32 research outputs found

    Education for security of athletics spectacle

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    Prezentowana publikacja dotyczy wybranych zagadnień związanych z kulturą fizyczną i zdrowotną współczesnego człowieka. Autorzy – specjaliści z zakresu pedagogiki, nauk medycznych i nauk o kulturze fizycznej – podejmują m.in. problematykę wartości kultury fizycznej w procesie kształcenia i wychowania, współczesnych czynników promocji zdrowia i edukacji zdrowotnej, zdrowotnych uwarunkowań aktywności ruchowej czy społecznych kontekstów idei olimpijskiej. Tematyka ta wpisuje się w ważny nurt rozważań, w którym poszukuje się nowych rozwiązań pedagogicznych, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do idei edukacji olimpijskiej i zdrowotnej.Athletics spectacle as a social event of light character, in which both sides of interaction take part – athletes and spectators – could have double nature: positive and negative. What sort of emotions will be evoked at the pitch, depend on correct arrangement of the event, competitors and mostly depend on followers, their culture and behavior habits. Characteristic feature for athletics audience is its division into groups. During the spectacle time, groups occupy the sectors that are appointed by organizers and that area becomes their patch where is accepted by fans behavior style, unity of feelings and reactions. For years during athletics spectacle, there have appeared many symptoms of aggression, racist behaviors, vulgarisms and lack of tolerance for years. In this article it was presented completed education agendas aimed at young followers and also professing norms and values by the groups of pseudo-rooters, during eight years period

    Safety and security as the basic determinants of quality of hotel services

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    The ultimate goal of any hotel is to care about the quality of services. One of the key dimensions is to provide customers/guests with asense of security. So far, the issue of security in the hotel industry has been the subject of few studies both in Poland and abroad which explains the reason why the problems have been talked over especially in the face of growing threats. The aim of the study is to present the selected security dimensions and threats experienced by hotel facilities and to present ways to improve processes of safety assurance in order to ensure the highest quality of hotel services. The conducted research based on the analysis of two aspects of security (crime and compliance with fire regulations) in hotel facilities allowed to identify major threats affecting a decrease in the level of guest/customer safety in Polish hotels and then to point out actions to be taken in order to reach an adequate and complient with the requirements level of hotel service quality. The research was conducted using critical analysis of the literature on the subject, legislation and internal documents of hotels nationwide and worldwide as well as methods of data analysis of the Police Headquarters and the Headquarters of the State Fire Services and in-depth interviews.The results of the conducted analyzes allowed to indicate different ways to improve safety in hotel facilities where system solutions and involvement of many entities for shaping a quality hotel product of the region are required

    Bezpieczeństwo sportowych imprez masowych w działaniach policji

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    W artykule przedstawiono obowiązki i zadania Policji w obszarze zabezpieczenia imprez masowych wynikające z Ustawy o Policji z dnia 6 kwietnia 1990 roku, jak również z innych przepisów i umów międzynarodowych. Przedstawiono procedury w zakresie oceny stanu bezpieczeństwa obiektów sportowych i wydawania opinii oraz zadania realizowane przez Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy ds. Imprez Masowych i uruchomiony w kwietniu 2006 roku Policyjny Rejestr Imprez Masowych. Omówiono sposób monitorowania kibiców, jak również środek karny w postaci zakazu wstępu na imprezę masową, połączony z obowiązkiem osobistego stawiennictwa w jednostce Policji.The article presents the duties and responsibilities of the Police in the area of security of mass events resulting from the Police Act of 6 April 1990, as well as other laws and international agreements. Presented procedures for the evaluation of the safety of sports facilities and give an opinion as well as the tasks carried out by the Focal Point for mass events and launched in April 2006, police registry of mass events. Discusses how to monitor the fans as well as a penal measure to prohibit the entrance to mass events, coupled with the obligation to appear in person at the police unit.В статье рассмотрено обязанности и задачи полиции в сфере обеспечения общественного порядка во время прохождения спортивных массовых мероприятий, вытекающих из «Закона о полиции» от 6 апреля 1990 года, а также других документов и международных договоров. Описаны процедуры контроля состояния спортивных объектов и выдачи документов подтверждающих их безопасность, а также рассмотрены задачи, поставленные перед Государственным контактным центром по делам массовых мероприятий и открытой в апреле 2006 года Полицейской базы данных о массовых мероприятиях. Проанализировано способы контролирования болельщиков, а также дано оценку средству уголовной ответственности, каким является запрет входа на массовые мероприятия и обязанность личной явки в отделении полиции

