112 research outputs found

    Changes of gas metabolism, gas homeostasis and tissue respiration in rats during prolonged hypokinesia

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    The oxygen uptake and tissue gas homeostasis of restrained albinic rats remained relatively constant during a 60 day experiment. The gas metabolism in some tissues changed, and O2 consumption increased in the liver and decreased in the myocardium. Capacity for physical work was reduced by five times. Hypokinesia for 60 days resulted in a delay in the animals growth

    Электронный кадровый документооборот: от правового эксперимента к практике

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    The subject. The introduction of electronic technologies into management processes has led to the need to regulate the issues of the use of electronic personnel document management (further - EPDM). In the spring of 2020, Russia was conducting a legal experiment on the use of electronic documents related to work. As part of this experiment, according to the rules established by federal law, individual employers voluntarily refuse to issue certain types of personnel documents in paper form. It concerned employment contract and other contracts with an employee (on financial responsibility, apprenticeship), a vacation schedule, employee statements, as well as regulatory and organizational and administrative documents of the employer on labor (orders on admission, dismissals, penalties, etc.). The results of this experiment became the basis for the introduction of appropriate amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.The main purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for improving the current labor legislation for the legalization of electronic personnel document management as part of a system of measures to achieve the maximum balance of interests of employees and employers.The main methods of the research are the analysis and generalization of judicial practice on labor disputes related to the evaluation of electronic evidence, the practice of using electronic personnel document management by individual employers, both participating and not participating in the legal experiment conducted at the federal level.The main results, scope of application. The preliminary results of above mentioned experiment have been summarized and an assessment of the validity and potential effectiveness of the draft law submitted to the Russian Federal Assembly has been given. The authors propose the results of a critical analysis of the interim results of the legal experiment on the introduction of EPDM. The authors demonstrate the pros and cons of electronic document management in terms of the readiness of the current legislation for it, as well as subjects of labor relations. The innovations of the prepared draft law on the introduction of a new article 22.1 to the Russian Labor Code as well as its positive aspects and some shortcomings are considered. Not only legal and technical shortcomings are indicated, but also some fundamental substantive contradictions. For example, a negligent attitude to the involvement of employees in making managerial decisions in the social and labor sphere due to the establishment of a trade union monopoly in a number of issues of social dialogue when introducing electronic personnel document management. The draft law does not consistently address issues related to security, enhanced qualified signature and the costs associated with obtaining it by an employee. The modern attitude of Russian courts to electronic evidence in labor disputes is demonstrated by the example of judicial practice. These examples demonstrate the most pressing issues of the introduction and use of EPDM, which need to be resolved at the legislative level. There is a need for effective protection of all participants in labor relations in the context of the development of digital technologies and their implementation in the daily life of each person.Conclusions. Adoption of new federal law regulating EPDM was necessary to establish general rules for employee-employer interaction in the digital environment, as well as for legalization of the exchange of electronic documents as a way of labor management.Внедрение в управленческие процессы электронных технологий привело к необходимости нормативно урегулировать вопросы применения электронного кадрового документооборота. Весной 2020 г. в России проводился правовой эксперимент по использованию электронных документов, связанных с работой. Его результаты стали основой для введения соответствующих поправок в Трудовой кодекс РФ. Авторы предлагают результаты критического анализа как промежуточных итогов правового эксперимента, так и проекта закона о внесении в Трудовой кодекс РФ новой статьи 22.1. На основе обобщения судебной практики по трудовым спорам, связанной с оценкой электронных доказательств, сформулированы выводы и предложения по совершенствованию действующего законодательства

    Adaptability of high-protein barley genotypes under the conditions of the Volga-Vyatka region

