89 research outputs found

    Influence of spermal plasma protein on ejaculate quality and productive results of births

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    IZ  Svinjarska proizvodnja predstavlja značajan segment stočarske proizvodnje. Ova značajnost ogleda se pre svega u činjenici da više od 50% potrošnje mesa u svetu predstavlja svinjsko meso. Upravo iz tih razloga velika paţnja usmerena je na unapreĎenje ove grane stočarske proizvodnje. Učinjeni su značajni pomaci u genetici stvaranjem novih visokoproduktivnih rasa (linija). Najbolji rezultati u proizvodnji svinja postiţu se po sistemu uzgojno-priplodnih i reprodukciono-matičnih centara, utemeljenih na sistematskom oplemenjivačkom radu genetičara i selekcionara tokom više godina. Ovakav način proizvodnje svinja za priplod zastupljen je u zemljama sa vrlo razvijenim svinjarstvom (Danska, Poljska, Holandija, Švedska, Engleska i druge). Osnov genetskog unapreĎenja u svinjarstvu je definisanje jasnog odgajivačkog programa. Odgajivački programi u svinjarstvu, u proteklih nekoliko decenija doveli su do značajnog napretka u mnogim ekonomski vaţnim osobinama svinja. Uspeh u primeni tehnologije veštačkog osemenjavanja zavisi od identifikacije i selekcije nerasta čije su reproduktivne performanse, procenjene na osnovu libida, uspešnosti osemenjavanja i kvaliteta sperme, iznad proseka. Upravo je iz tih razloga neophodno poznavanje, ali i kontrola kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih osobina ejakulata nerasta. Intenzivno povećanje količine i kvaliteta svinjskog mesa, zahteva maksimalnu efikasnost reproduktivnog iskorištavanja genetskog potencijala superiornih nerastova. Sadašnja produkcija inseminacionih doza po ejakulatu, odnosno po nerastu godišnje, zootehnološki nije dovoljna, a ekonomski nije isplativa. Sadrţaj spermalne plazme u ejakulatu, sve se čašće navodi kao vaţan faktor povećanja potencijalnog fertilizacionog kapaciteta spermatozoida. Smatra se da ejakulati sa većim sadrţajem proteina imaju veću sposobnost iii visokog fertilizacionog potencijala spermatozoida. Analizom dobijenih rezultata ovog istraţivanja, moţe se reći da proteini sa manjom molekulskom masom imaju pozitivan protektivni efekat na spermatozoide(10-20kDa), a da proteini molekulske mase od (21 do 40 kDa) imaju pozitivan efekat na fertilitet ejakulata. Rezultati istraţivanja pokazali su da postoji povezanost izmeĎu odreĎenih proteinskih frakcija u spermalnoj plazmi koji direktno utiču na fertilizacionu sposobnost nerastova, što bi moglo posluţiti kao selekcijski marker u samom odabiru priplodnih nerastova. DatumAB  Swine production is an important part of animal production. This significance is due to the fact that more than 50% of the world’s meat consumption is pork. Therefore, large amount of effort is given to improve this branch of livestock production. Significant advances in genetics have resulted in creation of newly high productive breeds (lines). The best results in pig production are made using the system of the growing-breeding and reproduction centres, based on the systematic work of the geneticists and breeders over many years. This type of production is present in the countries with high level pig production (Denmark, Poland, Netherlands, Sweden, England and others). The basis of genetic advancement in pig farming is the definition of a clear breeding program. Breeding programs in pig production over the past few decades have led to significant improvement in many of the pig’s economically important traits. The success in using the artificial insemination depends on the identification and selection of boars with above average reproductive performances, based on the libido status, insemination rate and sperm vi quality. For that reason, it is of great importance the knowledge, but also the control of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the boar’s ejaculate. Intensive increase in the quantity and quality of pork requires maximum efficiency of reproductive utilization of the genetic potential of superior boars. The current production of insemination doses per ejaculation, i.e. per boar over a year, is not enough and is not economically viable. The amount of sperm plasma in the ejaculate is more often considered as the important factor in increasing the potential fertilization capacity of the sperm. The ejaculates with higher protein content contain sperm with higher fertilization potential. The results of this study show that the proteins with low molecular mass (10-20kDa) have a positive protective role on the sperm, and the proteins with molecular mass of 21-40kDa have a positive role on the fertility of the ejaculate. The results show that there is a relation between some protein fractions in the sperm plasma that directly affect the fertilization ability of the boar and it can be used as a marker in the selection of the breeding boars.  Accepte

    JDeveloper 11g R2 Jena Adapter Extension

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    Медицински растенија во превенција и третман на вирусни респираторни болести и механизам на дејство на хербалните компоненти како одбрана од КОВИД-19

