28 research outputs found

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    Циљ овог истраживања је утврђивање нивоа развијености неких језичких способности код деце првог разреда. Испитивање је извршено на узорку од 64 деце. За процену говорно-језичких способности коришћени су: Глобални артикулациони тест, Тест гласовне анализе и синтезе речи, Семантички тест, Тест за испитивање усвојености предлога и Тест за испитивање усвојености прилога. Резултати Глобалног артикулационог теста указују да 25% деце има неправилан изговор гласова, од чега ¾ чине дечаци. На Тесту гласовне анализе и синтезе речи деца су била успешнија при решавању краћих и једноставнијих задатака, али је већина деце успешно савладала све захтеве, при чему су девојчице оствариле боље резултате од дечака, али без утврђивања статистички значајних разлика (p>.05). На задацима Семантичког теста преко 60% деце остварило је резултате који су у оквиру узрасних норми или изнад узраста. Најбоље постигнуће остварено је у оквиру категорије антонима, а најлошије на задацима синонима. Дечаци су постигли незнатно боље резултате од девојчица. На Тестовима за испитивање усвојености предлога и прилога, девојчице су постигле незнатно боље резултате од дечака, али је већина деце (преко 80%) овладала граматичким категоријама предлога и прилога.The aim of this research is to determine the level of development of some language abilities in first grade children and to determine the existence of a gender difference. The examination was conducted on a sample of 64 children. Global Articulation Test, Phoneme Analysis and Word Synthesis Test, Semantic Test, Proposition Adoption Test and Adverb Adoption Test were applied to assess language skills. The results of the Global Articulation Test indicate that 25% of children have an incorrect pronunciation, of which ¾ are boys. On the Voice Analysis and Word Synthesis Test, children were more successful in solving shorter and simpler tasks, but most children successfully mastered all requirements, girls achieved better results than boys, but without determining statistically significant differences (p> .05). On the tasks of the Semantic Test, over 60% of children achieved results that are within the age range or above, the best results were achieved within the category of antonyms, and the worst on the tasks of synonyms. Boys achieved slightly better results than girls. On the Tests for examining the acceptance of suggestions and contributions, girls achieved slightly better results than boys, but the majority of children (over 80%) adopted the grammatical categories of suggestions and contributions

    The importance of combined NGS and MLPA genetic tests for differential diagnosis of maturity onset diabetes of the young

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    Introduction: Maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is a rare form of monogenic diabetes. Being clinically and genetically heterogeneous, it is often misdiagnosed as type 1 or type 2 diabetes, leading to inappropriate therapy. MODY is caused by a single gene mutation. Thirteen genes, defining 13 subtypes, have been identified to cause MODY. A correct diagnosis is important for the right therapy, prognosis, and genetic counselling. Material and methods: Twenty-nine unrelated paediatric patients clinically suspected of having MODY diabetes were analysed using TruSight One panel for next-generation sequencing (NGS) and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) assay. Results: In this study we identified variants in MODY genes in 22 out of 29 patients (75.9%). Using two genetic tests, NGS and MLPA, we detected both single nucleotide variants and large deletions in patients. Most of the patients harboured a variant in the GCK gene (11/22), followed by HNF1B (5/22). The rest of the variants were found in the NEUROD1 and HNF1A genes. We identified one novel variant in the GCK gene: c.596T gt C, p.Val199Ala. The applied genetic tests excluded the suspected diagnosis of MODY in two patients and revealed variants in other genes possibly associated with the patient's clinical phenotype. Conclusions: In our group of MODY patients most variants were found in the GCK gene, followed by variants in HNF1B, NEUROD1, and HNF1A genes. The combined NGS and MLPA-based genetic tests presented a comprehensive approach for analysing patients with suspected MODY diabetes and provided a successful differential diagnosis of MODY subtypes


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    The aim of this paper was to study distribution of the hepatic artery and portal vein of theportal system of the liver in ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) and compare these data withthose concerning the rats, rabbits, guinea pigs and nutrias. The liver of the ground squirrel receivesthe oxygen and nutrients through blood from two large blood vessels: portal vein and hepatic artery(a. hepatica propria). The portal vein is formed by the confluence of three main venous bloodvessels: v. gastropancreaticoduodenalis, v. gastrolienalis and v. mesenterica cranialis. It collectsvenous blood from the stomach, pancreas, spleen and all of intestines except the rectum. The portalvein enters the porta hepatis on the liver together with the hepatic artery. Five venous branches ofdifferent size separate from the portal vein and ramify into the respective liver lobes.Blood leaves the liver through the hepatic veins that start with the central veins. Three large hepaticveins and two venous trunks drain lobes of the liver and enter the caudal vena cava as it passesthrough the liver.A. hepatica propria supplies the liver and gallbladder with oxygenated blood. It raises from thehepatic artery (a. hepatica) wich is the third branch of the celiac artery. A. hepatica propria in theportal fissure is divided into two branches, of which the left branch brings arterial blood to the lefthepatic lobe, and the right branch brings it into other liver lobes

