1,966 research outputs found

    ‘In welchem Style sollen wir wohnen?’

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    In ‘The Exhibitionist House’, Beatriz Colomina highlights how the house has become ‘the most important vehicle for the investigation of architectural ideas in this century’. The role that what I would call ‘style rooms’ – exhibited house interiors – have played in this process should not be underestimated. These temporary and relatively simple architectural installations are not only able to quickly demonstrate an idea to a large audience, but can also transcend the manifesto, the sales brochure, or the promotional leaflet by evoking an immediate illusion of the interior. In my article, I want to position several of these style rooms in a debate about style and interiors that up to the present day remains of great importance to architecture and design. These specific interiors played a role in this debate at crucial moments in the first half of the twentieth century. Style, a key architectural concept, forms the foundation of many architectural-theoretical considerations and polemics, and is defined in the dictionary somewhat laboriously as the ‘collective characteristics of . . . artistic expression or way of presenting things or decorative methods proper to a person or school or period or subject.’In ‘The Exhibitionist House’ benadrukt Beatriz Colomina hoe het woonhuis ‘het belangrijkste instrument voor het onderzoek naar architectonische ideeĂ«n in deze eeuw’ is geworden. Stijlkamers – tentoongestelde woninginterieurs – hebben hierbij een niet te onderschatten rol gespeeld. Deze tijdelijke en relatief eenvoudig te realiseren architectonische installaties zijn niet alleen in staat om snel een idee aan een groot publiek te tonen, maar kunnen ook het manifest, de verkoopbrochure of de promotiefolder overstijgen door een onmiddellijke illusie van interieur op te roepen. In mijn artikel wil ik enkele stijlkamers plaatsen in een debat over stijl en interieur, dat van grote betekenis is voor architectuur en design, tot op de dag van vandaag. Het gaat om interieurs die op cruciale momenten in de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw een rol gespeeld hebben in dit debat. Stijl is een essentieel architectonisch begrip, dat aan de basis staat van veel architectuurtheoretische beschouwingen en polemieken, en wordt in het woordenboek wat moeizaam gedefinieerd als ‘het geheel van bij elkaar aansluitende uitdrukkingsvormen, die kenmerkend zijn voor hetzij een bepaalde kunstenaar, hetzij, in de regel, voor een bepaalde school of richting of een bepaald tijdperk’

    Het wonen en de dingen’

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    The Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE), which evolved from its forerunner the Akademie IndustriĂ«le Vormgeving Eindhoven, has played an important role in design education in the Netherlands since the Second World War. The academy has been considered one of the most important design schools in the world since the 1990s and, as a result, attracts an increasing number of foreign students, particularly for the Master’s courses. After the departure of Gijs Bakker, the founder of the DAE Master’s programme, Jan Boelen, Joost Grootens and Louise Schouwenberg took over responsibility. Since 2010, Schouwenberg has headed the department of Contextual Design, which focuses on product design in a broad sense. Schouwenberg successively studied psychology, sculpture and philosophy and is the author of many publications, including a monograph about artist Robert Zandvliet (2012) and two on designer Hella Jongerius (2004 and 2010). In addition, she curated several exhibitions for, among others, Galerie Fons Welters in Amsterdam, the TextielMuseum Tilburg and Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam.De Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE), voortgekomen uit de Akademie IndustriĂ«le Vormgeving Eindhoven, speelt sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog een belangrijke rol in het Nederlandse designonderwijs. Sinds de jaren 1990 geldt de academie internationaal als een van de belangrijkste ontwerpopleidingen in de wereld en trekt daardoor steeds meer buitenlandse studenten aan, vooral in het masteronderwijs. Na de terugtreding van Gijs Bakker, grondlegger van het masterprogramma van de DAE, namen Jan Boelen, Joost Grootens en Louise Schouwenberg het stokje over. Sinds 2010 geeft Schouwenberg leiding aan de afdeling Contextual Design, die zich richt op productdesign in brede zin. Schouwenberg studeerde achtereenvolgens psychologie, beeldhouwen en filosofie, en heeft diverse publicaties op haar naam, waaronder een monografie over kunstenaar Robert Zandvliet (2012) en twee over ontwerper Hella Jongerius (2004 en 2010). Daarnaast stelde ze in de rol van curator enkele tentoonstellingen samen, onder andere voor Galerie Fons Welters in Amsterdam, het TextielMuseum Tilburg en Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam

    Hoe laat je kinderen groente eten?

