47 research outputs found

    Water bears dominated cryoconite hole ecosystems : densities, habitat preferences and physiological adaptations of Tardigrada on an alpine glacier

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    We investigated the Forni Glacier and the surrounding area in the Alps in terms of habitat preferences, densities, dispersal and desiccation tolerance of glacier tardigrades, which are one of the most common faunal representatives and top consumers in supraglacial ecosystems. To do so, we sampled supraglacial environments (cryoconite holes, debris from ice surface, dirt cones and moraine, mosses from supraglacial stones) and non-glacial habitats (mosses, freshwater sediments and algae), and we installed air traps on the glacier and the nearby area. We found that cryoconite holes on the Forni Glacier are exclusively dominated by one metazoan group of tardigrades, representing one species, Hypsibius klebelsbergi (identified by morphological and molecular approaches). Tardigrades were found in 100% of cryoconite holes and wet supraglacial sediment samples and reached up to 172 ind./ml. Additionally, we found glacier tardigrades in debris from dirt cones and sparsely in supraglacial mosses. Glacier tardigrades were absent from freshwater and terrestrial samples collected from non-glacial habitats. Despite the fact that H. klebelsbergi is a typical aquatic species, we showed it withstands desiccation in sediments, but in low temperatures only. Treatments conducted in higher temperatures and water only showed low or no recovery. We suspect successful dispersal with wind might have taken place only when tardigrades desiccated in sediments and were passively transported by cold wind. Limited ability to withstand high temperatures and desiccation may be potential barriers preventing glacier tardigrades inhabiting new, even apparently suitable high mountain water bodies like temporary rock pools

    Urine steroid metabolomics for the differential diagnosis of adrenal incidentalomas in the EURINE-ACT study: a prospective test validation study

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    Cryoconite – from minerals and organic matter to bioengineeredsediments on glacier's surfaces

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    Cryoconite is a mixture of mineral and organic material covering glacial ice, playing important roles in biogeochemical cycles and lowering the albedo of a glacier surface. Understanding the differences in structure of cryoconite across the globe can be important in recognizing past and future changes in supraglacial environments and ice-organisms-minerals interactions. Despite the worldwide distribution and over a century of studies, the basic characteristics of cryoconite, including its forms and geochemistry, remain poorly studied. The major purpose of our study is the presentation and description of morphological diversity, chemical and photoautotrophs composition, and organic matter content of cryoconite sampled from 33 polar and mountain glaciers around the globe. Observations revealed that cryoconite is represented by various morphologies including loose and granular forms. Granular cryoconite includes smooth, rounded, or irregularly shaped forms; with some having their surfaces covered by cyanobacteria filaments. The occurrence of granules increased with the organic matter content in cryoconite.Moreover, amajor driver of cryoconite colouringwas the concentration of organicmatter and its interplay with minerals. The structure of cyanobacteria and algae communities in cryoconite differs between glaciers, but representatives of cyanobacteria families Pseudanabaenaceae and Phormidiaceae, and algae families Mesotaeniaceae and Ulotrichaceaewere themost common. Themost of detected cyanobacterial taxa are known to produce polymeric substances (EPS) that may cement granules. Organic matter content in cryoconite varied between glaciers, ranging from 1% to 38%. The geochemistry of all the investigated samples reflected local sediment sources, except of highly concentrated Pb andHg in cryoconite collected fromEuropean glaciers near industrialized regions, corroborating cryoconite as element-specific collector and potential environmental indicator of anthropogenic activity. Our work supports a notion that cryoconite may bemore than just simple sediment and instead exhibits complex structure with relevance for biodiversity and the functioning of glacial ecosystem

    Zarządzanie gospodarką magazynową i zarządzanie zapasami na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa EKOPLON S.A.

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    Celem artykułu jest próba usystematyzowania i poszerzenia wiedzy na temat zarządzania magazynem i analiza procesów magazynowych zachodzących w przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych. W artykule przedstawiono istotę magazynowania jako podstawową funkcję systemu logistycznego oraz poddano analizie funkcjonowanie magazynu w przedsiębiorstwie EKOPLON S.A. Ponadto zwrócono uwagę na znaczenie zapasów, problemów i wyzwań przedsiębiorstwa w oparciu o magazynowanie towarów. Dokonano również oceny i rekomendacji opisywanej firmy.The purpose of the article is to attempt to systematize and broaden knowledge about warehouse management and analysis the storage processes which take place in manufacturing companies. The article presents the essence of storage as the basic function of the logistics system and the analysis of functioning of the storage in EKOPLON S.A. In addition, the importance of stocks, problems and challenges of the enterprise based on the storage of the goods has been focused on. The evaluation and recommendation of the described company have been made

