287 research outputs found

    Infant Death Rates between Different Medical Attendants

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    The function of midwives in the context of maternal health is important, especially when understanding the role of midwives in a global context compared to in the United States. Globally, midwives have served as historically important members in the process of childbirth, but their role has experienced changes in response to increased medicalization over the years, especially in the United States.1 Based of their use and effectiveness in a global context, literature suggests that it may be beneficial for both the healthcare system, mothers, and infants to expand the role of midwives in the United States.2 The purpose of this research was to compare infant death rates within the United States between births supervised by physicians (both MD and DO) versus midwives to understand if differences exist between the groups. Furthermore, in order to assess the role of potentially moderating social determinants of health, the impact of the mother’s race and use of prenatal care was assessed in relation to which type of medical attendant supervised the birth. Data from between 2007 and 2017 was collected on infant birth and death records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website (https://wonder.cdc.gov) for births that occurred in the United States to United States residents. Data was then categorized according to which type of medical attendant supervised the birth, mother’s race, and mother’s prenatal care. Data analysis showed that infant death rates were significantly higher when births were supervised by MD/DO physicians compared to midwives, and these differences persisted regardless of maternal race or prenatal care. These findings are relevant to helping understand the role of midwives within the United States healthcare system

    Extraction and Purification of DNA from Escherichia coli by Kit Promega and Electrophoresis

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    Orphan Extraction DNA from Escherichia coli by kit promega (# A1120) and accentuated this method positive result to procuration across being quantum from DNA, After that to knowledge any DNA we use Electrophoresis By Agarose gel and accentuated result being genomic DNA and compare with DNA Marker (10 kb) and find that genomic DNA heavydid n't migrant distance about well. Keywords: E.coli , Genomic DNA , Kit Prpmega (#A1120) , Agarose gel


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 1 Sindue Tobata yang beralamat di Jalan Trans Palu-Sabang Km. 73, Desa Alindau, Kecamatan Sindue Tobata Kabupaten Donggala selama 4 (empat) bulan, dari bulan Januari 2017 s.d.  April 2017. Metode yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah (School Action Research) dalam dua putaran atau dua siklus. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 6 (enam) guru di SMK Negeri 1 Sindue Tobata Kecamatan Sindue Tobata, Kabupaten Donggala pada semester 2 tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Hasil analisis data pada kondisi awal menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan dasar mengajar guru pada kondisi awal menunjukkan hasil yang kurang memuaskan, dimana dari 6 guru  hanya terdapat 2 guru atau 33,33% dalam kriteria cukup dan 4 guru atau 66,67% dalam kriteria kurang dengan rata-rata hasil penilaian sebesar 48,81 dengan kriteria kurang, pada siklus I terdapat 3 guru atau 50% yang mendapat kriteria baik dan 3 guru atau 50% dalam kriteria cukup dengan rata-rata mencapai angka 73,81. Pada siklus kedua terdapat 6 guru atau 100% yang mendapat kriteria baik dengan perolehan nilai rata-rata mencapai angka 90,48 dalam kriteria baik. Kata Kunci: Keterampilan dasar mengajar dan supervis klinis.  IMPROVEMENT OF BASIC TEACHING SKILLS FOR TEACHERS OF VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 1 SINDUE TOBATA THROUGH CLINICAL SUPERVISION Abstract: This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Sindue Tobata which is located at Jalan Trans Palu-Sabang Km. 73, Alindau Village, Sindue Tobata Subdistrict Donggala Regency for 4 (four) months, from January 2017 s.d. April 2017. The method used is School Action Research in two cycles or two cycles. The research subjects were 6 (six) teachers at SMK Negeri 1 Sindue Tobata, Sindue Tobata District, Donggala Regency in the second semester of the 2016/2017 academic year. The results of data analysis in the initial conditions show that the basic teaching skills of teachers in the initial conditions show unsatisfactory results, where out of 6 teachers there are only 2 teachers or 33.33% in sufficient criteria and 4 teachers or 66.67% in less than average criteria. -The average assessment result is 48.81 with poor criteria, in the first cycle there are 3 teachers or 50% who get good criteria and 3 teachers or 50% in sufficient criteria with an average of 73.81. In the second cycle, there were 6 teachers or 100% who got good criteria with an average score of 90.48 in good criteria. Keywords: Basic teaching skills and clinical supervision