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    Groenten zijn gezond, maar de meeste kinderen houden er niet van. Gertrude Zeinstra van Food and Biobased Research zoekt naar manieren om groenten populairder te maken bij jonge kinderen

    On a spectral identity of Quantum Statistical Mechanics

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    AbstractThis note shows that a certain identity for the spectral function of one-particle states, known as the sum rule in Quantum Statistical Mechanics, holds true for a rather wide class of non-negative functions on the real line

    Encouraging vegetable intake in children : the role of parental strategies, cognitive development and properties of food

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    Background Despite the health benefits, children’s fruit and vegetable intake is below that recommended. This thesis focuses on the role of parental strategies, children’s cognitive development and properties of food in order to develop new approaches to increase fruit and vegetable preferences and intake in 4 to 12-year-old children. Methods First, we conducted a qualitative study (N=28) with three age groups representing different cognitive developmental stages, and a parental survey study (N=242). These studies indicated that texture was more important for 4-5-year-old children’s food preferences than for 11-12-year olds and that the parental strategy of ‘Choice’ was positively related to both children’s fruit and vegetable intake. Subsequently, in three intervention studies, the focus was on vegetables only, because previous approaches have been less effective for vegetable intake than for fruit intake. We investigated three approaches for their effectiveness in increasing children’s vegetable acceptance: 1. Varying the preparation method (4-12y; N=94): Carrots and French beans were prepared in six ways: mashed, boiled, steamed, grilled, stir-fried and deep-fried. 2. Flavour-nutrient learning (7-8y; N=19): During a 14-day learning period, vegetable flavours were combined with energy (maltodextrin) or without energy in a drink. 3. Choice-offering (4-6y; N=303): Children had no choice, a choice before a meal, or a choice during a meal regarding which vegetable out of two they were going to eat. Results Varying the preparation method demonstrated that steamed and boiled were preferred over the other preparations (p liking were a uniform surface, the typical vegetable taste and crunchiness, whereas brown colouring and a granular texture negatively predicted liking. Due to insufficient consumption of the vegetable drinks (≈3 grams of 150 grams), flavour-nutrient learning could not take place. The pure vegetable taste was too intense. In the choice-offering study, the children appreciated a choice before the meal, but the three conditions did not differ for vegetable liking (p=0.43) or intake (≈52 gram; p=0.54). In the no-choice condition, high reactant children consumed less vegetables than low reactant children (Δ=28 grams; p=0.04). Conclusion To encourage children’s vegetable liking and intake, the following approaches may be most promising: 1) serve vegetables as crunchy as possible without brown colouring or a granular texture; 2) provide children with choice during vegetable eating; 3) stimulate a positive vegetable-eating context. Finally, serving vegetables in mixed dishes is a good way to facilitate flavour-flavour and flavournutrient learning, but the effectiveness of flavour-nutrient learning for increasing children’s vegetable acceptance needs to be determined in future research. <br/

    Hip pain in general practice

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    Hip pain in general practice

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    Parental child-feeding strategies in relation to Dutch children's fruit and vegetable intake

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    Objective: To identify parental child-feeding strategies that may increase children's fruit or vegetable intake, since the relationship between these strategies and children's intake has never been investigated for fruit and vegetables as two separate food groups. Design: A survey study, where parents provided information about their practices in relation to feeding their children and about their own and their children's fruit and vegetable intake. Children completed a preference questionnaire about fruit and vegetables. To find underlying parental child-feeding strategies, factor analysis was applied to parents' practices in relation to fruit and vegetables separately. Regression analysis was used to predict the effect of these strategies on children's fruit and vegetable intake. The impact of the strategies was further analysed by estimating children's intake based on the frequency of use of specific strategies. Setting: The study was conducted at three primary schools in The Netherlands. Subjects: A total of 259 children between 4 and 12 years old and their parents (n242). Results: Parents used different strategies for fruit as compared with vegetables. The vegetable-eating context was more negative than the fruit-eating context. Parental intake and presenting the children with choice were positive predictors of children's intake of both fruit and vegetables. The intake difference based on frequency of use of the strategy 'Choice' was 40 g/d for vegetables and 72 g/d for fruit (

    Gewoon artrose

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    Gewoon artrose. Is artrose inderdaad zo gewoon? Ja, helaas wel. Iedereen weet wel een familielid of bekende op te noemen die geopereerd is voor artrose, en als u in uw omgeving navraagt, blijken er nog veel meer mensen last van te hebben. Artrose, in de volksmond gewrichtslijtage, is een heel gewone aandoening die veel voorkomt, vooral op oudere leeftijd, die niet levensbedreigend is. “Ach, het is de ouderdom, ik moet er maar mee leren leven” zal u niet onbekend in de oren klinken. Gewoon, een hinderlijke aandoening. Maar ondanks dat artrose, ùn de last die mensen daarvan hebben, zoveel voorkomt, hebben we op heel veel gewone vragen over artrose nog geen antwoord. Vandaag aanvaard ik mijn benoeming op een bijzondere leerstoel voor deze zeer gewone aandoening, de eerste in Nederland. Ik ga u de komende drie kwartier laten zien waarom deze nieuwe leerstoel noodzakelijk is, ùn wat u van mij en mijn team aan inspanningen mag verwachten. Rede, uitgesproken ter gelegenheid van het aanvaarden van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar met als leeropdracht Artrose en gerelateerde aandoeningen, aan het Erasmus MC, faculteit van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op 16 december 201