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    Background. Barley grain is unique raw material of versatile uses. More than 60% of the grain produced In the Volga-Vyatka region goes directly to fodder production purposes. One of the urgent tasks is to develop high-yielding cultivars with good grain quality, thus reducing protein deficiency in farm animal feeds and meeting the need for fodder grain that increases every year. Its successful solution requires a search for new high-yielding and high-protein source genotypes adapted to the conditions of the Volga-Vyatka region and their involvement in the breeding process.Materials and methods. Experimental work was carried out in 2018–2020 at the Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitsky, Kirov. Protein content in grain, yield, resistance to lodging, and duration of the growing season of 31 barley accessions were assessed. The barley collection was studied according to the International COMECON List of Descriptors for the Genus Hordeum L. and Methodological Guidelines. Protein content was measured using a universal rapid analyzer (INFRAMATIC 8620).Results and conclusions. Protein content had a strong correlation with Selyaninov’s hydrothermal coefficient in the interphase period from ear emergence to maturity (r = 0.85); the sum of effective temperatures during the entire growing season (r = 0.75); and precipitation in the period from seedling emergence to maturity (r = 0.67). Traits of breeding value (yield, lodging resistance, environmental plasticity, and stability) were observed in the following accessions: k-30574 (‘Filippa’, Sweden), k-30256 (‘Rodos’, Poland), ya-52 (‘Crusades’, Great Britain), k-35415 (NCL 95098, Argentina), k-30892 (‘Naran’, Russia), k-15619 (‘Polyarny 14’, Russia), ya-4 (752A, Switzerland), k-30349 (Landrace, Peru), k-5983 (Local, Afghanistan), k-3506 (Local, India), k-2929 (Local, China), k-2930 (Local, China), and k-5210 (‘Makbo’, Australia)

    Органолептические, реологические и кристаллизационные свойства кондитерской глазури с порошком из свеклы

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    The recipe composition of confectionary glaze determines its high caloricity upon the low content of physiologically significant substances. Introduction of fruit and vegetable raw materials makes it possible to increase a content of dietary fibers, vitamins, macro- and microelements in a product, as well as to reduce an amount of added sugar. This paper considers a technological possibility of introducing vegetable powders into the confectionary glaze recipe by the example of the beet powder. Physico-chemical indicators of the beet powder were studied in comparison with the classic recipe components of confectionary glaze. An effect of an amount of the beet powder (3–15%) introduced instead of part of sugar on the organoleptic, rheological and crystallization properties of glaze was studied. Organoleptic evaluation revealed that addition of the beet powder into the confectionary glaze recipe in an amount of more than 15% led to appearance of floury off-flavor. It was found that yield strength of glaze increased in the direct proportion to the content of beet powder in its composition (from 3.601 Pа to 4.446 Pa) and its value was in a range of the optimal values of 3÷7 Pа. Therefore, addition of the beet powder in an amount of up to 15% will not lead to technological difficulties. The study of the kinetics of the process of confectionary glaze structuring showed that addition of the beet powder led to a decrease in the solidification point and an increase in the time of glaze crystallization. The main crystallization parameters of the developed glaze were established: solidification point Tmax=28.0÷28.3°C, crystallization time τmax=8.2÷8.6 min. Based on the performed research, the following recipes were developed: vegetable-containing confectionary glaze with the beet powder content of 3 to 10%; vegetable confectionery glaze with the beet powder content of 13%.Рецептурный состав кондитерской глазури определяет ее высокую калорийность при незначительном содержании физиологически значимых веществ. Добавление плодоовощного сырья позволяет повысить в продукте содержание пищевых волокон, витаминов, макро- и микроэлементов, а также снизить количество добавленного сахара. В данной работе рассмотрена технологическая возможность включения овощных порошков в  рецептуру кондитерской глазури на примере порошка из свеклы. Исследованы физико-химические показатели порошка из свеклы в сравнении с классическими рецептурными компонентами кондитерской глазури. Изучено влияние количества порошка из свеклы (3 ÷ 15%), вводимого взамен части сахара, на органолептические, реологические и кристаллизационные характеристики глазури. Органолептическая оценка показала, что введение в рецептуру кондитерской глазури порошка из свеклы свыше 15% приводит к появлению мучнистого привкуса. Установлено, что предел текучести глазури возрастает прямо пропорционально увеличению содержания порошка из свеклы в  ее составе (с 3,601 Па до 4,446 Па), и его значение находится в интервале оптимальных значений 3 ÷ 7 Па. Следовательно, введение порошка из свеклы в  количестве до 15% не приведет к  технологическим трудностям. Изучение кинетики процесса структурирования кондитерской глазури показало, что добавление порошка из свеклы приводит к  снижению температуры застывания и  увеличению продолжительности кристаллизации глазури. Установлены основные параметры кристаллизации разработанной кондитерской глазури: температура застывания Tmax= 28,0 ÷ 28,3 °C, продолжительность кристаллизации τmax= 8,2 ÷ 8,6  мин. На основе проведенных исследований разработаны рецептуры: овощесодержащей кондитерской глазури с содержанием порошка из свеклы от 3 до 10%; овощной кондитерской глазури с содержанием порошка из свеклы 13%

