206 research outputs found

    Extension of Tool for Executable-File Analysis

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    Tato práce se zabývá rozšířením nástroje pro analýzu spustitelných souborů, který je součástí rekonfigurovatelného zpětného překladače vyvíjeného v rámci projektu Lissom. Cílem práce je analyzovat nedostatky původní implementace tohoto nástroje a na základě toho navrhnout a implementovat zcela nový nástroj, který by tyto nedostatky odstranil. Vytvořené řešení musí představovat plnohodnotný analyzátor spustitelných souborů. V rámci práce je řešen rovněž problém detekce použitého překladače či packeru, přičemž jsou zavedeny heuristické techniky detekce, které umožňují mj. korektní rozpoznání polymorfních packerů. V závěru práce jsou diskutovány dosažené výsledky a jejich přínos pro rekonfigurovatelný zpětný překladač.This work deals with extension of a tool for executable-files analysis, which is a~part of a retargetable decompiler developed within the Lissom project. This thesis has two main goals. Firstly, it is necessary to analyze the original implementation of this tool and to find its drawbacks. Secondly, we have to implement a whole new tool without the lacks of its predecessor. This solution must be a full-featured analyzer of executable files. Within this thesis, we also focus on accuracy of compiler and packer detection. Among others, this task is achieved by using special heuristics technics of detection that can also recognize polymorphic packers. In the conclusion, the achieved results of this work and their contribution for the retargetable decompiler are discussed.

    Educational Technology Portfolio

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    This portfolio is a collection of artifacts and reflections on my development through the Masters of Education with a Specialization in Curriculum and Instructional Technology program. Each of the four artifacts and standards connects with one of the Iowa Teaching Standards as outlined through the portfolio. The portfolio is a Google Site which encourages users to interact with artifacts and reflections. My reflections highlight the use of technology to differentiate the needs of learners and to help drive instruction through data. This was submitted as the final project for CI 599B and defended in the Spring of 2019 to complete the master\u27s program

    Caring for Individuals with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP): A Treatment Manual for Occupational Therapists

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    Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva is a rare and disabling genetic disorder that results in ossification of the soft tissues (Kaplan, Xu, et al., 2008; Kocyigit, Hizil, Hemis, Sabah, & Memis, 2001). There is a lack of research and literature on therapeutic intervention for those with a diagnosis of FOP. However, occupational therapists (OTs) can help those with FOP increase their quality of life through enhancement of activities of daily living (Kaplan, Le Merrer, et al., 2008). Overall, this product will serve as a guide for occupational therapists working with individuals diagnosed with FOP. The benefits of this product will be determined by the number of individuals who display interest in the use of this scholarly project. The scholarly project is presented in the following four chapters. Chapter II presents the professional literature review regarding the definition and treatment recommendations relating to FOP. Chapter III will present the methodology of how the information from the literature review was obtained as well as education to develop the treatment manual. Chapter IV presents the actual treatment manual titled Caring For Individuals With Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP): A Treatment Manual For Occupational Therapists. Chapter V provides the conclusion, recommendations, and limitations of the scholarly project. The limitations of the product include the lack of evidence-based literature specific to occupational therapy and FOP. Another limitation is that FOP is a rare genetic disorder and not many occupational therapists will work with individuals diagnosed with FOP. The product may be implemented by adapting the product as a guide for occupational therapists treating individuals with FOP through a continuing education workshop. Occupational therapists that are currently working with individuals who are diagnosed with FOP can also utilize this product. Overall, this product will serve as a guide for OTs working with individuals diagnosed with FOP. The benefits of this product will be determined by the number of individuals who display interest in the use of this scholarly project. It is recommended that further research be done regarding occupational therapy treatment for individuals with FOP. More evidence-based research is needed to ensure quality treatment is provided for individuals diagnosed with FOP. Other suggestions to further the usefulness of this product include publication of information regarding OTs working with individuals diagnosed with FOP

    AskTheCode: Interactive Call Graph Exploration for Error Fixing and Prevention

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    In order to prevent and fix errors in program code, developers need to understand its semantics to a significant extent. For this purpose, they use various approaches, such as manual call graph exploration or dynamic analysis with a debugger. However, these techniques tend to be cumbersome in a larger codebase, because they provide either underapproximate or overapproximate results and it is often hard to combine them. Therefore, we present AskTheCode, a Microsoft Visual Studio extension enabling to interactively explore a call graph, ensuring that only feasible execution traces are taken into consideration. AskTheCode is based on control flow analysis and backward symbolic execution. We show its potential to significantly improve developers' experience on a complex code example

    MetroNG: Computer-Aided Scheduling and Collision Detection

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    In this paper, we propose a formal model of the objects involved in a class of scheduling problems, namely in the classroom scheduling in universities which allow a certain degree of liberty in their curricula. Using the formal model, we present efficient algorithms for the detection of collisions of the involved objects and for the inference of a tree-like navigational structure in an interactive scheduling software allowing a selection of the most descriptive view of the scheduling objects. These algorithms were used in a real-world application called MetroNG; a visual interactive tool that is based on more than 10 years of experience we have in the field. It is currently used by the largest universities and colleges in the Czech Republic. The efficiency and usability of MetroNG suggests that our approach may be applied in many areas where multi-dimensionally structured data are presented in an interactive application

    Pipelined AD converter using switched capacitor approach

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    Práce se zabývá návrhem nového řetězového převodníku AD. Pro kompenzaci nedostatků techniky SC a chyb spojených s ní se využije nově navržená metoda.The work deals with design of novel pipelined AD converter using switched-capacitors approach.

    Analysis of extinguishing water samples from simulated fires of illegal waste dumps

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    Tato práce je zaměřena na potenciální škodlivost hasební vody použité pro likvidaci požárů nelegálních skládek. V první části se práce zabývá popisem nelegálních skládek co do znaků, různorodosti odpadu, vlivu na životní prostředí a samotnou problematikou hašení. V experimentální části se práce věnuje samotnému pokusu, a to nasimulování požáru takovýchto skládek a následnou analýzou vzorků hasební vody, která může obsahovat látky potenciálně nebezpečné pro životní prostředí vlivem odtoku z místa požářiště.This work is focused on the potential harmfulness of firefighting water used to extinguish illegal waste dumps fires. In the first part, the thesis deals with the description of illegal waste dumps in terms of characteristics, diversity of waste, impact on the environment and the very issue of extinguishing. In the experimental part, the work is devoted to the experiment itself, namely the simulation of a fire in such dumps and the subsequent analysis of firefighting water samples, which may contain substances potentially dangerous for the environment due to the outflow from the fire site.546 - Katedra environmentálního inženýrstvívýborn

    Swine Management

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    This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu