129 research outputs found

    Antecedents of knowledge sharing in communities of practice

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Purpose – Communities of practice (CoPs) have gained a great deal of attention from practitioners and scholars alike. However, critical antecedents of knowledge sharing in CoPs have not been fully researched yet. Particularly, empirical results are still scarce. The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of community members’ motivation to participate in CoPs, the importance of the community leader and the influence of management support. Design/methodology/approach – In order to test the proposed hypotheses data from 222 CoP members from different communities of a multinational company gathered in a large sample quantitative survey, using partial least square structural equations modelling. Findings – The research results show that a leading facilitator and an appropriate managerial support influence interaction processes in CoPs positively. Research limitations/implications – The impact of motivational and managerial factors on knowledge sharing processes in CoPs is conceptualized and tested. With regard to further CoP research, the developed scales may serve as a basis for future empirical studies. Furthermore, the type of knowledge handled in the CoP as well as assessments from community leaders could enhance the understanding of learning and knowledge generation in CoPs. Practical implications – New insights with respect to the management of CoPs in corporate practice, answering questions such as ‘‘What motivates people to participate in CoPs?’’ or ‘‘How to lead knowledge workers in CoPs?’’ are found. Originality/value – On the basis of a large sample empirical analysis these research results give evidence for the importance of different antecedents of interaction processes in CoPs


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    Objetivo: conhecer os recursos familiares e as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas na situação de cuidar de uma criança com Síndrome Congênita do Zika vírus. Método: pesquisa qualitativa e interpretativa realizada com mulheres acometidas pelo Zika vírus na gestação e filhos com diagnóstico da Síndrome Congênita do Zika vírus, mediante análise temática de conteúdo embasada no modelo de resiliência, estresse, ajustamento e adaptação familiar. Coleta de dados realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e construção de genogramas e ecomapas das famílias como suporte. Resultados: contribuíram como recursos para o enfrentamento das mulheres e famílias a própria família, amigos, vizinhos, grupos, pessoas da comunidade, profissionais de saúde, fontes de informação e a fé em Deus. Considerações finais: as estratégias utilizadas pelas mulheres e seus familiares para cuidar de criança com Síndrome Congênita do Zika vírus procuraram encontrar um caminho singular, em busca do equilíbrio no processo de adaptação, conforme cada realidade e necessidade.Descritores: Microcefalia. Zika vírus. Ajustamento Social. Saúde das Mulheres. Relações Familiares


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    Background: Affective disorders provide for one third of the main causes of psychiatric inpatient care, both in male and female subjects. An early diagnosis of the disease with precise identification of the character of its particular symptoms are key important factors for the efficacy of treatment. The goal of the study was an identification of possible associations between scores of the neurotic triad in the MMPI-2 test (hypochondria - Hs, depression - D, hysteria - Hy), evaluated at initial hospitalization period with remission degree assessed by the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS), following eight weeks of treatment with SSRI. Subjects and methods: A group of 50 subjects took part in the study. The MMPI-2 test and HDRS were used in the study. The HDRS was performed at the therapy onset and reapplied after 8 weeks of its continuation. The MMPI-2 test was applied at the beginning of treatment. Results: Higher scores in Hs (p=0.007), D (p=0.021) and Hy scales (p=0.001) are associated with the higher degree of depression, measured by the HDRS at the therapy onset. The highest performance in Hs scale (p=0.003) and Hy scale (p=0.001) evaluated on admission, was associated with the highest depression level after pharmacological treatment. Conclusion: The higher the degree of hypochondria and hysteria symptoms, measured by the MMPI-2 test at the onset of therapy in patients with depressive disorders, the higher severity of depression is being found after 8 weeks of therapy with SSRI agents, measured by the HDRS scale

