196 research outputs found

    Possibilities of therapeutic drug monitoring during folic acid supplementation for prevention of neural tube defects

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    Periconceptional folic acid (FA) supplementation for prevention of neural tube defects (NTD) used around 30 years. The effect of FA using for prevention of NTD expected only in case of folate deficiency. The World Health Organization (WHO) identified biomarkers of folate status. The concentrations of serum and red blood cells folate, plasma concentration of homocysteine have potential for therapeutic drug monitoring during FA supplementation. FA should be intake only if it needed clearly in pregnancy. Pregnant women often exceed the tolerable upper intake level of FA. Maternal excessive intake of FA during pregnancy increases risks of epigenetics effects for offspring. The aim of the practical recommendations is to increase awareness among physicians about the most common causes of folate deficiency, the possibility of routine use of biomarkers of folate status, as therapeutic drug monitoring during FA supplementation for prevention of NTD, in accordance with the data of evidence based medicine and WHO guidelines (2015)

    Problems and mechanisms of sustainable development of rural areas (at the example of the Republic of Mordovia)

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    Sustainable development of rural areas is a priority in today's Russia, as evidenced by the system of regulations adopted in 2010-2015. Measures of government regulation aimed at ensuring food security and improving the living standards of the rural population include activities for the growth and modernization of agricultural production, development of the market of agricultural raw materials and food, as well as expansion and strengthening of the network of rural social infrastructure. These measures which are actively used since 2006, have failed to overcome the crisis processes in most regions, which indicates the need for revision of rural development policy. In the article the need for differentiation of government support in accordance with the typology of rural areas, considering the potential and the level of social, economic and environmental development is argued. The system of indicators and an integrated approach to assessing the sustainability of rural areas are suggested. The proposals for additional measures to support the depressed rural areas are suggested.peer-reviewe

    Gene expression as an indicator of long-term adaptation to physical activity

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    In order to achieve a high result in the course of sports training, the athlete’s body needs to constantly adapt to larger and larger training loads. Such trainings cause constant changes in the composition and properties of the biological system of the body. The relevance of the study is due to the need to use genetic testing both in sports selection and in sports training of athletes of different disciplines. The purpose of the study is to determine the genotypes that are associated with an increase in the performance and health of an athlete. During the analysis of scholarly researches on the subject some genetic markers affecting a person’s physical abilities were identified. The article also presents the results of scientific research reflecting the mechanisms of adaptation of the body to physical exertion

    Автоматизована система обліку руху контингенту здобувачів вищої освіти Дніпровського національного університету імені Олеся Гончара

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    The problem of automation of the accounting process of movement of higher education seekers at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University was reviewed. In higher education institutions great attention is being paid to the problems of the management of the students contingent. Since accounting and monitoring of the of students contingent belong to the main tasks of the higher education institutions, nowadays the task of automating the processing of large volumes of information is acquired when analyzing the movement of students contingent who are studying with the relevant educational training programs to ensure the operational formation of the appropriate managing decisions based on the results of the analysis.An automated system of the calculation and forecasting of students contingent, accounting, recruitment and graduation quotes as well as the information system solving  problems connected to this was developed.The automated system of the calculation and the forecasting of the students contingent, the program implementation of which the using the C# programming language was carried out in the development environment of Visual Studio 2017 and the document-oriented database MongoDB were tested and showed very good results. MongoDB’s document model is simple for developers to learn and use, while still providing all the capabilities needed to meet the most complex requirements at any scale. MongoDB is free and open-source. The application has the following features: viewing and editing the contingent of students in specialties (specializations) and educational programs; viewing and editing student admission and graduation plans; reporting of contingent changes; calculation of the number of rates of scientific and pedagogical workers for general and special funds; The results of this work will be used in the training division of DNU for document management. All functions of this application correspond to the study needs of the Oles Gonchar Dniprovsky National University. Currently, the new functionality is being added to the software product to meet the reporting needs of the University.Рассмотрена проблема автоматизации учета движения соискателей высшего образования Днепровского национального университета имени Олеся Гончара. Разработана автоматизированная система для учета и прогнозирования контингента студентов.Розглянуто проблему автоматизації обліку руху здобувачів вищої освіти Дніпровського національного університету імені Олеся Гончара. Розроблена автоматизована система для обліку та прогнозуванняконтингенту студентів

