1,824 research outputs found

    Innovative Method of the Power Analysis

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    This paper describes an innovative method of the power analysis which presents the typical example of successful attacks against trusted cryptographic devices such as RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentifications) and contact smart cards. The proposed method analyzes power consumption of the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm with neural network, which successively classifies the first byte of the secret key. This way of the power analysis is an entirely new approach and it is designed to combine the advantages of simple and differential power analysis. In the extreme case, this feature allows to determine the whole secret key of a cryptographic module only from one measured power trace. This attribute makes the proposed method very attractive for potential attackers. Besides theoretical design of the method, we also provide the first implementation results. We assume that the method will be certainly optimized to obtain more accurate classification results in the future

    Consideraciones sobre el carbón y la carie de los cereales

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    Muy a menudo se lee en comunicaciones oficiales y no oficiales, que el carbón, la carie, y el polvillo ocasionan en los cereales, especialmente en el trigo, avena y maíz efectos desastrosos, produciendo en las cosechas mermas que se elevan de un décimo hasta un tercio, y aún hasta la mitad de la producción total, según mayor o menor intensidad de la enfermedad en un año dado; al mismo tiempo se aconseja al agricultor “sulfatar” la simiente como medida eficaz y segura. Por otra parte, se acusa frecuentemente al agricultor de ser culpable de tan elevadas pérdidas en las cosechas por su negligencia y excesiva comodidad al efectuar la siembra, porque aparentemente no ha efectuado el sulfatare de la simiente, vale decir, que no ha aplicado el santo remedio contra la mayoría de las enfermedades criptogámicas de los cultivos industriales. Y si el agricultor, en propia defensa, alega que ha ejecutado concienzudamente todas las indicaciones de la ciencia oficial sin haber conseguido conjurar las pérdidas en la producción esa misma ciencia oficial le demuestra sin vacilación lo contrario, valiéndose de una interpretación arbitraria de fenómenos biológicos del vegetal, de fenómenos meteorológicos y’de reacciones químicas a que el grano está expuesto ya sea en el remedio ya sea en el suelo. Las siguientes líneas tienen por objeto aclarar conceptos y justipreciar las medidas indicadas por una parte y efectuadas por otra, lo que permitirá también establecer responsabilidades.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Los hongos de la Phalaris Bulbosa

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    Debido al gran éxito que obtuvo la Estación Exptrimental de nuestra Facultad con la aclimatación, desarrollo y distribución de la forragera Phalaris bulbosa me pareció oportuno de observar durante el año agrícola 1919-1920 su ciclo evolutivo con el fin de establecer cuáles son las micromícetas, sea parásitas sea saprofitas, que la habitaban. Durante las frecuentes inspecciones no observé en todo el plantoo anormaiidad alguna sino recién en el período fructificativo cuando una que otra espiga se mostró primero descolorida y luego se secó prematuramente, perdiendo sus semillas al medio madurar y sin causa aparente. Algún tiempo después de la cosecha observé sobre los culmos, secos ya, varios hongos, casi todos saprofitos, figurando entre ellos también la Gibberella Saubinetii que está relacionada con el parásito Fusarium roseum Lk y habiendo encontrado algunos conidios del género Fusarium no es aventurado suponer que la pérdida, aunque pequeña en la actualidad, de las espigas antes mencionada se atribuya al ataque del Fusarium rostum Lk, cuyo estado ascóforo se presenta más tarde sobre los culmos de la forragera bajo forma de la Gibberella Saubinetii. De todos modos la investigación llevada a cabo hace resaltar la resistencia extraordinaria de la Phalaris bulbosa a las fitonosías fitogénicas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Privacy-preserving security solution for cloud services

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    AbstractWe propose a novel privacy-preserving security solution for cloud services. Our solution is based on an efficient non-bilinear group signature scheme providing the anonymous access to cloud services and shared storage servers. The novel solution offers anonymous authenticationfor registered users. Thus, users' personal attributes (age, valid registration, successful payment) can be proven without revealing users' identity, and users can use cloud services without any threat of profiling their behavior. However, if a user breaks provider's rules, his access right is revoked. Our solution provides anonymous access, unlinkability and the confidentiality of transmitted data. We implement our solution as a proof of concept applicationand present the experimental results. Further, we analyzecurrent privacy preserving solutions for cloud services and group signature schemes as basic parts of privacy enhancing solutions in cloud services. We compare the performance of our solution with the related solutionsand schemes

