122 research outputs found

    Problems and mechanisms of sustainable development of rural areas (at the example of the Republic of Mordovia)

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    Sustainable development of rural areas is a priority in today's Russia, as evidenced by the system of regulations adopted in 2010-2015. Measures of government regulation aimed at ensuring food security and improving the living standards of the rural population include activities for the growth and modernization of agricultural production, development of the market of agricultural raw materials and food, as well as expansion and strengthening of the network of rural social infrastructure. These measures which are actively used since 2006, have failed to overcome the crisis processes in most regions, which indicates the need for revision of rural development policy. In the article the need for differentiation of government support in accordance with the typology of rural areas, considering the potential and the level of social, economic and environmental development is argued. The system of indicators and an integrated approach to assessing the sustainability of rural areas are suggested. The proposals for additional measures to support the depressed rural areas are suggested.peer-reviewe

    Using the mineral component of building refuse in heavy metals sorption from their mixture

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    The sorption properties of the sand-breakstone mixture based on the mineral component of building refuse of the 0-10 mm fraction with respect to Pb2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Cd2+ and Hg2+ ions were studied using atomic absorption spectroscopy. The mechanisms of accumulation of heavy metal ions on the surface of the mixture particles are described. It was found that after washing the contaminated material distilled water, the residual concentration of metals in the filtrate does not exceed the established sanitary and hygienic standards. The practical value of the work lies in the possibility of applying the results in reclamation of technogenic formations or production of materials for the technical stage of reclamation using technogenic soils


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    The article contains current data on the age-dependent physiological features of children’s immunity. Special attention is given to the specific stages of humoral and cell mediated immunity formation, critical periods of increased risk of infections and other pathology are noted. Also, the article defines the factors affecting immune system development, such as breastfeeding, balanced nutrition, different types of cold training and harmfulness of irrational antibiotic therapy. Particular reference is made to the role of interferons in increasing functional activity of the immune system and the improvement of immune disturbances.В статье изложены современные представления о возрастных физиологических особенностях иммунитета у детей. Особое внимание уделено этапности и специфике формирования гуморального и клеточного иммунитета, отмечены «критические» периоды риска развития инфекционных заболеваний и другой патологии. Определены факторы, влияющие на становление иммунитета, среди которых грудное вскармливание, полноценное питание, разнообразные программы закаливания, а также опасность нерациональной антибиотикотерапии. Отмечена роль препаратов интерферона для увеличения функциональной активности иммунной системы и темпов восстановления иммунологических нарушений.

    Современные аспекты базисной терапии бронхиальной астмы у детей в возрасте до 6 лет

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    The aim of this work was to analyze current aspects of basic therapy for asthma according to GINA, 2014, in preschool children. The principal strategy of basic therapy for preschool asthmatic children has been reviewed in the article. Treatment of childhood asthma includes longterm antiinflammatory therapy. Inhaled corticosteroids are considered as the firstline therapy. Treatment efficacy depends on the drugs administered to the patient and the optimal delivery into the airways.Согласно последнему обновлению Глобальной стратегии лечения и профилактики бронхиальной астмы (БА) (GINA, 2014) анализируются современные подходы к терапии данного заболевания у детей 5 лет и моложе. Представлены основные направления базисной терапии БА у данной категории детей, соответствующие программным документам. Современный подход включает длительную противовоспалительную терапию, эффективность которой определяется как выбором препаратов, так и оптимальным способом их доставки в дыхательные пути. Показано, что в базисной терапии БА у детей препаратами выбора являются ингаляционные глюкокортикостероиды


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    Significant progress in understanding the mechanisms of carcinogenesis is associated with the discovery of tumor suppressor genes (or antioncogenes). It is known that in the human population, the number of normally functioning suppressor genes varies in different individuals at birth. The aim of the study was to assess the probability of cancer development in an individual with a different initial number of undamaged normally functioning antioncogenes. On the basis of the probabilistic mathematical model of carcinogenesis, the most probable age of cancer development depending on the number of intact antioncogenes was assessed. As a result of the studies, the probability of cancer development depending on the age of the patient is estimated. The dependence of the probability of cancer development in an individual on the number of undamaged antioncogenes is also investigated. The analysis of the significance of the number of tumor suppressor genes, the damage of which may be the cause of initiation of cell malignancy, has been carried out

    Автоматизована система обліку руху контингенту здобувачів вищої освіти Дніпровського національного університету імені Олеся Гончара

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    The problem of automation of the accounting process of movement of higher education seekers at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University was reviewed. In higher education institutions great attention is being paid to the problems of the management of the students contingent. Since accounting and monitoring of the of students contingent belong to the main tasks of the higher education institutions, nowadays the task of automating the processing of large volumes of information is acquired when analyzing the movement of students contingent who are studying with the relevant educational training programs to ensure the operational formation of the appropriate managing decisions based on the results of the analysis.An automated system of the calculation and forecasting of students contingent, accounting, recruitment and graduation quotes as well as the information system solving  problems connected to this was developed.The automated system of the calculation and the forecasting of the students contingent, the program implementation of which the using the C# programming language was carried out in the development environment of Visual Studio 2017 and the document-oriented database MongoDB were tested and showed very good results. MongoDB’s document model is simple for developers to learn and use, while still providing all the capabilities needed to meet the most complex requirements at any scale. MongoDB is free and open-source. The application has the following features: viewing and editing the contingent of students in specialties (specializations) and educational programs; viewing and editing student admission and graduation plans; reporting of contingent changes; calculation of the number of rates of scientific and pedagogical workers for general and special funds; The results of this work will be used in the training division of DNU for document management. All functions of this application correspond to the study needs of the Oles Gonchar Dniprovsky National University. Currently, the new functionality is being added to the software product to meet the reporting needs of the University.Рассмотрена проблема автоматизации учета движения соискателей высшего образования Днепровского национального университета имени Олеся Гончара. Разработана автоматизированная система для учета и прогнозирования контингента студентов.Розглянуто проблему автоматизації обліку руху здобувачів вищої освіти Дніпровського національного університету імені Олеся Гончара. Розроблена автоматизована система для обліку та прогнозуванняконтингенту студентів

