103 research outputs found

    Efficient Schur Parametrization and Modeling of p-Stationary Second-Order Time-Series for LPC Transmission

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    Following the results presented in [1], we present an efficient approach to the Schur parametrization/modeling of a subclass of second-order time-series which we term p-stationary time-series, yielding a uniform hierarchy of algorithms suitable for efficient implementations and being a good starting point for nonlinear generalizations to higher-order non-Gaussian nearstationary time-series

    Burning hay as a tool in conservation of mountain grassland vegetation in protected areas

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    In some areas of Polish Carpathians high nature value grasslands are managed only because of agri-environmental subsidies or as an active preservation measures in protected areas. Due to the abandonment of livestock farming the problem is the dispose of collected biomass. In the Pieniny National Park in some cases the hay harvested and collected in pile is burned. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of the burning of a large amount of hay on vegetation and assess the possibility of using this measure in preservation of species rich plant communities. In 1997 piles of hay were burned on 17 plots. On the burned plots plant and soil analysis were determined in years 1998–2001 and repeated in 2014. During the first four years there was a significant increase in the content of available phosphorus, potassium and soil pH. As a result, at the beginning, increased growth of legumes, was observed. Next, the grass species began to appear in greater number. After 17 years soil parameters of burnt plots were similar to that of surrounding areas and no considerable differences in plant composition was observed. However, some of burnt plots were still distinguishable on the meadow. Under certain conditions, the burning of hay can be used in management of grassland

    Median nerve conduction impairment in patients with diabetes and its impact on patients’ perception of health condition: a quantitative study

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    INTRODUCTION: Impaired mobility and compromised manual dexterity leading to difficulties with the activities of daily living (ADL) are an inherent part of the clinical picture in diabetes. Hand function in diabetes is influenced by a variety of pathologies: the median nerve, the most important nerve of the hand, can suffer from metabolic disturbances, ischemia and/or entrapment neuropathies. The resulting deterioration in functional capacity is likely to have significant consequences for the ability to perform ADL, influencing adjustment to diabetes and affecting quality of life. The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of hand function as measured by median motor nerve conduction on quality of life, taking into account various aspects of functioning in patients with diabetes, including activities of daily living, psychological status and acceptance of illness. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Seventy one hospital patients with diabetes participated in the study. Electrophysiological recordings of conductance in the median nerve were obtained for both hands and the relationship between hand function and functional status (BI), depression and anxiety (HADS), adjustment to illness (AIS) and their effect on quality of life (SF-36v2 and QLI) was studied. RESULTS: Damage to the median nerve of the left hand was associated with significant differences in functioning in the physical, but not the mental component of the SF-36v2, p = 0.03 and in functional status (p = 0.006). QOL was associated with depression, patient age, acceptance of illness, functional ability and to a small, but significant extent with median nerve damage to the right hand on the measure of conduction velocities (R2 =0.726). CONCLUSIONS: Nerve conductance studies demonstrated a small, but significant effect of hand function on quality of life. Impairment of the median nerve in the left hand was associated with functional difficulties in the activities of daily living and a diminished quality of life in the area of physical functioning. No dependencies of this kind were found for the right hand, which may reflect the greater compensatory capacity of the right hand resulting from improved efficiency due to practice

    A virulence activator of a surface attachment protein in Burkholderia pseudomallei acts as a global regulator of other membrane-associated virulence factors

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    Burkholderia pseudomallei (Bp), causing a highly fatal disease called melioidosis, is a facultative intracellular pathogen that attaches and invades a variety of cell types. We previously identified BP1026B_I0091 as a surface attachment protein (Sap1) and an essential virulence factor, contributing to Bp pathogenesis in vitro and in vivo. The expression of sap1 is regulated at different stages of Bp intracellular lifecycle by unidentified regulator(s). Here, we identified SapR (BP1026B_II1046) as a transcriptional regulator that activates sap1, using a high-throughput transposon mutagenesis screen in combination with Tn-Seq. Consistent with phenotypes of the Δsap1 mutant, the ΔsapR activator mutant exhibited a significant reduction in Bp attachment to the host cell, leading to subsequent decreased intracellular replication. RNA-Seq analysis further revealed that SapR regulates sap1. The regulation of sap1 by SapR was confirmed quantitatively by qRT-PCR, which also validated the RNA-Seq data. SapR globally regulates genes associated with the bacterial membrane in response to diverse environments, and some of the genes regulated by SapR are virulence factors that are required for Bp intracellular infection (e.g., type III and type VI secretion systems). This study has identified the complex SapR regulatory network and its importance as an activator of an essential Sap1 attachment factor