    Divergent mechanisms underlie Smad4-mediated positive regulation of the three genes encoding the basement membrane component laminin-332 (laminin-5)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Functional inactivation of the tumor suppressor Smad4 in colorectal and pancreatic carcinogenesis occurs coincident with the transition to invasive growth. Breaking the basement membrane (BM) barrier, a prerequisite for invasive growth, can be due to tumor induced proteolytic tissue remodeling or to reduced synthesis of BM molecules by incipient tumor cells. Laminin-332 (laminin-5), a heterotrimeric BM component composed of α3-, β3- and γ2-chains, has recently been identified as a target structure of Smad4 and represents the first example for expression control of an essential BM component by a tumor and invasion suppressor. Biochemically Smad4 is a transmitter of signals of the TGFβ superfamily of cytokines. We have reported previously, that Smad4 functions as a positive transcriptional regulator of constitutive and of TGFβ-induced transcription of all three genes encoding Laminin-332, LAMA3, LAMB3 and LAMC2.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Promoter-reporter constructs harboring 4 kb upstream regions, each of the three genes encoding Laminin-322 as well as deletion and mutations constructs were established. Promoter activities and TGFβ induction were assayed through transient transfections in Smad4-negative human cancer cells and their stable Smad4-positive derivatives. Functionally relevant binding sites were subsequently confirmed through chromatin immunoprecipitation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Herein, we report that Smad4 mediates transcriptional regulation through three different mechanisms, namely through Smad4 binding to a functional SBE site exclusively in the LAMA3 promoter, Smad4 binding to AP1 (and Sp1) sites presumably via interaction with AP1 family components and lastly a Smad4 impact on transcription of AP1 factors. Whereas Smad4 is essential for positive regulation of all three genes, the molecular mechanisms are significantly divergent between the LAMA3 promoter as compared to the LAMB3 and LAMC2 promoters.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We hypothesize that this divergence in modular regulation of the three promoters may lay the ground for uncoupled regulation of Laminin-332 in Smad4-deficient tumor cells in response to stromally expressed cytokines acting on budding tumor cells.</p

    Cognitive functions among patients suffer from diabetes type 1 and 2

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    WSTĘP. Cukrzyca jest schorzeniem metabolicznym o zróżnicowanej etiologii, charakteryzującym się przewlekłą hiperglikemią z zaburzeniami metabolizmu węglowodanów, tłuszczów i białek wskutek upośledzenia wydzielania i/lub działania insuliny. Funkcjami poznawczymi nazywa się te czynności psychiczne, które służą człowiekowi w: uzyskaniu orientacji w otoczeniu, zdobyciu informacji o sobie samym oraz o swoim organizmie, analizowaniu sytuacji, formułowaniu wniosków, podejmowaniu właściwych decyzji i działaniu. Celem niniejszej pracy jest poznanie charakterystycznych cech funkcjonowania poznawczego chorych na cukrzycę typu 1 i 2. MATERIAŁ I METODY. W badaniu uczestniczyły 62 osoby w wieku 18-55 lat: chorzy na cukrzycę typu 1 (n = 31) oraz chorzy na rozpoznaniem cukrzycy typu 2 n = 31). W próbie wykorzystano metody psychologiczne służące ocenie funkcji poznawczych. WYNIKI. Zaobserwowano istotne statystycznie różnice między badanymi grupami w zakresie mierzonych funkcji. WNIOSKI. W porównaniu z chorymi na cukrzycę typu 2, znaczna większość pacjentów z rozpoznaniem cukrzycy typu 1 osiąga lepsze wyniki w testach sprawdzających efektywność procesów poznawczych.INTRODUCTION. Diabetes is a metabolic condition of a various aetiology. It is characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia with the disorder of metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and proteins as a result of giving off defects and/or working insulin. Cognitive functions are these psychological functions which the human needs in order to be knowledgeable about surroundings, to get the information about oneself and your body, to analyse the situations, to formulate conclusions, to take right decisions or to function. The aim of the study was to examine cognitive differences between patients suffer from diabetes type 1 and type 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The group of 62 people was individually examined. People who took part in the investigation (aged 18&#8211;55) were divided into two groups: patients with type 1 diabetes (n = 31) and patients with type 2 diabetes (n = 31). In the research were used several neuropsychological methods. RESULTS. Relevant statistical differences among examined group were observed. CONCLUSIONS. Patients with diabetes type 1 achieved higher results in psychological test than patients suffer from diabetes type 2


