212 research outputs found

    A GIS-based modelling approach to identify natural drivers of coral reef abundance in the Northern Myeik Archipelago, Myanmar

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    To predict the coral abundance of the Northern of Myeik, I compared various progressions of model techniques, including stepwise regression (using OLS), GWR, and Random forest analysis methods, to investigate relationships between coral abundance survey data and environmental variables such as depth, slope, aspect, rugosity, chlorophyll, sea surface temperature, and turbidity. Depth and SST have the most significant effect on predicted coral species abundance. Increased reef abundance was associated with a reduction in sea surface temperature stability and shallower optimum depths. Even then, GWR outperformed the other studied approaches in places with a substantial degree of input-output disagreement. The GWR model production was used to produce a final predicted coral abundance modelling map. The accuracy of the GWR model was determined by using Random forest predict modelling to map and comparing the higher R2 and predicted and observation graphs to the slope and interest value of each model. This sampling tool for a reef prediction model can be used in preference of potential species abundance modelling (e.g., seagrass, mangrove) in future Myanmar coastal management projects, resulting in more accurate predictions and more educated species management decisions. It can assist the Department of Fisheries in making fisheries management decisions and help to keep fish stocks stable in the long run by fostering a greater understanding of key environmental variables

    Reflective Teaching Model for Reading Comprehension

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    The aim of this study is mainly targeted to develop a reflective teaching model for reading comprehension and to examine its effectiveness in teaching reading comprehension to the students in Myanmar. Therefore, different works of literature from different fields of reflective teaching, reading comprehension, and instructional designs were reviewed to deduce a new idea for reflective teaching in reading comprehension. After the review of different studies, the reflective teaching model for reading comprehension (RTMRC) was theoretically developed in accordance with instructional design criteria and a strong theoretical base in reflective teaching and reading comprehension processes. It was the originality of this current research and also validated with some experts in the fields of instructional design and English language teaching. After that, the empirical research related to the reflective teaching (especially, different classroom research) was compared, and from that, a new methodological idea to conduct the valuable research which is most appropriate with the Myanmar context was extracted. Then the instruments for this study were constructed and the detailed lesson plans for the main study were also written for the participating teachers. The instruments were pre- and post-tests, student questionnaire, and observation scheme. In the pilot study, these instruments were first content-validated with some content experts for cross-cultural use. Second, these instruments were also continuously confirmed their construct validity, and if necessary, they were modified and planned for the main study. As the next step, the main study was conducted to examine whether the reflective teaching model for reading comprehension is effective on students’ reading comprehension achievement in Myanmar. In this main study, three teaching strategies; reciprocal teaching, interactive teaching, and questioning, were utilized in the framework of the reflective teaching model (RTMRC) that was self-developed. These three strategies were qualified, compared, and examined for their effectiveness respectively by the RTMRC teaching. Therefore, under the title of the main study, four main parts were presented by dividing them into four sub-studies investigating the effectiveness of these teaching approaches (Reflection-Based Reciprocal Teaching – RBRT; Reflection-Based Interactive Teaching – RBIT; Reflection-Based Questioning Approach – RBQA; Reflective Teaching Model for Reading Comprehension – RTMRC). Therefore, this research study could exclaim that the RTMRC model is not only qualifying different teaching strategies to improve students’ reading comprehension achievement but also essential for both teachers and their students for their effective teaching-learning process

    Reflection-based questioning: Aspects affecting Myanmar students’ reading comprehension

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    This study aimed to scrutinize the effects of the reflection-based questioning approach (RBQA) on Myanmar students’ achievement in English reading comprehension. The RBQA approach covers Oo et al.’s (2021) reflective teaching model for reading comprehension (based on planning, acting, reflecting, and evaluating) in which the teacher uses a questioning strategy (initiate-response-evaluate model). Employing cluster randomized trials, quasi-experimental research was conducted to investigate RBQA’s effectiveness in teaching reading comprehension skills to Grade-9 students. The experimental group (N = 228) received the RBQA intervention; the control group (N = 230) did not receive the intervention but was provided with traditional instruction. During RBQA intervention, teachers used the anonymous student questionnaire and observation scheme as effective reflection tools. After a five-week intervention, both groups completed post-tests to assess their achievement. The study findings revealed that teaching with RBQA had a significant positive effect on students’ reading comprehension. Therefore, this study is of immense significance to English language teachers and their students