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    Од почетокот на пандемијата на COVID-19, во декември 2019 година, хербалните лекови се широко распространети низ Кина со цел да го забават напливот на случаи од вирусот. Нивната ефикасност во ублажувањето на синдромот на акутен респираторен дистрес предизвикан од SARS-CoV-2 е одобрен и од Кинеската регулаторна агенција и од здравствените работници во прва линија. Неодамнешните перспективи на истражувачите тврдат дека потенцијалот на хербалниот лек да биде соодветна терапија за COVID-19 е отворен за дискусија во контекст на тоа дека фармаколошкиот механизам на тие медицински растенија останува нејасен и тешко е целосно да се истражи (Khanna et al., 2020). Сепак научниците континуирано работат на оваа проблематика и има добар напредок од неколку аспекти. Врз основа на досегашните докази може да заклучиме дека медицинските растенија преку различни механизми може да ги намалат симптомите на Ковид-19 и потенцијално да го подобрат општото здравје на пациентите при респираторни вирусни инфекции вклучително и COVID-19. Сепак потребна е внимателна проценка дали ваквата дополнителна терапија е оправдана или не

    The role of mismatch repair and recombination in cellular responses to the DNA damaging anticancer drug Cisplatin

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemistry, February 2002.Vita.Includes bibliographical references (p. 129-158).Cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(ll)) is a successful DNA-damaging anticancer drug used in the treatment of testicular, ovarian and other tumors. In the past decade, several mutually non-exclusive hypotheses have been presented to explain the cytotoxic and organotropic effects of this compound. In this work we have focused on the opposing effects of mismatch repair and recombination in mediating cisplatin cytotoxicity. Recombination mutants showed strikingly high sensitivity to cisplatin, while mismatch repair mutants showed low sensitivity and resistance to the drug. These results further illustrated that while recombination promotes cellular survival following cisplatin damage, mismatch repair, in contrast, promotes cisplatin toxicity. The mismatch repair protein MutS recognized cisplatin-DNA adducts with 2-fold higher affinity than adducts of oxaliplatin, a cisplatin analog that does not elicit resistance in mismatch repair mutants. MutS recognized the major cisplatin DNA-adduct, the 1,2-d(GpG) intrastrand crosslink, with equal affinity as a G/T mismatch in the same sequence context. Furthermore, MutS inhibited RecA catalyzed strand exchange reaction at the level of joint molecule formation when the substrate was platinated DNA. In the cell, mismatch repair could potentiate cisplatin toxicity by inhibiting the high levels of recombination that are required for cisplatin survival. Microarray analysis of gene expression following cisplatin damage showed that in contrast to wild type and methylation dam mutant, the methylation-mismatch repair double mutant did not show induction of any significant SOS DNA damage response.(cont.) Yet, this strain showed abrogated sensitivity in comparison to the dam mutant and high survival rate. The low damage response in the dam mutS mutants might allow for adduct tolerance and survival. Finally, genetic studies with yeast deficient in the meiosis specific mismatch repair proteins MSH4 and MSH5 showed both mutants to be resistant to cisplatin indicating that these proteins are involved in potentiating cisplatin toxicity. Taken together, these results further elucidate the role of recombination and mismatch repair in modulation of the cellular responses to cisplatin. Furthermore, because of the specific roles of these DNA metabolic pathways in meiotic cells, these results provide the framework in which the organotropic effects of cisplatin can be viewed from a molecular perspective.by Zoran Z. Zdraveski.Ph.D

    Challenges and Opportunities in Applying Semantics to Improve Access Control in the Field of Internet of Things

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    The increased number of IoT devices results in continuously generated massive amounts of raw data. Parts of this data are private and highly sensitive as they reflect owner’s behavior, obligations, habits, and preferences. In this paper, we point out that flexible and comprehensive access control policies are “a must” in the IoT domain. The Semantic Web technologies can address many of the challenges that the IoT access control is facing with today. Therefore, we analyze the current state of the art in this area and identify the challenges and opportunities for improved access control in a semantically enriched IoT environment. Applying semantics to IoT access control opens a lot of opportunities, such as semantic inference and reasoning, easy data sharing, data trading, new approaches to authentication, security policies based on a natural language and enhances the interoperability using a common ontology

    The influence of different molecular weight seminal plasma protein content on some fertility parameters in boar s ejaculates

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different percentage of seminal plasma proteins with different molecular weight on sperm motility and fertility parameters (farrowing rate (FR), number of live-born pigs (PBA) per litter and percentage of unsuccessful insemination). A total of 50 sperm-rich ejaculate fractions were collected (one per boar) using the gloved hand method. The quality parameters of the semen samples were first evaluated at the farm. Further assessment of sperm quality was performed on a CASA - computer assisted semen analysis by two competent operators. Seminal plasma protein fractions were obtained by AOAC -Association of Official Analytical Chemists as a chemical method. The assessment of reproductive performance was carried out based on collected data of three parameters in selected 9696 sows: FR, PBA per litter and percentage of unsuccessful insemination. Protein fractions were divided in to three groups (10 - 20kDa, 21 - 30kDa and 31-40kDa) Proteins with 10 - 20kDa did not have significant effect and correlation with analyzed parameters. Significant differences were recorded in farrowing rate between samples with up to 80 % compared to samples with 10% of proteins with 21 - 30kDa. Significant differences were recorded in unsuccessful insemination between samples with different percentage of proteins with 31 - 40kDa. Results of this study have shown the effect of different percentage of certain fraction of seminal plasma proteins on boar ejaculates fertility potential