8 research outputs found

    Üniversite Öğrencileri Arasında Yüksek ve Düşük İstatistik Kaygısının Ayrıştırıcıları

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    Discriminant function analysis was used to determine important non-cognitive factors that differentiated between low-and-high anxiety students in statistics. The participants were 246 college students enrolled ion introductory statistics courses at a state university in Texas. Students responded to two scales: the Statistical Anxiety Rating Scale and Attitudes Toward Statistics. They also indicated their previous mathematics experiences, perceived statistical abilities, and satisfaction with their current statistics course. Findings showed that the discriminant model accounted for 63% of the between-group variance and discriminated with 88% overall accuracy. Perceived statistical ability was the most influential variable that separated the groups.Bu çalışmada, istatistik derslerinde öğrenciler üzerinde gözlemlenen istatistik kaygısının bilişsel olmayan faktörlerinin yüksek ve düşük kaygılı öğrencileri ayırt etmesi amacıyla Ayrıştırıcı Fonksiyonlar Analizi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin Texas Eyaleti’nde bir devlet üniversitesinde istatistiğe giriş dersini almakta olan 246 lisans ve yüksek lisans öğrencisi oluşturmuştur. Öğrenciler İstatistik Kaygısı Derecelendirme Ölçeği ve İstatistiğe Karşı Tutumlar Ölçeği’ni yanıtlamışlar ve ayrıca geçmiş matematik tecrübelerini, kendilerinin istatistik yeteneklerini ve aldıkları istatistik dersindeki doyum düzeylerini öznel olarak derecelendirmişlerdir. Araştırma bulguları ayrıştırıcı modelin gruplar arası varyansın % 63’ünü açıkladığını ve modelin % 88 genel doğruluk düzeyinde olduğunu göstermiştir

    Explorations With Fixed-Role Therapy

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    Here then, are the first studies of the effectiveness of fixed role therapy. We hope that making these available, in their original unedited form, to the wider scientific community will fill a gap in the historical record and stimulate further work on this important technique on Kelly\u27s approach to human adaptation.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/fort_hays_studies_series/1047/thumbnail.jp

    The Handbook of Clinic Practice

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    The Handbook of Clinic Practice is a major surviving document that shows Dr. Kelly\u27s early development as a clinician. The Handbook began as a guide for bachelor and master level students working in the Clinc. This was a major teaching tool for Dr. Kelly during his years at Fort Hays Kansas State College. It represents his early position regarding behavior in a clinical setting, and also provides a glimpse of the immense variety and scope of Dr. Kelly\u27s talents.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/fort_hays_studies_series/1048/thumbnail.jp

    Psychometric properties of the revised mathematics anxiety rating scale

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    An exploratory factor analysis and several confirmatory analyses were performed to evaluate the factorial structure of the Revised Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (RMARS) through the responses of 805 college students. On 559 students' scores, the instrument's construct validity was tested through a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and was found to be inadequate. An exploratory factor analysis suggested a modification by dropping five items. After the modification, a second CFA showed that the modified model fit the theoretical model well. Cross-validation of the modified model was tested on a different sample of 246 students and was found to be satisfactory. In addition, concurrent validity of the instrument was found from significant relationships between the modified RMARS scores and students' self-perceptions of their general and current mathematics anxiety levels. The modified RMARS is valid and reliable and could be used as a screening tool, a placement tool, or a research tool

    How Do Frequency and Duration of Messaging Affect Impression Development in Computer-Mediated Communication?

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    Computer-mediated Communication (CMC) has been commonly compared to face-to-face (FtF) communication in recent CMC literature. Research comparisons suggested depersonalizing effects of CMC. However, this experimental study indicates that CMC is a potentially viable mode of social-emotion-oriented communication. In this study, the effects of frequency and duration of messaging on impression development in CMC were investigated. Undergraduate participants were randomly assigned to each of the four experimental groups. For a period of two weeks, participants monitored discussion lists that differed in relation to the frequency and duration of messaging in asynchronous CMC environments. ANOVA results indicated that duration and frequency had significant main effects on impression development in asynchronous CMC environments. No interaction effects were found. The results of this study not only theoretically support the social-emotion-oriented model in CMC, but also lay foundations for further research in many popular types of interactive CMC environments, including e-learning, e-commerce, and e-health

    Using a Token Economy to Teach the Token Economy.

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