    A Study of the Relationship Between Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Leadership Capacity and Organizational Culture at the Basic Education High Schools in Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State, Myanmar

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    The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between teachers’ perceptions of their leadership capacity and organizational culture at the Basic Education High Schools in Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State, Myanmar. The participants were 113 full-time teachers from Basic Education High Schools (No.1&2) during the academic year of 2019-2020. The researcher adopted the survey-High Leadership Capacity School Survey by Lambert (2003) and the survey-Organizational Culture (OCS) by Saravanan (2013). The collected data from each survey was analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, Frequency and Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The study results indicated that the level of teachers’ perceptions of their leadership capacity was Moderate, and organizational culture was Positive. Consequently, it was determined that the relationship between the two variables was found to be Significant, however it was interpreted that the relationship between the two was weak due to the correlation (r) value of .388**. The findings suggested that teachers needed to create more opportunities and time for personal reflection for they would help them grow in their profession. In addition, to build collaborative and participative culture which could increase a healthy workplace was also recommended and the school organizations should also upgrade the quality of materials provided to teachers in teaching and learning process as well as innovative technologies should also be realized in order to keep abreast with the 21st century education

    Qualifying Method-Centered Teaching Approaches through the Reflective Teaching Model for Reading Comprehension

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    The purpose of this study was to qualify method-centered teaching approaches by investigating the effects of the reflective teaching model for reading comprehension (RTMRC) on ninth-grade students’ English reading comprehension achievement in Myanmar. Three kinds of method-centered teaching approaches, namely reciprocal teaching, interactive teaching, and questioning, were qualified, compared, and examined while using the RTMRC. A quasi-experimental research design was used. The participants included 458 ninth-grade students, five English teachers, and 10 peer observers. Pre- and post-tests, a student questionnaire, and an observation scheme were used to assess the effectiveness of the RTMRC over 15 weeks. Structural equation modeling, Rasch analysis, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), effect size (Cohen’s d), and various descriptive statistics revealed that the teachers’ reflections on the instructional context were very effective for student reading comprehension achievement, the students appreciated interactive teaching the most, students’ achievements for the literal, inferential, and evaluative comprehension questions were the highest, and the RTMRC was more effective than other traditional teaching methods. In essence, the RTMRC can assist English language teachers in improving their students’ reading comprehension

    Subject Specific Mastery Motivation in Moldovan Middle School Students

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    Given the crucial role of mastery motivation in the cognitive development of children, the present study investigates subject-specific mastery motivation in the multilingual educational system of the Republic of Moldova. We applied cross-sectional data from fifth, seventh, and ninth graders studying either in the Romanian (n = 583) or Russian (n = 353) language using the Subject Specific Mastery Motivation Questionnaire (SSMMQ). To ensure the validity of the comparison of latent mean differences, the Romanian and Russian versions of SSMMQ were validated and measurement invariance of the constructs across language, grade, and gender was assessed. The full scalar invariance across grades and gender and the partial scalar invariance across language held. Thus, a comparison of latent mean differences across these three groups is plausible. The findings proved that there was no difference between the Romanian and Russian samples, but we found girls self-rated themselves significantly higher than boys in the Reading, Art, and Music mastery motivation scales. Results with respect to the comparison of latent mean differences between the grade levels demonstrated that the Reading mastery motivation of the Moldovan students stayed stable from fifth to ninth grades, whereas Art had a constant declining path

    Predictors of the Intention of Learning in Higher Education: Motivation, Self-Handicapping, Executive Function, Parents’ Education and School Achievement

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    Learning motivation, self-handicapping, executive function, and school achievement are interrelated variables affecting students’ intension of learning in higher education. However, many educators are unaware of the ability of these predictive variables and fail to encourage students’ further education. Therefore, with the aim of helping educators, this study was conducted to predict students’ intention of learning in higher education based on their learning motivation, self-handicapping, executive function, school achievement, and mothers’ education. We sampled Hungarian 12th graders (N = 1330) who participated in this study while collecting the data online during class hours. Questionnaires were used to measure learning motivation, self-handicapping, and executive function. Findings showed that higher learning motivation, lower self-handicapping, stronger working memory, and mother’s education could increase students’ intention of learning in higher education. Beyond our expectations, higher school achievement (GPA) was not a significant predictor. Comparing different theoretical perspectives, we deduced reliable predictors underlying Hungarian students’ intention of learning in higher education. Therefore, this study is of great importance for educators to pick out the real support for their students’ intention of learning in higher education by following our research findings
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