    Liver anatomy, intrahepatic vascular and biliary branching system of the mole rat (Spalax leucodon)

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    Background: There are many studies on the morphology of the liver and its blood vessels in experimental animals, but such studies are lacking in the mole rat (Spalax leucodon). The aim of this paper was a detailed basic study on the topography, morphology, vascular and biliary branching systems of the liver in the mole rat. Materials and methods: Coloured gelatine and mixture of coloured lead oxide and linseed oil were injection contrast masses used to obtain vascular and biliary branching pattern in the liver. It was revealed that the liver of the mole rat had five lobes (left, quadrate, right medial, right lateral and caudate lobes). Results: The left, undivided lobe was the largest lobe of the liver. The quadrate lobe was divided into two components by a deep notch. The gallbladder, of cylindrical shape, was present and attached to the quadrate lobe. The common bile duct was formed by the union of the left and right hepatic ducts. The pancreatic duct joined the common bile duct before it entered the duodenum. In the present study, only the right medial lobe and quadrate lobe always showed a single lobar artery, portal and hepatic veins. The left lobe showed four lobar arteries, portal and hepatic veins. The caudate lobe with its two processes and the right lateral and medial lobes had different arterial and portal blood supply as well as hepatic and biliary drainage of these lobes. The intrahepatic branches of the proper hepatic artery ran parallel to the branches of the common portal vein in the same lobes of the liver. Conclusions: The results of this study are significant for comparative studies among different species of rodents and other experimental animals. Morphology, vasculature and biliary tract of the liver in the mole rat were similar to that of other experimental animals and identified differences may be related to the adaptation to the mode of life and diet of this rodent

    Vaskularizacija bubrega kod tekunice (Citellus citellus) u poređenju sa drugim eksperimentalnim životinjama

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    Ground squirrel is the only representative of its genus in our country. As experimental animal is used in microbiology, parasitology, immunology and pharmacology. The aim of this study was to examine a part of ground squirrel cardiovascular system and thus help better understanding of anatomy of the body of this specific animal as well as to contribute to comparative anatomy. The studies were perfomed on six ground squirrels, both sexes, weight between 200- 300 g. In order to obtain the arterial vascularization of the kidney, contrast mass gelatin stained with painting tempera was injected into the abdominal aorta after bleeding out. After the injection, blood vessels were prepared and photographed. Corosive preparations of the vein blood vessels of the kidneys were obtained by injection of Byocril into the right azygos vein after bleeding out. After injection, the preparations were placed into 5% NaOH for 96 hours or 10% NaOH for 48 hours. After that the preparations were rinsed with hot water and photographed. A. renalis dextra arises from the lateral wall of the abdominal aorta, 3-4 mm caudal to A. mesenterica cranialis. In most cases, this vessel divides into two or three branches before entering the hilus of the right kidney. A. renalis sinistra arises from the lateral wall of the abdominal aorta, 7-9 mm caudal to the right renal artery. Often, instead of one left renal artery, there are two, rarely three. Based on the results of our study, we concluded that in ground squirrel there is one A. renalis dextra and often two, rarely three Aa. renales sinistrae. In renal venous vascularization, both right and left renal vein are involved. Before entering the kidney, both of them divide into cranial and caudal branch, undergoing renal hilus, enter the renal sinus and continues to branch out into smaller branches.U oblasti eksperimentalne, humane i veterinarske medicine sve se više pridaje značaj eksperimentalnim životinjama. Na njima se mogu pratiti funkcije određenih sistema i njihove farmakodinamske manifestacije, koje nastaju zavisno od vrste, načina unošenja i metaboličkih puteva pojedinih supstanci ili bioloških agenasa u organizam ove životinje. Sa stepenom razvoja nauke, poznavanje građe tela tekunice (Citellus citellus) u cilju eksperimentalnih ispitivanja podrazumeva poznavanje makroskopske i mikroskopske građe kao i odnosa pojedinih organa i organskih sistema životinje za određene vidove istraživačke delatnosti. Za pomenuta istraživanja, pored ostalog, značajno je i poznavanje vaskularizacije bubrega. To je bio jedan od glavnih razloga da obradimo deo kardiovaskularnog sistema kod tekunice i boljim poznavanjem njene građe damo doprinos komparativnoj anatomiji

    Employing Gamma-Ray-Modified Carbon Quantum Dots to Combat a Wide Range of Bacteria

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    Nowadays, it is a great challenge to develop new medicines for treating various infectious diseases. The treatment of these diseases is of utmost interest to further prevent the development of multi-drug resistance in different pathogens. Carbon quantum dots, as a new member of the carbon nanomaterials family, can potentially be used as a highly promising visible-light-triggered antibacterial agent. In this work, the results of antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of gamma-ray-irradiated carbon quantum dots are presented. Carbon quantum dots (CQDs) were synthesized from citric acid by a pyrolysis procedure and irradiated by gamma rays at different doses (25, 50, 100 and 200 kGy). Structure, chemical composition and optical properties were investigated by atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectrometry and photoluminescence. Structural analysis showed that CQDs have a spherical-like shape and dose-dependent average diameters and heights. Antibacterial tests showed that all irradiated dots had antibacterial activity but CQDs irradiated with dose of 100 kGy had antibacterial activity against all seven pathogen-reference bacterial strains. Gamma-ray-modified CQDs did not show any cytotoxicity toward human fetal-originated MRC-5 cells. Moreover, fluorescence microscopy showed excellent cellular uptake of CQDs irradiated with doses of 25 and 200 kGy into MRC-5 cells