    The Impact of the Progressive Efficiency Test on a Rowing Ergometer on White Blood Cells Distribution and Clinical Chemistry Changes in Paralympic Rowers During the Preparatory Stage Before the Paralympic Games in Rio, 2016 – A Case Report

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    There is a large gap in knowledge regarding research on post-exercise blood changes in disabled athletes. There are relatively few data on adaptive mechanisms to exercise in disabled athletes, including disabled rowers. Two rowers from a Polish adaptive rowing settle TAMix2x that qualified for the Paralympic Games in Rio, 2016 took part in this study. They performed a progressive test on a rowing ergometer until exhaustion. The cardiorespiratory fitness measures, complete blood count, white blood cells’ distribution and 30 clinical chemistry variables describing laboratory diagnostic profiles and general health were determined. The extreme effort induced changes in all studied metabolites (glucose, creatinine, urea, uric acid, total and direct bilirubin), albumin, total protein levels in both participants. Furthermore, a post-exercise increase in aspartate transaminase activity, yet a 2-fold decrease during the recovery time in both rowers were found. White blood cell count increased 2-fold after the test. The percentages of natural killer cells were higher and total T lymphocytes were lower after the exercise protocol. There were higher percentages of suppressor/cytotoxic and lower percentages of helper/inducer T lymphocyte subsets in both studied rowers. No changes in B lymphocytes distribution were observed. Lack of inflammatory symptoms during the experiment suggests a high level of rowers’ biological adaptation to the physical effort. The different changes in physiological, biochemical and immunological variables are related to the adaptive mechanism to physical exercise allowing for improvement of performance

    National and international security in contemporary changing reality. Pt. 2

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperThis study is devoted to the new trends in research, especially in the field of security studies, including national and international security, in the evolving areas of contemporary reality. The book is addressed especially to national and internal security students, to all students undertaking research work in the widely-understood area of security, and also to the managerial staff of various units and institutions operating within the national security and defense system. The publication contains a wide range of topics that are relevant to security, and includes the following articles: Piotr Sienkiewicz – Systems analysis of security management, Mariusz Skulimowski – Military support of humanitarian operations in Pakistan, Mieczysław Bieniek – Arab Spring – Dynamic changes in the Middle East, Henryk Ćwięk – Between Germany and Russia. The Problem of Poland’s Security in the 20th and 21st Centuries in View of Europe’s Situation. Selected Problems, Michal Pružinský, Peter Varhoľák – Selected Slovak and European security contexts, Janusz Liber – Counterintelligence support to military operations, Marek Zawartka – Security of mass events regarding stadium hooliganism. Of great interest is the article of Professor Czesław Dźwigaj – My 11th of September The Paris Retrospection, in which a different perspective on international security is presented

    Legal arrangements for the reduction of aggressive behavior of hooligans at events and in relations to their organization

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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza regulacji prawnych mających wpływ na zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa w trakcie imprez masowych, a w szczególności meczy piłki nożnej rozgrywanych na stadionach piłkarskich oraz próba odpowiedzi na pytanie czy dotychczasowe działania w Polsce i w innych państwach Unii Europejskiej w zakresie zapobiegania agresywnym zachowaniom pseudokibiców są skuteczne i efektywne. Ostatnie nowelizacje głównie pod kątem EURO 2012, ale także oczywiście dla szerszego zastosowania znowelizowanych dla bezpieczeństwa przepisów, zmieniły łącznie 10 ustaw oraz 5 kodeksów m.in.: ustawę o bezpieczeństwie imprez masowych, kodeks wykroczeń, ustawę o policji, kodeks karny, ustawę o broni i amunicji, kodeks postępowania w sprawach o wykroczenia. Najważniejsze zmiany jakie wprowadzono w przepisach karnych dla osób naruszających ustawę o bezpieczeństwie imprez masowych oraz popełniających przestępstwa i wykroczenia w związku z ich organizacją zostały opisane w niniejszym artykule.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the legal regulations to assure safety during mass events, in particular football matches played in football stadiums and attempt to answer the question whether the current activities in Poland and other European Union countries to prevent aggressive behavior hooligans are efficiently and effective. The recent amendments primarily for Euro 2012, but also of course for the wider application of revised safety rules, changed a total of 10 bills and five codes: the law on mass events security, code violations, police law, the penal code, the law on firearms and ammunition, a code of conduct in cases of misconduct. The most important changes have been made in criminal law for those who violate the law on mass events security and committing offenses in connection with the organization described in this article

    Threats to safety and security in sport

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    Characteristics of the system of norms and values represented by selected groups of pseudocists

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    Fundamentals of security management of mass sport events

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