431 research outputs found

    Machine learning models for the secondary Bjerknes force between two insonated bubbles

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    The secondary Bjerknes force plays a significant role in the evolution of bubble clusters. However, due to the complex dependence of the force on multiple parameters, it is highly non-trivial to include the effects of this force in the simulations of bubble clusters. In this paper, machine learning is used to develop a data-driven model for the secondary Bjerknes force between two insonated bubbles as a function of the equilibrium radii of the bubbles, the distance between the bubbles, the amplitude and the frequency of the pressure. The force varies over several orders of magnitude, which poses a serious challenge for the usual machine learning models. To overcome this difficulty, the magnitudes and the signs of the force are separated and modelled separately. A nonlinear regression is obtained with a feed-forward network model for the logarithm of the magnitude, whereas the sign is modelled by a support-vector machine model. The principle, the practical aspects related to the training and validation of the machine models are introduced. The predictions from the models are checked against the values computed from the Keller-Miksis equations. The results show that the models are extremely efficient while providing accurate estimate of the force. The models make it computationally feasible for the future simulations of the bubble clusters to include the effects of the secondary Bjerknes force.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure. Submitted to Ultrasonics-Sonochemistr

    Analysis of Regional Differences and Influencing Factors on China’s Carbon Emission Efficiency in 2005–2015

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    With the challenge to reach targets of carbon emission reduction at the regional level, it is necessary to analyze the regional differences and influencing factors on China’s carbon emission efficiency. Based on statistics from 2005 to 2015, carbon emission efficiency and the differences in 30 provinces of China were rated by the Modified Undesirable Epsilon-based measure (EBM) Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Model. Additionally, we further analyzed the influencing factors of carbon emission efficiency’s differences in the Tobit model. We found that the overall carbon emission efficiency was relatively low in China. The level of carbon emission efficiency is the highest in the East region, followed by the Central and West regions. As for the influencing factors, industrial structure, external development, and science and technology level had a significant positive relationship with carbon emission efficiency, whereas government intervention and energy intensity demonstrated a negative correlation with carbon emission efficiency. The contributions of this paper include two aspects. First, we used the Modified Undesirable EBM DEA Model, which is more accurate than traditional methods. Secondly, based on the data’s unit root testing and cointegration, the paper verified the influencing factors of carbon emission efficiency by the Tobit model, which avoids the spurious regression. Based on the results, we also provide several policy implications for policymakers to improve carbon emission efficiency in different regions

    Arctigenin: a lignan from Arctium lappa

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    The title compound {systematic name: (3R-trans)-4-[(3,4-dimethoxy­phen­yl)meth­yl]-3-[(4-hydr­oxy-3-methoxy­phen­yl)meth­yl]-4,5-dihydrofuran-2(3H)-one}, C21H24O6, has a dibenz­yl­butyrolactone skeleton. The two aromatic rings are inclined at a dihedral angle of 68.75 (7)° with respect to each other. The lactone ring adopts an envelope conformation. A series of O—H⋯O and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds contribute to the stabilization of the crystal packing. The absolute configuration was assigned on the basis of the published literature

    Chemo-enzymatic synthesis of Neu5Gc-containing sialylated lactulose

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    Purpose: To synthesize novel sialylated lactuloses, namely, Neu5Gc-α2,3-lactulose and Neu5Gc-α2,6-lactulose.Methods: ManNGc was chemically synthesized from commercially available N-acetylmannosaime (ManNAc), which was used as the donor substrate to synthesize α-(2→3) linkage and α-(2→6) linkage sialyllactulose from lactulose via sialyltransferases-catalyzed one-pot multienzyme (OPME) approach. The sialylated products were purified by silica gel flash chromatography column. Mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) were used to confirm the purity and characterize the structure of the new compounds.Results: Sialyllactulose with α-(2→3) linkage (Neu5Gc-α2,3-lactulose) and α-(2→6) linkage (Neu5Gc- α2,6-lactulose) were efficiently synthesized by an efficient one-pot multienzyme sialylation approach from ManNGc, sodium pyruvate, CTP, and lactulose. The molecular weight of the two products, based on mass spectral data was 648 Da while NMR data indicated the formation of sialylated glycans.Conclusion: Novel sialylated oligosaccharides have been efficiently synthesized from lactulose using highly efficient OPME sialylation approaches. Further investigations are required to ascertain the probiotic activities for possible applications in pharmaceutical and food industries.Keywords: Neu5Gc, Chemo-enzymatic synthesis, Sialylation, Sialyllactulose, Lactulos

