46 research outputs found

    Mission et espace missionnaire

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    Le destin des réductions jésuites de l’Amérique portugaise (xvie-xviiie siècles) dans la pensée politique et religieuse européenne jusqu’au xixe siècle et à la revendication socialiste du modèle, a progressivement fait de ces réductions des constructions utopiques, déplacées d’un discours dans l’autre et qui ont finalement perdu dans cette aventure idéologique leurs bases matérielles. Ce sont ces bases que l’auteur retrouve ici, en s’appuyant évidemment sur les apports nombreux de l’archéologie coloniale, qui a recherché les traces de ces immenses implantations territoriales et de ces créations urbaines ex nihilo ; mais il va au-delà en montrant comment les conceptions architecturale et urbanistique de ces réductions, dont on retrouve des structures communes dans toute l’Amérique portugaise, est une partie intégrante et déterminante du projet civilisationnel et évangélique qui les anime.The fate of the “Jesuit reductions” in the european political and religious thought has evolved between the time of Portuguese America (16th-18th century) and the 19th century, the socialist claim of this model: these “reductions” or “missions” have progressively come to be considered as utopic constructs, switching from a discourse to the other, until loosing, in this ideological journey, their material basis. It is this basis that I wish to retrieve here, taking ground on the numerous contributions of a colonial archeology that has searched for the traces of these immense territorial settlements and ex-nihilo urban creations. But I want to go further, by showing how the architectural and urban-planning conceptions of these reductions, which all have a common structure throughout Portuguese America, form an integral – and critical – part of the civilizational and evangelical project that animates them.El destino de las reducciones jesuitas de la America portugesa (xvie-xviiie siglos) en el pensamiento politico y religioso europeo hasta el siglo xix y la apropriación socialista del modelo, a progresivamente hecho de estas reducciones construcciones utopicas, dezplazadas de un discurso al otro y que por fin perdieron en esta aventura ideologica sus bases materiales. Estas bases, quizo el autor descubrirlas de nuevo aqui, evidentemente apoyandose sobre los aportes muy importantes de la archeologia colonial, que buscó los razgos de estas inmensos fundos y de estas creaciones urbanas ex-nihilo; pero va más allá, mostrando como las concepciones arquitectural y urbanistica de estas reducciones, cuyas estructuras comunes se encuentran en toda America portugesa, es parte integrante y determinante del proyecto civilisacional y evangélico que las lleva

    Clinical evolution of hypertension and proteinuria in patients who developed preeclampsia.

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    This a report of the clinical follow-up of women affected by preeclampsia.Introduction: Preeclampsia-eclampsia has been one of the main cause of maternal morbidity-mortality in developing countries, affecting 10% of pregnancies. In Mexico, in the recent years it has been estimated at about 2 to 35 new cases per 100 pregnancies. Objective: To report the evolution and severity of blood pressure and proteinuria; and their repercussion on renal function after delivery, in patients who developed preeclampsia. Methods: It was a descriptive analysis of 24 preeclamptic women on clinical follow up until normalization of blood pressure. Results: We observed lower serum albumin, higher severity of 24 hrs proteinuria level and longer duration of hypertension in those women who presented with the highest levels in diastolic blood pressure at the beginning and end of the study

    Respuesta patológica a la quimioterapia neoadyuvante en cáncer de mama en el Hospital Bertha Calderón Roque noviembre 2018 a noviembre 2019

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    Con el objetivo de determinar respuesta patológica a la quimioterapia neoadyuvante en cáncer de mama en el Hospital Bertha Calderón Roque noviembre 2018 a noviembre 2019., se realizó un estudio descriptivo, correlacional, Transversal, retrospectivo, enfoque mixto, unidireccional. Fueron analizados los datos sobre las características sociodemográficas y antecedentes clínicos, estadios clínicos, tipo histológico, tipo molecular, régimen de tratamiento, respuesta patológica en base a los resultados de biopsia quirúrgica, con el fin de estandarizar a los pacientes. Los análisis estadísticos efectuados fueron: descriptivos, pruebas de Correlación no Paramétrica de Spearman. Del análisis y discusión de los resultados obtenidos, se alcanzaron las siguientes conclusiones: el 34.5% de las pacientes en estudio se encontraba entre 50-59 años, la estirpe histológica predominante fue ductal infiltrante representando el 82.1%, en relación a tipo molecular los más frecuentes 44% y 23.8% Luminal A y Luminal B respectivamente. El régimen terapéutico más usado fue una línea de QT en un 51.1%. La respuesta patológica completa en tumor primario se obtuvo en el 11.9%, por su parte la respuesta patológica completa a nivel de ganglios axilares fue de 21.4%, al asociar estas variables obtuvimos que el 100% de las pacientes con respuesta patológica completa a nivel del tumor primario tuvieron respuesta patológica completa a nivel de ganglios axilares, este cruce de variables con alta significancia estadístic

    FOXE1 mutation screening in a case with Cleft Lip, Hypothyroidism, and Thyroid Carcinoma: A new syndrome?

