36 research outputs found

    Polimorfismo nos genes da leptina e do receptor de melatonina em búfalas (Bubalus bubalis)

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    O gene responsável pela codificação do hormônio leptina tem sido associado à produção de leite, e diversos polimorfismos encontrados nesse gene foram associados a características produtivas em bovinos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi a identificação do polimorfismo LEP-1620 (A/G) no gene bubalino da leptina e suas possíveis associações com as produções de leite, gordura, proteína e porcentagens de gordura e proteína. Foram coletadas amostras de pelo da cauda de 200 búfalas, e após a extração do DNA as amostras foram genotipadas pela técnica PCR-RFLP. Três amostras foram sequenciadas e foi encontrado um SNP na posição 70 do íntron 2 do gene da leptina, caracterizado pela substituição de um A por um G. As médias das produções mensais de leite, gordura, proteína e as porcentagens de gordura e proteína foram avaliadas em um modelo misto. Os genótipos encontrados (AA, AG, GG) foram positivamente associados às características porcentagem de gordura e de proteína (p<0,05), sendo que os animais AA apresentaram médias superiores para as características. As curvas de lactação para as características produção de leite e porcentagens de gordura e proteína apresentaram trajetórias semelhantes para os três genótipos. Esses resultados indicam que o polimorfismo LEP-1620 (A/G) pode ser utilizado futuramente como marcador molecular para as características porcentagem de gordura e proteína do leite de búfalasThe gene responsible for encoding the hormone leptin has been associated with milk production, and several polymorphisms of this gene were associated with production traits in cattle. The aim of the present study was to identify the LEP-1620 (A/G) polymorphism in the buffalo leptin gene and its possible associations with milk, fat and protein yield, and fat and protein percentages. Samples of tail hair from 200 buffalo cows were collected, and after DNA extraction the samples were genotyped by PCR-RFLP. Three samples were sequenced and an SNP was found at position 70 of intron 2 in the leptin gene, characterized by the substitution of an A for a G. The means from monthly milk, fat and protein yield and falt and protein percentages were evaluated by a mixed model. The genotypes found (AA, AG, GG) were positively associated with fat and protein percentages (p<0,005), and the AA animals showed the highest means for this traits. The lactation curves for milk yield and fat and protein percentages showed similar trajectories for the three genotypes. These results indicate that the LEP-1620 (A/G) polymorphism can be used in the future as a molecular marker for fat and protein percentages traits of buffalo cow’s milkCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Theta models for daily pandemic data

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    Forecasting techniques are critical for developing better strategies and making timely judgments. As a result, both epidemiologists and statisticians got interested in anticipating the COVID-19 pandemic, which is why we decided to use theta approaches because of their predictive power. The major goal of this research is to determine which of the statistical Theta-methods is the best appropriate for predicting in the case of Covid 19 for the five nations analyzed. performance in forecasting for the other countries under investigation. These strategies make it possible to assess the past in order to make more accurate forecasts about the future. Predicted trends in a phenomenon over time may aid in planning for potential risks and worst-case scenarios. For the first time, a set of algorithms known as theta models is used to forecast the performance of COVID-19 pandemic data in this study. Then we used data from five countries: the United Kingdom, South Africa, Malaysia, Morocco, and Russia. The results suggest that the traditional theta approach is more accurate for data from the United Kingdom, which has a lot of variability. For the other countries analyzed, however, the dynamic optimized theta model performs better in forecasting

    Persistence and extinction for stochastic HBV epidemic model with treatment cure rate

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    With the current struggles of the world nowadays with several epidemics, modeling the dynamics of disease outbreaks has become much more important than any time before. In this context, the present paper aims at studying a stochastic hepatitis B virus epidemic model with treatment cure rate. Our model consists of three epidemic compartments describing the interaction between the susceptible, the infected and the recovered individuals; an SIR model where the infected individuals transmit the infection to the susceptible ones with a transmission rate perturbed by white noise. Our paper begins by establishing that our hepatitis B stochastic model has unique global solution. It moves then to giving sufficient conditions for the stochastic extinction and persistence of the hepatitis B disease. Finally, our paper provides some numerical results to support the analytical study, showing numerically that the treatment cure rate facilitates the extinction of the hepatitis B disease among the population

    Snatterier : Hur polisen effektivt kan utreda snatteribrott

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    Stöld och snatteri är tillgreppsbrott som finns reglerade i brottsbalkens åttonde kapitel. Stöld är kapitlets huvudbrott och snatteri är en ringa form av stöld. Båda dessa brott har tre gemensamma rekvisit som måste vara uppfyllda för att straffansvar ska föreligga. Dessa rekvisit är olovligt tagande, tillägnelseuppsåt samt att det ska innebära en ekonomisk skada för den som blir drabbad av brottet. Det finns flera olika sätt att utreda snatterier och detta arbete kommer att förklara närmare vilka sätt som finns och när de olika sätten är tillämpbara. Anledningen till detta är att öka kunskapen kring utredningsmetoderna, framförallt gällande så kallade förenklade utredningar. Den största svårigheten vid snatteribrott att styrka att de tre rekvisiten för brottet är uppfyllda. Ett erkännande från en snattare är inte mycket värt om det tas tillbaka och tillräckliga uppgifter saknas gällande rekvisiten. Därför är det viktigt med ordentliga förhör av både den misstänkte, anmälaren samt eventuella vittnen för att kunna utreda snatteriet. Arbetet grundar sig på litteraturstudier samt intervjuer med både poliser och butikspersonal som i sina arbeten kommer i kontakt med snatterier. Den litteratur som har använts är lagar, JO-utlåtanden, kurslitteratur på polishögskolan, föreskrifter och allmänna råd från Rikspolisstyrelsen, samt i viss mån tidningsartiklar