    Influence of flow velocity, river size, a dam, and an urbanized area on biodiversity of lowland rivers

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    Biodiversity of aquatic organisms is formed under the influence of not only natural, but also anthropogenic factors. In this work, the influence of the flow velocity, river size, flow regulation and urbanization on various groups of aquatic organisms was studied in several lowland rivers. The study was conducted in 2013 on six tributaries of the Upper Sukhona River. Five sampling sites were in different parts of the Vologda River and five sites on small rivers, Losta, Lukhta, Komya, Chernyj Shingar, and Belyj Shingar (one site per river). Phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos were sampled six times, from April to October, and macrophytes were studied in August. In total, 469 species of aquatic organisms were found in the tributaries of the Upper Sukhona River, belonging to the following phyla: Cyanophyta (5 species), Chrysophyta (8), Bacillariophyta (62), Xanthophyta (1), Cryptophyta (10), Dinophyta (4), Euglenophyta (12), Chlorophyta (17), Streptophyta (1), Bryophyta (2), Marchantiophyta (3), Equisetophyta (1), Magnoliophyta (63), Rotifera (22), Cnidaria (1), Platyhelmintes (1), Annelida (29), Mollusca (33), Arthropoda (194). The maximum number of species was found in the Vologda River, the largest of all the tributaries. The number of zoobenthos species was similar at different sites in the Vologda River and in the small rivers. The number of species of other groups of aquatic organisms in the small rivers was lower than those registered in the Vologda River. The greatest number of macrophyte and zoobenthos species was recorded in the Upper Vologda River and Belyj Shingar River, where the flow is strong all the year round. The greatest number of phyto- and zooplankton species was found at the extra-city sites where current is almost absent. In the dam backwater, species richness was higher than that registered downstream of the dam. At the same time, the species richness of macrophytes and zoobenthos in the dam backwater was lower. The smallest number of species was found in the Vologda River, downstream of the city of Vologda. Decreases in the species richness and Shannon’s biodiversity index were witnessed in the Vologda River city site and in the small rivers, as they get closer to the city. Cluster analyses performed for the studied groups of aquatic organisms showed dissimilar results; however, the studied sites on the Vologda River having the highest anthropogenic load formed a cluster. Aquatic organisms of the Upper Sukhona tributaries experience both natural (flow velocity and size of the watercourse) and anthropogenic factors (proximity to the city and flow regulation)

    Острое повреждение почек у пациентов с острыми химическими отравлениями: опыт токсикологического центра г. Рязани

