108 research outputs found

    Traditional knowledge about polar bear in Chukotka

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    This research note describes a study undertaken from 2004 to 2007 with the aim to create a written collection of Indigenous narratives and traditional knowledge about the polar bear’s role in the cultural, spiritual, and material life of the peoples of Chukotka.Cette note de recherche décrit une étude entreprise de 2004 à 2007 qui avait comme objectif de créer une collection écrite de récits et savoirs traditionnels autochtones sur le rôle de l'ours polaire dans la vie culturelle, spirituelle et matérielle des peuples de la Tchoukotka

    Visualizing Nutrient Effects on Root Pattern Formation

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    This lab gives students hands-on experience with visualizing the root architecture of plants exposed to varying concentrations of the vital nutrient phosphorus. By maintaining Brassica sp. seedlings in the presence of different quantities of phosphate, students can quantify changes in the number of lateral roots as an example of how the environment influences plant pattern formation. Additional variables in the experimental design, such as the use of plant mutants altered in plant regulator action or the presence of plant regulators in the plant growth medium, allow for exploration of how plant growth regulators are involved in root development. The quantitative and qualitative nature of this nine-day activity provides instructors opportunities to introduce students to various data analyses in botanical study. Additional ties to plant anatomy and the agricultural use of plant growth regulators that alter root development make this activity a rich source of exploration for broadening student exposure to plants and their development

    Chukchi communities of the Bering Strait region, a hundred years after Bogoras

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    Dissertation (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2023The Chukchi are the Indigenous people of the farthest northeastern part of Eurasia, nowadays called Chukotka. It happens that, at the dawn of the 20th century, Chukchi culture became the focus of a landmark publication The Chukchee, authored by a luminary Russian ethnographer Waldemar Bogoras. Produced as part of the special series Publications of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition, this voluminous monograph, overwhelmingly, continues to be a go-to resource to learn about the Chukchi customs, spiritual beliefs, material culture, and way of life. As an Indigenous Chukchi scholar who, to my knowledge, is the first of my people to be earning a doctorate degree in anthropology, I find it valuable to present a contemporary ethnographic portrait of the Chukotkan communities, drawn from my lived experience and the field research conducted a little over a century past the time of Bogoras. Featuring insights from several towns and villages, this dissertation focuses mostly on the Chukchi communities of Neshkan and Enurmino located on the Arctic Coast of Chukotka. Traditional subsistence continues to be a great factor in shaping the identity and worldview of the Neshkan and Enurmino residents. Subsistence, however, is not the only source of influence that builds the sociocultural pattern of these communities. Today's Chukchi are complexly integrated within a global society that permeates even seemingly the most remote and isolated settlements with information technologies. The clash of influences gives rise to a complex pattern of human passions and life goals. Exploring the socio-economic, spiritual, and other cultural dimensions of contemporary Chukchi life, my research converges on the question: what are the modern-day Chukchi communities? By what means do these social units sustain a strong sense of distinct cultural identity as their members adapt to globalizing influences and environmental changes? Such questions are broadly applicable across social and historical contexts and offer fruitful grounds for considering anthropological theories of adaptation and culture in the largest sense.Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and University of Alaska Museum of the NorthChapter 1. Introduction -- 1.1. Why Chukchi? -- 1.2. Why Bogoras? -- 1.3. Auto ethnography -- 1.3.1. Family -- 1.3.2. Exploring Chukchi and Non-Chukchi Societies -- 1.4. Overview of the forthcoming chapters. Chapter 2. Material and Methods -- 2.1. Research Setting -- 2.2. Data Collection -- 2.2.1. Participant Observation -- 2.2.2. Interviews -- 2.2.3. Documents -- 2.3. Data Analysis. Chapter 3. Social organization of Neshkan and Enurmino -- 3.1. Common features and differences between Neshkan and Enurmino -- 3.2. Formal village institutions and their influence on the community -- 3.2.1. School -- 3.2.2. Hospital -- 3.2.3. Merchants -- 3.2.4. Utility Services -- 3.2.5. Unemployed. Chapter 4. Subsistence groups of Neshkan and Enurmino -- 4.1. Stratification of subsistence groups -- 4.1.1. Subsidized subsistence enterprises -- 4.1.2. The hunting cohort of Rodion -- 4.2. Subsistence and transportation: meaning and social status -- 4.2.1. Transportation and social status -- 4.2.2. Trends in types of transportation -- 4.3. Food (k'ametvan) and way of life (lygi vagyrgyn) -- 4.3.1. Food patterns -- 4.3.2. Nutritional shifts among villagers -- 4.3.3. Subsistence consumer groups -- 4.3.4. Distribution of subsistence food -- 4.3.5. Processing of subsistence products -- 4.3.6. Global and local perspective on subsistence food governance -- 4.4. Subsistence trends -- 4.4.1. Between the sea and the tundra -- 4.4.2. Subsistence and cash: how it works in Neshkan and Enurmino. Chapter 5. Chukchi of Neshkan and Enurmino: What Do Community Members Think of Themselves and Their community? -- 5.1. Personal and Social Interpretations -- 5.1.1. Individual -- 5.1.2. Family -- 5.1.3. Community -- 5.2. What Influences Locals? -- 5.2.1. Alcoholism and Community -- 5.2.2. Global and Local Influences on Worldview of the Villagers. Chapter 6. Anthropology of contradictions -- 6.1. Contradictions and a social unit: overview of some outlooks -- 6.1.1. The concept of "Contradiction" for the purpose of examining the Chukotkan community -- 6.1.2. Aristotelian law of non-contradiction -- 6.1.3. Cultural relativism -- 6.1.4. Contradictions' process -- 6.2. Contradictions and Chukotkan community -- 6.2.1. Villagers and contradictions -- 6.2.2. Customary and federal laws -- 6.2.3. Contradictions and traditions. Chapter 7. So what is the Chukchi community a hundred years after Bogoras? -- Afterword -- References

