243 research outputs found

    Stokes matrices for the quantum differential equations of some Fano varieties

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    The classical Stokes matrices for the quantum differential equation of projective n-space are computed, using multisummation and the so-called monodromy identity. Thus, we recover the results of D. Guzzetti that confirm Dubrovin's conjecture for projective spaces. The same method yields explicit formulas for the Stokes matrices of the quantum differential equations of smooth Fano hypersurfaces in projective n-space and for weighted projective spaces.Comment: 20 pages. Introduction has been changed. Small corrections in the tex

    Constraints on Low-Dimensional String Compactifications

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    We study the restrictions imposed by cancellation of the tadpoles for two, three, and four-form gauge fields in string theory, M-theory and F-theory compactified to two, three and four dimensions, respectively. For a large class of supersymmetric vacua, turning on a sufficient number of strings, membranes and three-branes, respectively, can cancel the tadpoles, and preserve supersymmetry. However, there are cases where the tadpole cannot be removed in this way, either because the tadpole is fractional, or because of its sign. For M-theory and F-theory compactifications, we also explore the relation of the membranes and three-branes to the nonperturbative space-time superpotential.Comment: 16 pages, harvma

    Monopole and Dyon Bound States in N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories

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    We study the existence of monopole bound states saturating the BPS bound in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. We describe how the existence of such bound states relates to the topology of index bundles over the moduli space of BPS solutions. Using an L2L^2 index theorem, we prove the existence of certain BPS states predicted by Seiberg and Witten based on their study of the vacuum structure of N=2 Yang-Mills theories.Comment: 34 pages, harvma

    On Duality Walls in String Theory

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    Following the RG flow of an N=1 quiver gauge theory and applying Seiberg duality whenever necessary defines a duality cascade, that in simple cases has been understood holographically. It has been argued that in certain cases, the dualities will pile up at a certain energy scale called the duality wall, accompanied by a dramatic rise in the number of degrees of freedom. In string theory, this phenomenon is expected to occur for branes at a generic threefold singularity, for which the associated quiver has Lorentzian signature. We here study sequences of Seiberg dualities on branes at the C_3/Z_3 orbifold singularity. We use the naive beta functions to define an (unphysical) scale along the cascade. We determine, as a function of initial conditions, the scale of the wall as well as the critical exponent governing the approach to it. The position of the wall is piecewise linear, while the exponent appears to be constant. We comment on the possible implications of these results for physical walls.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures. v2: physical interpretation rectified, reference adde

    Minimal Family Unification

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    Absract It is proposed that there exist, within a new SU(2)SU(2)^{'}, a gauged discrete group Q6Q_6 (the order 12 double dihedral group) acting as a family symmetry. This nonabelian finite group can explain hierarchical features of families, using an assignment for quarks and leptons dictated by the requirements of anomaly cancellation and of no additional quarks.Comment: 10 pages, IFP-701-UNC;VAND-TH-94-

    Topological Orbifold Models and Quantum Cohomology Rings

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    We discuss the toplogical sigma model on an orbifold target space. We describe the moduli space of classical minima for computing correlation functions involving twisted operators, and show, through a detailed computation of an orbifold of CP1{\bf CP}^1 by the dihedral group D4,D_{4}, how to compute the complete ring of observables. Through this procedure, we compute all the rings from dihedral CP1{\bf CP}^1 orbifolds; we note a similarity with rings derived from perturbed DD-series superpotentials of the ADEA-D-E classification of N=2N = 2 minimal models. We then consider CP2/D4,{\bf CP}^2/D_4, and show how the techniques of topological-anti-topological fusion might be used to compute twist field correlation functions for nonabelian orbifolds.Comment: 48 pages, harvmac, HUTP-92/A06

    Supermanifolds, Rigid Manifolds and Mirror Symmetry

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    By providing a general correspondence between Landau-Ginzburg orbifolds and non-linear sigma models, we find that the elusive mirror of a rigid manifold is actually a supermanifold. We also discuss when sigma models with super-target spaces are conformally invariant and describe their chiral rings. Both supermanifolds with and without Kahler moduli are considered. This work leads us to conclude that mirror symmetry should be viewed as a relation among super-varieties rather than bosonic varieties.Comment: harvmac 24 pages, HUTP-94/A00

    Quantum symmetries and exceptional collections

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    We study the interplay between discrete quantum symmetries at certain points in the moduli space of Calabi-Yau compactifications, and the associated identities that the geometric realization of D-brane monodromies must satisfy. We show that in a wide class of examples, both local and compact, the monodromy identities in question always follow from a single mathematical statement. One of the simplest examples is the Z_5 symmetry at the Gepner point of the quintic, and the associated D-brane monodromy identity

    Seiberg Duality is an Exceptional Mutation

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    The low energy gauge theory living on D-branes probing a del Pezzo singularity of a non-compact Calabi-Yau manifold is not unique. In fact there is a large equivalence class of such gauge theories related by Seiberg duality. As a step toward characterizing this class, we show that Seiberg duality can be defined consistently as an admissible mutation of a strongly exceptional collection of coherent sheaves.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures; v2 refs added, "orbifold point" discussion refined; v3 version to appear in JHEP, discussion of torsion sheaves improve