197 research outputs found

    Project Investment Decision-Making

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    Project evaluation is the control of the planning and implementation of project activities with regard to the objectives to be achieved. In this paper we assume the objective to be efficient outcome and profit maximization. This means that project evaluation puts normative assessments into the context of planning and management and hence into the context of intentional action and cycles of action. The model for project evaluation we propose has two money holders who must decide how to invest their money in two investment funds (financial intermediaries) that, in turn, will use the money to bid to acquire ownership in two projects. The general case when the number of money holders, the number of funds, and the number of investments are arbitrary may be handled in a similar manner to the development below, but at a cost of greater complexity. As a result no mechanism to achieve the maximum outcome is present and different methods to find optimal structure under uncertainty and different cost structures are discussed


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    Investment evaluation is the control of the planning and implementation of investment activities with regard to the objectives to be achieved. In this paper I assume the objective to be efficient outcome and profit maximization. This means that investment evaluation puts normative assessments into the context of planning and management and hence into the context of intentional action and cycles of action. Here not only the assessment of facts and scenarios is important but also the, more or less implicit, causal chains which connect activities with investment results and finally with goal achievement. The model for investment evaluation I propose has two money holders who must decide how to invest their money in two investment funds (financial intermediaries) that, in turn, will use the money to bid to acquire ownership in two projects. The general case when the number of money holders, the number of funds, and the number of investments are arbitrary may be handled in a similar manner to the development below, but at a cost of greater complexity. As a result no mechanism to achieve the maximum outcome is present and different methods to find optimal structure under uncertainty and different cost structures are discussed.Evaluacija ulaganja je kontrola planiranja i implementacije ulagačkih aktivnosti s obzirom na ciljeve koje želimo ostvariti. U ovom radu pretpostavljam cilj uspješnog rezultata i maksimizacije profita. To znači da evaluacija ulaganja stavlja određivanje normativa u kontekst planiranja i menadžmenta te stoga i u kontekst namjernog djelovanja i ciklusa djelovanja. Tu nije važna sama procjena činjenica i scenarija već i, manje ili više implicitni, slučajni lanci koji povezuju aktivnosti s rezultatima ulaganja te napokon i s postizanjem cilja. Model za evaluaciju ulaganja kojeg predlažem ima dva izvora novca koji moraju odlučiti kako uložiti svoj novac kako bi ostvarili vlasništvo u dva projekta. Uobičajeni slučaj u kojem je broj imatelja novca, broj fondova i broj ulaganja arbitraran može se obraditi na sličan način kako je niže prikazano ali uz povećanu složenost. Kao rezultat se ne dobiva mehanizam kojim bi se dobilo maksimalni rezultat te se analiziraju različite metode pronalaska optimalne strukture pod nesigurnosti i različite strukture troškova


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    Investment evaluation is the control of the planning and implementation of investment activities with regard to the objectives to be achieved. In this paper I assume the objective to be efficient outcome and profit maximization. This means that investment evaluation puts normative assessments into the context of planning and management and hence into the context of intentional action and cycles of action. Here not only the assessment of facts and scenarios is important but also the, more or less implicit, causal chains which connect activities with investment results and finally with goal achievement. The model for investment evaluation I propose has two money holders who must decide how to invest their money in two investment funds (financial intermediaries) that, in turn, will use the money to bid to acquire ownership in two projects. The general case when the number of money holders, the number of funds, and the number of investments are arbitrary may be handled in a similar manner to the development below, but at a cost of greater complexity. As a result no mechanism to achieve the maximum outcome is present and different methods to find optimal structure under uncertainty and different cost structures are discussed.Evaluacija ulaganja je kontrola planiranja i implementacije ulagačkih aktivnosti s obzirom na ciljeve koje želimo ostvariti. U ovom radu pretpostavljam cilj uspješnog rezultata i maksimizacije profita. To znači da evaluacija ulaganja stavlja određivanje normativa u kontekst planiranja i menadžmenta te stoga i u kontekst namjernog djelovanja i ciklusa djelovanja. Tu nije važna sama procjena činjenica i scenarija već i, manje ili više implicitni, slučajni lanci koji povezuju aktivnosti s rezultatima ulaganja te napokon i s postizanjem cilja. Model za evaluaciju ulaganja kojeg predlažem ima dva izvora novca koji moraju odlučiti kako uložiti svoj novac kako bi ostvarili vlasništvo u dva projekta. Uobičajeni slučaj u kojem je broj imatelja novca, broj fondova i broj ulaganja arbitraran može se obraditi na sličan način kako je niže prikazano ali uz povećanu složenost. Kao rezultat se ne dobiva mehanizam kojim bi se dobilo maksimalni rezultat te se analiziraju različite metode pronalaska optimalne strukture pod nesigurnosti i različite strukture troškova

