10 research outputs found

    The impact of unethical promotion of the pharmaceutical industry on drug consumer's behaviour

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    The pharmaceutical industry in its development began to use promotion, in order to raise it's production and thus profit on a higher level. To succeed in this, it is actively started to use unethical promotion to influence doctors, but also to influence consumers of drugs. This industry seeks to influence consumer attitudes and purchasing decisions in order to put as much as possible impact on them. The subject of the research is the impact of unethical promotion of the pharmaceutical industry on drug consumer's behavior. The aim of the research is to determine how the drug consumers observe this industry. The hypothesis is that the unethical promotion of pharmaceutical industry is an increasingly prominent phenomenon, and its identification can determine its scope, impact and ability to control. The method used is a survey research

    Directed evolution of cellulase from Trichoderma reesei for higher activity and development of microtiter plate assay based on cellobiose dehydrogenase

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    Cellulase (EC are important enzymes in food, paper, textile, detergent and biofuel industries. Most cellulases have low activity and stability. Improving these properties would have substantial impact on numerous industrial processes. Enzymatic properties can be improved by directed evolution, but the screening process is the limiting step. Coupled cellulase assay has been developed in order to improve the screening process. This method does not require boiling samples and allows rapid screening of mutants in a microtiter plate. The aim of this study was to establish enzyme coupled assay where cellulase first hydrolyzes carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), and cellobioses dehydrogenase (CBDH) and dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP) is used subsequently for detection of reducing ends

    Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of thiazole bioisosteres of goniofufurone through in vitro antiproliferative activity and in vivo toxicity (vol 121, 105691, 2022)

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    The contribution corrects an equation from the paper: Delasoie, J., Radakovic, N., Pavic, A., & Zobi, F. (2020). Neovascularization Effects of Carbon Monoxide Releasing Drugs Chemisorbed on Coscinodiscus Diatoms Carriers Characterized by Spectromicroscopy Imaging. Applied Sciences, 10(20), 7380. [https://doi.org/10.3390/app10207380

    Human capital management in digital sales

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    U poslednje dve decenije, velika pažnja se posvećuje digitalnoj prodaji. Kako dolazi do tehničko-tehnoloških inovacija, i sve rastućih potreba potrošača, tako se sve više preduzeća uključuje u digitalnu tržišnu utakmicu. Poslednjih nekoliko godina došlo je do ekspanzije u prodaji putem Interneta, i zbog pandemije koja je primorala ljude širom sveta da proizvode i usluge nabavljaju onlajn. Bogata literatura u oblasti digitalizacije pokazala je da se istraživači pretežno bave odnosom između potrošača i digitalne prodaje. Zaposleni u digitalnim prodavnicama nisu bili opsežan predmet istraživanja, posebno kad se posmatra Republika Srbija. Osnovni cilj ove disertacije je da se ukaže na povezanost između ljudskog kapitala i digitalne prodaje, pri čemu se pod ljudskim kapitalom za razliku od postojeće literature, podrazumevaju kako online potrošači tako i zaposleni u digitalnoj prodaji. Istražuje se kako elementi obe strane utiču na digitalnu uslugu i preduzeće koje posluje na Internetu. Elementi ljudskog kapitala su socioekonomski profil online potrošača, zadovoljstvo, samoprocena sopstvenih postignuća, i samopoštovanje onlajn potrošača i zaposlenih u digitalnoj prodaji. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 113 zaposlenih u digitalnoj prodaji i 275 onlajn potrošača. Za analizu postavljenog modela koristila se deskriptivna statistika, frekvencije, ANOVA, linearna regresija i faktorska analiza upitnika. Dobijeni rezultati u disertaciji su ukazali na značaj potrošača u digitalnoj prodaji, jer su elementi zadovoljstvo i samopoštovanje imali uticaj na digitalnu uslugu i poslovanje. Zaposleni sa druge strane, se primarno posmatraju kroz element samopoštovanja, s obzirom da su analize pokazale da zadovoljstvo poslom i samoprocena ne utiču na kvalitet usluge koju će isporučiti. Rezultati istraživanja omogućavaju dalje razvijanje teorijskog i empirijskog okvira za istraživanje odnosa ljudskog kapitala i digitalne prodaje. Rezultate je moguće primeniti pre svega u preduzetništvu, kako bi preduzeća efikasno upravljala ljudskim kapitalom poznajući sve varijable koje utiču kako na njihove potrošače tako i na zaposlene. Takođe, korisni su i kao dopuna postojećoj literaturi, jer su u jednom istraživanju obuhvaćeni svi elementi kojima su se prethodna istraživanja bavila.In the last two decades, a significant amount of attention has been paid to digital sales. As technical-technological innovations occur, and the growing needs of consumers, more and more companies are getting involved in the digital market competition. The last few years have seen an expansion in online sales, especially because of the pandemic that has forced people around the world to buy products and services online. The rich literature in the field of digitalization has shown that researchers are mostly concerned with the relationship between consumers and digital sales. Employees in digital stores have not been the subject of extensive research, especially when looking at the Republic of Serbia. The main goal of this dissertation is to point out the connection between human capital and digital sales, whereby human capital, unlike the existing literature, means both online consumers and employees in digital sales. It explores how elements of both sides affect the digital service and the business that operates on the Internet. The elements of human capital are the socio-economic profile of online consumers, satisfaction, self-assessment of their achievements, and self-esteem of online consumers and employees in digital sales. The survey involved 113 employees in digital sales and 275 online consumers. Descriptive statistics, frequencies, ANOVA, linear regression, and factor analysis were used to analyze the set model. The results obtained in the dissertation indicated the importance of consumers in digital sales because the elements of satisfaction and self-esteem had an impact on digital service and business. Employees, on the other hand, are primarily viewed through the element of self-esteem, since analyzes have shown that job satisfaction and self-assessment do not affect the quality of the service they deliver. The results of the research enable further development of the theoretical and empirical framework for the research of the relationship between human capital and digital sales. The results can be applied primarily in entrepreneurship, so companies can effectively manage human capital by knowing all the variables affecting both their consumers and employees. They are also useful as a supplement to the existing literature because the presented research included all the elements that the previous research dealt with

