17 research outputs found
Saturs: PriekÅ”vÄrds. Profesors Maksims Duhanovs - pedagogs un zinÄtnieks / K. PoÄs. VÄstures zinÄtÅu doktora profesora Maksima Duhanova publicÄtie darbi (1954.-1980.). Darbi par vÄstures zinÄtÅu doktoru profesoru M. Duhanovu. VÄstures zinÄtÅu doktora profesora M. Duhanova darbu alfabÄtiskais rÄdÄ«tÄjs. Personu rÄdÄ«tÄjs
Saturs: PriekÅ”vÄrds. Profesors Maksims Duhanovs - pedagogs un zinÄtnieks / K. PoÄs. VÄstures zinÄtÅu doktora profesora Maksima Duhanova publicÄtie darbi (1954.-1980.). Darbi par vÄstures zinÄtÅu doktoru profesoru M. Duhanovu. VÄstures zinÄtÅu doktora profesora M. Duhanova darbu alfabÄtiskais rÄdÄ«tÄjs. Personu rÄdÄ«tÄjs
BibliogrÄfiskajÄ rÄdÄ«tÄjÄ sakopotas publikÄcijas, ko sarakstÄ«juÅ”i PÄtera
StuÄkas Latvijas Valsts universitÄtes profesori, docenti, pasniedzÄji, aspiranti,
laboranti un citi zinÄtniskie darbinieki divdesmit gados (1945.ā1965.).
RÄdÄ«tÄja pirmÄ da|a aptver darbus sabiedriski politiskajÄs zinÄtnÄs un
humanitÄrajÄs zinÄtnÄs. TajÄ apkopoti Å”Ädi izdevumu veidi: mÄcÄ«bu grÄmatas,
dažÄdi mÄcÄ«bu lÄ«dzekli (iespiesti tipogrÄfiski vai ar rotaprintu), monogrÄfijas,
kandidÄta un doktora disertÄcijas un to autoreferÄti, raksti, kas ievietoti krÄjumos
un zinÄtniskajÄ periodikÄ, raksti, kas publicÄti žurnÄlos un laikrakstos,
kÄ arÄ« konferencÄs nolasÄ«to referÄtu tÄzes.
Viss materiÄls sistematizÄts pÄc zinÄtÅu nozarÄm. Katras zinÄtÅu nozares
ietvaros tas sakÄrtots autoru uzvÄrdu alfabÄta kÄrtÄ«bÄ, bet viena autora
darbi savukÄrt sakÄrtoti darbu nosaukumu alfabÄta kÄrtÄ«bÄ
The visual rhetoric of advertising in magazine "Cosmopolitan" (2002ā2014)
Bakalaura darbÄ āVizuÄlÄ retorika žurnÄla āCosmopolitanā reklÄmÄs (2002-2014) tika pÄtÄ«ts kÄ mainÄ«juÅ”Äs ir vizuÄlÄs retorikas attÄ«stÄ«bas tendences divapdsmit gadu laikÄ. DarbÄ tika izvirzÄ«ts mÄrÄ·is ar kontentanalÄ«zes metodes palÄ«dzÄ«bu, izanalizÄt reklÄmas no žurnÄla iznÄkÅ”anas lÄ«dz Å”im gadam.
Darbs sastÄv no trÄ«s daļÄm ā teorijas, metodoloÄ£ijas un empÄ«rijas daļÄm. Teorijas daÄ¼Ä ir apkopota informÄcija par medijiem, tai skaitÄ Å¾urnÄlu raksturojumiem un iedalÄ«jumiem, reklÄmu, tai skaitÄ reklÄmu žurnÄlos un tÄs manipulÄciju un kultivÄciju, kÄ arÄ« reklÄmas vizuÄlo komunikÄciju, tai skaitÄ vizuÄlo retoriku, semiotiku un metaforÄm. MetodoloÄ£ijas daÄ¼Ä ir aprakstÄ«tas darbÄ izmantotÄs metodes ā kontentanalÄ«ze un fokusgrupas diskusija. EmpÄ«riskÄ daÄ¼Ä ir apkopoti pÄtÄ«juma rezultÄti.
AtslÄgas vÄrdi: VizuÄlÄ retorika, žurnÄlu reklÄmas, Cosmopolitan, kontentanalÄ«ze.āThis bachelors paper, The visual rhetoric of advertising in magazine āCosmopolitanā (2002-2014), deals with the issue of the development of visual rhetoric in a timespan of twelve years. The aim of this research was to analyze the printed advertisements in the Cosmopolitan magazines issued form 2002 to 2014 by using content analysis as the data analysis method.
