19 research outputs found


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    Common degradation process for industrial equipment in power and petrochemical industry is creep. The ultrasonic waves velocities and their ratio can provide feedback on stress-strain conditions generated by heat. Selection of potentially critically affected parts of pressure equipment can be theoretically accessed by their means. Selection of such critical parts or areas is done by comparison with reference benchmark value. Setting the standard reference value for conventional pressure purpose steel is crucial so it can be later used as a benchmark for selection of critical areas on equipment under operation. The article proposes a benchmark value to be utilized for P265GH pressure purpose steel and steels of similar grade


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    Resistance spot welding (RSW) is one of the main joining technologies of thin sheets in the automotive industry. Key factors affecting the strength of the RSW joint are the nugget diameter, asymmetry, expulsions, intended surfaces, and the presence of cracks. Despite its broad use, the RSW joint quality verification is limited only to destructive testing and a limited number of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods. Most of the testing is done destructively by sampling, which assesses only systematic defects. Ultrasonic Testing (UT) is the most used NDT method to detect non-systematic defects in the RSW joints, however the probability of the defect detection of conventional testing techniques is not fully satisfactory. Other approaches were invented to deal with this situation. The article uses the currently most used NDT approach of the UT testing as a benchmark to evaluate the ability of thermographic testing to detect defective welds of the resistance spot welding in an on-line mode. The article demonstrates that the infrared thermography may find systematic process errors that are not detectable by other NDT methods by an analysis of different temperature drops measured after a constant delay time caused by different cooling dynamics of satisfactory and non-satisfactory weld joints

    Agroforestry in the Czech Republic: what hampers the comeback of a once traditional land use system?

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    The interest in re-implementing agroforestry (AF) in European agriculture due to its environmental benefits has been growing exponentially. We reviewed the historical background and the current state (extent, farmers’ perception, legislative support, and barriers) to evaluate the future perspectives of AF in Czechia by identifying the key factors hampering further extension. Our results confirmed that AF almost disappeared after the middle of the 19th century due to agricultural intensification and collectivization. Currently, AF is not defined in the Czech legislation and no modern AF has been encountered by this study. Areas falling into AF definition recently comprise only traditional AF (less than 1% of agricultural area remaining) represented only by silvopastoral AF. The results of a farmers’ survey indicated that despite relatively high interest in AF, excessive bureaucratization, high costs of establishment and uncertain profitability are severe concerns among farmers. We therefore conclude that there is a lack of legal recognition and marginalization of AF as the key obstacles of low adoption rates. We suggest that systematic support beyond subsidies should include raising awareness, research, policy, legislation changes, training, and advisory service, as a cornerstone for progressive development of AF and thus conservation and creation of economically and environmentally sound landscapes throughout Czechia

    Natural monuments in Prague and their potential for tourism development: a case study of Prague - Lysolaje

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    This thesis deals with an analysis of a relationship between current foreign tourism and natural monuments in Prague. Prague is touristically attractive mainly due to its cultural and architectural monuments, however it is also characterized by its specific relief and relatively well preserved nature. Nature motivated tourism in an urban destination is a rarely discussed topic in the academic literature. The main object of this thesis is to find, whether there is connection between foreign incoming tourism in natural monuments of Prague and to find out what impact this connection has. The research itself is divided into two parts with two different qualitative methods used. The first part uses a content analysis of chosen texts, in the second part the recreational potential of specific area was detected via case study in the urban district Prague - Lysolaje. The influence of natural monuments on the tourism in Prague was confirmed, but with comparison to the cultural monuments the natural monuments don't have much influence on the tourism in Prague. Keywords: tourism, natural monuments, Prague, tourist precincts, Prague - Lysolaj

    Interaction of man and landscape: impacts of socio-political changes to the landscape and agriculture in Czechia

