37 research outputs found

    Characteristics of myosin profile in human vastus lateralis muscle in relation to training background.

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    Twenty-four male volunteers (mean +/- SD: age 25.4+/-5.8 years, height 178.6+/-5.5 cm, body mass 72.1+/-7.7 kg) of different training background were investigated and classified into three groups according to their physical activity and sport discipline: untrained students (group A), national and sub-national level endurance athletes (group B, 7.8+/-2.9 years of specialised training) and sprint-power athletes (group C, 12.8+/-8.7 years of specialised training). Muscle biopsies of vastus lateralis were analysed histochemically for mATPase and SDH activities, immunohistochemically for fast and slow myosin, and electrophoretically followed by Western immunoblotting for myosin heavy chain (MyHC) composition. Significant differences (

    3-(2-Formyl­phen­oxy)propanoic acid

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    In the structure of the title compound, C10H10O4, the carboxyl group forms a catemer motif in the [100] direction instead of the expected dimeric structures. The carboxylic acid group is found in the syn conformation and the three-dimensional organization in the crystal is based on C—H⋯O and O—H⋯O interactions

    How do the Welsh reform their education?

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    The article contains a description of the experience of the representatives of the Federation of Educational Initiatives and the Association for the Development of Educational Initiatives at a study visit in Wales which took place in October 2008 under the European Programme Leonardo da Vinci, project: “New ideas in rural education: A Small School and a Small Kindergarten”. Its aim was to familiarize the participants with the process of introduction of a reform of education which had been initiated by the drafting of a document “Wales: the Learning Country”. My comments are on the planned changes in methods, core curriculum, and teacher education (for example, Trinity College in Carmarthen)

    The boundaries of artistic expression in contemporary art. The body and religion as a weapon in the fight for freedom in the arts.

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    Presented in the work attitudes of contemporary artists, imposed on the layer are examples of philosophical penetration of these areas of human life, art and philosophy. Establish - from the viewpoint of the development of our culture - a new space for the significant changes that are necessary for better understanding of our place in the world. Artists who speak in their activities with their own bodies, uprzedmiotowiają them, so that in the act of creativity to give them a deeper meaning and again give them the rank of the subject. Becoming a work, they speak across boundaries, for higher goals, through awareness of what may become a subject - a man. Crossing boundaries in art and in life, set new - and as I try to prove at work - the better.Prezentowane w pracy postawy twórców sztuki współczesnej, nałożone na warstwę filozoficzną stanowią przykład przenikania się tych dziedzin życia ludzkiego- sztuki i filozofii. Ustanawiają - z punktu widzenia rozwoju naszej kultury - nową przestrzeń dla istotnych zmian, które są konieczne dla lepszego rozumienia naszego miejsca w świecie. Artyści posługujący się w swej działalności własnymi ciałami, uprzedmiotowiają je, po to, by w akcie twórczym nadać im głębszego sensu i na nowo nadać im rangę podmiotu. Stając się dziełem, przemawiają ponad podziałami, dla wyższych celów, poprzez uświadomienie czym może stać się podmiot - człowiek. Przekraczając granice w sztuce, oraz w życiu, wyznaczają nowe - a jak próbuję dowieść w pracy - lepsze

    Strategie przyswajania słownictwa (VLS) przez studentów filologii

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    The aim of the present paper is to explore the problem of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) used by philology students. In the first part of the paper theoretical issues connected with VLS are analysed, in the second the results of research conducted at one state university is presented to show what VLS are selected by the students and what factors influence the choice. The paper also aims at showing the role of vocabulary learning during the teaching/learning process of the students of philology.Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie problematyki strategii przyswajania słownictwa przez studentów filologii. W części pierwszej przedstawiono najważniejsze aspekty zagadnienia, w drugim wyniki badań empirycznych, których celem było ustalenie, jakich strategii używają studenci filologii i jakie czynniki determinują ich wybó[email protected] Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w SiedlcachBaruah, T. (1991): The English Teacher’s Handbook. New York.Cohen, A. (2011): “L2 Learner strategies”. in: Hinkel, E. Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning. Abingdon, 681–698.Cohen, A. (2012): ”Strategies: the interface of styles, strategies and motivation on tasks”. in: Mercer, S. (ed.) Language learning psychology: Research, theory and pedagogy. Basingtoke, 136–150.Coste, D. et al (2003): Common European Framwork of Reference. Strasbourg.Corson, D. J. (1995): Using English Words. Dodrecht.Droździał-Szelest, K. (2004): “Strategie uczenia się języka obcego: badania a rzeczywistość edukacyjna”, in: Pawlak, M. (ed.) Autonomia w nauce języka obcego Poznań, 31–43.Laufer, B. (2004): Vocabulary in a Second Language. Amsterdam/Philadelphia.Nation, I. (1990): Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. Massachussets.Nation, I. (2001): Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. Cambridge.O’Malley, J.M et al (1990): Learning Strategies in Second Language. Cambridge.Oxford, R. (1990): Language Learning Structures: What every teacher should know? Boston.Oxford, R. (2003): Language Learning Styles and Strategies: an overview. Oxford.Pawlak, M. (2011): “Individual Laerner Differences in Second Language Acquisition”, in: Arabski, J. and Wojtaszek, A. (ed.) Individual Learner Differences in Second Language Acquistion. Bristol, 17–32.)Schmitt, N. (2000): Vocabulary in Language Teaching. Cambridge.Wilkins, D. A. (1972): Linguistics and Language Teaching. London.1941543

    The Space of a Book. The Images of Words

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    Lexicon and Logic: A Corpus-Based Investigation into a Connection between Prepositional Senses and Quantifier Scope

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    Pre-registration for an experimental study on the connection between prepositional senses and the quantier scop