877 research outputs found

    Structural Behavior of Light Weight Ferrocement Columns

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    This paper presents the results of the behavior of reinforced ferrocement light weight columns by permanent precast lightweight ferrocement hollow blocks. For this objective, an experimental program was carried out extensively and finite element models with ANSYS 14.5 were conducted. The program of the experimental constructed and testing of sixteen columns of total dimensions 450×650×250 mm consisting of 3 permanent precast lightweight ferrocement hollow blocks having the dimensions of200×400×200 mm filled with core material. Two types of light weight ferrocemnet hollow blocks were used to construct the columns. Two types of single layer welded steel mesh and glass fiber mesh were used as a horizontal connection between the permanent precast lightweight ferrocement hollow blocks. The core material was investigated: one layer of welded steel mesh embedded in the matrix. Welded steel mesh with single and double layers was used to reinforce the plastering layer as a bonding layers forms; namely welded steel mesh. Shear connections between the permanent precast hollow blocks and the core material were investigated called; shear connector. The columns were tested under uniform load. The behavior of the columns was compared. The results showed that an improvement in the cracks resistance, serviceability loads, ultimate loads, and energy absorption. Theses results were verifies the validity of the proposed model. Good agreement was found compared with the experimental results. Out of this research, this paper presents applications of  using light weight ferrocement  units in construction of low-cost housing which are very useful for developed and developing countries alike with great economic advantages.

    Utilizing Homer Power Optimization Software for A Techno-Economic Feasibility, Study of a Sustainable Grid-Connected Design for Urban Electricity in, Khartoum

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    HOMER (Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Electric Renewable) streamlines the design of distributed generation (DG) systems for a variety of grid-connected and off-grid applications. In Sudan, it is difficult to acquire an effective photovoltaic array for residential use due to a lack of energy consumption in power generation and access to technological, social, and environmental constraints. A model of a low-energy, solar-powered house that is suitable for Sudanese social and economic norms requires a high-quality architectural design. Method Using the HOMER software, the charge advantage analysis of a hybrid system was studied and assessed using the value for each kilowatt of grid-connected systems or utility grid. The simulation results have been presented as the most efficient and cost-effective method for achieving various home counts. At the current price, the hybrid system has a refund term of about fifty-four years. If turbine prices in Khartoum decline, the overall cost of energy will be reduced

    Phenolic Compounds from Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) By-products and their Antimicrobial Activities

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    Cynara scolymus L. is a medicinal plant frequently used in traditional medicine for liver diseases. The aim of this study is to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the different parts of Artichoke. Maximum antimicrobial activity was observed with methanolic extract of bound phenols for (bract and heart) against Gram negative bacteria. The MIC values for bound phenols from heart were (63?g/ml). Whereas, the bound phenols for bracts was ranged from (312 and 486?g/ml) against Gram negative and (486?g/ml) against Gram positive. Free phenols of the heart of artichoke showed the lowest MIC (204 to 206) ?g/mL for microorganism Gram positive and Gram negative. Therefore, this study indicate that the free phenolic extract from bracts of Cynara scolymus L. might be of interest within the developing market of nutritional ingredients and is capable of yielding nutritional supplements with antimicrobial activities. Key words: artichoke wastes, antibacterial effect

    Wheat allergy

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    Food allergy is a growing health problem which emerged as the “second wave” of the allergy epidemic, lagging decades behind the ‘first wave’ of asthma, allergic rhinitis and inhalant sensitization.1 Data on challenge-diagnosed FA in some countries (e.g. China and Africa) show rising rates that became similar to those in Western countries.2 A report from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicated that among children aged 0–17 years, the prevalence of food allergies increased from 3.4% in 1997–1999 to 5.1% in 2009–2011, a 50% rise.3 About 6% of children experience food allergic reactions in the first three years of life, including approximately 2.5% with cow’s milk allergy, 1.5% with egg allergy, and 1% with peanut allergy.4 Wheat is one of the five most common foods that trigger allergic reactions in children.

    Allergy-immunology glossary

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    Effect of freezing-thawing on concrete behavior

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    This study aims to determine the effect of change of temperature (freezing-thawing cycles) on the behavior of the mortar and the concrete. Also, the evaluation of the effect of air entering for improving the durability of the mortar and concrete was discussed. 23 mixes were cast to evaluate the purpose of this study. Cement types (Portland cement and limestone cement), aggregate types (dolomite and gravel), dosages of air entering 0.01, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2% of cement weight and freezing thawing cycles (50, 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 cycles) were considered. Relative dynamic modules of elasticity which is illustrated the internal cracks growth, durability factor and losses of weight were evaluated. Empirical correlations were formulated. The results showed that; 0.15% air entrained of cement weight improve the durability in term of freezing-thawing; where the durability factor for the mixes was ≥ 85% that exposed to freezing-thawing cycles in range 0-200. Up to 200 cycles of freezing-thawing cycles did not effect on the compressive strength of the mixes and the durability of the mortar and the concrete. It is recommended that more than 300 freezing-thawing cycles must be avoided

    Evaluation of Turkish Delight Prepared With Pigments And Essential Oils Extracted From Clementine (Citrus Clementine) Peels As Natural Antioxidants

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    مستخلص قشر الكلمينتين غني بالمركبات الفعالة كالزيوت الطيارة والصبغات النشطة بيولوجيًا. وقد يؤدى خلط الملبن بمستحلص قشور الكلمينتين الى ان يصبح أكثر فائدة من الناحية  الصحية بالاضافة الى انه قد يؤثر على  صفات الجودة الفيزيائية والكيميائية والحسية للمنتج. وقد تم فى هذه الدراسة تقدير محتوى الزيوت الأساسية بواسطة ال GC/MS والصبغات والنشاط المضاد للأكسدة لقشور الكلمينتين بالأضافة الى التقييم الحسى لعينات الملبن. اظهرت النتائج ان الليمونين (66.88%) كان هو المركب الأعلى فى المحتوى مقارنة بالزيوت الأساسية الاخرى. أظهرت قشور الكلمينتين نشاط مضاد للأكسدة باستخدام طرق DPPH و ABTS . أظهرت جميع تركيزات المستخلص قيم حسية مقبولة من حيث المظهر واللون والرائحة والقبول العام مقارنة بالملبن الكونترول. إلى جانب ذلك ، أظهرت عينات الملبن المحتوية على 15 مللجرام من مستخلص صبغة الأستازانثين أعلى درجات التقييم الحسيى مقارنة بعينات الملبن الأخرى والكونترول. وكان المنتج الأقل قبولًا لدى المحكمين هو المحتوى على تركيز 3.75 مللجرام من مستخلص صبغة الأستازانثين مقارنةً بالكونترول. كما أظهرت جميع العينات التي تم تحليلها أن الملبن المدعم من صبغة الأستازانتين والتي تحتوي على نسبة عالية من الزيوت الأساسية لها نشاط مضادات للأكسدة جيد. و  توصى الدراسة باستخدام قشر الكلمينتين كمكون وظيفي مفيد ذو قيمة غذائية وصحية يمكن استخدامة فى الصناعات الغذائية كإضافات.This experiment presented essential oils by GC/MS, pigment content, and their antioxidant activities as well as sensory evaluation of delight samples. Limonene (66.88%) was the most prevalent yield. The peels of clementine had DPPH and ABT Scavenging activity. All levels of pigment extract had better scores for all sensory values and recorded acceptable scores in terms of appearance, color, aroma, and overall acceptability compared to control delight. Besides, delight samples containing 15 mg astaxanthin pigment extract showed maximum sensory scores compared to other samples and control delight. On the other hand, the product was less acceptable to the panelists compared to control in the case of the addition of 3.75 mg astaxanthin pigment extract. All the analyzed samples showed that delight fortified with astaxanthin pigment which has high contents of essential oils has good antioxidant activities. As a general conclusion, Clementine peels are recommended as a useful value-added functional ingredient for the food industry as natural additives that will be healthier than artificial additives

    Inter-rater reliability of treatment fidelity and therapeutic alliance measures for psychological therapies for anxiety in young people with autism spectrum disorders

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    Objectives: This article presents work undertaken to establish inter-rater reliability for a measure of treatment fidelity and a measure of therapeutic alliance for therapies for anxiety for young people with autism spectrum disorders. The discussion and decision-making processes behind achieving consensus of raters are rarely published. Margolin et al. (1998) have highlighted this issue and called for researchers to communicate the details of their observational and rating procedures. This article is a response to their call for greater transparency so that these methods are readily accessible for comparison with other studies. Methods: Participants were young people with autism spectrum disorders receiving treatment for anxiety, clinical staff treating these young people and the independent raters assessing the treatment sessions. We report: (i) the processes involved in establishing inter-rater reliability for two instruments, (ii) the results obtained with a sample of young people with autism spectrum disorders using these instruments. Results and conclusions: Results demonstrate that it was possible to attain satisfactory inter-rater reliability with each of these two instruments with a client group with autism spectrum disorders, even though the instruments were originally designed for typically-developing populations

    Inter-rater reliability of treatment fidelity and therapeutic alliance measures for psychological therapies for anxiety in young people with autism spectrum disorders

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    Objectives: This article presents work undertaken to establish inter-rater reliability for a measure of treatment fidelity and a measure of therapeutic alliance for therapies for anxiety for young people with autism spectrum disorders. The discussion and decision-making processes behind achieving consensus of raters are rarely published. Margolin et al. (1998) have highlighted this issue and called for researchers to communicate the details of their observational and rating procedures. This article is a response to their call for greater transparency so that these methods are readily accessible for comparison with other studies. Methods: Participants were young people with autism spectrum disorders receiving treatment for anxiety, clinical staff treating these young people and the independent raters assessing the treatment sessions. We report: (i) the processes involved in establishing inter-rater reliability for two instruments, (ii) the results obtained with a sample of young people with autism spectrum disorders using these instruments. Results and conclusions: Results demonstrate that it was possible to attain satisfactory inter-rater reliability with each of these two instruments with a client group with autism spectrum disorders, even though the instruments were originally designed for typically-developing populations