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    A 26-year-old woman is referred to the Internal Medicine consultation due to increases in laboratory studies associated with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (PTC) that was confirmed by histopathological studies. Her clinical history revealed that, at 3 months of age, she was successfully treated with surgery for cleft lip (CL) and at the age of 24 years was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in FOXE1 and its promoter regions have been associated with various etiologies related to the thyroid, including orofacial clefting, specially cleft palate (CP) and CL, hypothyroidism (HT), and thyroid cancer. The association of CL, HT, and PTC might be component of a new syndrome; however FOXE1 coding region, which has been involved with these entities, has not exhibited mutations or SNPs. Further study of other genes may help in better characterization of the possible syndrome

    COVID-19 lung lesion treated with pirfenidone and effective rehabilitation: A Case Report

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    SARS-CoV-2 leads to an inflammatory and fibrotic state in the lungs which can be the cause of death and even in those who survive cause a functional limitation. A male patient of 28 years with COVID-19 was treated with nitazoxanide 500 mg 6 hourly, ibuprofen 500 mg 8 hourly, levofloxacin 500 mg and vitamin D 4,000 IU 24 hourly, and pirfenidone (K-LP) 1,200 mg 12 hourly. The patient was ventilated and extubated after 13 days in the intensive care unit. He was then immersed in a strict rehabilitation programme based on re-teaching the diaphragmatic respiratory pattern. Pirfenidone at a dose of 1,200 mg twice a day could be considered as a valid option to reduce lung fibrosis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. To ensure optimal recovery, pulmonary rehabilitation therapy should be added to the management

    Resistina: una nueva hormona expresada en el tejido adiposo

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    La resistina es una proteína de 12,5 kDa rica en residuos de cisteína que se secreta principalmente en los adipocitos. El descubrimiento de la resistina pareció ser un principio prometedor para el tratamiento de la resistencia a la insulina inducida por la obesidad. Sin embargo, aunque en roedores su función parece estar relacionada con el empeoramiento de la sensibilidad a la insulina, en humanos todavía no se puede afirmar con claridad su papel. En los roedores, la resistina actúa de forma perjudicial en la ruta de señalización de la insulina en los principales tejidos diana, como son el tejido adiposo, el hígado y el músculo. Esta hormona también estimula la producción hepática de glucosa y sus niveles circulantes son elevados en animales obesos, mientras que estos niveles disminuyen de manera muy significativa después de la restricción alimenticia. Todos estos datos sugieren que además de la resistencia a la insulina, la resistina también ejerce una acción importante en la regulación de la homeostasis metabólica. Además, en humanos, dada su expresión en células mononucleares, es de suponer que esta proteína juega un papel importante en los procesos inflamatorios y/o inmunitarios. Aunque los trabajos que han estudiado sus acciones en relación a la resistencia a insulina inducida por la obesidad son bastante contradictorios, es de esperar que pueda ejercer múltiples funciones biológicas, teniendo en cuenta la variedad de tejidos en que es expresada

    Proposal of a model for the evaluation of the co-creation process in a company in the toy industry

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    El concepto de co-creación es un fenómeno novedoso que ha venido tomando relevancia e interés entre los investigadores ya que implica procesos mediante los cuales tanto consumidores como productores colaboran, o participan, en la creación de valor, y permite a los consumidores crear valor en uso y co-crear valor con las organizaciones. En este sentido, para utilizar el  potencial de los consumidores leales o fanáticos y adquirir y emplear su conocimiento y experiencia, este proceso exige en la investigación de mercados romper el muro lingüístico o brecha de lenguaje que los especialistas e investigadores utilizan para diseñar sus cuestionarios y extraer la data de los casos o informantes, por ello el objetivo de este artículo es proponer un modelo para la evaluación del proceso de co-creación en una empresa de la industria del juguete. El diseño metodológico propuesto tiene un enfoque cualitativo con un tipo de investigación exploratoria conceptual, estructurado en dos etapas: La primera, la propuesta del modelo; que nace de un análisis exhaustivo de la literatura, sustentada en los aportes sobre la co-creación de Bernadette y McAdam (2019); Schmeltz y Kjeldsen (2019) y Ketonen y Valkokari (2019), y la segunda etapa: tomando como referencia los aportes de de Suvi y Storbacka (2010), se diseñó un baremo, para lo cual se solicitó la participación de trabajadores de una empresa de la industria del juguete (caso propuesto), el mismo que fue sometido a pruebas de validez y confiabiliad, para luego ser analizado por cuatro expertos académicos y profesionales. Los hallazgo determinan que la tendencia actual de participación del cliente continuará modificándose en los años siguientes, cambiando la función del cliente de consumidor puro de productos y servicios, a socio: co-diseñador, co-supervisor, co-difusor, co-creador en todo los procesos de creación de valor en que las interacciones lo permitan.The concept of co-creation is a new phenomenon that has been gaining relevance and interest among researchers since it involves processes through which both consumers and producers collaborate, or participate, in the creation of value, and allows consumers to create value in use and co-create value with organizations. In this sense, in order to use the potential of loyal or fanatical consumers and acquire and use their knowledge and experience, this process requires in market research to break the linguistic wall or language gap that specialists and researchers use to design their questionnaires and extract the data of the cases or informants, for this reason the objective of this article is to propose of a model for the evaluation of the co-creation in a company in the toy industry. The proposed methodological design has a quantitative approach with a type of conceptual exploratory research, structured in two stages: The first, the model proposal; that is born from an exhaustive analysis of the literature, based on the contributions on the co-creation of Bernadette and McAdam (2019); Schmeltz and Kjeldsen (2019) and Ketonen and Valkokari (2019), and the second stage: taking as reference the contributions of de Suvi and Storbacka (2010), a scale was designed, for which the participation of workers from a company was requested. of the toy industry (proposed case), the same one that was subjected to validity and reliability tests, to later be analyzed by four academic and professional experts. The findings determine that the current trend of customer participation will continue to change in the following years, changing the role of the customer from a pure consumer of products and services, to a partner: co-designer, co-supervisor, co-diffuser, co-creator in all the value creation processes in which the interactions allow it

