
Wenn "Lifestyle" und Sozialverhalten ausser Kontrolle geraten. Therapieverlauf einer Jugendlichen


This case report describes the therapeutic process of a young person with a variety of symptoms, including increased irritability, impulse control disorder, mood swings, restrictive eating, and antisocial behaviour. Since childhood she has presented abnormalities in the form of impulsivity, rulebreaking, attention deficit and hyperactivity. During voluntary hospitalisation a hyperkinetic conduct disorder and an atypical eating disorder were diagnosed. Individual psychotherapy with multimodal treatment, including cognitivebehavioural and psychodynamic approaches and psychopharmacological therapy, was initiated and continued throughout outpatient therapy. Systemic, familycentred interventions, including regular family and parent sessions, played an important role in the therapy. Following a stabilisation period the youth developed depressive symptoms accompanied by suicidal behaviour and selfinflicted injuries, which improved again at a later stage. After initial difficulties, a stable, trusting and transparent therapeutic relationship was established, focusing on a variety of topics. Interdisciplinary collaboration with parents, teachers, and all the professionals involved allowed resources to be strengthened and important success experiences to be achieved

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