    Dimethyl ether as a renewable fuel for diesel engines

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    ArticleThe area of automotive fuel, or fuel components, which can be produced from biomass also includes dimethyl ether, otherwise known as DME. The issue of the use of DME as a fuel is one which has been monitored until recently. Biomass can also be used as the raw material for the production of DME. DME has therefore replaced the previously-used CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), which are now banned for their role in dangerous levels of ozone depletion. With regard to its physical properties and combustion characteristics, it is currently expected that DME will soon apply significantly as a fuel in the municipal sector and in households, and as an alternative fuel for motor vehicles with diesel engines. DME is a suitable fuel for diesel engines and can be considered as one of the most promising diesel fuel replacements. DME is a suitable fuel for diesel engines mainly due to its low self-ignition temperature and good cetane figures. It is well miscible with most organic solvents and because the polar solvent is water-immiscible. The advantage is its high levels of purity, and its being free of sulphur, nitrogen, or metals. The physical properties of DME are very similar to the physical properties of LPG. DME requires relatively complex and costly fuel accessories, but the original compression ratio of the diesel engine is maintained. A diagram of the fuel system is illustrated in the paper. The paper analyses the dependence of vapour pressure on temperature, the dependence of the density on temperature, kinematic viscosity, the flash point, the boiling point, and the solubility of water. The objective is to evaluate this interesting energy source for applications in diesel engines

    Energy analysis of hydrogen as a fuel in the Czech Republic

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    ArticleThe concept of ‘hydrogen economy’ dates back to the 1970s. It was first introduced as s response to the first oil crisis. In the context of the hydrogen economy, it is important to calculate how much hydrogen would be needed to power all motor vehicles in the Czech Republic. This is main topics of this paper. To calculate the amount of hydrogen, we used two different methods. One is based on thermodynamic laws and the other on normal operating conditions. Both approaches yielded comparable results. It was found out that even with the use of all the electricity produced in the Czech Republic in 2016, we would not be able to cover the amount of energy that is required for production. It would cover only 75% resp. 76% depending on the calculation method used. Eventually, the Czech Republic could buy necessary amount of hydrogen and it would cost between 11 and 29 billion euros which is between 6% and 16% of GDP of the Czech Republic. In the calculations, authors found out that most fuel is burnt in the passenger cars. Therefore, we made a sensitivity analysis to find out how much our results would differ if fuel consumption changed. It turns out that with an increase in consumption of 1l per 100 km, hydrogen production coverage will decrease by about 4% (again with the use of all electricity produced in the Czech Republic)

    Становлення та розвиток науки міжнародного права у Львівському університеті

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    Земан І. В. Становлення та розвиток науки міжнародного права у Львівському університеті : автореф. дис. ... канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.11 / І. В. Земан; кер. роботи В. М. Репецький; Нац. ун.-т "Одеська юридична академія". – Одеса, 2014. – 19 с.Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.11 - міжнародне право. Національний університет «Одеська юридична академія», Одеса, 2014. Дисертація присвячейа аналізу історії становлення та розвитку науки міжнародного права у Львівському університеті. Вперше у вітчизняній науці здійснено комплексний аналіз основних етапів розвитку міжнародно-правової доктрини в цьому навчальному закладі. Досліджено характерні особливості еволюції процесу навчання міжнародного права фахівцями університету. Виходячи з аналізу наукових робіт юристів-міжнародників Львівського університету виявлено основні напрямки досліджень в кожний історико-правовий період. Предметом наукових досліджень виступали питання міжнародного гуманітарного права, дипломатичного та консульського права, права міжнародних організацій. У роботі обґрунтовано тезу про наявність елементів спадковості протягом етапів розвитку міжнародно-правової науки у Львівському університеті. Доведено існування самостійної школи міжнародного права в міжвоєнний період. Проведено порівняльно-правовий аналіз концепцій науковців Львівського університету з поглядами їхніх сучасників в західній міжнародно-правовій доктрині. Окрему увагу приділено методології наукових досліджень вчених-міжнародників Львівського університету. Було встановлено, що представники навчального закладу дотримувались в основному позитивно-правового підходу до розуміння міжнародного права.Диссертация на соискание научной степени кандидата юридических наук по специальности 12.00.11 - международное право. Национальный университет «Одесская юридическая академия», Одесса, 2014. Диссертация посвящена анализу истории становления и развития науки международного права в Львовском университете. Впервые в отечественной науке осуществлен комплексный анализ основных этапов развития международно-правовой доктрины в этом учебном заведении. В работе объединены три компоненты историко-правового исследования, которые заключаются в детальном анализе событий истории дипломатии, анализе жизни и творчества ученых университета, а также изучению основных научных концепций юристов-международников учебного заведения. Исследованы характерные особенности эволюции процесса обучения международного права специалистами университета. На основе анализа научных работ юристов-международников учебного заведения установлено ключевые направления исследований в каждый историко-правовой период. Предметом научных исследований выступали вопросы международного гуманитарного права, дипломатического и консульского права, права международных организаций. В работе обосновано тезис о наличии элементов наследственности течение этапов развития международно-правовой науки в Львовском университете. Доказано существование самостоятельной школы международного права в межвоенный период. Проведен сравнительно-правовой анализ концепций ученых Львовского университета со взглядами их современников в западной международно-правовой доктрине. Отдельное внимание уделено методологии научных исследований ученых-международников Львовского университета. Было установлено, что представители учебного заведения придерживались в основном позитивно-правового подхода к пониманию международного права. Значительное внимание уделяется изучению концептуальных идей и взглядов таких представителей Львовского университета, как Г. Рошковский, 3. Цибиховський, С. Днистрянский, Л. Эрлих, А. Деринг, В. Преображенская, П. Недбайло и других известных ученых. Подчеркнуто их широкий международный авторитет, который подтверждался участием в Институте международного права, приглашениями читать курсы лекций в Гаагской академии международного права, работой судьей ad hoc в Постоянной палате международного правосудия.Thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Law in speciality 12.00.11 - International Law. - National University «Odessa Law Academy». - Odessa, 2014. The thesis is devoted to the analysis of the history of formation and development of science of international law at Lviv University. A comprehensive analysis of main periods of the development of international legal doctrine at Lviv University has been performed for the first time in the Ukrainian science. Characteristic features of the evolution of teaching international law by specialist of the university have been investigated. Main directions of the research in every historical legal period have been defined on the basic of the analysis of scientific works of international lawyers. The subject of the research covers the issues of international humanitarian law, diplomatic and consular law, the law of international organizations. In the dissertation a thesis of the presence of elements of continuity during the stages of the development of international legal science at Lviv University has been argued. The existence of an independent school of international law in the inter-war period has been proved. A comparative legal analysis of scientific concepts of Lviv University researchers with doctrinal views of west European contemporaries has been conducted. Special attention has been paid to the methodology of scientific research used by international lawyers of Lviv University. The representatives of this educational institution have been found to keep to legal positivism views in the understanding of international law