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    Violence is a serious social problem that exists both in developed and underdeveloped countries. As a society in transition, Serbia is unfortunately not an exception, and in the last thirty years, based on objective statistical data, Serbia leads in the region regarding the rise of this social phenomenon. The subject of this research is to identify the possibilities and limits of the emergence, spreading and suppression of various manifestations of violence in schools, as well as to use the collective awareness of peer-to-peer relationships, that is, to ask students about their views on whether peer violence problem exists and what their active role in addressing it is. The goal of this research is not to identify wide-ranging effects of peer violence on society, but to promote the need to recognize peer violence as an important trigger for future social problems, and in that regard, invite schools to prepare programs to prevent violence in schools through teaching and extracurricular activities, where students would have subject positions. Based on the research results obtained, we can see that peer violence significantly affects school atmosphere and has an impact on the overall personality development of students who attend the final grade of the eight-year city school. It has been proven that a large number of surveyed students do not report violence because of fear, prejudice, conformism; however, students talk about it to their parents and teachers in private, seeking help and support. We conclude that students are not sufficiently empowered and encouraged to actively grow up in the school environment, which opens up new research questions on the ways, dynamics and readiness of the society to increase the number of preventative activities in schools.Nasilje je ozbiljan društveni problem koji postoji u razvijenim i nerazvijenim regionima. Srpsko tranziciono društvo, nažalost, nije izuzetak i poslednjih tridesetak godina unazad i prema objektivnoj statistici prednjači u porastu ove društvene pojave u regionu. Predmet istraživanja  je sadržan u određivanju mogućnosti i granica pojave, plime i suzbijanja različitih objektivnih manifestacija nasilja u školi, a kroz prizmu kolektivne svesti vršnjačkih odnosa odn. mišljenja učenika o tome da li je vršnjačko nasilje prisutno i njihove aktivne uloge u rešavanju istog. Cilj istraživanja, nije sagledavanje širih posledica  po društvo, već promovisanje potrebe da se školsko nasilje prepozna kao važan okidač za buduće društvene probleme i u tom smislu pozovu škole na pripremu interventnih programa za suzbijanje nasilja u školi u putem nastavnih i vannastavnih programa i aktivnosti, u kojima će subjekat biti učenik. Prema dobijenim rezultatima istraživanja uočavamo da je vršnjačko nasilje u značajnoj meri latentno prisutno u kreiranju školske atmosfere i da vrši uticaj na sveukupan razvoj ličnosti učenika završnog razreda osmogodišnje gradske škole. Dokazano je, da veliki broj ispitanika - učenika ne prijavljuje nasilje zbog straha, predrasuda, konformizma, ali da se o njemu učenici izjašnjavaju posredno obraćajući se roditeljima i nastavnicima, skriveno za pomoć i podršku. Zaključujemo, da učenici nisu dovoljno osnaženi da aktivno učestvuju u odrastanju u školskom ambijentu, što otvara nova istraživačka pitanja o načinama, dinamici i spremnosti  društvene zajednice da pojača aktivnosti u prevenciji nasilja u školi

    Efekat primene biostimulatora biocomplex 900 u proizvodnji rasada paradajza (Lycopersicon Essculentum Mill.)

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    Applications of bio-stimulant Biocomplex 900 was studied in this paper in the production of tomato (Lycopersicon Essculentum Mill) seedling and the hybrid Belle was used. Indicators of growth and development were studied: mass of fresh root matter, stem and leaves, leaf area and the content of photosynthetic parameters in the leaf. A natural bio-stimulator was used in these studies as the ecological preparation, since it contains the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum with high content of alginic acids, micro elements and amino acids. The application of this bio-stimulant showed very positive impact, compared to the control (untreated) variant and increased the values of almost all investigated parameters.Primene biostimulatora Biocomplex 900 isitana je u ovom radu u proizvodnji rasada paradajza (Lycopersicon Essculentum Mill.) a korišćen je hibrid Belle. Ispitivani pokazatelji rasta i razvića su: masa sveže materije korena, stabla i listova, površina lista i sadržaj fotosintetskih parametara u listu. U ovim istraživanjima korišćen je prirodni biostimulator u funkciji ekološkog preparata, obzirom da je u osnovi preparata sadržan hemijski sastav morske alge Ascophyllum nodosum i odlikuje se visokim sadržajem alginskih kiselina, mikroelemenata i aminokiselina. Primena ovog biostimulatora u poređenju sa kontrolnom (netretiranom) varijantom pokazala je veoma pozitivan uticaj i povećanje vrednosti gotovo svih ispitivanih parametara