This paper consists of three parts ā theoretical, methodological, and empirical part. In the theoretical part the author presents summarized information on the subject of mass media, including characterization and systematization of magazines and advertisements, including printed advertisements in magazines and the manipulation and cultivation of it, as well as the visual communication in advertisements, including visual rhetoric, semiotics and metaphors. In the methodological part the author describes the methods used in the paper ā content analysis method and a focus group discussion. In the empirical part the author summarizes the results of this research.
Keywords: visual rhetoric, advertisements in magazine, Cosmopolitan, content analysis
The Social Work Environment of a Special Education Teacher as a Successful Condition for Cooperation with Parents at Preschool
Diplomdarba āSpeciÄla pedagoga sociÄlÄ darba vide kÄ veiksmÄ«gs sadarbÄ«bas nosacÄ«jums ar vecÄkiem pirmsskolÄā mÄrÄ·is ir izpÄtÄ«t speciÄlÄ pedagoga sociÄlo darba vidi un sadarbÄ«bas iespÄjas ar vecÄkiem. TeorÄtiskajÄ daÄ¼Ä analizÄta literatÅ«ra par saskarsmi, pirmsskolas sociÄlo darba vidi, par sadarbÄ«bas iespÄjÄm starp speciÄlo pedagogu un vecÄkiem. AplÅ«kota likumdoÅ”ana par speciÄlÄ pedagoga un vecÄku tiesÄ«bÄm, un pienÄkumiem. PÄtÄ«juma laikÄ tika anketÄti 36 speciÄlie pedagogi, 48 bÄrnu vecÄki un x speciÄlÄs pirmsskolas iestÄdes 6 pedagogi un bÄrnu vecÄki. PÄtÄ«juma laikÄ tika analizÄti divi atŔķirÄ«gi mÄcÄ«bu procesa organizÄcijas veidi - viens no mÄcÄ«bu procesa organizÄcijas veidiem ir , kad bÄrni iet uz nodarbÄ«bÄm pie speciÄlÄ pedagoga; Otrais - speciÄlais pedagogs strÄdÄ grupÄ, kÄ grupas un speciÄlais pedagogs vienlaicÄ«gi. PÄtÄ«juma rezultÄti liecina, ka no sadarbÄ«bas viedokļa labÄks ir modelis, kad speciÄlais pedagogs strÄda grupÄ vienlaicÄ«gi kÄ grupas un speciÄlais pedagogs.
PÄtÄ«juma gaitÄ tika izstrÄdÄti ieteikumi veiksmÄ«gÄkai sadarbÄ«bai starp speciÄlo pedagogu un bÄrnu vecÄkiem. Tika izveidots informatÄ«vs buklets vecÄkiem par sadarbÄ«bas iespÄjÄm ar speciÄlo pedagogu. BukletÄ vecÄki tiek aicinÄti uz sadarbÄ«bu ar speciÄlo pedagogu, tÄ paplaÅ”inot bÄrna izaugsmes iespÄjas, un veicinot harmoniskÄku bÄrna attÄ«stÄ«bu.
AtslÄgvÄrdi: speciÄlais pedagogs, sociÄlÄ darba vide, sadarbÄ«ba, pirmsskola.The aim of this thesis āThe social work environment of a special education teacher as a successful condition for cooperation with parents at preschoolā is to research the social work environment of a special education teacher and the collaboration possibilities with parents. The theoretical part analyses literature on communication, social work environment at preschool and possibilities of collaboration between a special education teacher and parents. It inspects the legislation on the rights and responsibilities of a special education teacher and parents. During the research process 36 special education teachers, 48 parents and 6 teachers and parents of a special preschool education institution x were surveyed. During the research there were two different educational process organization types analyzed: one of the educational process organization types concerns children attending classes of a special education teacher and the other one concerns a special education teacher working with a group as a group and as a special education teacher at the same time.
The research concludes that collaboration wise the best model is the one that regards a special education teacher working with a group as a group and as a special education teacher at the same time.
During the research process there were recommendations implemented in respect of a more successful collaboration between a social education teacher and parents. An informative brochure on possibilities of collaboration with a special education teacher was designed for parents. The brochure invites parents to collaborate with a special education teacher thereby increasing the possibilities of childrenās progress and facilitating a more harmonious development of children.
