231 research outputs found

    Bisnis Dalam Perspektif Islam (Telaah Aspek Keagamaan Dalam Kehidupan Ekonomi)

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    Business in Islamic perspective is not only simply material ends but also immaterial ones. Given this, business in Islam must be carried out professionally and compatible to Syariah values. This is so since business in Islam has two dimensions: vertical and horizontal. The Koran therefore has offered the concept of business without loss (tijaratan lan taburra) to all businessmen, i.e. despite losing financially, yet making a profit in the form of religious rewards. Accordingly, this kind of business can only be acquired by observing carefully the vertical and horizontal dimension of business in Islam

    Globalisasi Ekonomi Dan Implikasinya Bagi Negara-Negara Berkembang : Telaah Pendekatan Ekonomi Islam

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    Economic globalization is the increasing economic integration and interdependence of national, regional and local economies across the world through an intensification of cross-border movement of goods, services, technologies and capital. Globalization leads to freer trade between countries. This is one of its largest benefits to developing nations. Homegrown industries see trade barriers fall and have access to a much wider International market. While an influx of foreign companies and foreign capital creates a reduction in overall unemployment and poverty, it can also increase the wage gap between those who are educated and those who are not. Over the longer term, education levels will rise as the financial health of developing countries rise, but in the short term, some of the poor will become poorer. Not everyone will participate in an elevation of living standards. According to Islamic economics, economic globalization should be done using appropriate approaches so as not to cause a lot of problems that could potentially harm the countries that are developing. The approach used should be based on fairness and equality in human interaction, and a multidisciplinary approach that covers all aspects of human life, moral, intellectual, social, historical, demographic, and political

    Empowering women through home culinary business at baking lovers community (BLC) Samarinda

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    Today women's empowerment is seen as an essential component in development and poverty reduction. Women's empowerment makes women independent and confident. They will have the ability to turn their choices into desirable actions, which will lead to the emergence of economic, political, social, and psychological empowerment. One way of empowering women is through community or group (self-help groups). Women's empowerment through this community is in Baking Lovers Community (BLC) Samarinda, a community of women who have similar hobbies that are culinary fields with home businesses that they run. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The study was conducted on the home- based culinary business community incorporated at Baking Lovers Community of Samarinda City. This research aims to find out the economic empowerment program in the BLC community, how the impact of empowerment on the development of culinary businesses in the city of Samarinda, and what obstacles they face in the empowerment of women in the community. Data collection techniques are conducted with Focus Group Discussion (FGD), interviews with BLC administrators and members, and documentation. Validity data using triangulation. As for data analysis using the Miles and Huberman models, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion withdrawal. The economic empowerment program in BLC's is of various training to improve members' culinary skills, such as training together with baking cakes, bringing in chefs, photography training to support product promotion, product promotion on Social Media Fb and Instagram, sharing culinary recipes, social activities and charity bazaars, facilitating members to take care of business licenses and halal certification of products. The business potential developed is making the various artificial types of cakes and food, both modern and traditional, for multiple events, catering, and buffets. The empowerment programs of BLC are to be as a source of income, hobby development, knowledge sharing, business continuity, product innovation, packaging and brand innovation, and digital marketing development. Thus, this empowers them as subjects/actors actively involved in the story, empowered to manage businesses independently, and organizations that accommodate them play a role in charge. The obstacles faced are the uneven ability of human resources, capital to develop companies, business licensing, and halal certification