    Становление международной политики регулирования Интернет-среды

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    Стаття розкриває основні положення міжнародного управління Інтернетом та політики регулювання доменних імен. Автор описує процес трасформації політики регулювання доменних імен у управління Інтернетом та процес становлення спеціалізованої міжнародної організації.The article discloses the basic aspects of the regulation policy for domain names and Internet. Author describes the transformation of regulation policy for the domain names and the process of establishing of the specialized international organizations.Статья раскрывает основные положения международного управления Интернетом и политики управления доменными именами. Автор описывает процесс трансформации политики регулирования доменных имен в управление Интернетом и процесс становления специализированной международной организации

    Altered lipid metabolism in APC-driven colorectal cancer: the potential for therapeutic intervention

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    Altered lipid metabolism is a well-recognized feature of solid cancers, including colorectal cancer. In colorectal cancer, upregulation of lipid metabolism contributes to initiation, progression, and metastasis; thus, aberrant lipid metabolism contributes to a poor patient outcome. The inactivating mutation of APC, a vital tumor suppressor in the Wnt signaling pathway, is a key event that occurs early in the majority of colorectal cancer cases. The potential crosstalk between lipid metabolism and APC-driven colorectal cancer is poorly understood. This review collectively highlights and summarizes the limited understanding between mutations in APC and the upregulation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling and lipid metabolism. The interconnection between APC inactivation and aberrant lipid metabolism activates Wnt/beta-catenin signaling which causes transcriptome, epigenetic, and microbiome changes to promote colorectal cancer initiation and progression. Furthermore, the downstream effects of this collaborative effort between aberrant Wnt/beta-catenin signaling and lipid metabolism are enhanced stemness, cellular proliferation, prooncogenic signaling, and survival. Understanding the mechanistic link between APC inactivation and alterations in lipid metabolism may foster identification of new therapeutic targets to enable development of more efficacious strategies for prevention and/or treatment of colorectal cancer

    Ukrainian design as a separate branch of arts and crafts and formation of its terminology

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    It is impossible to investigate any terminology without the study of this branch origin, its history, characteristic features. The Ukrainian design terminology is the integral system of linguistic units; there are design names and nominative elements from other related branches (building, architecture, art) among them. The terminology of the design is characterized by a long history of development, which increases the importance of studying its terms, and today it remains the subject of in-depth enoho study

    Gamification of Business Processes of HR Management

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    The article is aimed at studying modern HRM systems on availability of gamification function in the context of the HR business processes. Business technologies have changed the way companies do business. Companies have to adapt to changing technologies and market fluctuations, but they can’t succeed if they have an unmotivated team that doesn’t want to change. Gamification is an effective way to increase staff productivity. In addition, it has a positive effect on attracting and retaining employees, most of whom do not like routine processes, but they enjoy playing games. Gamification of the HR processes and procedures can turn a boring experience into an immersive game that takes employees to the next level. The article defines that gamification is based on many game attributes and strategies that it applies to a wide range of real business processes, transforming non-gaming experience to motivate staff actions and achieve company goals. Gamification is rapidly transforming businesses around the world, creating new ways to engage employees, expand relationships, and increase loyalty and encouragement, and leverage the motivations and desires that are natural in everyone. The existing HR processes of modern companies are analyzed and the most gamified ones are identified. Taking into account the large number of HRM systems for the needs of any company, the best ones that offer elements of the game for use in the implementation of HR processes are examined. The functioning of gamification in modern HRM systems can help increase the efficiency of the employee development process, reduce training costs and increase involvement in these training programs. The success of gamification implementation depends on the correct choice of methods and tools, as well as on the organizational culture and approach to HR management. Companies should study their own needs for new technologies, which, of course, causes close cooperation with developers of HRM systems. The analysis of scientific papers and practical activities of companies shows that the main gamified HR processes are selection, training, adaptation, motivation, performance management and staff evaluation, but there are others that require creative innovations and solutions, which actualizes further research in this direction


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    The article contains current data on the age-dependent physiological features of children’s immunity. Special attention is given to the specific stages of humoral and cell mediated immunity formation, critical periods of increased risk of infections and other pathology are noted. Also, the article defines the factors affecting immune system development, such as breastfeeding, balanced nutrition, different types of cold training and harmfulness of irrational antibiotic therapy. Particular reference is made to the role of interferons in increasing functional activity of the immune system and the improvement of immune disturbances.В статье изложены современные представления о возрастных физиологических особенностях иммунитета у детей. Особое внимание уделено этапности и специфике формирования гуморального и клеточного иммунитета, отмечены «критические» периоды риска развития инфекционных заболеваний и другой патологии. Определены факторы, влияющие на становление иммунитета, среди которых грудное вскармливание, полноценное питание, разнообразные программы закаливания, а также опасность нерациональной антибиотикотерапии. Отмечена роль препаратов интерферона для увеличения функциональной активности иммунной системы и темпов восстановления иммунологических нарушений.