787 research outputs found

    Deus sive atra

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    Als Baruch de Spinoza im 17. Jahrhundert die Formel\ud "Deus sive natura" prÀgte, war dies Ausdruck seines Pantheismus\ud (Russell 2001, 579f.). Der Titel des vorliegenden\ud Beitrages - Deus sive atra, also svw. Gott oder die\ud Schwarzen Löcher - zielt keineswegs darauf ab, hier eine\ud Gleichsetzung vorzunehmen. Vielmehr geht es darum\ud aufzuzeigen, dass sich Physiker und Kosmologen durch\ud die BeschÀftigung mit Schwarzen Löchern oft in Bereiche\ud abseits der Wissenschaftlichkeit begeben, indem sie ihr\ud angestammtes Gebiet verlassen und mitunter metaphysische\ud AnklÀnge oder - zumindest implizit - sogar eine religiöse\ud Komponente erkennen lassen

    Wenn "Lifestyle" und Sozialverhalten ausser Kontrolle geraten. Therapieverlauf einer Jugendlichen

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    This case report describes the therapeutic process of a young person with a variety of symptoms, including increased irritability, impulse control disorder, mood swings, restrictive eating, and antisocial behaviour. Since childhood she has presented abnormalities in the form of impulsivity, rulebreaking, attention deficit and hyperactivity. During voluntary hospitalisation a hyperkinetic conduct disorder and an atypical eating disorder were diagnosed. Individual psychotherapy with multimodal treatment, including cognitivebehavioural and psychodynamic approaches and psychopharmacological therapy, was initiated and continued throughout outpatient therapy. Systemic, familycentred interventions, including regular family and parent sessions, played an important role in the therapy. Following a stabilisation period the youth developed depressive symptoms accompanied by suicidal behaviour and selfinflicted injuries, which improved again at a later stage. After initial difficulties, a stable, trusting and transparent therapeutic relationship was established, focusing on a variety of topics. Interdisciplinary collaboration with parents, teachers, and all the professionals involved allowed resources to be strengthened and important success experiences to be achieved

    Apple scab control with grapefruit seed extract: no alternative to chemical fungicides

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    The growth inhibiting effect of four commercially available grapefruit seed extracts on the causal organism of apple scab Venturia inaequalis was tested. Germination of the conidia of Venturia inaequalis was pronouncedly inhibited by all tested extracts. The commercial products were analyzed by high pressure liquid chromatography and thin layer chromatography. All samples contained at least one preserving agent. These substances were identified as either benzethonium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, methyl parabene or propyl parabene. Freshly prepared extracts from seeds of grapefruits (Citrus paradisi) did not inhibit the germination of Venturia inaequalis. It was therefore concluded that the antifungal effect of grapefruit seed extracts is caused by the added preservatives

    Smart City for smart people! Way2smart Korneuburg

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    Korneuburgs way2smart started in the year 2011, when the municipality of the town decided to start a big participation-project to define a Vision Statement and a Master Plan for its urban development. Smart people – citizens, politicians and administration - planned Korneuburgs way to 2036: with ambitious objectives in terms of energy and CO2-saving and concentration on “social interaction”. 2036 onwards, the municipality of Korneuburg wants to be energy-self- sufficient and carbon-neutral. With the Smart City demo-project “way2smart” measures of the Master Plan will be implemented evaluated regarding their feasibility and adapted if necessary. Smart technologies: The municipality of Korneuburg intends to rehabilitate two municipality-owned residential buildings, densify the area by way of superstructures and annexes and equip them with energy- generating areas – not for building nice penthouses for rich people, but covering young tenants’ demand for affordable small apartments. As accompanying measures, communications programs involving the buildings’ existing and new tenants as well as the further development – because neighbourhood is a big impact for the quality of lifestyle. Last, but not least, mobility measures like e-carsharing, a hitch-hiking-station, good cycle-parking-facilities etc. create the possibility to be mobile without a private car. Ultimately, the endeavours to achieve the ambitious objectives in terms of energy and CO2 saving in Korneuburg by 2036 are to be documented in a database in order to make the individual measures available as models and stimuli for comparable projects in the town

    The eradication treatments of Helicobacter pylori

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    The eradication of Helicobacter pylori is at present widely recognized as the adequate therapeutic approach for gastric and duodenal ulcers in infected patients. In those with dyspepsia but no ulcer as well as in those with type B chronic gastritis, eradication remains controversial. It is difficult to have a clear opinion on the advantages and disadvantages of the numerous existing therapies. Therefore, a systematic review of published treatments has been made by the authors. Ideally, the eradication treatment of H. pylori should have the following advantages: 1. eradication superior to 90%. 2. simplicity. 3. short duration. 4. safety. 5. low cost. 6. reproducibility of results. Dual therapies (2 antibiotics or a proton pump inhibitor in combination with an antibiotic) rarely allow an eradication greater than 90% and the results have poor reproductibility. Consequently, they do not represent an ideal anti‐H. pylori treatment. Triple therapies come closer to the requirements for an ideal treatment, with eradication rates generally close to 90%, varying little between studies and the countries in which they were performed. The triple therapy bismuth‐imidazole‐tetracycline (or amoxicillin) still represents for many authors the standard reference therapy. It has the advantage of low cost, high efficacy and widespread use. It is the therapy that has been the most studied. However, the increasing emergence of strains resistant to imidazoles, the complexity of the treatment (10 to 12 tablets per day), the numerous adverse effects and the lack of availability of bismuth salts in certain countries has led to the elaboration of therapeutic schemes combining an antisecretory drug with 2 antibiotics. Among these, the combination PPI‐clarithromycine‐imidazole during 7 days represents the most studied triple therapy of short duration. For some authors, it already represents a new standard. However, the efficacy of this therapy seems dependent on the sensitivity of the bacteria to imidazoles. Consequently, this combination cannot be considered as the ideal anti‐H. pylori treatment in the areas where the prevalence of strains resistant to imidazoles is high. The association PPI‐clarithromycine‐amoxicillin appears on the contrary to be very effective against strains resistant to metronidazole and therefore could constitute the treatment of choice in population with high prevalence of such strains. Great hope is currently surrounding the finalization of a vaccine directed against the urease of the bacteria. This approach would allow both the treatment and the prevention of Helicobacter pylori infection on a large scal

    Habsburgs Despotie und die Hochkultur des Asservierens. Zum Aufheben und Liegenlassen österreichischer BĂŒrokratieliteratur: [Habsburg Despotism and the High Culture of “Asservieren”. On Preserving and Shelving Austrian Bureaucratic Literature]

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    The Austro-Hungarian bureaucracy is often remembered for its practices of delay (or, to use a term emphasized in The Man without Qualities, for its practices of «Asser­vieren»). This is the case in the reception of literary texts as sources and as culture, in the marginalization of «new objectivity» texts, in the production of autobiographical texts, and in the aesthetics of contradiction. This article examines the grave consequences for the understanding of domination

    Mode of action of lime sulphur against apple-scab (Venturia inaequalis)

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    Since lime sulphur was accepted in the annex 2b of the European Regulation 2091/92, more and more fruit growers use it to control apple scab in organic orchards. Field trials were carried out at the Research Centre Laimburg to evaluate stop and curative treatments with the aim to reduce the number of treatments and improving their efficacy. In this diploma thesis microscopic observations were performed for a better understanding of the mode of action of lime sulphur on apple-scab. The results showed that lime sulphur can stop the scab infection until the formation of the appressorium. If the infection proceeds to the formation of the primary stroma, the efficacy of the treatments with lime sulphur was insufficient