Keywords: special education teacher, social work environment, collaboration, preschool
Development of the basic rights in Latvia
CilvÄktiesÄ«bas un pamattiesÄ«bas ir tiesÄ«bu kategorija, kas vispirms raksturo cilvÄka un valsts attiecÄ«bas. PamattiesÄ«bu jÄdziens ir saistÄ«ts ar konstitucionÄlÄ likuma pozitÄ«vismu, tÄs ir subjektÄ«vÄs tiesÄ«bas, kas tiek garantÄtas Latvijas Republikas SatversmÄ. Ar jÄdzienu ācilvÄktiesÄ«basā parasti tiek apzÄ«mÄtas tiesÄ«bas, kas noteiktas starptautisko tiesÄ«bu normÄs, bet ar jÄdzienu āpamattiesÄ«basā ā tiesÄ«bas, kas noteiktas valsts iekÅ”Äjo (nacionÄlo) tiesÄ«bu normÄs. Lai precÄ«zi apzÄ«mÄtu visu Å”o tiesÄ«bu kopumu, korekti bÅ«tu lietot abus jÄdzienus kopÄ ā ācilvÄktiesÄ«bas un pamattiesÄ«basā. PamattiesÄ«bu centrÄ ir jÄbÅ«t cilvÄkam kÄ personÄ«bai, jo tÄs aizsargÄ konkrÄtas personÄ«bas izpausmes veidus. Pie tam, tÄs var pildÄ«t savu funkciju tikai tad, ja tÄm ir augstÄks rangs nekÄ citÄm normÄm. LÄ«dz ar to, par pamattiesÄ«bÄm jÄuzskata tikai tÄs tiesÄ«bas, kuras ir iekļautas konstitucionÄla ranga vai augstÄka juridiska ranga aktÄ, nekÄ tas ir āparastamā likumam.
PamattiesÄ«bas ir izteikts 20. ā 21.gs. jÄdziens, tomÄr tÄs tika iekļautas arÄ« 16. ā 19.gs. normatÄ«vajos aktos. Jau kopÅ” 16.gs. dažÄdos normatÄ«vajos aktos tika garantÄtas vairÄkas pamattiesÄ«bas: tiesÄ«bas uz tiesas aizsardzÄ«bu, ticÄ«bas brÄ«vÄ«ba, tiesÄ«bas uz Ä«paÅ”umu, dzÄ«vÄ«bu u.c. TÄ kÄ Latvijas teritorijÄ pastÄvÄja kÄrtu sabiedrÄ«ba, tad arÄ« pamattiesÄ«bas katrai no kÄrtÄm, atkarÄ«bÄ no tai esoÅ”ajÄm privilÄÄ£ijÄm un/ vai ierobežojumiem, atŔķīrÄs. AtŔķīrÄs arÄ« garantÄto pamattiesÄ«bu apjoms, kuras tika garantÄtas katrai kÄrtai.
Modernu, konstitucionÄla lÄ«meÅa pamattiesÄ«bu katalogu Latvijas valsts ieguva tikai 1998.gadÄ, kad Satversme tika papildinÄta ar 8.nodaļu āCilvÄka pamattiesÄ«basā. TomÄr, attÄ«stoties sabiedrÄ«bai, tai kļūstot aizvien kompleksÄkai, lÄ«dzi mainÄs arÄ« pamattiesÄ«bu saturs. LÄ«dz ar to, tas, kas Å”odien ir moderns un laikmetam atbilstoÅ”s, pÄc gadiem var bÅ«t jau novecojis un pakļaujams izmaiÅÄm. TomÄr, nedrÄ«kst aizmirst, ka pamattiesÄ«bu pamatÄ ir un paliek personas aizsardzÄ«bas mehÄnisms pret valsti, kura galvenais uzdevums ir noteikt personas individuÄlÄs brÄ«vÄ«bas sfÄras robežu pret valsts iejaukÅ”anos.Human and fundamental rights are category of the law that characterizes at foremost interaction between individual and state. Concept of fundamental rights is bound with possessiveness of constitutional law; these are subjective rights, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia. With concept of human rights typically are marked rights stated by international laws, but fundamental rights are prescribed by national laws. To formulate explicitly whole volume of these rights correctly would be join both human and fundamental rights. In the centre of the fundamental rights should be individual as personality because these rights protect ways of expression of the distinct individual. These rights could present only when they are superior to other laws. Therefore only these rights should be declared as fundamental whose are includes into laws ranked to constitutional or even higher ranked acts not in laws with power of āordinaryā laws.
