613 research outputs found
Analysis of survival after radical surgery for stomach cancer in odessa regional cancer center
The survival of patients with the locally advanced stage of stomach cancer
(SC), who underwent various variants of preventive lymphatic nodes
dissection, was considered. The survival of patients was compared with the
stage and T, N indexes. Lymphadenectomy D2 were effective and increased
cumulative survival in patient`s group T4aNoMo, stage IIB and T4aN1Mo,
stage III A, and in groups of patients where D2 lymphadenectomy were
ineffective - T4bNoMo, stage ІІІB, T4bN1Мo, stage ІІІB and T4aN2Мo,
stage IIIB. D2 were more efficient operation in the case of tumor serosa
invasion and invasion to the peritoneal cavity (SE) in the absence of multiple
metastases to the regional lymph nodes (N1 according to the 7th revision of
the classification - 1-2 metastatic lymph nodes), and when
the tumor infiltrated the surrounding organs (SI) and the presence of multiple
regional metastases, D2 lymphodissection did not gave positive results,
comparising with D1
Evaluation advanced lymph node dissection impact on long-term survival rate of gastric cancer patients. Journal of Education
Over a period of 2007-2011 188 stomach cancer (SC) patients have been included in the
research in abdominal oncosurgical department of Odessa regional oncological dispensary. It
was retrospective, one-center, nonrandomized research. Volume of lymph node dissections
differed by quantity of lymph nodes to be removed. All patients were divided into three groups.
Patients with D1 or D1+ lymph node dissections have been performed, totally 90 patients are
included in group of historical control. The main group includes 33 patients to whom D3 lymph
node dissections is executed and, finally, control group – 65 patients dissected up to the D2
volume. In all cases so-called lymph node dissections for principal reasons have been executed.
The multifactorial analysis of patients survival is implemented depending on a type of a lymph
node dissections, a stage of the cancer, number of involved lymph nodes, involvement of the
tumoral microcirculatory net (ly is carried out, v) signs of a perinevral invasion (Nev),
availability of residual tumoral tissue (R), degree of a differentiation (G). Regardless of a disease
stage, SC at 60% of patients, represented with initially hematologicaly disseminated disease.
40% of SC`s had no signs of intratumoral microcirculatory net involvement even in case of more
than 15 regional lymph nodes are involved. In the absence of a SC perinevral invasion appeared
to be the most precise predictive marker. The conclusion is made some brand new additional53
prognostic factors could play a crucial role in more accurate patients selection for expanded
lymph node dissections
Significance of basic clinical tests changing after the Hypec procedure in patients with gastric cancer and some other tumors
Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy is a popular method of
palliative treatment in patients with malignant abdominal tumors. This
review is devoted to trace changes in general clinical tests in patients with
carcinomatosis. The patients were operated on at the Clinic of Reconstructive
and Plastic Medicine of the Odessa National Medical University. All patients
satisfactorily tolerated this procedure. The object of the study was to track
those changes with patients that took place in the immediate (prior to
discharge) postoperative period. 25 patients have recruited to the study. In
the group changes in 11 basic clinical and laboratory parameters among those
included were monitored in the study. Hemoglobin, leukocytes, platelets,
total protein, bilirubin, serum glucose concentration, liver enzymes alanine
aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels, thymol test and
coagulogram indices. Thus, the most significant indicators, such as the
concentration of hemoglobin, leukocytes and platelets, have not undergone
significant changes after HIPEC. Hemoglobin decreased by 6 units (g / l), the
concentration of leukocytes, on the contrary, increased by 2 units (T/l),
platelet levels dropped by 61 units (also G/l). The concentration of total
protein decreased by 7 units. The concentration of total bilirubin practically
did not change, decreasing by about 1 unit. Indicators of AST and ALT did
not increase, decreasing by 8 and 3 units, respectively. The average
concentration value of blood glucose level slightly increased by almost 1
unit. Thymol levels have not changed. The prothrombin index decreased by 3
units; the concentration of fibrinogen in serum remained at approximately the
same level. HIPEC procedure does not significantly affect the clinical and
laboratory parameters. However, the tendency of this category of patients to
hypercoagulation, hypoproteinemia and hyperglucosemia was noted
Lymph node dissection impact on long-term survival rate of gastric cancer patients in Ukraine
Over a period of 2007-2011 188 stomach cancer (SC) patients have been
included in the research in abdominal oncosurgical department of Odessa
oncological center. Volume of lymph node dissections differed by quantity of
lymph nodes to be removed. All patients were divided into three groups.