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    Relevance. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. However, the epidemiology of AKI is not well understood. In Russia, toxic kidney damage plays a significant role in the nosological structure of AKI — 12.2%.Aim of study. To study the features of AKI in patients with acute chemical poisoning.Material and methods. We analyzed 26 case histories of patients with acute chemical poisoning with AKI (according to KDIGO). The comparison group included 25 patients with acute chemical poisoning without AKI. All patients were hospitalized in a toxicological center on the basis of the emergency department of the Ryazan Region State Budgetary Institution “City Clinical Emergency Hospital” (SBI RR “CCH EMC”) in 2016–2018. The analysis of the annual reports of the chief toxicologist of the Ministry of Health of the Ryazan Region for 2016–2018 was carried out. Data processing was performed using Microsoft Office Excel 2013 and on the website medstatistic.ru (Pearson’s chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test).Results. In most patients AKI developed during poisoning with cauterizing action substances - 38.4% (23% - vinegar essence, 15.4% - unidentified cauterizing action substance). The poisoning with alcohol substitutes (12%) took the 2nd place, with narcotic substances (8%) – the 3 rd place. Also, isolated cases of AKI (4% each) were reported in case of poisoning with pregabalin, tramadol, ketorol and ethanol. Poisoning with an unknown toxicant was noted in 29.6% of cases. Most patients (69.2%.) had stage 3 AKI. The second stage was registered in 7.7% of patients, the first — in 23.1%. Proteinuria was detected in all patients who underwent common urine test (CUT). Infusion therapy using crystalloids was performed in 100% of cases.Conclusion. Acute renal injury most often develops in acute poisoning with cauterizing poisons. The development of acute kidney injury in acute chemical poisoning leads to an increased risk of death. Acute kidney injury is the second most common immediate cause of death in acute chemical poisoning. Infusion therapy is an integral part of the management of toxicological patients with acute kidney injury.Актуальность. Острое почечное повреждение (ОПП) — одна из ведущих причин смерти во всем мире. Однако эпидемиология ОПП изучена недостаточно. В России значительную роль в нозологической структуре ОПП играет токсическое поражение почек — 12,2%.Цель. Изучить особенности ОПП у пациентов с острыми химическими отравлениями.Материал и методы. Проанализированы 26 историй болезни пациентов с острыми химическими отравлениями, у которых наблюдалось развитие ОПП (по KDIGO). В группу сравнения вошли 25 пациентов с острыми химическими отравлениями без ОПП. Все пациенты находились на стационарном лечении в ток- сикологическом центре на базе отделения неотложной терапии Государственного бюджетного учреждения Рязанской области «Городская клиническая больница скорой медицинской помощи» (ГБУ РО «ГКБ СМП») в 2016–2018 гг. Проведен анализ годовых отчетов главного специалиста-токсиколога Министерства здравоохранения Рязанской области за 2016–2018 гг. Статистическую обработку данных проводили с помощью программного обеспечения Microsoft Office Excel 2013 и на сайте medstatistic.ru с использованием критерия хи-квадрат Пирсона и точного критерия Фишера.Результаты. У большей части больных ОПП развилось при отравлениях веществами прижигающего действия — 38,4% (23% — уксусная эссенция, 15,4% — неустановленное вещество прижигающего действия). На втором месте — отравления суррогатами алкоголя (12%), на третьем — наркотическими веществами (8%). Также зарегистрированы единичные случаи ОПП (по 4%) при отравлениях прегабалином, трамадолом, кеторолом и этанолом. В 29,6% случаев отмечались отравления неустановленным токсикантом. У большинства пациентов развилось ОПП 3-й стадии — 69,2%. Вторая стадия зарегистрирована у 7,7% больных, первая — у 23,1%. Протеинурия выявлена у всех пациентов, которым был проведен общий анализ мочи (ОАМ). Инфузионную терапию с применением кристаллоидов проводили в 100% случаев.Выводы. Острое почечное повреждение наиболее часто развивается при острых отравлениях веществами прижигающего действия. Развитие острого почечного повреждения при острых химических отравлениях приводит к повышению риска смертельного исхода. Острое повреждение почек — вторая по частоте непосредственная причина смерти при острых химических отравлениях. Инфузионная терапия является неотъемлемой частью ведения токсикологических больных с острым повреждением почек

    Исследование влияния пектинов плодоовощных порошков на технологические свойства кондитерской глазури