Fundamental rights are typical concept of XX ā XXI centuries, but these rights were included into laws and regulations in XVI to XIX. Already from XVI century into several laws were guaranteed some fundamental rights: protection of the court, freedom of religion, proprietary right and so forth. In Latvia community were ranked, therefore fundamental rights differ from class to rank, depending on privileges and freedoms of certain position. Differs also guaranteed volume of fundamental rights assured to each class.
Modern set of fundamental rights at constitutional level Latvian state gained only in year 1998 when to Constitution of the Republic of Latvia were added caper 8 - Fundamental Human Rights. Nonetheless by the means of community improvement up to develops fundamental rights issue. Therefore that what is modern and up to date today in years to come will become obsolete and supposed to be alternated. But should not forget that base of fundamental rights stays and remains main instrument of protection person, from state and primary accent of these rights is to determine sphere of personal freedoms to protect them from implication of state
Development of the basic rights in Latvia
CilvÄktiesÄ«bas un pamattiesÄ«bas ir tiesÄ«bu kategorija, kas vispirms raksturo cilvÄka un valsts attiecÄ«bas. PamattiesÄ«bu jÄdziens ir saistÄ«ts ar konstitucionÄlÄ likuma pozitÄ«vismu, tÄs ir subjektÄ«vÄs tiesÄ«bas, kas tiek garantÄtas Latvijas Republikas SatversmÄ. Ar jÄdzienu ācilvÄktiesÄ«basā parasti tiek apzÄ«mÄtas tiesÄ«bas, kas noteiktas starptautisko tiesÄ«bu normÄs, bet ar jÄdzienu āpamattiesÄ«basā ā tiesÄ«bas, kas noteiktas valsts iekÅ”Äjo (nacionÄlo) tiesÄ«bu normÄs. Lai precÄ«zi apzÄ«mÄtu visu Å”o tiesÄ«bu kopumu, korekti bÅ«tu lietot abus jÄdzienus kopÄ ā ācilvÄktiesÄ«bas un pamattiesÄ«basā. PamattiesÄ«bu centrÄ ir jÄbÅ«t cilvÄkam kÄ personÄ«bai, jo tÄs aizsargÄ konkrÄtas personÄ«bas izpausmes veidus. Pie tam, tÄs var pildÄ«t savu funkciju tikai tad, ja tÄm ir augstÄks rangs nekÄ citÄm normÄm. LÄ«dz ar to, par pamattiesÄ«bÄm jÄuzskata tikai tÄs tiesÄ«bas, kuras ir iekļautas konstitucionÄla ranga vai augstÄka juridiska ranga aktÄ, nekÄ tas ir āparastamā likumam.
PamattiesÄ«bas ir izteikts 20. ā 21.gs. jÄdziens, tomÄr tÄs tika iekļautas arÄ« 16. ā 19.gs. normatÄ«vajos aktos. Jau kopÅ” 16.gs. dažÄdos normatÄ«vajos aktos tika garantÄtas vairÄkas pamattiesÄ«bas: tiesÄ«bas uz tiesas aizsardzÄ«bu, ticÄ«bas brÄ«vÄ«ba, tiesÄ«bas uz Ä«paÅ”umu, dzÄ«vÄ«bu u.c. TÄ kÄ Latvijas teritorijÄ pastÄvÄja kÄrtu sabiedrÄ«ba, tad arÄ« pamattiesÄ«bas katrai no kÄrtÄm, atkarÄ«bÄ no tai esoÅ”ajÄm privilÄÄ£ijÄm un/ vai ierobežojumiem, atŔķīrÄs. AtŔķīrÄs arÄ« garantÄto pamattiesÄ«bu apjoms, kuras tika garantÄtas katrai kÄrtai.