    Calculation of mechanical and thermal influences during coiling of hot strip

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    Coiled steel strip is the final product from flat hot rolling processes. With increasing demand for higher quality of hot rolled strips, especially the evolution of strip flatness during and after coiling becomes a crucial aspect. The main impacts on the flatness properties of hot rolled strips result from residual stresses and “eigen-strains” induced by the last hot rolling passes, by strip cooling at the run-out table, and finally, by the mechanical and thermal conditions during and after the coiling process itself. In this paper, a mathematical model is presented, which takes into account the mechanical and thermal effects on hot rolled strip during and after the coiling process. To improve the prediction quality of the underlying process, a customized self-developed 3D finite-element model has been developed and programmed in C++, leading to a software prototype, which is highly superior to commercial FEM-packages with respect to calculation time and storage capacities. The model is based on a dynamic implicit total Lagrangian formulation. All relevant devices directly interacting with the strip, such as pinch rolls, coiler rolls and mandrel are incorporated in the calculation model. Well known and established methods in the solid-shell theory, like the EAS- and ANS-method, were applied to prevent the occurrence of locking phenomena resulting from low order interpolation functions. Selected benchmark tests were performed to evaluate the accuracy of these novel solid-shell elements in comparison to the results attained by the FEM- package ABAQUS©. The results obtained so far agree very satisfactorily. A further important topic is the contact and friction algorithm, where Coulomb’s friction law is applied. The accurate and reliable determination of the contact between strip and interacting devices as well as the aspect of self-contact was treated by applying a sophisticated two dimensional contact search algorithm, leading to a significantly reduced calculation time. The highly non-linear time-dependent system of equations is integrated by utilizing the (implicit) Newmark time-integration scheme. The developed calculation model serves as an effective tool to predict the interesting stress-distributions and local plastic deformations inside the strip, which induce residual stresses and strip unflatness (latent or even manifest waviness). Furthermore, this tool p ovides the basis for further improvements and investigations on hot rolling production lines

    Usage of modal synthesis method with condensation in rotor

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    The paper deals with mathematical modelling of vibration and modal analysis of rotors composed of a flexible shaft and several flexible disks. The shaft is modelled as a one dimensional continuum whereon flexible disks modelled as a three dimensional continuum are rigid mounted to shaft. The presented approach allows to introduce continuously distributed centrifugal and gyroscopic effects. The finite element method was used for shaft and disks discretization. The modelling of such flexible multi-body rotors with large DOF number is based on the system decomposition into subsystems and on the modal synthesis method with condensation. Lower vibration mode shapes of the mutually uncoupled and non-rotating subsystems are used for creation of the rotor condensed mathematical model. An influence of the different level of a rotor condensation model on the accuracy of calculated eigenfrequencies and eigenvectors is discussed