    Poređenje koncentracije metala u prašini (d<63μm) sa područja Kostolca korišćenjem metoda ICP-OES, WD-XRF i NAA

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    U zavisnosti od koncentracija u kojima su prisutni, metali koji se nalaze u prašini pored puta mogu imati negativan uticaj na ljudsko zdravlje i okolinu. Uzimajući u obzir to da je sama prašina sastavljena od sitnih ĉestica razliĉitih veliĉina ona u organizam moţe dospeti na razliĉite naĉine od kojih je unošenje preko respiratornog sistema dominantan. Posledice su vidljive, od lakših oblika u kojima ometaju rad organa respiratornog sistema do mogućnosti da izazovu hematološke bolesti i rak. Predmet našeg istaţivanja je frakcija ĉestica ĉiji je preĉnik < 63 μm. Odabrana je ova frakcija jer uzimajući u obzir da je preĉnik jako mali, ovakve ĉestice imaju najveći uticaj na zdravlje ljudi, najviše uticanjem na respiratorni trakt, jer imaju mogućnost da se udahnu i da tako dospeju do svih delova respiratornog sistema. Ustanovićemo da li se koncentracija metala u uzorcima prašine razlikuje, ukoliko se isti uzorci analiziraju uz pomoć tri razliĉite metode, a to su ICP-OES (induktivno kuplovana plazma sa optiĉkim emisionim spektrometrom), WD-XRF (talasno-disperzivna rendgensko-fluorescentna spektrometrija) i NAA (neutronska aktivaciona analiza). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, uporedićemo vrednosti dobijene uz pomoć sve tri metode. Procentualna zastupljenost odnosa svake dve metode prikazuje nam koliko je odstupanje od idealnih 100%, kao i varijabilnost zastupljenosti po lokacijama za svaki element pojedinaĉno. Statistiĉka obrada podataka raĊena je u programu SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) i u Excel-u, na osnovu ĉijih izlaznih podataka je prikazano slaganje koncentracija metala analiziranih uz pomoć sve tri metode. TakoĊe ćemo objasniti sva uoĉena odstupanja i razlike. Na rezultatima dobijenim snimanjem na ICP-OES-u biće primenjena i PCA (Principal Component Analysis) analiza, koja nam omogućava da detaljnije objasnimo sastav i poreklo uzoraka prašine

    Internet and social networks in the promotion of higher education institutions

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    Internet and social networks have contributed to the development of communication between people. Different information, experiences, impressions of a number of people, everything becomes available to people around the world. This kind of communication via the Internet, including the development of web sites and building profiles on social networks, should also be used by higher education institutions. Prospective and current students can become even closer with colleges, while colleges can provide them with useful information and communicate with them in a much faster and easier way. This research points out the fact that students are increasingly using the Internet as a form of communication with higher education institutions, as well as social networks to get the necessary information. All this shows that this type of communication can become an important marketing tool to all schools which choose to actively attract as many potential students as possible and also to provide benefits to all current students offering them a considerable amount of relevant information