Modernu, konstitucionÄla lÄ«meÅa pamattiesÄ«bu katalogu Latvijas valsts ieguva tikai 1998.gadÄ, kad Satversme tika papildinÄta ar 8.nodaļu āCilvÄka pamattiesÄ«basā. TomÄr, attÄ«stoties sabiedrÄ«bai, tai kļūstot aizvien kompleksÄkai, lÄ«dzi mainÄs arÄ« pamattiesÄ«bu saturs. LÄ«dz ar to, tas, kas Å”odien ir moderns un laikmetam atbilstoÅ”s, pÄc gadiem var bÅ«t jau novecojis un pakļaujams izmaiÅÄm. TomÄr, nedrÄ«kst aizmirst, ka pamattiesÄ«bu pamatÄ ir un paliek personas aizsardzÄ«bas mehÄnisms pret valsti, kura galvenais uzdevums ir noteikt personas individuÄlÄs brÄ«vÄ«bas sfÄras robežu pret valsts iejaukÅ”anos.Human and fundamental rights are category of the law that characterizes at foremost interaction between individual and state. Concept of fundamental rights is bound with possessiveness of constitutional law; these are subjective rights, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia. With concept of human rights typically are marked rights stated by international laws, but fundamental rights are prescribed by national laws. To formulate explicitly whole volume of these rights correctly would be join both human and fundamental rights. In the centre of the fundamental rights should be individual as personality because these rights protect ways of expression of the distinct individual. These rights could present only when they are superior to other laws. Therefore only these rights should be declared as fundamental whose are includes into laws ranked to constitutional or even higher ranked acts not in laws with power of āordinaryā laws.
Fundamental rights are typical concept of XX ā XXI centuries, but these rights were included into laws and regulations in XVI to XIX. Already from XVI century into several laws were guaranteed some fundamental rights: protection of the court, freedom of religion, proprietary right and so forth. In Latvia community were ranked, therefore fundamental rights differ from class to rank, depending on privileges and freedoms of certain position. Differs also guaranteed volume of fundamental rights assured to each class.
Modern set of fundamental rights at constitutional level Latvian state gained only in year 1998 when to Constitution of the Republic of Latvia were added caper 8 - Fundamental Human Rights. Nonetheless by the means of community improvement up to develops fundamental rights issue. Therefore that what is modern and up to date today in years to come will become obsolete and supposed to be alternated. But should not forget that base of fundamental rights stays and remains main instrument of protection person, from state and primary accent of these rights is to determine sphere of personal freedoms to protect them from implication of state
An examination of the Latvian clinical personality inventory criterion validity of overreporting scales for the Russian version.
VeselÄ«bas psiholoÄ£ijaPsiholoÄ£ijaHealth PsychologyPsychologyÅ is pÄtÄ«jums veikts Latvijas InvestÄ«ciju un attÄ«stÄ«bas aÄ£entÅ«rasāÆ(LIAA) projekta KC-PI-2020/18 "KlÄ«niskais personÄ«bas tests (II posms)" ietvaros. PÄtÄ«juma mÄrÄ·is ir veikt Latvijas KlÄ«niskÄ personÄ«bas testa (LKPT) krievu versijas (Perepjolkina u.c., 2021.) simptomu pÄrspÄ«lÄÅ”anas skalu kriteriÄlÄs pamatotÄ«bas pÄrbaudi.
PÄtÄ«juma ietvaros tika analizÄtas simptomu pÄrspÄ«lÄÅ”anas atbilžu sniegÅ”anas skalas ā SP1 ā Psihotisko traucÄjumu pÄrspÄ«lÄÅ”anas indekss un SP2 ā GarastÄvokļa, neirotisko un ar stresu saistÄ«to traucÄjumu pÄrspÄ«lÄÅ”anas indekss. KriteriÄlÄs pamatotÄ«bas pÄrbaudei tika izvirzÄ«ti pamatkritÄriji: SP1 skalai psihotisko traucÄjumu simptomu pÄrspÄ«lÄÅ”anas instrukcija (B instrukcija), SP2 skalai garastÄvokļa, neirotisko un ar stresu saistÄ«to traucÄjumu simptomu pÄrspÄ«lÄÅ”anas instrukcija (C instrukcija).
PÄtÄ«jumÄ piedalÄ«jÄs 49 respondenti (nsiev = 81.6%, nvÄ«r = 18.4%, M = 37.59, SD = 11.72). Respondenti aizpildÄ«ja informÄto piekriÅ”anu, demogrÄfisko datu aptauju un divas reizes (otro reizi tests tika pildÄ«ts nÄkamajÄ dienÄ) LKPT testa krievu versiju. IevÄrojot nejauŔības principu, daļa no respondentiem pirmajÄ dienÄ saÅÄma B vai C instrukciju, nÄkamajÄ dienÄ visi respondenti aizpildÄ«ja testu pÄc A instrukcijas (pildot testu godÄ«gi).
