485 research outputs found

    Noord-Hollands koolbedrijf van 28 ha op kleigrond

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    Met deze voorbeeldberekening wordt aan de oriënterende ondernemer inzicht gegeven in de financiële verandering tijdens en na het omschakelen naar een biologische bedrijfsvoering. In dit voorbeeld gaat het om een gespecialiseerd (sluit)koolbedrijf met een bedrijfsgrootte van 18 hectare eigen grond en daarnaast nog 10 hectare huurland voor de koolteelt. Door de flexibiliteit van huurland en het hanteren van een 'slim en kort omschakeltraject' komt het bouwplansaldo alleen in het eerste omschakeljaar iets lager uit dan in de gangbare situatie

    BIO-IMPULS: innovatie in de biologische aardappelketen

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    In 2008 is het project BIO-IMPULS gestart om de biologische aardappelteelt in Nederland te verbeteren. BIO-IMPULS richt zich op innovaties in de gehele aardappelketen, van veredeling, teeltoptimalisatie (gewasbescherming, teeltvervroeging, bemesting, oogst en bewaring) en de markintroductie van nieuwe rassen en producten tot voorlichting en kennisoverdrach

    Following wrong suggestions: self-blame in human and computer scenarios

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    This paper investigates the specific experience of following a suggestion by an intelligent machine that has a wrong outcome and the emotions people feel. By adopting a typical task employed in studies on decision-making, we presented participants with two scenarios in which they follow a suggestion and have a wrong outcome by either an expert human being or an intelligent machine. We found a significant decrease in the perceived responsibility on the wrong choice when the machine offers the suggestion. At present, few studies have investigated the negative emotions that could arise from a bad outcome after following the suggestion given by an intelligent system, and how to cope with the potential distrust that could affect the long-term use of the system and the cooperation. This preliminary research has implications in the study of cooperation and decision making with intelligent machines. Further research may address how to offer the suggestion in order to better cope with user's self-blame.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT)201

    Biobloemen naar volwassenheid : co-innovatie ter verbetering van houdbaarheid, assortimentsverbreding, kostprijsmanagement in de keten, beleving van productconcepten

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    De doelstelling voor het project ‘Biobloem naar volwassenheid’ is: ‘Het oplossen van een aantal belangrijke knelpunten waardoor de omzet van de biologische sierteeltsector kan verdubbelen en de bedrijven rendabel kunnen draaien’. Het gaat daarbij om de volgende thema’s: 1. Meerwaarde product (consumentenonderzoek) 2. Verbreding sortiment 3. Voor- en nabehandelingsmiddelen 4. Kostprijsmanagemen

    Striatal sensitivity to personal responsibility in a regret-based decision-making task

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    Regret and relief are complex emotional states associated with the counterfactual processing of nonobtained outcomes in a decision-making situation. In the "actor effect," a sense of agency and personal responsibility is thought to heighten these emotions. Using fMRI, we scanned volunteers (n = 22) as they played a task involving choices between two wheel-of-fortune gambles. We examined how neural responses to counterfactual outcomes were modulated by giving subjects the opportunity to change their minds, as a manipulation of personal responsibility. Satisfaction ratings to the outcomes were highly sensitive to the difference between the obtained and nonobtained outcome, and ratings following losses were lower on trials with the opportunity to change one's mind. Outcome-related activity in the striatum and orbitofrontal cortex was positively related to the satisfaction ratings. The striatal response was modulated by the agency manipulation: Following losses, the striatal signal was significantly lower when the subject had the opportunity to change his/her mind. These results support the involvement of frontostriatal mechanisms in counterfactual thinking and highlight the sensitivity of the striatum to the effects of personal responsibility.</p

    Identification of genes differentially expressed in association with acquired cisplatin resistance

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    The goal of this study was to identify genes whose mRNA levels are differentially expressed in human cells with acquired cisplatin (cDDP) resistance. Using the parental UMSCC10b head and neck carcinoma cell line and the 5.9-fold cDDP-resistant subline, UMSCC10b/Pt-S15, two suppressive subtraction hybridization (SSH) cDNA libraries were prepared. One library represented mRNAs whose levels were increased in the cDDP resistant variant (the UP library), the other one represented mRNAs whose levels were decreased in the resistant cells (the DOWN library). Arrays constructed with inserts recovered from these libraries were hybridized with SSH products to identify truly differentially expressed elements. A total of 51 cDNA fragments present in the UP library and 16 in the DOWN library met the criteria established for differential expression. The sequences of 87% of these cDNA fragments were identified in Genbank. Among the mRNAs in the UP library that were frequently isolated and that showed high levels of differential expression were cytochrome oxidase I, ribosomal protein 28S, elongation factor 1α, α-enolase, stathmin, and HSP70. The approach taken in this study permitted identification of many genes never before linked to the cDDP-resistant phenotype. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Verifying Different-modality Properties for Concepts Produces Switching Costs

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    According to perceptual symbol systems (Barsalou, 1999), sensory-motor simulations underlie the representation of concepts. It follows that sensory-motor phenomena should arise in conceptual processing. Previous studies have shown that switching from one modality to another during perceptual processing incurs a processing cost. If perceptual simulation underlies conceptual processing, then verifying the properties of concepts should exhibit a switching cost as well. For example, verifying a property in the auditory modality (e.g., BLENDER-loud) should be slower after verifying a property in a different modality (e.g., CRANBERRIES-tart) than in the same modality (e.g., LEAVES-rustling). Only words were presented to subjects, and there were no instructions to use imagery. Nevertheless switching modalities incurred a cost, analogous to switching modalities in perception. A second experiment showed that this effect was not due to associative priming between properties in the same modality. These results support the hypothesis that perceptual simulation underlies conceptual processing

    The impact of redesigning care processes on quality of care: a systematic review

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    Background: This literature review evaluates the current state of knowledge about the impact of process redesign on the quality of healthcare. Methods: Pubmed, CINAHL, Web of Science and Business Premier Source were searched for relevant studies published in the last ten years [20042014]. To be included, studies had to be original research, published in English with a before-and-after study design, and be focused on changes in healthcare processes and quality of care. Studies that met the inclusion criteria were independently assessed for excellence in reporting by three reviewers using the SQUIRE checklist. Data was extracted using a framework developed for this review. Results: Reporting adequacy varied across the studies. Process redesign interventions were diverse, and none of the studies described their effects on all dimensions of quality defined by the Institute of Medicine. Conclusions: The results of this systematic literature review suggests that process redesign interventions have positive effects on certain aspects of quality. However, the full impact cannot be determined on the basis of the literature. A wide range of outcome measures were used, and research methods were limited. This review demonstrates the need for further investigation of the impact of redesign interventions on the quality of healthcare. Keywords: Process redesign, Quality of care, Healthcare processes, Systematic revie
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