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    This objective in this work went identify the arboreal species that compound the tree planting in the downtown area of Pato Branco-PR and a critical discussion about the utilization of exotic species. The trees with were identified individually by the use of a spread sheet to write down the cientific name of the specie, common name, name of the street and the name of the closest common grounds. For the identification of the species they were collected fertile samples that were herborized. Besides, each species was photographed. The data were collected from May to November of 2005. Hey were traveled 31,5 km in thirty four streets. Were identified 3191 arboreal specimens, understanding 47 different species The inventoried area presents the predominance of the specie Ligustrum lucidum W. T. Aiton (62,4%). This specie is not native and it is on the list of invader plants. In the sequence appear Lagerstroemia indica L. (11,4%), Schinus molle L. (6,3%), Bauhinia variegata L. (3,8%), and others (16,1%). From the most abundant species only one is from Brazil (Schinus molle). Framed ad "others" are found varied species but with a very individual frequence lower to 2,95%. From these species, twenty-two are native and twenty-five are exotic. The result demonstrates that the downtown area doesn´t have a peculiar local bioma identity, because, besides there being prevalence of species, more than 60% of the specimens is exotic.O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as espécies arbóreas que compõem a arborização viária do bairro Centro de Pato Branco (PR). As árvores foram identificadas individualmente pelo nome científico da espécie, nome vulgar, nome da rua e do logradouro mais próximo. Para a identificação das espécies foram coletadas amostras férteis que foram herborizadas. Além disso, cada espécie foi fotografada. Os dados foram coletados nos meses de maio a novembro de 2005, sendo percorridos 31,5 km em trinta e quatro ruas. Foram identificados 3191 espécimes arbóreos, compreendendo 47 espécies diferentes. A área inventariada apresenta predominância da espécie Ligustrum lucidum W. T. Aiton (62,4%), a qual não é nativa da região e está na lista das plantas invasoras no Brasil. Na seqüência aparecem Lagerstroemia indica L. (11,4%), Schinus molle L. (6,3%), Bauhinia variegata L. (3,8%), e outras (16,1%). Das espécies mais abundantes apenas uma é nativa do Brasil (Schinus molle). Enquadradas como "outras" encontram-se 43 espécies, porém, com freqüência individual menor que 2,95 %. Dessas espécies, vinte e duas são nativas do Brasil, e vinte e cinco são exóticas. Esse resultado demonstra que no bairro Centro de Pato Branco há o predomínio de uma espécie, e mais de 60% dos espécimes são exóticos

    Psychiatryczne i psychologiczne powikłania zespołu obturacyjnego bezdechu sennego

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    Objawy obturacyjnego bezdechu sennego (OSAS) dotyczą 2-24% populacji w średnim wieku, a częstość ich występowania wzrasta wraz z wiekiem (ponad 50% osób po 65. rż. wykazuje symptomy OBS). Do czynników ryzyka obturacyjnego bezdechu sennego należą: płeć męska, rasa, nadwaga i otyłość, niedoczynność tarczycy, wiek, nadużywanie alkoholu. U chorych z OBS mamy do czynienia z fragmentacją snu spowodowaną przez liczne, powtarzające się epizody całkowitej lub częściowej obturacji dróg oddechowych, trwające przynajmniej 10 sekund. Dochodzi wówczas do niewystarczającego lub zupełnego braku przepływu powietrza przez drogi oddechowe. W konsekwencji pojawiają się: zaburzenia rytmu snu i zaburzeń architektury snu, nadmierna senność w ciągu dnia i uczucie zmęczenia, bóle głowy, osłabienie procesów poznawczych, drażliwość i wahania nastroju, zwiększone ryzyko wypadków przy pracy, wypadków komunikacyjnych, obniżenie jakości życia oraz ryzyko chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Ponadto, w przebiegu zespołu OBS mogą się pojawić różnorodne psychiatryczne i psychologiczne zaburzenia, które przedstawiono w niniejszej pracy. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 1: 26-31It is estimated, that symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) affect 2 to 4% of the middle-aged population and their prevalence increases with age (over 50% people aged 65 and older suffer from OSAS). Among risk factors of OSAS we can distinguish: the male sex, race, overweight and obesity, thyroid hypofunction, age and alcohol abuse. Obstructive sleep apnea results in the absence (apnea) or reduction (hypopnea) of airflow lasting at least 10 s despite normal respiratory exertion. The apnea and hypopnea result in decreased oxygen saturation levels in the blood (hypoxemia). A number of consequences of OSAS can appear including: disruption of the sleep cycle, fragmentation of the sleep cycle, sleepiness, fatigue, headaches, cognitive impairments, irritability and mood disturbance, the higher risk of accidents at work and car accidents, the decrease of the quality of life and the higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. Besides various psychiatric and psychological complications presented in this review can occur in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 1: 26-3