Patients with D1 or D1+ lymph node dissections have been performed, totally
90 patients are included in group of historical control. In all cases so-called
lymph node dissections for principal reasons have been executed. The
multifactorial analysis of patients survival is implemented depending on a type
of a lymph node dissections, a stage of the cancer, number of involved lymph
nodes, involvement of the tumoral microcirculatory net (ly is carried out, v)
signs of a perinevral invasion (Nev), availability of residual tumoral tissue (R),
degree of a differentiation (G). Regardless of a disease stage, SC at 60 % of
patients, represented with initially hematologicaly disseminated disease. 40 %
of SC`s had no signs of intratumoral microcirculatory net involvement even in
case of more than 15 regional lymph nodes are involved
The original formula for predicting the survival of gastric cancer patients undergoing surgical treatment
The purpose of this work was to find ways to predict the survival of gastric cancer
patients. The study included 221 patients who were radically operated in the abdominal department of
the Odessa Regional Oncology Center from 2007 to 2013. The life expectancy of this group of patients
was measured in months. From the factors given in the article, only the age of the patient, the
presence and invasion in neighboring organs and the number of organs resected during the operation
were those factors that had a significant impact on the prognosis. A formula was obtained for the
formal evaluation of the duration of patients. The results are preliminary. Conclusions. As a result of
the regression analysis, a polynomial (formula) was obtained, which can be used to predict the
survival of patients who underwent surgery for gastric cancer. There is a need to create clearer
gradations of survival dependencies of cancer patients from different clinical and morphological
situations. A mathematical apparatus with many variables can be used to create similar models for the
analysis of survival in other types of pathology
Rapidity and centrality dependence of particle production for identified hadrons in Cu+Cu collisions at GeV
The BRAHMS collaboration has measured transverse momentum spectra of pions,
kaons, protons and antiprotons at rapidities 0 and 3 for Cu+Cu collisions at
GeV. As the collisions become more central the collective
radial flow increases while the temperature of kinetic freeze-out decreases.
The temperature is lower and the radial flow weaker at forward rapidity. Pion
and kaon yields with transverse momenta between 1.5 and 2.5 GeV/c are
suppressed for central collisions relative to scaled collisions. This
suppression, which increases as the collisions become more central is
consistent with jet quenching models and is also present with comparable
magnitude at forward rapidity. At such rapidities initial state effects may
also be present and persistence of the meson suppression to high rapidity may
reflect a combination of jet quenching and nuclear shadowing. The ratio of
protons to mesons increases as the collisions become more central and is
largest at forward rapidities.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures and 6 table
Some novel ways of gastric cancer patients treatment personification
In this paper the authors perform the analysis of molecular and morphological factors
influencing the survival of patients with gastric cancer (n = 221). They analyzed the survival
rate in this group of patients based on the analysis of molecular markers VEGFR, p53, Her2,
Ki-67. Measured role in the survival such factors as the degree of differentiation of primary
gastric tumors, the presence of microscopic tumor involvement of perineural and perivascular
spaces, the degree of invasion to gastric wall by T1 = 1 and to T4a = 4, T4b = 5, number of
regional lymph nodes affected by metastasis, and other factors. As an arbitrator used survival
curves calculated by the method of R. J. Cox, time of lifespan, measured in months, as well as
a comparison of the areas under the curves of survival
Measurement of shower development and its Moli\`ere radius with a four-plane LumiCal test set-up
A prototype of a luminometer, designed for a future e+e- collider detector,
and consisting at present of a four-plane module, was tested in the CERN PS
accelerator T9 beam. The objective of this beam test was to demonstrate a
multi-plane tungsten/silicon operation, to study the development of the
electromagnetic shower and to compare it with MC simulations. The Moli\`ere
radius has been determined to be 24.0 +/- 0.6 (stat.) +/- 1.5 (syst.) mm using
a parametrization of the shower shape. Very good agreement was found between
data and a detailed Geant4 simulation.Comment: Paper published in Eur. Phys. J., includes 25 figures and 3 Table
Novel data according Will Roger`s phenomenon in stomach cancer patients
Mostly Will Roger`s phenomenon means existence of so-called "jumping" or "jumping over the stages"
regional metastases in the stomach cancer patients. N1 in the 6th edition means 16 regional lymph nodes
involvement, while the N1 seventh edition – only 1-2 of regional lymph nodes involvement. This means that
T1N1Mo \ 6th and T1N1Mo \ 7th - not quite the same, and the survival of the two groups will be different.
The study, made on the abdominal oncosurgical department of Odessa Regional Oncology Center, included
188 patients operated for gastric cancer in the period 2007-2011. The study included only radically treated
patients. Comparison of survival in patients with gastric cancer between 6th revision groups of 7th has been
reviewed. The classification mission is to provide differences in the survival rates between the groups.
Regression multivariate Cox analysis showed that 7th UICC classification showed different capability of
stratifying survival groups of UICC N classification (P \ 0.01)
Evolution of the nuclear modification factors with rapidity and centrality in d+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV
We report on a study of the transverse momentum dependence of nuclear
modification factors for charged hadrons produced in deuteron + gold
collisions at GeV, as a function of collision centrality
and of the pseudorapidity () of the produced hadrons. We
find significant and systematic decrease of with increasing rapidity.
The midrapidity enhancement and the forward rapidity suppression are more
pronounced in central collisions relative to peripheral collisions. These
results are relevant to the study of the possible onset of gluon saturation at
RHIC energies.Comment: Four pages, four figures. Published in PRL. Figures 1 and 2 have been
updated, and several changes made to the tex
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