326 research outputs found

    Propuesta para el manejo sostenible del turismo

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    This article analyzes the humpback whale watching activity in the area of Salinas. It examines the history, current situation and supporting industry. With this basis, we proceed to identify key actors and issues, after which it performs a SWOT analysis and impact analysis of regulations. After which ends with an agreement of partnership, recommendations for regulation, and a list of goo

    Matemática aplicada a crisis empresariales

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    En este trabajo presentamos aplicaciones lógicas y matemáticas a la resolución de concursos de acreedores, que surgen por falencias en una empresa. Mostramos cómo las ciencias formales son imprescindibles en la cuantificación de activos y pasivos de una institución, aunque no siempre se da una total adecuación entre los resultados matemáticos y lo que dictamina una norma jurídica en su aplicación a hechos reales concretos. En la práctica profesional se aplican diversos conceptos lógicos y matemáticos para dar mayor rigor a los informes de los procesos concursales, contemplando las normas técnicas, jurídico-contables. Se apreciará en ellos la relativa interrelación de las ciencias formales y sociales. Servirá, además, para que un docente pueda evidenciar los alcances y límites de aplicaciones lógico matemáticas a una realidad social, en este caso un juicio de proceso concursal

    Suffusion in compacted loessial silts. Interaction with granular filters

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    Loess soils, which occupies much of central Argentina, is characterized by its high sensitivity to change in moisture. This condition categorized loess structure as internally unstable soil. Despite this natural condition, silts derived from loess are frequently used as material in roads and hydraulics constructions. In filtration processes, the soil should be shielded from erosion phenomena. The filter must have a particle size consistent with the ground to protect. In particular, sandy silts can be affected by phenomena of suffusion, or internal instability of the soil structure. The filter must control the loss of material and ensure the stability of flow. The present study shows the experimental results of flow applied to loessial silts, with low compaction. Tests have been conducted using filtration columns that simulate the soil-filter-drain. The test methodology applied aims to follow the research lines of similar studies worldwide. Studies have focused on analyzing the influence of variables such as degree of compaction, hydraulic gradient and composition of the filter material. The results obtained allow recommendations with reference to construction systems to be applied and the composition of the filter in order to properly control the suffusion.Fil: Terzariol, R. E. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil: Rocca, R. J. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil: Zeballos, M. E. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina.Otras Ingeniería Civi

    Gestión administrativa que ejecutan los directores en los centros educativos de Pre-media y Básica General de la provincia de Veraguas, para la calidad de la educación.

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    Entre las múltiples formas de abordar el tema de la administración de la educación, se eligió examinar la temática bajo los aspectos del quehacer educativo, considerando los nuevos roles y funciones que deben desempeñar los directores en la administración globalizante de su gestión, tomando en cuenta características particulares de la administración educativa, su filosofía, funciones del director por áreas que contribuyen a la eficiencia de los servicios que ofrecen las instituciones educativas. Los aportes dados a este conocimiento se logran por la investigación, la teoría y la práctica administrativa, además se analizan los factores determinantes de la gestión administrativa en las instituciones escolares, entre ella tenemos La institución escolar y su contexto socio-cultural, bases filosóficas y las teorías de la administración, para llegar a un paradigma que permite una síntesis del estudio de Administración de la Educación. Para la consecución de este objetivo se aplicó encuestas al director regional, los directores, personal administrativo, profesores y estudiantes Luego se hizo una reflexión de la gestión administrativa que ejecutan los directores ante los retos de nuevos paradigmas administrativos que buscan una enseñanza eficiente para la calidad de la educación. De los resultados se deriva que hay una buena administración escolar Se observó además que se acogen las recomendaciones de los superiores, hay buenas relaciones humanas con sus superiores y colegas y que el personal posee conocimientos administrativos La mitad del personal encuestado participa de la armonía requerida en la institución. El marco presente en el trabajo tiene como objetivo explicar con claridad la serie de opciones ideológicas y pedagógicas que enfrenta el director para tomar decisiones cuando intenta mejorar la calidad de la educación, a través de los resultados obtenidos. De igual forma en este estudio aparecen precisiones en torno a la calidad de la Educación, como recomendaciones para la Gestión Administrativa que ejecutan los Directores de Pre-media y Básica General de la Provincia de Veraguas

