507 research outputs found

    Slime cells on the surface of Eragrostis seeds maintain a level of moisture around the grain to enhance germination

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    Eragrostis is a cosmopolitan genus of the family Poaceae. Several wild species, including E. pilosa (L.) Beauv., are harvested for food, but the only cultivated crop-species is tef [E. tef (Zucc.) Trotter]. Despite its importance as a staple food and its plasticity to diverse environmental conditions, little is known about the structural and physiological strategies that adapt tef seeds to endure diverse and variable moisture regimes. Here, we report the presence of slime cells, a type of modified epidermal cell, covering the fruit of tef and its wild relative, E. pilosa. The slime produced by Eragrostis belongs to the ‘true' slime type, since it is exclusively composed of pectins. Pectin forms uniform layers on the cell wall inner surface, which are confined by a thin cellulose layer to prevent release into the cell lumen. In the presence of water, pectins quickly hydrate, causing swelling of the slime cells. This is followed by their detachment, which may be controlled by a thin cuticle layer on the fruit surface. The ability of slime to absorb and maintain moisture around the grain is thought to be an adaptive feature for Eragrostis growing in dry habitats. This retention of water by slime may create conditions that are suitable for rapid germinatio

    Integrating satellite soil-moisture estimates and hydrological model products over Australia

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    Accurate soil-moisture monitoring is essential for water-resource management and agricultural applications, and is now widely undertaken using satellite remote sensing or terrestrial hydrological models’ products. While both methods have limitations, e.g. the limited soil depth resolution of space-borne data and data deficiencies in models, data-assimilation techniques can provide an alternative approach. Here, we use the recently developed data-driven Kalman–Takens approach to integrate satellite soil-moisture products with those of the Australian Water Resources Assessment system Landscape (AWRA-L) model. This is done to constrain the model’s soil-moisture simulations over Australia with those observed from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System and Soil-Moisture and Ocean Salinity between 2002 and 2017. The main objective is to investigate the ability of the integration framework to improve AWRA-L simulations of soil moisture. The improved estimates are then used to investigate spatiotemporal soil-moisture variations. The results show that the proposed model-satellite data integration approach improves the continental soil-moisture estimates by increasing their correlation to independent in situ measurements (∼10% relative to the non-assimilation estimates). Highlights Satellite soil-moisture measurements are used to improve model simulation. A data-driven approach based on Kalman–Takens is applied. The applied data-integration approach improves soil-moisture estimates

    Why do people not attend for treatment for trachomatous trichiasis in Ethiopia? A study of barriers to surgery.

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    BACKGROUND: Trachomatous trichiasis (TT) surgery is provided free or subsidised in most trachoma endemic settings. However, only 18-66% of TT patients attend for surgery. This study analyses barriers to attendance among TT patients in Ethiopia, the country with the highest prevalence of TT in the world. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Participants with previously un-operated TT were recruited at 17 surgical outreach campaigns in Amhara Region, Ethiopia. An interview was conducted to ascertain why they had not attended for surgery previously. A trachoma eye examination was performed by an ophthalmologist. 2591 consecutive individuals were interviewed. The most frequently cited barriers to previous attendance for surgery were lack of time (45.3%), financial constraints (42.9%) and lack of an escort (35.5% in females, 19.6% in males). Women were more likely to report a fear of surgery (7.7% vs 3.2%, p<0.001) or be unaware of how to access services (4.5% vs 1.0% p<0.001); men were more frequently asymptomatic (19.6% vs 10.1%, p<0.001). Women were also less likely to have been previously offered TT surgery than men (OR = 0.70, 95%CI 0.53-0.94). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The major barriers to accessing surgery from the patients' perspective are the direct and indirect costs of surgery. These can to a large extent be reduced or overcome through the provision of free or low cost surgery at the community level. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00522860 and NCT00522912

    The status of hygiene and sanitation practice among rural model families of the Health Extension Program (HEP) in Wolayta and Kembata Tembaro Zones of Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Region of Ethiopia