    Effect of pectin on properties of potato starch after dry heat treatment

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effect of pectin on the properties of potato starch after dry heat treatment. Methods: Rapid visco analyzer (RVA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), texture profile analyzer (TPA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and x-ray diffractometry (XRD) were used to determine the properties of modified potato starch and pectin blends after dry heat treatment. Results: Results from RVA showed that the peak viscosity of modified potato starch decreased gradually with increase in pectin concentration, dry heat time and dry heat temperature, while starch breakdown decreased and setback was increased to varying degrees. The lowest breakdown was 792 cP at dry heat temperature of 140 °C. Modified potato starch had broader ranges of gelatinization temperatures and lower gelatinization enthalpy than raw potato starch. Dry heat treatment improved the hardness, gumminess and chewiness of the gels of modified potato starch and pectin blends SEM micrographs showed some cluster shapes in microstructure after dry heat treatment of starch-pectin blends. Infrared spectra revealed that pectin addition and dry heat treatment did not cause changes in starch structure. However, x-ray diffractograms indicated that dry heat treatment weakened the third peak of potato starch. Conclusion: These results indicate that dry heat treatment effectively alters the properties of potato starch and pectin blends. This finding broadens the applications of modified potato starch in food and pharmaceutical industries

    Mesenchymal Stem Cell in the Intervertebral Disc

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    Degeneration of the intervertebral disc (IVD) is a major spinal disorder that causes back pain. Nucleus pulposus (NP) in the central of IVD dehydrates and become more fibrous in the IVD degeneration. NP cells undergo apoptosis with the degeneration of extracellular matrix (ECM) components. To replenish the NP cells and core ECM, bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSCs) have been highlighted in the regeneration of IVD degeneration. BMSCs differentiate into NP-like cells with the secretion of ECM components, which may not only replenish the number of NP cells but also stimulate NP reconstruction. This further maintains tissue homeostasis. Up to date, the disc progenitor cells (DPCs) have been identified with the characteristics of multidifferentiation and stem cell phenotype. These cells are involved in the IVD diseases and show regenerative potentials. However, the differences between the BMSCs and DPCs remain elusive, in particular, the cellular connection in vivo. As such, this chapter will discuss the findings of the two cell types and propose a novel concept in the understanding of the biology of IVD

    Effect of dry heat, microwave and ultrasonic treatments on physicochemical properties of potato starch with or without pectin

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    Purpose: To investigate the effects of dry heat, microwave and ultrasonic treatments on the physicochemical properties of potato starch alone or blended with pectin. Methods: The physicochemical properties of potato starch gels prepared using microwave, ultrasonic and dry heat treatments were assessed. Pasting properties, gel strength, thermal properties and crystal texture of the potato starch were determined using Rapid Visco analyzer, texture profile analyzer, differential scanning calorimeter and x-ray diffractometer. Results: Dry heat and ultrasonic treatments significantly increased the peak viscosity of the potato starch, and significantly decreased its setback and pasting temperatures (p < 0.05). Dry heat treatment significantly increased the hardness, while dry heat and ultrasonic treatments significantly improved retrogradation of the potato starch (p < 0.05). Transparency of potato starch paste was significantly increased by the different treatments, except microwave treatment (p < 0.05). Potato starch gels blended with pectin and subjected to any of the treatments exhibited significantly increased hardness, when compared with raw potato starch (p < 0.05). The retrogradation of the potato starch was significantly improved by the different treatments. Dry heat and ultrasonic treatments significantly decreased the syneresis of potato starch with or without pectin (p < 0.05). The three treatments also significantly affected the gelatinization enthalpy of the potato starch with or without pectin, and exerted some effects on the crystallinity of the gels. Conclusion: The results obtained in this study suggest that differences in physicochemical properties of potato starch gels are due mainly to the degree of damage to starch granules caused by different treatments. The addition of pectin to potato starch gel greatly improves its hardness and retrogradation

    Dispersion and intersection of hydrothermal plumes in the Manus Back-Arc Basin, Western Pacific