    Applicability of cryoconite consortia of microorganisms and glacier-dwelling animals in astrobiological studies

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    For several years it has been of interest to astrobiologists to focus on Earth’s glaciers as a habitat that can be similar to glaciers on other moons and planets. Microorganisms on glaciers form consortia – cryoconite granules (cryoconites). They are granular/spherical mineral particles connected with archaea, cyanobacteria, heterotrophic bacteria, algae, fungi, and micro animals (mainly Tardigrada and Rotifera). Cryophilic organisms inhabiting glaciers have been studied in different aspects: from taxonomy, ecology and biogeography, to searching of biotechnological potentials and physiological strategies to survive in extreme glacial habitats. However, they have never been used in astrobiological experiments. The main aim of this paper is brief review of literature and supporting assumptions that cryoconite granules and microinvertebrates on glaciers, are promising models in astrobiology for looking for analogies and survival strategies in terms of icy planets and moons. So far, astrobiological research have been conducted on single strains of prokaryotes or microinvertebrates but never on a consortium of them. Due to the hypothetical similarity of glaciers on the Earth to those on other planets these cryoconites consortia of microorganisms and glacier microinvertebrates may be applied in astrobiological experiments instead of the limno-terrestrial ones used currently. Those consortia and animals have qualities to use them in such studies and they may be the key to understanding how organisms are able to survive, reproduce and remain active at low temperatures

    Comparison of effect of fungicides with fenpropidin and picoxystrobin on phosphatase activities in soil

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    Celem podjętych badań było określenie oddziaływania dwóch fungicydów, różniących się między innymi rodzajem substancji aktywnej: Lotus 750 EC (s.a. fenpropidyna, 750 g·dm-3 ) i Galileo 250 SC (s.a. pikoksystrobina, 250 g·dm-3 ) na aktywność fosfatazy kwaśnej i fosfatazy zasadowej w glebie. Doświadczenie przeprowadzono w warunkach laboratoryjnych z użyciem piasku gliniastego o zawartości Corg 8,71 g·kg-1 . Powietrznie suchą glebę przesiano przez sito o średnicy oczek 2 mm i podzielono na 0,5 kg naważki. Następnie dodano do nich wodne emulsje wymienionych fungicydów w dawkach: polowej, pięciokrotnie większej i dwudziestopięciokrotnie większej. Wilgotność gleby doprowadzono do 60% maksymalnej pojemności wodnej i przechowywano w szczelnie zamkniętych workach polipropylenowych w temperaturze 20°C. W 1., 7., 14. i 28. dniu doświadczenia oznaczono spektrofotometrycznie aktywność fosfatazy kwaśnej i fosfatazy zasadowej. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników stwierdzono, że wprowadzenie do gleby fungicydów Lotus 750 EC i Galileo 250 SC nie zawsze wywołało istotne zmiany aktywności fosfataz. Zaobserwowany efekt zależał od rodzaju preparatu, jego dawki i dnia trwania doświadczenia. Oddziaływanie badanych fungicydów na aktywność fosfataz w glebie, w poszczególnych terminach pomiarów, wielokrotnie nie wykazywało zależności z wielkością zastosowanej dawki. Trudno jednoznacznie ocenić, która z oznaczanych fosfataz charakteryzowała się większą wrażliwością na obecność fungicydów w glebie. Spośród wszystkich czynników doświadczalnych, największy wpływ na aktywność fosfataz w glebie miał termin pomiaru.The aim of study was to assess of effect of two fungicides, differing, inter alia, the type of active ingredient: Lotus 750 EC (a.i. fenpropidine, 750 g·dm-3 ) and Galileo 250 SC (a.i. picoxystrobin, 250 g·dm-3 ) on activity of acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase in soil. The experiment was carried out in laboratory condition on loamy sand with Corg content of 8,71 g·kg-1 . The air-dried soil was sieved with 2 mm mesh and divided into 0.5 kg samples. Then aqueous emulsions of the fungicides were added to soil samples on doses: field dose, 5-fold hold of field dose and 25-fold hold of field dose. Samples were adjusted to 60% maximum water holder capacity, and they were incubated in polypropulene bugs at 20°C. On days 1, 7, 14 and 28 activities of acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase were measured spectrophotometrically. The obtained results showed, that the application of fungicides: Lotus 750 EC and Galileo 250 SC into the soil did not always cause significant changes in the phosphatase activities in the soil. The observed effect depended on the type of formulation, its dose and day of the experiment. Changes of phosphatase activities, in particular measurement dates, mainly did not show any relationship between on the size of the applied fungicide dose and reported effect. It is difficult to unequivocally assess which of the determined phosphatases was more sensitivity to the presence of fungicides in the soil. Of all the experimental factors, the measurement period had the greatest impact on soil phosphatase activity