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    Social media are the means ofinteractions among people in which they create,share, and exchange information and ideas invirtual communities and networks. Banks shouldleverage social media as a two-waycommunications vehicle for both listening to theaudience and gaining insights, with the goal ofproviding customers with targeted anddifferentiating solutions that solve their financialneeds. Communication with customers throughsocial networks is of great importance for thebank, and that kind of communication is paid moreand more attention, especially in today's economicconditions, when competition in the bankingmarket is rough, and when banks are struggling toget trust and attention from every client. Theobjects of the research is the presence of bankswithin the banking sector in Serbia, on socialnetworks in Serbia. The problem that is discussedin this paper is how the presence-absence of bankson social networks influences the modern bankingbusiness. It is expected that the results of theresearch indicate the presence of a joint impact onthe social networks and successful modernbanking business, and the impact of socialnetworks on the positioning of banks in the market


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    Društveni mediji su sredstvo interakcijemeĎu ljudima u kojem stvaraju, dele i razmenjujuinformacije i ideje u virtuelnim zajednicama imrežama. Banke bi trebale koristiti društvenemedije kao dvosmerni komunikacijski kanal kakoza slušanje okruženja, tako i za sticanje uvida, sveu cilju pružanja korisnicima ciljanih idiferencijalnih rešenja koja rešavaju njihovefinansijske potrebe. Komunikacija sa klijentimapreko društvenih mreža je od velike važnosti zabanku, a takvoj komunikaciji se posvećuje sve višepažnje, posebno u današnjim ekonomskimuslovima, kada je konkurencija na bankarskomtržištu jaka i kada se banke trude da osvojepoverenje i pažnju svakog klijenta. Predmetistraživanja je prisustvo banaka bankarskogsektora u Srbiji, na društvenim mrežama u Srbiji.Problem koji se razmatra u ovom radu jeste kakoprisustvo-odsustvo banaka na društvenimmrežama utiče na savremeno bankarskoposlovanje.Očekuje se da rezultati istraživanjaukažu na uzajamniuticaja prisutnosti nadruštvenim mrežama i uspešnog savremenogbankarskog poslovanja, kao i uticaj društvenihmreža na pozicioniranje banaka na tržištu

    Directed evolution of cellulase from Trichoderma reesei for higher activity and development of microtiter plate assay based on cellobiose dehydrogenase

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    Cellulase (EC are important enzymes in food, paper, textile, detergent and biofuel industries. Most cellulases have low activity and stability. Improving these properties would have substantial impact on numerous industrial processes. Enzymatic properties can be improved by directed evolution, but the screening process is the limiting step. Coupled cellulase assay has been developed in order to improve the screening process. This method does not require boiling samples and allows rapid screening of mutants in a microtiter plate. The aim of this study was to establish enzyme coupled assay where cellulase first hydrolyzes carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), and cellobioses dehydrogenase (CBDH) and dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP) is used subsequently for detection of reducing ends

    Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of thiazole bioisosteres of goniofufurone through in vitro antiproliferative activity and in vivo toxicity

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    The synthesis of several new goniofufurone bioisosteres was achieved in which the phenyl residue was replaced by a thiazole ring. The key steps of the synthesis included the initial condensation of cyanohydrin benzoates with cysteine ethyl ester hydrochloride, followed by the subsequent reaction of resulting C-4 ' epimeric thiazolines with DBU, to introduce 5-deoxy functionality and to elaborate the thiazole ring in one step. Synthesized compounds showed potent growth inhibitory effects against selected human tumour cell lines, especially bioisostere 4, which in the culture of MCF-7 cells displayed the highest activity (IC50 = 0.19 nM) of all compounds under evaluation. This molecule exhibited 64474-fold higher antiproliferative activity than lead 2 and was1053-fold more active than the commercial antitumour agent doxorubicin in the culture of MCF-7 cells. The structural features of the tested compounds responsible for their antiproliferative activity have been identified by preliminary SAR analysis. The toxicity of the most active compound 4 was assessed by an in vivo experiment in a zebrafish model (Danio rerio), whereupon it was found non-toxic at any of the tested concentrations up to 125 mu M