    Interpretation and Affect in Found Footage Remakes: Martin Arnold’s Pièce Touchée

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    The found footage remakes of experimental filmmaker Martin Arnold transform intimate domestic scenes from classical Hollywood into a series of neurotically repetitive back-andforward gyrations. Exploring hidden psychological and socio-political subtexts, Arnold’s pièce touchèe (1989) offers a subversion of cinematic representational codes, as well as a sensorily engrossing experience to the spectator. This paper focuses on the graphic, visceral, rhythmic, and musical qualities of pièce touchée, examining the film’s moments of direct kinetic delight and disarming hilarity. Further, the paper interrogates the bodily experience of pièce touchée through an examination of additive rhythm, audio-visual looping, and flickering repetition. Arnold’s basic remaking techniques (editing, mirroring, and repetition) work to create an engagingly complex sampling piece, where the spectator’s interpretative and critical activities are based on a pre-narrative, pre-language, audio-visual intensity, and an affective fascination with the reappropriated source material

    Research into intercultural effectiveness in a multicultural educational milieu in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Enhancing intercultural effectiveness through the development of intercultural skills and competencies substantially contributes to establishing a more peaceful and tolerant society, which explains a considerable research interest it excites. The present study aims at investigating how study field, grade-point average (GPA), nationality, gender, university status, and grade level impact inter- cultural effectiveness of Bosnian university-level students. The research sample consisted of 184 students studying at the Departments of English Language and Literature and Psychology at three different universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A 2X4 ANCOVA indicated that intercultural effectiveness varied significantly by study field and GPA, with small effect size in both cases. The interaction effect of study field x GPA was also significant, with an almost moderate effect size. Similarly, a two-way MANOVA revealed that nationality and gender had a significant effect on the combined dependent variables of intercultural effectiveness and their interaction effect was also significant, with a small effect size. On the other hand, a two-way MANOVA revealed an insignificant impact of grade level and university status on the combined dependent variables of intercultural effectiveness. The interaction effect of grade level x university status was also insignificant, with a small effect size. The present study shows that intercultural effectiveness can be further developed and increased in the university milieu and is thus expected to contribute to recognising the importance of its enhancement through curricula and teaching content in particular


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    Slovenia has established comparative methodology framework for the minimum energy performance requirements on the basis of article 5 of the Directive EPBD – Recast (2010/31/EU) and in accordance with Annex III, differentiating between different categories of buildings. Choosing a single family house, energy performance of the buildings was calculated with IDA Indoor Climate and Energy as a whole year detailed and dynamic multizone simulation study of indoor climate and energy use. The minimum energy performance requirements are represented by the area of the cost curve that delivers the lowest cost for the end-user and society. The results demonstrate that the minimum requirements set for new single family houses in national building codes in force are more severe than the minimum requirements corresponding to the cost optimal level, mainly due to the national energy and climate policy targets in the building sector. Among systems, heat pumps proved to be important competitors in seeking the cost optimal building performance. It was shown, that heat pumps are environmentally acceptable and economically efficient way of heating with plausible positive social multiplied effects. Heat pumps have support of local economy and are based on well-established technology, their operational is efficient, reliable and are suitable for almost all buildings. In the future it is expected to reach higher coefficient of performance (COP), especially at lower temperatures. Higher COP, together with further increase of renewables share in national electrical power system is making heat pumps important foundation for further sustainable development in line with sustainable principles

