events involved in the choice of a T-cell fate are actually a mosaic of distinct functions. New evidence has emerged recently that finally provides a way to separate the major components that fit together to drive this process. Here, we review insights into T-cell specification and commitment that emerge from a combination of molecular, cellular, and systems biology approaches. The results reveal the regulatory structure underlying this lineage decision

    Dynamic Transformations of Genome-wide Epigenetic Marking and Transcriptional Control Establish T Cell Identity

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    T cell development comprises a stepwise process of commitment from a multipotent precursor. To define molecular mechanisms controlling this progression, we probed five stages spanning the commitment process using RNA-seq and ChIP-seq to track genome-wide shifts in transcription, cohorts of active transcription factor genes, histone modifications at diverse classes of cis-regulatory elements, and binding repertoire of GATA-3 and PU.1, transcription factors with complementary roles in T cell development. The results highlight potential promoter-distal cis-regulatory elements in play and reveal both activation sites and diverse mechanisms of repression that silence genes used in alternative lineages. Histone marking is dynamic and reversible, and though permissive marks anticipate, repressive marks often lag behind changes in transcription. In vivo binding of PU.1 and GATA-3 relative to epigenetic marking reveals distinctive factor-specific rules for recruitment of these crucial transcription factors to different subsets of their potential sites, dependent on dose and developmental context

    Measuring Flow Experience of Computer Game Players

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    This research-in-progress paper reports on the development of an instrument for measuring flow experience of computer game players. Flow theory (Csikszentmihalyi, 1993) has been widely adopted in various research fields such as information systems (IS), human-computer action (HCI), and computer games. We argue that flow experience in computer game play leads to enjoyment and therefore can be measured as a dimension of enjoyment in addition to emotion. Development process of the instrument is discussed in this paper

    The development and characterization of a human mesothelioma in vitro 3D model to investigate immunotoxin therapy.

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    BackgroundTumor microenvironments present significant barriers to penetration by antibodies and immunoconjugates. Tumor microenvironments, however, are difficult to study in vitro. Cells cultured as monolayers exhibit less resistance to therapy than those grown in vivo and an alternative research model more representative of the in vivo tumor is more desirable. SS1P is an immunotoxin composed of the Fv portion of a mesothelin-specific antibody fused to a bacterial toxin that is presently undergoing clinical trials in mesothelioma.Methodology/principal findingsHere, we examined how the tumor microenvironment affects the penetration and killing activity of SS1P in a new three-dimensional (3D) spheroid model cultured in vitro using the human mesothelioma cell line (NCI-H226) and two primary cell lines isolated from the ascites of malignant mesothelioma patients. Mesothelioma cells grown as monolayers or as spheroids expressed comparable levels of mesothelin; however, spheroids were at least 100 times less affected by SS1P. To understand this disparity in cytotoxicity, we made fluorescence-labeled SS1P molecules and used confocal microscopy to examine the time course of SS1P penetration within spheroids. The penetration was limited after 4 hours. Interestingly, we found a significant increase in the number of tight junctions in the core area of spheroids by electron microscopy. Expression of E-Cadherin, a protein involved in the assembly and sealing of tight junctions and highly expressed in malignant mesothelioma, was found significantly increased in spheroids as compared to monolayers. Moreover, we found that siRNA silencing and antibody inhibition targeting E-Cadherin could enhance SS1P immunotoxin therapy in vitro.Conclusion/significanceThis work is one of the first to investigate immunotoxins in 3D tumor spheroids in vitro. This initial description of an in vitro tumor model may offer a simple and more representative model of in vivo tumors and will allow for further investigations of the microenvironmental effects on drug penetration and tumor cell killing. We believe that the methods developed here may apply to the studies of other tumor-targeting antibodies and immunoconjugates in vitro

    Analysis of Renewable Energy Research Hotspots and Trends Based on Bibliometric and Patent Survey