    Evaluation of the paraphyletic assemblages within Lonchophyllinae, with description of a new tribe and genus

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    In the past decade, six new species and one new genus have been described in the Lonchophyllinae (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae), increasing the number of recognized taxa in the subfamily to four genera and 17 species. During this time, three studies, both morphologic and genetic, indicated the genus Lonchophylla was paraphyletic with respect to other genera in the subfamily. Using tissues from museum voucher specimens, including the holotypes of specimens of Xeronycteris vieirai and Lonchophylla pattoni, issues related to the previous paraphyletic assemblages were addressed. A combination of mitochondrial (Cytb), nuclear data (Fgb-I7, TSHB-I2), chromosome diploid and fundamental numbers, and morphologic characters was used to determine whether all species of Lonchophylla share a common ancestor after diverging from other genera in the subfamily. Based on gene sequence data, a basal, monophyletic, statistically supported radiation within the subfamily Lonchophyllinae was observed in all phylogenetic analyses. We conclude that this assemblage merits recognition as a new tribe and genus, and, therefore, present formal descriptions of the genus as Hsunycteris and the tribe as Hsunycterini. Several other issues related to paraphyly within both the genus Hsunycteris and tribe Lonchophyllini were not resolvable at this time, including that the genus Lonchophylla is paraphyletic and Hsunycteris thomasi contains four genetic species. A species in the genus Hsunycteris remains undescribed because it was not possible to determine which of two lineages the type specimen of H. thomasi is actually a member. Until additional genetic and/or morphologic data are available, resolution of all paraphyletic relationships is not possible. Future studies that focus on utilizing morphologic and genetic (both mitochondrial and nuclear) data from the type specimens of species of Lonchophylla and species of Hsunycteris thomasi are needed to resolve these remaining questions


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    AzTEC 1.1 mm observations of high-z protocluster environments : SMG overdensities and misalignment between AGN jets and SMG distribution

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    We present observations at 1.1 mm towards 16 powerful radio galaxies and a radio-quiet quasar at 0.5 > z > 6.3 acquired with the AzTEC camera mounted at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope and Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment to study the spatial distribution of submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) towards possible protocluster regions. The survey covers a total area of 1.01 sq deg with rms depths of 0.52-1.44 mJy and detects 728 sources above 3σ. We find overdensities of a factor of ~2 in the source counts of three individual fields (4C+23.56, PKS1138-262, and MRC0355-037) over areas of ~200 sq deg. When combining all fields, the source-count analysis finds an overdensity that reaches a factor ≳ 3 at S 1.1mm = 4mJy covering a 1.5-arcmin-radius area centred on the active galactic nucleus. The large size of our maps allows us to establish that beyond a radius of 1.5 arcmin, the radial surface density of SMGs falls to that of a blank field. In addition, we find a trend for SMGs to align closely to a perpendicular direction with respect to the radio jets of the powerful central radio galaxies (73 -14 +13 deg). This misalignment is found over projected comoving scales of 4-20 Mpc, departs from perfect alignment (0 deg) by ~5σ, and apparently has no dependence on SMG luminosity. Under the assumption that the AzTEC sources are at the redshift of the central radio galaxy, the misalignment reported here can be interpreted as SMGs preferentially inhabiting mass-dominant filaments funnelling material towards the protoclusters, which are also the parent structures of the radio galaxies.Peer reviewe

    A new type of resistive plate chamber: the multigap RPC

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    This paper describes the multigap resistive plate chamber (RPC). The goal is to obtain a much improved time resolution, keeping the advantages of the wide gap RPC in comparison with the conventional narrow gap RPC (smaller dynamic range and thus lower charge per avalanche which gives higher rate capability and lower power dissipation in the gas gap)