    Socio-economic status and cognitive functions among diabetic patients. Cognitive functions among diabetic patients

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    WSTĘP. Większość autorów zgadza się ze stwierdzeniem, że cukrzyca negatywnie wpływa na sprawność funkcjonowania poznawczego chorych. Od dawna wiadomo także, że pacjenci z cukrzycą to grupa osób, u których proces starzenia wcześniej się ujawnia i przebiega szybciej. Celem pracy jest poznanie zależności pomiędzy wybranymi zmiennymi demograficznymi (płeć, wiek, wykształcenie, miejsce zamieszkania) a sprawnością procesów poznawczych chorych na cukrzycę. MATERIAŁ I METODY. W badaniu wzięły udział 62 osoby w wieku 18&#8211;55 lat: chorzy na cukrzycę typu 1 (31 osób) oraz cukrzycę typu 2 (31 osób). Wykorzystano metody psychologiczne służące do oceny funkcji poznawczych. WYNIKI. Zaobserwowano istotne statystycznie zależności pomiędzy efektywnością procesów poznawczych a płcią, wiekiem, miejscem zamieszkania i wykształceniem. WNIOSKI. Wraz z wiekiem badanych osób obniża się efektywność myślenia abstrakcyjnego, szybkości i sprawności psychomotorycznej, pamięci, uczenia się, procesów uwagi i funkcji wykonawczych. Niższy poziom wykształcenia wiąże się z pogorszeniem umiejętności myślenia abstrakcyjnego, szybkości i sprawności koordynacji wzrokowo-ruchowej, pamięci, funkcji wykonawczych, procesów uwagi, fluencji słownej, efektywności procesów uczenia się. Mieszkańcy większych miast uzyskali lepsze wyniki niż mieszkańcy wsi i mniejszych miejscowości w kategoriach: myślenia abstrakcyjnego, koordynacji wzrokowo-ruchowej, procesów uwagi, pamięci, funkcji wykonawczych. Zaobserwowano istotne statystycznie różnice w funkcjonowaniu poznawczym badanych mężczyzn i kobiet.INTRODUCTION. The majority of authors agree that diabetes has a negative effect on cognitive functioning of patients with diabetes. It has been known for a long time that patients with diabetes are a group of people in whom the process of getting older reveals earlier and has a faster course. The objective of the paper is to evaluate relations between selected demographic variables (gender, age, education, place of residence) and the effectiveness of cognitive processes in patients with diabetes. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Sixty-two patients, aged 18&#8211;55, were enrolled in the study: the patients with diagnosed type 1 diabetes (31 patients) and patients with diagnosed type 2 diabetes (31 patients). Psychological methods were used to evaluate cognitive functions. RESULTS. Statistically significant dependencies were found between the effectiveness of cognitive processes and gender, age, place of residence and education. CONCLUSIONS. The effectiveness of abstract thinking, psychomotor speed and efficiency, memory, learning, concentration and executive functions decrease with age of the patients. Lower level of education is associated with decreased level of abstract thinking, visual-motor coordination speed and efficiency, memory, executive functions, concentration, verbal fluency, effectiveness of learning processes. The patients who live in cities achieved better results in comparison with the patients who live in rural areas and smaller towns in terms of: abstract thinking, visual- motor coordination, concentration, memory, cognitive functions. Statistically significant differences were found in cognitive functioning of men and women participating in the study