    Software choice for support method of "360 degrees"

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    The article describes the approach to soving the problem of choice of software for the support of the the metod of “360 degrees”, that provides the estimation of personal competencesyesBelgorod State Universit

    Local and systemic production of 45 cytokines in complicated proliferative diabetic retinopaty

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is multifactorial by its origin, involving many cytokines and growth factors. Studies of cytokine levels in biological fluids seem to be relevant for an in-depth understanding of the disease pathogenesis. The purpose of the work was a comparative analysis of 45 cytokines at systemic (blood serum (BS)) and local (vitreous humor (VH)) levels in the patients with complicated proliferative DR, showing various features of the clinical pattern. The content of cytokines was tested in 53 samples of BS and 32 samples of VH in 53 patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe proliferative DR. We used the multiplex analysis technique by means of xMAP platform and Luminex xPONENT 3.1 program using 45-plex sets (Procarta Plex «eBioscience», Austria). 25 cytokines were detected at significant amounts in BS test samples, and 27 cytokines were revealed in VH specimens. Sensitivity limits of the test system allowed to find significantly higher levels of 7 cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IP-10, MCP-1, HGF, LIF and VEGF-A) in VH samples, than in the BS, thus indicating to their local intraocular production. Correlations between the contents of VEGF-A growth factor and amounts of cytokines, including those involved in inflammatory reactions, are shown in VH, thus presuming the interrelation of pathogenetic components, i.e., inflammation and neoangiogenesis. The features of intraocular cytokine content were determined for various manifestations of diabetic ocular changes. Hemophthalmus has been shown to be associated with increased IL-8 and IP-10; iris rubeosis, with increase in LIF; proliferative DR activity was associated with higher MCP-1 levels, and extremely severe changes were related to increase in IL-6 and EGF. Testing of cytokines in biological fluids is informative when studying the mechanisms of inflammation, neoangiogenesis, and protective responses in pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy

    Современные подходы к терапии бронхиальной астмы легкой и средней степени тяжести в практике педиатра

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    Clinical efficacy and safety of sodium nedocromil (Tilade Mint) were studied in 90 children aged from 2 to 15 years suffering from mild to moderate bronchial asthma. The criteria for assessment were clinical dynamics, need for bronchodilators, lung function test and exacerbation frequency anamnestically. Moreover, we investigated different ways of the drug delivery in infants. As a result, clinical efficiency of 3-month basic therapy with Tilade Mint was shown in 90% of the children. Day and night asthma symptoms reduced in 5.5-6 times. The need for bronchodilators was decreased in 5 times. The drug inhalations averted airway limitation on exercise in the children. A length of stable asthma periods increased significantly. According to lung function test results as volume as flow parameters increased reliably. Most patients reached clinical and functional stability of the disease maintained for 3 months and longer in 66% of the patients. Only in 10% of the moderate asthma patients the basic therapy with Tilade Mint was not effective enough and they needed inhaled corticosteroids to be administrated. No one child had any adverse effects using Tilade Mint. The modern delivery systems permitted to apply this drug successfully even in very young children. Good tolerability and high effectiveness allow to consider sodium nedocromil (Tilade Mint) as the first-line drug for mild to moderate bronchial asthma children starting with ones of 2 years old.У 90 детей в возрасте от 2 до 15 лет с бронхиальной астмой легкой и средней степени тяжести изучались клиническая эффективность и безопасность недокромила натрия (Тайлед Минт). Критериями оценки явились динамика клинических симптомов, потребность в бронходилататорах, ФВД, частота рецидивов в анамнезе. Кроме того, изучали различные способы доставки препарата у детей раннего возраста. В результате проведенных исследований была показана клиническая эффективность трехмесячного курса базисной терапии Тайледом Минт у 90% детей. В 5,5-6 раз уменьшилось количество дневных и ночных симптомов заболевания. В 5 раз уменьшилась потребность в бронходилататорах. Ингаляции препарата предотвращали развитие явлений бронхообструкции у детей на физические нагрузке. Значительно увеличилась длительность ремиссии заболевания. По данным ФВД отмечено статистически достоверное увеличение как объемных, так и скоростных показателей. В подавляющем большинстве случаев достигнута клинико-функциональная ремиссия заболевания, которая сохранялась на протяжении 3 и более месяцев у 66% пациентов. Только у 10 больных со среднетяжелым течением БА базисная терапия Тайледом Минт оказалась недостаточно эффективной, что потребовало назначения ингаляционных кортикостероидов. Тайлед Минт ни у одного из детей не вызвал побочных явлений. Современные способы доставки позволили с успехом применять препарат даже у самых маленьких пациентов. Хорошая переносимость, высокая эффективность позволяют отнести недокромил натрия (Тайлед Минт) к препаратам первого выбора для лечения БА легкой и средней степени тяжести у детей, начиная с 2-летнего возраста