1,128 research outputs found

    Stenzel's Ricci-flat Kaehler metrics are not projectively induced

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    We investigate the existence of a holomorphic and isometric immersion in the complex projective space for the complete Ricci-flat Kaehler metrics constructed by M. B. Stenzel on the cotangent bundle of a compact, rank one, globally symmetric space.Comment: 8 page

    On the convergence of the Sasaki J-flow

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    This paper investigates the C∞C^\infty-convergence of the Sasaki JJ-flow. The result is applied to prove a lower bound for the KK-energy map in the Sasakian context.Comment: 15 page

    A note on the coefficients of Rawnsley's epsilon function of Cartan-Hartogs domains

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    We extend a result of Z. Feng and Z. Tu by showing that if one of the coefficients aja_j, 2≤j≤n2\leq j\leq n, of Rawnlsey's epsilon function associated to a nn-dimensional Cartan-Hartogs domain is constant, then the domain is biholomorphically equivalent to the complex hyperbolic space.Comment: 6 p

    Canonical metrics on Cartan--Hartogs domains

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    In this paper we address two problems concerning a family of domains M_{\Omega}(\mu) \subset \C^n, called Cartan-Hartogs domains, endowed with a natural Kaehler metric g(μ)g(\mu). The first one is determining when the metric g(μ)g(\mu) is extremal (in the sense of Calabi), while the second one studies when the coefficient a2a_2 in the Engli\v{s} expansion of Rawnsley ϵ\epsilon-function associated to g(μ)g(\mu) is constant.Comment: 13 page

    K\"ahler immersions of K\"ahler manifolds into complex space forms

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    The study of K\"ahler immersions of a given real analytic K\"ahler manifold into a finite or infinite dimensional complex space form originates from the pioneering work of Eugenio Calabi [10]. With a stroke of genius Calabi defines a powerful tool, a special (local) potential called diastasis function, which allows him to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for a neighbourhood of a point to be locally K\"ahler immersed into a finite or infinite dimensional complex space form. As application of its criterion, he also provides a classification of (finite dimensional) complex space forms admitting a K\"ahler immersion into another. Although, a complete classification of K\"ahler manifolds admitting a K\"ahler immersion into complex space forms is not known, not even when the K\"ahler manifolds involved are of great interest, e.g. when they are K\"ahler-Einstein or homogeneous spaces. In fact, the diastasis function is not always explicitely given and Calabi's criterion, although theoretically impeccable, most of the time is of difficult application. Nevertheless, throughout the last 60 years many mathematicians have worked on the subject and many interesting results have been obtained. The aim of this book is to describe Calabi's original work, to provide a detailed account of what is known today on the subject and to point out some open problems.Comment: 116 page

    Isometric immersions of locally conformally Kaehler manifolds

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    We investigate isometric immersions of locally conformally Kaehler metrics into Hopf manifolds. In particular, we study Hopf-induced metrics on compact complex surfaces.Comment: 20 pages. Revised version with main corrections to Prop. 3.4, Prop. 3.6 and Prop. 3.9 (and Th. 1.1 consequently

    Lichens and their importance for the monitoring of environmental changes in Southern Africa : with special reference to soil-inhabiting lichens.

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    Lichens are the object of investigation within the framework of the BIOTA Southern Africa project, subproject S04 (http://www.biota-africa.org). This interdisciplinary research project, installed in 2000, focuses on the analysis of biodiversity and its changes along climatic and vegetation gradients (transects) in Namibia and in the Republic of South Africa. In the context of this project, studies on the diversity of lichens are carriedout. Special reference is given to the monitoring of lichens growing on soil, which form the so called biological soil crusts.Lichen diversity is assessed and analysed with respect to its spatial and temporal changes. These are related to various abioticand biotic factors such as climate, soil features and land use. The indicator value of certain terricolouslichen taxaand/or lichen groups (communities) is investigated for the study area, and it is intended to use itin a future long-term monitoring programme in the region. In this brochure, we whish to explain what lichens are, how do they live and where do they grow, and why they are so important as bioindicatorsin arid and semi-arid areas of the world. The activities of the S04 subproject along the BIOTA transect are described, as well as the methods used for monitoring environmental changes in Southern Africa using soil-inhabiting lichens

    The southern Sardinian tradtition of the Mutetu Longu : A functional analysis

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    I shall consider in this paper the kind of oral poetry that was called cantus amoebaeus1 by the Romans, based upon a poetic joust between two or more poets who improvise their verse in search of public approval. This is, and has been, a widespread genre in various separate cultures, and it has to be considered a unique chapter within the entirety of the oral poetic tradition. Some of the styles adopted in this specific form of oral poetry are so common and recurrent that they seem to derive more from an innate need in people than from their cultural education, and they can be considered universal to this genre.2 Different traditions are, however, distinguished by many other characteristics that define their extremely lively, varied, and versatile nature.Not
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