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    The composition of hydrothermal plumes reflects the physical and chemical characteristics of seafloor hydrothermal fluids, which in turn reflects the host rock and subseafloor reaction conditions as well as the water column processes that act to alter the plumes as they disperse and age. Here, we show that the turbidity, current, pH value, dissolved Fe (dFe), and dissolved Mn (dMn) compositions of hydrothermal plumes can be used to understand the spatial distribution and source of hydrothermal systems in the submarine geological environment. Data were obtained from 18 hydrocast stations, among which the water column samples were collected at 8 stations during the MANUS cruise of R/V KEXUE in 2015. The results showed that the Satanic Mills plume and Fenway plume rose approximately 140 m and 220 m above the seafloor, respectively. In the Satanic Mills plume, dFe remained longer than dMn during lateral plume dispersal. There was a clear intersection of the Satanic Mills plume and Fenway plume between 1625 m and 1550 m in the PACMANUS hydrothermal field, and the varied dispersion trends of the mixed plumes were affected by current velocities at different depths. The physical and chemical properties of the seawater columns in the Manus Basin were affected by the input of high-Mn, high-Fe, and low-Mg vent fluids. The turbidity and dFe, dMn, and dissolved Mg concentrations in the sections of the plumes proximal to the Satanic Mills, Fenway, and Desmos vent sites were generally higher (turbidity, Mn, and Fe) and lower (Mg) than those in the sections of the plumes that were more distal from the vent sites. This implied that the plumes proximal to their vent fluid sources, which were interpreted to have relatively young ages, dispersed chemically over time, and their concentrations became more similar to those of the plumes that were more distal from their vent fluid sources

    Massive nutrients offshore transport off the Changjiang Estuary in flooding summer of 2020

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    Flood events significantly increase water discharges and terrigenous material inputs to coastal waters. Riverine nutrients in the Changjiang Estuary are transported by the dispersion of Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW) plumes and detached low-salinity water patches. However, the effects of flooding on nutrient offshore transports have not been well explored. Here, we present the nutrient conditions in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent East China Sea in the historical flooding year 2020. Comparisons of nutrient distributions between flooding years, drought year and non-flooding years were also made. Our results showed that nitrate flux from the Changjiang River in August 2020 was 1.5 times that of the multi-year averaged flux in non-flooding years. Enormous riverine nutrient input resulted in much higher nutrient concentrations in the outer estuary than those in non-flooding years. In addition, a detached low-salinity water patch was observed, which made the salinity of the northern estuary even lower than that in the historical flooding year 1998. Surface dissolved inorganic nitrate (DIN) level in the low-salinity water patch was even ~16 times of that at nearby station in the drought year 2006. While phosphate (PO43−) concentrations were less than 0.1 μmol L−1 east of 123°E, which was probably caused by intensive biological uptake, as indicated by a high Chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration (29.08 μg L−1). The depleted PO43− and high N/P of the low-salinity water patch suggested PO43− limitation even under flood conditions. A three end-member mixing model was adopted to identify the contributions of the CDW end-member (CDWend-member) and biological process to nutrient distributions. Our model results showed that the nutrient contribution of the CDWend-member to the estuary (122–124°E, 31–32.5°N) in flooding year 2020 was over double that in drought year 2006. Model-derived biological DIN uptake was as high as 24.65 μmol L−1 at the low-salinity water patch. Accordingly, the estimated net community production was 566–1131 mg C m−2 d−1 within the euphotic zone. The offshore transport of a low-salinity, high-DIN water patch during flooding could probably have a significant influence on biogeochemical cycles in the broad shelf, and even the adjacent Japan Sea

    Effects of Interferons and Double-Stranded RNA on Human Prostate Cancer Cell Apoptosis

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    Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among men in the United States. Prostate cancer therapy is severely hampered by lack of response and development of resistance to conventional chemotherapeutic drugs in patients. Therefore, the development and discovery of new drugs have become an urgent clinical need. Interferons (IFNs), a family of pleiotropic cytokines, exert antitumor activities due to their anti-proliferative, immunomodulatory and proapoptotic functions. Here, we report that pretreatment of prostate cancer PC-3 cells with IFNs sensitized these cells to double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs)-induced apoptosis. The enhancement effect of IFN treatment was dependent on IFN subtypes, in particular, IFN γ. In comparison with IFN α or β, IFN γ treatment remarkably augmented apoptosis in PC-3 cells induced with polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (poly I:C), a synthesized form of dsRNA. We demonstrated that IFN-signaling was necessary for these effects by using mutant cell lines. Transfection of 2–5A, the activator of RNase L, or silencing of dsRNA-dependent protein kinase R (PKR) by siRNA did not have any significant impact on this event, suggesting that neither RNase L nor PKR was involved in poly I:C/IFN γ-induced apoptosis in the cells. Further investigation of the apoptotic pathway revealed that Bak, a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2family, was synergistically up-regulated by IFN γ and poly I:C, whereas other members of the family were not affected. Knocking down of Bak demonstrated its contribution to poly I:C/IFN γ-induced apoptosis in the cells. We believeour findings will precipitate the design of novel therapeutic strategies for prostate cancer
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