    The Possible Effects of Deleterious Rhizobacterial Combinations on the Growth of the Weed Velvetleaf

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    The use of biological agents in the control of the invasive weed velvetleaf Abutilon theophrasti is attractive due to this weeds development of herbicide resistance. One option is the utilization of deleterious rhizobacteria with amendments to optimize their effectiveness. Indole acetic acid (IAA)- producing Rhizobium rubi (AT3-4RS/6 (RS) and cyanogenic Pseudomonas putida ATH2-1RI/9 (RI) were used to inoculate soil with and without amino acid amendments. RS & tryptophan (a precursor of IAA synthesis) caused the least velvetleaf shoot growth. All roots were colonized by rhizobacteria, on average, 1.40E+10 CFU/ gram of dry root

    Application of technology of laser sintering of metal powder

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    One of perspective directions of creation of automated production is using technology of direct metal laser sintering (DMLS). The essence of this technology is paired computer-aided design (CAD) with auto manufacturing parts using special devices – 3D printers


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    In view of abundance of autoimmune diseases of thyroid, gland, Graves' disease in particular, the role of immune regulation and the possibility of controlling it by estimating the function of regulatory T-limphocytes are important questions today. Available for practical estimation of T- and B-lymphocytes tolerance disorder in GBD are serum, levels of Th1-and Th2-marker cytokines. Experimental exogenous thyreotoxicosis in Wistar rats showed significant increase in serum Il-1β, IFN-γ and Il-10 depending on the increase of thyroid hormones, as well as significant changes in correlation between pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines with the shift towards Th1-marker cytokines in supernatant thyroid glands of the animals with thyreotoxicosis

    Application of technology of laser sintering of metal powder

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    One of perspective directions of creation of automated production is using technology of direct metal laser sintering (DMLS). The essence of this technology is paired computer-aided design (CAD) with auto manufacturing parts using special devices – 3D printers

    Effects of Arctic commercial shipping on environments and communities : context, governance, priorities

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    Increasing shipping traffic in the Arctic Ocean creates an emerging need to understand the consequences of maritime operations on the Arctic environment and coastal Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, as well as potential governance responses. To address this need, we examine recent shipping trends and assess their impact on Arctic environments and communities. Our arguments are novel, and are built around contemporary empirical investigations and published scientific studies, reports, and government documents. The paper concludes that the environmental and community impacts vary across the Arctic and that greater international coordination is needed to learn from experience, to share assets and capacities, and to guide responsible and sustainable development of Arctic shipping. Given the possibility for opening of the Transpolar Sea Route within the coming decades, further proactive steps, such as developing a governance framework, could help Arctic shipping avoid rather than attempt to correct problems. Shipping Arctic routes Indigenous peoples Local communities Social and environmental concerns RiskspublishedVersio


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    The energy efficiency improvement of the city housing-and-utilities infrastructure and watersupply and water-disposal systems poses an occurrent problem. The water-supply systems energy consumption sizable share falls on the pump plants. The article deals with the issues of the operating regime management of the existing booster stations equipped with a group of pumping units regulated with frequency converters. One of the optimization directions of their energy consumption is the reduction of over-pressure in the water-distribution network and its sustentation within the regulatory values. The authors offer the structure and methodology of the data collection-and-analysis automated system utilization for revealing and eliminating the overpressure in the water-supply network. This system is designed for the group management of booster-stations operating regimes on the ground of data obtained from the pressure controlling devices at the consumers. The data exchange in the system is realized via GSM.The paper presents results of the tests carried out at the booster stations in some major cities of the Republic of Belarus. The authors analyze dependence of overpressure in the network on the methods of the plant output pressure sustentation (daily graph or constant pressure). The authors study the elimination effect of over-pressure in the water distribution network on changing the booster station pumping units operation regimes. The study shows that eliminating over pressure in the water distributing network leads to lowering the booster station pressure. This in its turn decreases its energy consumption by 15–20 % depending on the over pressure fixed level.Повышение энергоэффективности работы жилищно-коммунального хозяйства и систем водоснабжения и водоотведения городов является актуальной задачей. Значительная часть энергопотребления систем водоснабжения приходится на насосные станции. В статье рассматриваются вопросы управления режимами работы существующих повысительных насосных станций, оборудованных группой насосных агрегатов, регулируемых с помощью преобразователей частоты. Одно из направлений оптимизации их энергопотребления – снижение избыточного давления в водопроводной сети и поддержание его в пределах нормативных значений. Предложены структура и методология использования автоматизированной системы сбора и анализа данных для выявления и устранения излишнего давления в водопроводной сети. Данная система рассчитана на групповое управление режимами работы повысительных насосных станций на основании информации, полученной с устройств контроля давления у потребителей. Обмен информацией в системе осуществляется по сети GSM.Приведены данные по результатам испытаний на повысительных насосных станциях в ряде крупных городов Беларуси. Проанализирована зависимость величины излишнего давления в сети от способа поддержания давления на выходе насосной станции (суточный график или постоянное давление). Изучено влияние исключения излишнего давления в водопроводной сети на изменение рабочих режимов насосных агрегатов на повысительной станции. Исследование показало, что исключение излишнего давления в водопроводной сети приводит к уменьшению давления на повысительной насосной станции. Это, в свою очередь, на 15–20 % снижает ее энергопотребление в зависимости от величины зафиксированного излишнего давления.