IegÅ«tie rezultÄti liecina par to, ka ir apstiprinÄta LKPT krievu versijas SP1 un SP2 skalu kriteriÄlÄ pamatotÄ«ba ā SP skalu apgalvojumi diferencÄ dalÄ«bniekus atkarÄ«bÄ no sniegtajÄm instrukcijÄm, pildot testu godÄ«gi (A instrukcija), pÄrspÄ«lÄjot psihotisko traucÄjumu simptomus (B instrukcija) un pÄrspÄ«lÄjot garastÄvokļa, neirotiskos un ar stresu radÄ«tos simptomus (C instrukcija). Tas nozÄ«mÄ, ka tiek veicinÄtas kvalitatÄ«vÄkas individuÄlÄs psiholoÄ£iskÄs izpÄtes procedÅ«ras, palÄ«dzot speciÄlistiem atpazÄ«t simptomu pÄrspÄ«lÄÅ”anu un veikt maksimÄli korektus secinÄjumus par katru indivÄ«du, kas veicis Å”o testu.
TurpmÄk bÅ«tu nepiecieÅ”ams ticamÄ«bas skalu kriteriÄlÄs pamatotÄ«bas pÄrbaudei iesaistÄ«t arÄ« klÄ«nisko respondentu grupu, palielinÄt respondentu izlasi un mazinÄt dzimumu disproporciju, precÄ«zÄkai iespÄjamo diagnožu noteikÅ”anai pÄrbaudÄ«t skalu un apgalvojumu specifiskuma un sensitivitÄtes indeksus, dažÄdot psihotisko traucÄjumu un garastÄvokļa, neirotisko un ar stresu saistÄ«to traucÄjumu instrukciju aprakstus.The present study has been carried out within the framework of the project KC-PI-2020/18, Clinical Personality Test, of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia. The purpose of the study is to verify the criterion validity of the overreporting validity scales of the Russian language version of the Latvian Clinical Personality Test (LCPT) (Perepjolkina et al., 2021).
The study analysed the following overreporting scales: SP1 ā overreporting of psychotic disorders, and SP2 ā overreporting for mood, neurotic and stress-related disorders. The basic criteria for the verification of criterion validity were overreporting instruction for symptoms of psychotic disorders (instruction B) for scale SP1, and overreporting instruction for symptoms of mood, neurotic and stress-related disorders for scale SP2 (instruction C).
49 respondents participated in the study (female = 81.6%, male = 18.4%, M = 37.59, SD = 11.72). Respondents filled in an informed consent form, a demographic survey, and the Russian version of the LCPT test twice (the second time the test was completed on the next day). Based on random selection, part of the respondents received instructions B or C on the first day. On the next day all respondents completed the test according to instructions A (completing the test honestly).
The results show that the criterion validity of the scales SP1 and SP2 of the Russian language version of the LCPT has been confirmed, statements of the SP scales differentiate participants according to the instructions given, completing the test honestly (instruction A), overreporting of psychotic disorders (instruction B) and overreporting of mood, neurotic and stress-induced symptoms (instruction C). This means that more qualitative individual psychological research procedures are promoted, helping specialists recognize overreporting and make maximally accurate conclusions about each individual who has taken the test.
In the future, it would be necessary to involve a group of clinical respondents in the verification of criterion validity of reliability scales; to increase the sample of respondents, and to reduce gender disproportion; to test the specificity and sensitivity indexes of the scales and statements in order to provide for more accuracy in identifying possible diagnoses; to diversify descriptions of instructions for psychotic disorders and for mood, neurotic and stress-related disorders
The Development of the Sense of Tolerance in RPBJC (RÄ«gas paÅ”valdÄ«bas BÄrnu un jaunieÅ”u centrs) department ApÄ«te for teenagers ages13 to 14
PÄtÄ«jumÄ ir teorÄtiski aplÅ«kota un empÄ«riski pamatota tolerances izjÅ«tas attÄ«stÄ«ba bÄrnu namÄ āApÄ«teā dzÄ«vojoÅ”iem 13 ā 14 gadus veciem pusaudžiem.