    TSHβX1 splice variant expression and D2 Thr92Ala polymorphism analysis in pregnant women with thyroid diseases

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    Thyroid diseases are pathologies that frequently affect pregnant women. The objective was to find out whether the expression of TSHβX1 splice variant and D2 Thr92Ala polymorphism in the DIO2 gene are associated with thyroid disease in pregnant women. It was a comparative, prospective clinical, and cross-sectional study. Ninety-two pregnant patients, of which 38 were normothyroid and 54 had thyroid disease, were included. The expression of the TSHβX1 splice variant was quantified by real-time PCR and the D2 Thr92Ala (rs225014 CT) polymorphism was genotyped using TaqMan probes. The TSHβX1 splice variant was detected in both groups without significant differences in the relative expression. The T allele was associated with the thyroid dysfunction (OR = 2.117, p = 0.0339). We confirmed the presence of the predicted TSHβX1, and our results suggest that 92Thr (rs225017T) allele is a risk factor to thyroid dysfunction in pregnant women

    A translational perspective of maternal immune activation by SARS-CoV-2 on the potential prenatal origin of neurodevelopmental disorders: the role of the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway.

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    The emergent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) could produce a maternal immune activation (MIA) via the inflammatory response during gestation that may impair fetal neurodevelopment and lead to postnatal and adulthood mental illness and behavioral dysfunctions. However, so far, limited evidence exists regarding long-term physiological, immunological, and neurodevelopmental modifications produced by the SARS-CoV-2 in the human maternal-fetal binomial and, particularly, in the offspring. Relevant findings derived from epidemiological and preclinical models show that a MIA is indeed linked to an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in the offspring. We hypothesize that a gestational infection triggered by SARS-CoV-2 increases the risks leading to neurodevelopmental disorders of the newborn, which can affect childhood and the long-term quality of life. In particular, disruption of either the maternal or the fetal cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway (CAP) could cause or exacerbate the severity of COVID-19 in the maternal-fetal binomial. From a translational perspective, in this paper, we discuss the possible manifestation of a MIA by SARS-CoV-2 and the subsequent neurodevelopmental disorders considering the role of the fetal-maternal cytokine cross-talk and the CAP. Specifically, we highlight the urgent need of preclinical studies as well as multicenter and international databanks of maternal-fetal psychophysiological data obtained pre-, during, and post-infection by SARS-CoV-2 from pregnant women and their offspring

    Cytokine Profile at the Beginning of Pregnancy in Mexican Women

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    Objectives: To quantify and associate the levels of Th1 pro-inflammatory and Th2 antiinflammatory cytokines with the anthropometric measurements at the beginning of pregnancy. Methods: This prospective clinical and descriptive study included pregnant women 18 years of age and older. Serum levels of IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-γ, and TNF-α were measured by ELISA. Correlations were determined among the cytokines and anthropometric variables. Results: From 83 pregnant women IL-4 was significantly higher in Underweight compared to Overweight patients (97.5 ± 3.5 vs. 66.4 ± 17.6 pg/mL, p = .037), Underweight compared to Obesity Class I patients (97.5 ± 3.5 vs. 60.6 ± 17.2 pg/mL, p = .024) and in Normal Weight compared to Obesity Class I patients (72.2 ± 17.7 vs. 60.6 ± 17.2 pg/mL, p = .026). TNF-α was significantly higher in Normal Weight compared to Obesity Class II patients (41.9 ± 26 vs. 24.9 ± 19.7 pg/mL, p = .031). IL-4 was positively correlated with TNF-α (r2 = .309, p = .005) and negatively correlated with pre-gestational BMI (r2 = -.243, p = .029). IL-10 was positively correlated with IL-4 (r2 = .356, p = .001) and TNF-α (r2 = .308, p = .005). Finally, IFN-γ was negatively correlated with IL-4 (r2 = -.246, p = .025), IL-6 (r2 = -.232, p =.035) and TNF-α (r2 = -.289, p = .008). Conclusion: In Mexican women, there is a low antiinflammatory cytokine profile at the beginning of pregnancy.This work was funded by the Grant 1040/2014RIFC of the UAEMex