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    In recent years, renewable energy has taken on an increasingly important role as a result of the depletion of traditional fossil fuels and the pressure of climate change. Due to the advantages of clean energy production and wide availability, research on renewable energy has increased worldwide. We collected data from the Web of Science and the Derwent Innovations Index to analyze research trends in the field of renewable energy. It was found that the number of research achievements in this field has developed rapidly worldwide since 2005. The United States ranks first in the quantity and quality of literature and fourth in the number of authorized patents. China ranks second and first regarding the quantity of literature and authorized patents, respectively. Biomass energy, wind energy, and solar energy are trending research topics in various stages of development. China has maintained close cooperation with the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and other countries

    Hematopoiesis and T-cell specification as a model developmental system

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    The pathway to generate T cells from hematopoietic stem cells guides progenitors through a succession of fate choices while balancing differentiation progression against proliferation, stage to stage. Many elements of the regulatory system that controls this process are known, but the requirement for multiple, functionally distinct transcription factors needs clarification in terms of gene network architecture. Here, we compare the features of the T-cell specification system with the rule sets underlying two other influential types of gene network models: first, the combinatorial, hierarchical regulatory systems that generate the orderly, synchronized increases in complexity in most invertebrate embryos; second, the dueling ‘master regulator’ systems that are commonly used to explain bistability in microbial systems and in many fate choices in terminal differentiation. The T-cell specification process shares certain features with each of these prevalent models but differs from both of them in central respects. The T-cell system is highly combinatorial but also highly dose-sensitive in its use of crucial regulatory factors. The roles of these factors are not always T-lineage-specific, but they balance and modulate each other's activities long before any mutually exclusive silencing occurs. T-cell specification may provide a new hybrid model for gene networks in vertebrate developmental systems

    Novel insights into bacterial dimethylsulfoniopropionate catabolism in the East China Sea

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    The compatible solute Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), made by many marine organisms, is one of Earth’s most abundant organosulfur molecules. Many marine bacteria import DMSP and can degrade it as a source of carbon and/or sulfur via DMSP cleavage or DMSP demethylation pathways, which can generate the climate active gases dimethyl sulfide (DMS) or methanthiol (MeSH), respectively. Here we used culture-dependent and -independent methods to study bacteria catabolising DMSP in East China Sea (ECS). Of bacterial isolates, 42.11% showed DMSP-dependent DMS (Ddd+) activity, and 12.28% produced detectable levels of MeSH. Interestingly, although most Ddd+ isolates were Alphaproteobacteria (mainly Roseobacters), many gram-positive Actinobacteria were also shown to cleave DMSP producing DMS. The mechanism by which these Actinobacteria cleave DMSP is unknown, since no known functional ddd genes have been identified in genome sequences of Ddd+ Microbacterium and Agrococcus isolates or in any other sequenced Actinobacteria genomes. Gene probes to the DMSP demethylation gene dmdA and the DMSP lyase gene dddP demonstrated that these DMSP-degrading genes are abundant and widely distributed in ECS seawaters. dmdA was present in relatively high proportions in both surface (19.53% ± 6.70%) and bottom seawater bacteria (16.00% ± 8.73%). In contrast, dddP abundance positively correlated with chlorophyll a, and gradually decreased with the distance from land, which implies that the bacterial DMSP lyase gene dddP might be from bacterial groups that closely associate with phytoplankton. Bacterial community analysis showed positive correlations between Rhodobacteraceae abundance and concentrations of DMS and DMSP, further confirming the link between this abundant bacterial class and the environmental DMSP cycling

    Adipose Tissue-Resident Immune Cells in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

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    Inflammation is an important contributor to the pathogenesis of obesity-related type 2 diabetes (T2D). Adipose tissue-resident immune cells have been observed, and the potential contribution of these cells to metabolic dysfunction has been appreciated in recent years. This review focused on adipose tissue-resident immune cells that are dysregulated in the context of obesity and T2D. We comprehensively overviewed emerging knowledge regarding the phenotypic and functional properties of these cells and local factors that control their development. We discussed their function in controlling the immune response cascade and disease progression. We also characterized the metabolic profiles of these cells to explain the functional consequences in obese adipose tissues. Finally, we discussed the potential therapeutic targeting of adipose tissue-resident immune cells with the aim of addressing novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of this disease