PÄtÄ«jumÄ teorÄtiski raksturots darbÄ«bas pÄtÄ«juma dizains, kurÄ balstÄs pÄtÄ«jums, empÄ«riski raksturots bÄrnu nams, teorÄtiski un empÄ«riski raksturota 13 ā 14 gadus veco pusaudžu domÄÅ”anas attÄ«stÄ«ba, vÄrtÄ«bas un intereses, kÄ arÄ« analizÄti pusaudži Eriksona identitÄtes krÄ«zes laikÄ. TeorÄtiski un empÄ«riski analizÄtas tolerances izjÅ«tas pazÄ«mes, diskriminÄcijas jÄdziens, tolerances izjÅ«tu noteicoÅ”ie faktori bÄrnu namÄ.
PÄtÄ«jums veikts, lai to varÄtu izmantot turpmÄkai pÄtnieciskai vai praktiskai darbÄ«bai bÄrnu namos, Ä«paÅ”i b/n āApÄ«teā darbinieki tÄlÄkÄ darbÄ ar pusaudžiem.
AtslÄgvÄrdi: pusaudži, bÄrnu nams, tolerance, iecietÄ«ba, tolerances izjÅ«ta, tolerances izjÅ«tas attÄ«stÄ«ba pusaudžiem, darbÄ«bas pÄtÄ«jumsThe present paper engages in theoretical and empirical discussion on the sense of tolerance in adolescents living in the children's home ApÄ«te, aged 13 to 14.
The paper contains a theoretical analysis which forms the basis of this particular piece of work, an empirical description of the children's home, a theoretical and empirical characterization of the cognitive development, values, and interests of the adolescents aged 13 to 14. It also involves the study of adolescents in the period of Erikson's identity crisis, the characteristics of the sense of tolerance, the term of discrimination, and the defining factors of the sense of tolerance in the children's home.
The present research was carried out with the intent of forming grounds for further research or practical work with adolescents living in children's homes or particularly Apīte.
Key terms: adolescents, children's home, tolerance, the sense of tolerance, the development of the sense of tolerance in adolescents, action researc
The obligation to keep business secret and competition restrictions according to labour law
NeizpauÅ”anas pienÄkuma ievÄroÅ”ana no darbinieka puses un vienoÅ”anÄs par konkurences ierobežojumu pÄc darba tiesisko attiecÄ«bu izbeigÅ”anas ir tiesisks lÄ«dzeklis, kÄ darba devÄjam panÄkt savas komercdarbÄ«bas aizsardzÄ«bu. Darba likuma 83. - 85.pants praksÄ tiek piemÄrots reti un nevienveidÄ«gi.
Darba mÄrÄ·is ir pÄtÄ«t un analizÄt darba tiesÄ«bu teoriju attiecÄ«bÄ par (?attiecÄ«bÄ pret/saistÄ«bÄ ar?) darbinieka neizpauÅ”anas pienÄkumu un vienoÅ”anos par konkurences ierobežojumu pÄc darba tiesisko attiecÄ«bu izbeigÅ”anas un praksi LatvijÄ. Vadoties no izvirzÄ«tÄ mÄrÄ·a, darbu veido divi pÄtniecÄ«bas virzieni ā darba tiesÄ«bu teorijas izpÄte un tiesu prakses analÄ«ze.
Lai panÄktu vienotu tiesÄ«bu piemÄroÅ”anu, nepiecieÅ”ams precizÄt atseviŔķas Darba likuma 84. un 85.panta daļas, savukÄrt, tiesai ievÄrot vienotu tiesÄ«bu normu iztulkoÅ”anu un piemÄroÅ”anu.
AtslÄgas vÄrdi: neizpauÅ”anas pienÄkums, konfidencialitÄtes atruna, konkurences ierobežoÅ”anaEmployeeās compliance with the non-disclosure obligation and non-competition agreement in labor contracts, which usually take effect when the employer-employee relationship has ended, are legal means to ensure the protection of the employerās business. The Clauses 83 ā 85 of Labor Law are applied rarely and not uniformly in practice.
The objective of the Masterās thesis is to research and analyze the theory and practice of labor law in relation to the employeeās non-disclosure obligation and agreement on limitation of competition after the termination of labor relations in Latvia. According to the objective of the Masterās thesis, the research consists of two exploratory directions ā a research of theory of the labor law and an analysis of case law.
In order to achieve a uniform implementation of the law, separate parts of the clauses 84 and 85 of Labor Law require a more precise definition, whereas courts should apply and interpret the law uniformly.
Key words: non-disclosure obligation, agreement on limitation of competition, trade secrets, non-competition claus