    Polska i społeczeństwo w XXI wieku. Państwo i prawo w XXI wieku - szanse i zagrożenia

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    Słowo wstępne: "Kolejna, czwarta już międzynarodowa konferencja zorganizowana przez Krakowską Szkolę Wyższą im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego poświęcona została problematyce nowych wyzwań w różnych dziedzinach życia społecznego w perspektywie XXI wieku. Tematem sekcji Wydziału Prawa i Administracji stała się próba odpowiedzi na pytanie o szanse i zagrożenia dla państwa i prawa XXI wieku. Wydaje się, że u progu tego stulecia nie sposób przewidzieć, czego będzie więcej - szans czy zagrożeń. Trudno wyrokować, czy nadchodzące dekady przyniosą nadzieje na pozytywne rozwiązanie problemów, czy też ich eskalacja, a zwłaszcza nowe i trudne do przewidzenia warianty, sprawią, że świat znajdzie się na krawędzi. Nie ma odpowiedzi na te pytania. Jedno jest pewne - jak powiedział Stanisław Lem -płyniemy z nurtem wielkiej rzeki ku nieznanemu oceanowi i znajdujemy się dopiero na początku podróży. Nie ma wątpliwości, że w ostatnim czasie odczuwamy raczej zagrożenie, tym bardziej, że prowadzona walka z terroryzmem nie przynosi oczekiwanych rezultatów. Jednak pesymizmem napawa nie tylko stan międzynarodowego bezpieczeństwa. Również w innych sferach życia dostrzegamy wiele niepokojących zjawisk świadczących o erozji takich fundamentalnych instytucji jak państwo i prawo."(...

    Multiple FadD Acyl-CoA Synthetases Contribute to Differential Fatty Acid Degradation and Virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    A close interconnection between nutrient metabolism and virulence factor expression contributes to the pathophysiology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a successful pathogen. P. aeruginosa fatty acid (FA) degradation is complicated with multiple acyl-CoA synthetase homologs (FadDs) expressed in vivo in lung tissue during cystic fibrosis infections. The promoters of two genetically linked P. aeruginosa fadD genes (fadD1 and fadD2) were mapped and northern blot analysis indicated they could exist on two different transcripts. These FadDs contain ATP/AMP signature and FA-binding motifs highly homologous to those of the Escherichia coli FadD. Upon introduction into an E. coli fadD-/fadR- double mutant, both P. aeruginosa fadDs functionally complemented the E. coli fadD-/fadR- mutant, allowing degradation of different chain-length FAs. Chromosomal mutagenesis, growth analysis, induction studies, and determination of kinetic parameters suggested that FadD1 has a substrate preference for long-chain FAs while FadD2 prefers shorter-chain FAs. When compared to the wild type strain, the fadD2 mutant exhibited decreased production of lipase, protease, rhamnolipid and phospholipase, and retardation of both swimming and swarming motilities. Interestingly, fadD1 mutant showed only increased swarming motility. Growth analysis of the fadD mutants showed noticeable deficiencies in utilizing FAs and phosphatidylcholine (major components of lung surfactant) as the sole carbon source. This defect translated into decreased in vivo fitness of P. aeruginosa in a BALB/c mouse lung infection model, supporting the role of lipids as a significant nutrient source for this bacterium in vivo

    Multiple sclerosis genomic map implicates peripheral immune cells and microglia in susceptibility

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    Numerous fatty acyl-CoA synthetase homologues are involved in fatty acid degradation in pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    M.S. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2011.Includes bibliographical references.The goal of this research is to characterize the newly identified fatty acyl-CoA synthetase homologue, PA3860 (fadD3), which is thought to take part in Fad though its exact contribution to fatty acid metabolism in P. aeruginosa is unknown. Deciphering the role of fadD3 in fatty acid degradation will broaden our knowledge of the β-oxidation pathway in this bacterium. This was achieved by completing the following specific aims: 1. Purification of FadD3 and performance of biochemical analysis of its acyl-CoA synthetase function 2. Genetical characterization of fadD3 (PA3860) of P. aeruginosa through mutational analysis and gene fusion studies During the course of this research additional discoveries about the β-oxidation pathway of P. aeruginosa were made: 1) additional acyl-CoA synthetase homologues were found, i.e. fadD4, fadD5, and fadD6 2) and their role in Fad was determined along with fadD3