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    Fruit and vegetable raw materials and processed products contain dietary fibers and biologically active substances, so the use of such raw materials in the manufacture of foods increases their nutritional value. In addition, dietary fibers of fruit and vegetable raw materials can influence the technological properties of food systems. The purpose of this work is determination of the amount of dietary fibers, pectins and the degree of their esterification in fruit and vegetable powders, as well as establishment of an impact of these parameters on the technological properties of confectionery glazes with the addition of fruit and vegetable powders (taking into account the ability of the latter to absorb fat). Objects of research are powders of carrots, apples, beets, raspberries and model samples of confectionery glazes with their addition. Rheological parameters of confectionery glazes were determined by the Casson method on a rotary viscometer. The content of dietary fibers was established by the enzymatic-gravimetric method. Pectins from powders were isolated by acid hydrolysis of raw materials followed by ethanol precipitation. A degree of esterification of pectins was calculated on the basis of the results obtained by potentiometric titration. It has been found that the studied fruit and vegetable powders from domestic raw materials were characterized by a high amount of dietary fibers (24–38%), the main part of which was represented by pectin. Beet and raspberry powders contained low esterified pectins (18 and 33 g/100 g); apple and carrot powders contained highly esterified pectins (16 and 27 g/100 g). Powders with low esterified pectins showed a moderate increase in the Casson yield strength of the glazes with their addition that did not exceed the optimal values of this indicator. With increasing concentrations of powders with highly esterified pectins, a sharp increase in the Casson yield strength of the glazes was observed. At concentrations of 13% and more, this indicator exceeded the optimal values. Thus, in the development of confectionery glazes with fruit and vegetable powders, prediction of their maximum concentration can be carried out by determining the content of dietary fibers, pectins and a degree of their esterification, as well as by taking into account pH and the ability of powders to absorb fat. Плодоовощное сырье и продукты его переработки содержат пищевые волокна и биологически активные вещества, поэтому за счет использования такого сырья в производстве продуктов питания повышается их пищевая ценность. Кроме того, пищевые волокна плодоовощного сырья могут оказывать влияние на технологические свойства пищевых систем. Цель данной работы  — определение количества пищевых волокон, пектинов и степени их этерификации в плодоовощных порошках, а также установление влияния этих показателей на технологические свойства кондитерских глазурей с добавлением плодоовощных порошков (с учетом способности последних поглощать жир). Объектами исследований являются порошки из моркови, яблока, свеклы, малины и модельные образцы кондитерских глазурей с их добавлением. Реологические показатели кондитерских глазурей определяли по методу Кассона на ротационном вискозиметре. Содержание пищевых волокон устанавливали ферментативно-гравиметрическим методом. Пектины из порошков выделяли кислотным гидролизом сырья с  последующим осаждением этанолом. Степень этерификации пектинов рассчитывали на основании результатов полученных методом потенциометрического титрования. Установлено, что исследуемые плодоовощные порошки из отечественного сырья характеризовались высоким количеством пищевых волокон (24–38%), основная часть которых была представлена пектином. В  порошках из свеклы и  малины содержались низкоэтерифицированные пектины (18 и  33 г/100 г); в  порошках из яблока и  моркови — высокоэтерифицированные пектины (16 и 27 г/100 г). Порошки с низкоэтерифицированными пектинами демонстрировали умеренное увеличение предела текучести по Кассону глазурей с их добавлением, не превышающее оптимальных значений этого показателя. С  повышением концентрации порошков с  высокоэтерифицированными пектинами наблюдалось резкое возрастание предела текучести глазурей по Кассону, при концентрациях 13% и более этот показатель выходил за оптимальные значения. Таким образом, при разработке кондитерских глазурей с плодоовощными порошками прогнозирование их предельной концентрации может осуществляться при установлении содержания в них пищевых волокон, пектинов и степени их этерификации, а также с учетом рН и способности порошков поглощать жир


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    The study analyzes the expression of protein genes involved in intracellular signaling pathways associated with a profibrotic response, activation of epithelial-mesenchymal and endothelial-mesenchymal transitions, in modeling tuberculous granulomatosis and pharmaceutical effects. Material and methods. The study was performed on male BALB/c mice aged two months and weighing 18–22 g. Generalized tuberculous granulomatosis was simulated by a single intravenous (retro-orbital) injection of 0.5 mg BCG vaccine in 0.2 ml of isotonic aqueous NaCl solution (SS), after 4 months a part of mice started to receive treatment drugs, after 2 months the animals were sacrificed by decapitation (6 months after BCG vaccine administration) and their lung tissues were collected. Mice were divided into 6 groups, 5 males in each: intact, which were intravenously into the retro-orbital sinus injected with 0.2 ml SS (C); infected with BCG and receiving SS intraperitoneal injections (BS); infected with BCG and received intraperitoneal injections of isonicotinic acid hydrazide solution (INAH) (BI); infected with BCG and received intraperitoneal injections of dextrazide solution (conjugate of 40 kDa oxidized dextran and INAH) (BD); infected with BCG and received intraperitoneal or inhalation injections of solution of molecular-nanosomal pharmaceutical compositions of oxidized dextran (MNPC) (BMP and BMH, respectively). Finally, the expression of mRNA of matrix metalloproteinase 9, type III procollagen, TGF-β, and transcription factors ZEB1 and Snai1 was determined by real-time PCR in mice lung tissue. Results. The modeling of generalized tuberculous granulomatosis was found to be accompanied by the induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and the activation of profibrotic processes, which after 6 months was manifested in increase of the type III collagen α1-chain and TGF-β mRNA expression. Administration of traditional (INAH) and original (dextrazide, MNPC) preparations with anti-tuberculosis activity within two months has inhibitory activity of varying severity in relation to various markers of these processes