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    Background: Since the Health Extension Program (HEP) started the training and graduation of model families, little is known about the status and maintenance of hygiene and sanitation practice to inform future directions and decisions.Objective: to assess the status and maintenance of hygiene and sanitation practices among rural model families of the Health Extension Program.Method: A cross-sectional comparative study was conducted from Dec.-June 2010/11 in Wolayta and Kembata Tembaro Zones of Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State of Ethiopia. Two types of comparisons were involved in the study; comparison of hygiene and sanitation practices of a randomly selected 690 model families and 686 non-model families, and comparison of similar practices among model families at the time of graduation, assessed in retrospective interview, versus at the time of survey. Quantitative data were collected from the two zones from Dec- Jan. 2010/11. Qualitative data were also collected in June 2011 to complement the findings of the quantitative data from a purposively selected group of women and men among model families in the study areas. Descriptive and analytics statistics were used to analyse the quantitative data using STATA version 10 while the qualitative data were analysed using Open Code version The study showed that among model families, 82% of them had pit latrine, 23.1 % had solid and liquid waste disposal pits, 19.0% had shelves for storing utensils and 34.1 % had separate dwelling for people and cattle as compared to 55.6 %, 9.1%, 6% and 18.5 % of similar practices among non-model families respectively (p&lt;0.001). Latrine availability, storage of water in a narrow necked covered container, possession of shelves for storage of utensils and fuel saving stoves declined from 96.6% to 82.3%, 92.7% to 78.6%, 33.6% to 19.1% and from 6.1% to 3%, respectively among model families after graduation (p&lt;0.01). During FGDs and in-depth interviews, socio-economic and cultural reasons were mentioned as factors that hindered the maintenance of the practices.Conclusion: Generally, model families performed better in most of the hygiene and sanitation practices than nonmodel families. The study also indicated a decline in the maintenance of certain practices among some model families

    A GC-MS Based Analytical Method for Detection of Smoke Taint Associated Phenols in Smoke Affected Wines

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    Guaiacol and 4-methylguaiacol are routinely used as markers to determine extent of smoke impact on winegrapes and wines. However, smoke contains a complex group of compounds that may contribute to smoke taint in winegrapes and wine. In this study, a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) based analytical method was developed and validated for the profiling of various smoke taint compounds in wines made from smoke affected fruit. A total of 22 analytes were separated and identified in the GC-MS chromatogram, all of which were selected to evaluate the samples and precision of the method. The GC-MS method showed good repeatability/reproducibility with intra- and inter-day relative standard deviation (RSD) of ±14%. The method was used to demonstrate that the smoked grapes and resultant wines, compared to unsmoked wines, contained significantly enhanced levels of guaiacol and 4-methylguaiacol along with other lignin derived phenols such as cresols and syringol. In smoke affected grapes and young wines, volatile phenols exist as glyco-conjugates (potential taint), which hydrolyse slowly leading to unacceptable levels of taint accumulation in wine during storage. The GC-MS method reported here, in conjunction with the optimised acid hydrolysis of phenol glycoconjugates, was successfully used to determine potential levels of smoke taint compounds in wines. Thus, the method can be used for screening smoke exposed grapes for potential taint levels prior to wine making. The results presented here highlight the need to include an array of smoke derived phenols to develop a complete picture of smoke taint and associated aroma in affected grapes and wines

    Linear growth in preschool children treated with mass azithromycin distributions for trachoma: A cluster-randomized trial.

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    BackgroundMass azithromycin distributions have been shown to reduce mortality among pre-school children in sub-Saharan Africa. It is unclear what mediates this mortality reduction, but one possibility is that antibiotics function as growth promoters for young children.Methods and findings24 rural Ethiopian communities that had received biannual mass azithromycin distributions over the previous four years were enrolled in a parallel-group, cluster-randomized trial. Communities were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to either continuation of biannual oral azithromycin (20mg/kg for children, 1 g for adults) or to no programmatic antibiotics over the 36 months of the study period. All community members 6 months and older were eligible for the intervention. The primary outcome was ocular chlamydia; height and weight were measured as secondary outcomes on children less than 60 months of age at months 12 and 36. Study participants were not masked; anthropometrists were not informed of the treatment allocation. Anthropometric measurements were collected for 282 children aged 0-36 months at the month 12 assessment and 455 children aged 0-59 months at the month 36 assessment, including 207 children who had measurements at both time points. After adjusting for age and sex, children were slightly but not significantly taller in the biannually treated communities (84.0 cm, 95%CI 83.2-84.8, in the azithromycin-treated communities vs. 83.7 cm, 95%CI 82.9-84.5, in the untreated communities; mean difference 0.31 cm, 95%CI -0.85 to 1.47, P = 0.60). No adverse events were reported.ConclusionsPeriodic mass azithromycin distributions for trachoma did not demonstrate a strong impact on childhood growth.Trial registrationThe TANA II trial was registered on clinicaltrials.gov #NCT01202331
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