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    This diploma thesis is an analysis of the influence of specific socio-political changes to the landscape and agriculture in Czechia. The chosen socio-political changes are the beginning of communist regime in 1948 and the transformation of the whole society after the end of communist regime in 1989. The main idea used in this thesis was the concept of driving forces and the other used concepts were social capital, agricultural diversification and intensification and extensification of the landscape. Detailed presentation of the influence of specific socio- political changes in agriculture and landscape was made by a case study in administrative region Tábor. The used concepts were described In the opening part as well as the main stages of development of agriculture and landscape in Czechia and in the model area. The main method used in the case study were semi-structured interviews with farmers, who were active in agriculture before 1948 and in the time of the research. According to the results of the research the influence of institutional driving forces significantly increased in comparison to the period before 1948. The results also showed to important role of non-productive functions of current agriculture. . Keywords: landscape, agriculture, driving forces, land use, intensification and...Tato diplomová práce je analýzou vlivu vybraných společenskopolitických změn na krajinu a zemědělství Česka. Vybranými společenskopolitickými změnami byl začátek komunistického režimu po roce 1948 a celospolečenská transformace po konci komunistického režimu v roce 1989. Hlavním konceptem využitým v této práci byl koncept hybných sil využití ploch. Detailní představení dopadů vybraných společenskopolitických změn na krajinu a zemědělství bylo provedeno pomocí případové studie v modelovém území SO ORP Tábor. V úvodní části práce byly představeny vybrané koncepty a popsány hlavní etapy vývoje zemědělství a krajiny v Česku a v modelovém území. Hlavní metodou použitou v rámci případové studie byly polostrukturované rozhovory se zemědělci, kteří byli aktivní v zemědělství před rokem 1948 a v době výzkumu. Podle výsledků výzkumu oproti době před rokem 1948 výrazně vzrostl vliv institucionálních hybných sil. Výsledky také ukázaly na významnou roli mimoprodukčních funkcí v současném zemědělství. Klíčová slova: krajina, zemědělství, hybné síly, využití ploch, intenzifikace a extenzifikace, ČeskoDepartment of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Optimalisation of trolleybus system in Chomutov nad Jirkov

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    Bakalářská práce se věnuje současným problémům trolejbusové dopravy v Chomutově a Jirkově. Práce navrhuje taková řešení, aby část problémů byla odstraněna a aby byla trolejbusová doprava v aglomeraci pro cestujícícho dostatečně atraktivní.The work deals with present problems in trolleybus traffic in Chomutov and Jirkov. The work suggest some resolutions which removing this problem and make the trolleybus traffic attractive for passengers.Katedra technologie a řízení dopravyStudent úspěšně obhájil diplomovou práci a uspokojivě zodpověděl všechny dotazy zkušební komise

    Dřevostavba ordinace v systému dřevostavby

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    This work is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the distribution of wooden buildings and the exact description of the wall structure from the company Purlive, which has been using the building system of panel construction for many years. And from the import of all parts of the composition, through the description of sequential technological operations, carried out at the workshop, to the transport of the panel to a specific site of construction. The described composition was further used to prepare the project documentation of the dental center. The second part is focused on the possibility of adding another building floor to the existing building after several years

    Výrobní dokumentace nástavby ordinace

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    The theoretical part of the diploma thesis is focused on the technical description of the building according to Decree No. 499/2006 Coll. as amended, according to Annex No. 13 - scope and content of project documentation for construction, part D.1.1 Architectural and construction solutions paragraph a) Technical report. The practical part of the diploma thesis deals with the production / implementation documentation of the dental center superstructure, which is intended for permanent living. Detailed production documentation and item budget are processed. The work includes demolition work of the existing building and technical solution of the superstructure

    Interaction of man and landscape: impacts of socio-political changes to the landscape and agriculture in Czechia

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    This diploma thesis is an analysis of the influence of specific socio-political changes to the landscape and agriculture in Czechia. The chosen socio-political changes are the beginning of communist regime in 1948 and the transformation of the whole society after the end of communist regime in 1989. The main idea used in this thesis was the concept of driving forces and the other used concepts were social capital, agricultural diversification and intensification and extensification of the landscape. Detailed presentation of the influence of specific socio- political changes in agriculture and landscape was made by a case study in administrative region Tábor. The used concepts were described In the opening part as well as the main stages of development of agriculture and landscape in Czechia and in the model area. The main method used in the case study were semi-structured interviews with farmers, who were active in agriculture before 1948 and in the time of the research. According to the results of the research the influence of institutional driving forces significantly increased in comparison to the period before 1948. The results also showed to important role of non-productive functions of current agriculture. . Keywords: landscape, agriculture, driving forces, land use, intensification and..

    Progres of Criminal Law in 18th Century in Our Countries

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    Progres of Criminal Law in 18th Century in Our Countries Abstract This thesis attempts to show certain aspects of the progress of the criminal law in the 18th century in the Czech Crown Lands. It mainly focuses on substantive criminal law and captures its evolution by comparison of selected instruments of law contained in analyzed criminal codes, which are sorted in chronological order. The thesis is composed of an introductory, three chapters and a conclusions. The introduction briefly defines topic and basic terminology used in this thesis and also mentions existing literature. The chapter one is subdivided into three parts. The first part deals with the state of the sources of criminal law at the begining of 18th century and than mainly focuses on the codification of the municipal law and also on The Renewed Constitution. Next part of the chapter is aimed at the criminal code of Joseph I and at the criminal code of Maria Theresa, which were published in the 18th century. The last part concentrates on two more criminal codes, namely criminal code of Joseph II and also criminal code of Francis II, both being influenced by the philosophy of the age of enlightenment, while the later being published in the 19th century. The second chapter delivers a summary of selected instruments of substantive criminal law...