    Perinatal outcomes in abruptio placenta

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    Background: Abruptio placentae is an obstetric emergency where placenta completely or partially separates before delivery of the baby. It occurs approximately in one in 120 deliveries. It is an important cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality.Methods: This was a prospective hospital-based study design conducted over a period of 2 years, in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at a tertiary care hospital in Mumbai comprising of 60 cases.Results: The incidence of abruption placentae in Present study is 0.51%. Authors had perinatal mortality in 6.6% of the cases. Out of 60 cases, 2 deaths occurred in utero. Out of the remaining 58 cases, 24 babies needed NICU care, out of them, 22 went home alive and 2 had neonatal deaths. Perinatal morbidity in the form of hyperbilirubinemia, CNS depression, septicemia, neonatal anemia and neonatal DIC were noted.Conclusions: High incidence of perinatal mortality in abruptio placentae is because of increased number of still births. In our studies, the perinatal mortality is 6.6% as compared to all other studies. This decline in perinatal mortality is due to improved obstetric care and excellent NICU facilities which are required for a majority of the cases


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    Banyak sekali permasalahan yang ditemukan dalam proses pembelajaran menulis. Beberapa permasalahan tersebut di antaranya: 1) motivasi siswa untuk belajar menulis masih rendah, 2) kebingungan guru dalam merancang strategi pembelajaran yang tepat untuk membangkitkan motivasi belajar siswa, 3) kesulitan guru dalam menghadapi karakteristik gaya belajar siswa yang berbeda-beda, 4) kesulitan guru untuk beradaptasi dengan kurikulum dan kebijakan sistem pendidikan yang baru. Untuk kepentingan mendapatkan alternatif pemecahan dari masalah di atas, dilakukan penelitian dengan fokus permasalahan yang dikaji meliputi: 1) profil pembelajaran menulis di kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Cileunyi, 2) proses pembelajaran menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks dengan menggunakan model writing workshop berorientasi kemampuan berpikir kritis, 3) hasil menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran writing workshop berorientasi kemampuan berpikir kritis, 4) perbedaan kemampuan menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks antara siswa kelas eksperimen dan kontrol, dan 5) respons siswa terhadap penerapan model writing workshop berorientasi kemampuan berpikir kritis dalam pembelajaran menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen bentuk Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Populasi penelitian mencakup seluruh siswa SMAN 1 Cileunyi kelas XI dengan sampel penelitian kelas XI IPA I dan 2. Temuan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) pembelajaran menulis di kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Cileunyi masih mengacu kepada kurikulum KTSP, 2) proses pembelajaran menulis teks ekspkanasi kompleks dengan menggunakan model writing workshop berorientasi kemampuan berpikir kritis dilakukan dalam tiga kali pertemuan atau selama 6 x 45 menit yang terdiri dari tahapan berbagi tulisan, menulis mandiri, konferensi, pembelajaran mini, dan publikasi tulisan, 3) terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar siswa sebesar 8,97% sesudah penerapan model writing workshop berorientasi kemampuan berpikir kritis, 4) terdapat perbedaan rata-rata nilai hasil belajar antara siswa di kelas kontrol dengan siswa yang berada di kelas eksperimen, 5) penerapan model writing workshop berorientasi kemampuan berpikir kritis mendapat respons yang positif dari siswa. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, dapat dikemukakan saran berikut: 1) model pembelajaran writing workshop layak dipertimbangkan sebagai alternatif model pembelajaran yang bisa digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran menulis. 2) dilakukan pengembangan model pada pembelajaran menulis lain secara komprehensif atau pada keterampilan berbahasa lainnya. There are many problems that found in the writing study process, those are: 1) low motivation of student to learn writing, 2) The suffering from disoriented of teachers to set up the learning strategy that awake the student learning motivation, 3) The difficulties of teachers to handle the differences of characteristic of student's learning style, 4) The difficulties of teachers to adapt the curriculum with a new articulate of education system policy. In order to get the alternative solution of the problems above, the research is mainly taken focusely to the problems including: 1) Writing study propfile of XI Grade student In SMAN I Cilenyi, 2) The writing study of complect explanation text process by using the writing workshop model oriented to the ability of think critically, 3) The Writing complect explanation text product by using the writing workshop model oriented to think cavability critically, 4) The differences of writing complect explanation text cavability between control and experiment class, and 5) The student‘s respond to the implementation of writing workshop model oriented to think cavability critically in the writing study of complect explanation text. Meanwhile, the research method used is experiment of Nonequivalent Controle Group Design method. The research population is all of the SMAN I Cilenyi at XI Grade 1 and 2 students. The finding of the research are: 1) the writing study in XI Grade of SMAN refers to 2006 curiculum, 2) The writing study process of complect explanation text that use the writing workshop model is oriented to the of critically thinking is done three time for 6x45 minute that consist of shared writing event, independent writing, sharing, mini lesson, konferences, and sharing of published work phase, 3) there is in creasing of the student learning result after the implementation of the writing workshop model is oriented to the ability of critically thinking 8,97%, 4) there are different average score of student between the control and experiment class, 5) The implementation of the writing workshop model is oriented to ability of critically thinking, get positive respond of the student. Based on those finding the researcher suggest several things such as: 1) The writing workshop model is good to be consider as an alternative model that is used in writing study process 2) do the development of learning model in the writing and other language skill

    Fusing strategic thinking and transformational leadership to harness new product development (NPD) team dynamics for innovation

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    Electronic learning system or better known as e-learning (electronic learning) is a learning program designed using web-based computer networks and the internet. The use of this system in Indonesian tertiary institutions continues to grow annually. One reason this system continues to evolve is that it is considered effective for distance learning and can help a wider area with more students. Besides, the system causes students and teachers not to use a protocol system that shows its rigid nature. Lectures run more flexibly by sticking to the final results already listed in the curriculum. To measure the level of success of a learning process evaluation is needed. One type of evaluation that can be used is authentic assessment. This assessment involves all the processes carried out in each lecture activity starting from the process, attitude, results. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The results obtained were 86.21% of students actively involved in the lecturing process. For assignment grades, 31.03% of students received an Excellent grade (SB), 65.52% received a good grade (B). For the UTS score, the highest value obtained in the Good criteria (B) is 52.72%. The rest are in the Fair (C) and less (K) criteria. For UAS, the highest score depends on the Good criteria (B) 65.52%, while the rest depends on sufficient criteria and requires improvement. From the results of these data, it is evident that e-learning lectures require additional evaluations for each meeting, periodic checks, and fast responses to complaints expressed by students both related to teaching materials and those related to the system. Keywords: Authentic Assessment, Writing Scientific Papers, E-Learning Â

    Collection of Change Management Models – An Opportunity to Make the Best Choice from the Various Organizational Transformational Techniques

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    Present day´s crucial corporate competitionproving the real time presence of `Darwin’s theory -Survival of the fittest` in the global industrial scenes.Consequently, the managers are pressed hard to take smartsteps for organizational continuous improvement. Theabove causes organizational chaos, since humans have theinnate habit to resist the change.The article suggests the logic over the change leader´sselection of the best suited transformational criteria fromthe variety of change management models for smartorganizational transformation process. The study resultssupport the selection of ADKAR Model being one of the bestto deal with the OSUVA case conditions due to having anability to highlight the problem areas at each changeprocess stage through barrier point identificationperspective

    Role of Coronary Calcium Score as a Screening Tool for Excluding Significant Coronary Artery Disease in High Risk Asymptomatic Patients

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine correlation of zero coronary artery calcium score (CACS) with non-significant coronary artery stenosis by using computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA). METHODOLOGY: 62 patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) underwent CACS test and CTCA from April 2018 to November 2020. Patients were examined with 160 slice multidetector CT and grouped according to their age, gender, CACS, and maximum coronary luminal stenosis. CACS was assessed using Agatston scoring and degree of stenosis was assessed by automatic software and severity was scored according to CAD-RADS. The correlation between these two main variables was calculated using Spearman rank correlation. RESULTS: The 62 patients were divided into four groups according to CACS, using the Agatston Unit (AU). Group 1; 0 AU (41 patients, 66.13%), Group 2; 1-100 AU (13 patients, 20.97%) Group 3; 101-400 AU (4 patients, 6.45%), Group 4; 401-1000 AU (4 patients, 6.45%). In 41 patients with zero calcium score (32 males and 9 females), 38 patients (92.68%) were found to have no coronary artery stenosis, 2 patients (4.87%) had mild coronary artery stenosis and 1 patient (2.43%) had moderate coronary artery stenosis. Total 35 patients presented for screening purpose out of which 25 (71%) had zero calcium score and no significant coronary artery disease. CONCLUSION: In high risk patients, zero calcium score excludes significant coronary artery stenosis (50%), hence coronary calcium score is a good screening tool before subjecting patients to coronary angiography
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