    Privacy impact assessment in the development of smart technologies

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    Informacijski sistemi, nas pogosto nezavedno spremljajo na vsakem koraku. Kolikokrat se, ob pogledu na video kamero nad pločnikom, zamislimo in vprašamo, čemu je ta kamera namenjena? Kam se prenaša slika? Kdo sedi za ekranom in spremlja dogajanje? Je slika shranjena? Ali obstaja mehanizem, ki prepozna obraz in ugotavlja, kdo in kdaj hodi po pločniku? S takimi in podobnimi vprašanji, bi se v sodobnem času moral ukvarjati vsakdo. Še posebno se morajo z njimi ukvarjati razvijalci informacijskih sistemov pa najsi gre za strojno ali programsko opremo. Ko položimo prst na biometrično tipalo pri vratih, smo informacijskemu sistemu oddali svoj prstni odtis in z njim enega od osebnih podatkov. Tu uporabniki izgubimo sled o tem osebnem podatku in kaj se z njim v ozadju dogaja. Ne preostane nam drugega, kot da sistemu zaupamo, da bo podatek uporabljen zgolj za avtentikacijo pri odpiranju vrat. Na tem mestu se prične naloga Informacijskega pooblaščenca, ki mora preverjati ali je sistem v katerem se trenutno nahaja naš podatek primerno grajen. Že v fazi razvoja informacijskega sistema mora biti inženir pozoren na vse vidike informacijske varnosti, še posebno pa na varovanje osebnih podatkov in primerno ravnanje z njimi ves čas, ko se podatek nahaja v informacijskem sistemu. Ker so sistemi vedno bolj kompleksni, zakonodaja in standardi zapleteni, si razvijalec lahko pomaga z metodami za presojo vpliva na zasebnost. S to nalogo smo poskusili pomagati inženirju razumeti in izvesti presojo vplivov na zasebnost.At every step and often unconsciously we are being monitored by different information systems. How often do we notice a surveillance camera and ask ourselves what is this camera for? Where is the image transmitted to? Who sits behind the monitor and observes the action? Will my picture be stored? Is behind it an algorithm that recognizes who and when has walked by? These are the questions that everyone should take into consideration. Especially careful should be information system developers of either hardware or software. When we put the finger on the biometric sensor at the door, we have already passed our personal biometric data of the fingerprint to the information system. At this point we lose the track of our personal data and how our data will be processed. There is no other choice but to trust the system that it will process our personal data only for the purpose of opening the door. This is the boundary of the Information Commissioners work, who\u27s duty is to check whether the personal data is being treated accordingly to the law, standards and best practices. Even at the stage of development of the information system, the developing engineer should pay attention to increase the data security to maximum possible level. Special consideration should be taken into account regarding the personal data during the whole data lifetime cycle. Since the systems are becoming more and more complex and so does the legislation and standards, the information system developer can find useful the methods of performing the privacy impact analysis, This paper tries to help the developer to more easily perform the privacy impact assessment


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    An increasing number of Centers for Economic Development is emerging in different countries of European Union. Their main goal is to stimulate Economic Cross border Cooperation. The consequences of this raising number of CEDs are little understood: does the agglomeration stimulate cooperation, or does it lead to a competition between CEDs? We use a game simulation as a research method as it offers a successful way of performing policy research. The main finding of the ‘CED game’ is that with agglomeration, the willingness to cooperate decreases. Furthermore we discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of such game simulation as a tool for policy research. This article suggests that game simulations can be an interesting tool for policy research, but since this method also has its disadvantages a combination of various research methods will contribute to better results.Sve veći broj Centara za ekonomski razvoj pojavljuje se u raznim zemljama Europske Unije. Njihov je glavni cilj poticanje transgranične gospodarske suradnje. Posljedice ovog povećanog broja takvih centara nisu posve jasne: potiče li aglomeracija suradnju ili dovodi do konkurencije među centrima? Kao istraživačku metodu koristimo simulaciju igre jer nudi uspješan način za istraživanje politike. Glavni nalaz «CED igre» je da aglomeracija dovodi do pada volje za suradnjom. Nadalje, raspravlja se o potencijalnim prednostima i manama takve simulacije kao alata za istraživanje politike. Ovaj rad sugerira da ovakve simulacije mogu biti interesantan alat za istraživanje politike no, kako i ova metoda ima svoje mane, kombinacija različitih metoda istraživanja će pridonijeti kvalitetnijim rezultatima


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    Slovenia has established comparative methodology framework for the minimum energy performance requirements on the basis of article 5 of the Directive EPBD – Recast (2010/31/EU) and in accordance with Annex III, differentiating between different categories of buildings. Choosing a single family house, energy performance of the buildings was calculated with IDA Indoor Climate and Energy as a whole year detailed and dynamic multizone simulation study of indoor climate and energy use. The minimum energy performance requirements are represented by the area of the cost curve that delivers the lowest cost for the end-user and society. The results demonstrate that the minimum requirements set for new single family houses in national building codes in force are more severe than the minimum requirements corresponding to the cost optimal level, mainly due to the national energy and climate policy targets in the building sector. Among systems, heat pumps proved to be important competitors in seeking the cost optimal building performance. It was shown, that heat pumps are environmentally acceptable and economically efficient way of heating with plausible positive social multiplied effects. Heat pumps have support of local economy and are based on well-established technology, their operational is efficient, reliable and are suitable for almost all buildings. In the future it is expected to reach higher coefficient of performance (COP), especially at lower temperatures. Higher COP, together with further increase of renewables share in national electrical power system is making heat pumps important foundation for further sustainable development in line with sustainable principles