    Analisis Gerak Pesawat Atwood Menggunakan Sensor IR-LED Dan Pengolahan Citra

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    Abstrak. Praktikum Gerak Lurus Beraturan (GLB) dan Gerak Lurus Berubah Beraturan (GLBB) yang umum digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan set alat pesawat Atwood. Pengoperasian alat ini biasanya masih dilakukan secara tradisional menggunakan stopwatch. Seringkali praktikum yang dilakukan dengan alat tradisional menghasilkan data yang kurang akurat, sehingga perlu dikembangkan set alat yang beroperasi secara otomatis. Set alat otomatis yang dapat dikombinasikan dengan pesawat Atwood  diantaranya yaitu sensor IR-LED dan software pengolahan citra TRACKER. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari tahu perbedaan keakuratan antara sensor IR-LED dan software TRACKER dalam analisis GLB dan GLBB menggunakan pesawat Atwood. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebanyak 10 kali pada setiap alatnya. Didapati hasil, rata-rata kecepatan 46,89 cm/s untuk analisis menggunakan sensor IR-LED dan 48,35 cm/s untuk rata-rata kecepatan analisis menggunakan software TRACKER. Sedangkan rata-rata percepatan yang terukur adalah 59,42 cm/s² untuk analisis menggunakan sensor IR-LED dan 54,85 cm/s² untuk analisis menggunakan software TRACKER. Perbedaan hasil pengukuran dari kedua percobaan dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan keakuratan antara sensor IR-LED dan software TRACKER yang digunakan untuk menganalisis GLB dan GLBB pada pesawat Atwood. Kata kunci: Pesawat Atwood, IR-LED, pengolahan citra, TRACKER.Abstract. Practicum of Uniform Motion (GLB) and Uniformly Changing Motion (GLBB) which are commonly used are using the Atwood plane tool set. The operation of this tool is usually still done traditionally using a stopwatch. Often practicums carried out with traditional tools produce less accurate data, so it is necessary to develop a set of tools that operate automatically. Sets of automatic tools that can be combined with Atwood aircraft include IR-LED sensors and TRACKER image processing software. This research was conducted to find out the difference in accuracy between the IR-LED sensor and the TRACKER software in the analysis of GLB and GLBB using the Atwood aircraft. This research was carried out 10 times on each tool. The results showed that the average speed was 46.89 cm/s for analysis using the IR-LED sensor and 48.35 cm/s for the average speed of analysis using TRACKER software. While the average acceleration measured is 59.42 cm/s² for analysis using IR-LED sensors and 54.85 cm/s² for analysis using TRACKER software. The difference in the measurement results of the two tools, concluded that there was a difference in accuracy between the IR-LED sensor and the TRACKER software used to analyze GLB and GLBB on Atwood aircraft.Keywords: Atwood aircraft, IR-LED, image processing, TRACKE


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    Skripsi ini dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk: 1) menguraikan peranan orang tua dalam pembinaan pendidikan Agama Islam bagi anak di desa Mulyoharjo Jepara. 2) mengetahui penghambat dan pendukung tidak terlaksananya Pendidikan Agama Islam bagi anak di Desa Mulyoharjo Jepara Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan objek penelitian orang tua desa Mulyoharjo Jepara dan pengumpulan data dengan metode wawancara dan observasi. Setelah dilaksanakan penelitian bahwa Peran orang tua dalam pendidikan agama Islam bagi anak di desa Mulyoharjo sesuai hasil penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu sebagai teladan dalam pembentukan pribadi anak sesusai dengan keadaan anak di rumah dan juga dilingkungan, beberapa orang tua warga Mulyoharjo masih mementingkan pendidikan agama dan memberikan contoh yang baik kepada anak, sehingga tercipta kepribadian yang sesuai dengan ajaran agama Islam. Sebagai motivator dalam pengembangan pendidikan agama pada anak, motivasi orang tua terhdap anak selalu dilakukan guna terlaksananya pendidikan agama yang tergambar lewat ketiga lembaga pendidikan utama, yaitu lembaga pendidikan formal, informal dan lembaga pendidikan nonformal, hal ini dilakukan agar anak ada rangsangan dalam kegiatan yang dilaksanakan. Peran orang tua sebagai figur utama dalam pembinaan etika untuk pergaulan sehari-hari dimulai dari pembinaan sikap anak sesuai ajaran agama islam dibentuk pertama kali di rumah melalui pengalaman yang didapat dari orang tuanya karena orang tua merupakan figur utama dan pendidik utama dan pertama bagi anak-anak, kemudian disempurnakan dan diperbaiki oleh guru disekolah maupun ditempat pengajian. Faktor penghambat pendidikan agama Islam bagi anak di Desa Mulyoharjo Jepara diantaranya; kurangnya pengawasan dari orang tua, tidak diminatinya pendidikan agama islam dan banyak yang mengejar pendidikan umum, pendidikan orang tua yang rendah, faktor lingkungandan faktor media massa. Faktor pendukung terlaksananya pendidikan agama Islam bagi anak di desa Mulyoharjo Jepara adalah: terjalin hubungan yang harmonis dalam keluarg, lingkungan masyarakat yang agamis, terdapat lembaga pendidikan Islam dilingkungan sekitar dan kesadaran orang tua terhadap pelaksanaan pendidikan agama Islam pada anak

    Aplicação de LEDs de Luminescência Branca para Iluminação.

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    Neste estudo foram analisados espectros de luminescências de LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes), que são diodos emissores de luz branca, utilizados para a iluminação. Este trabalho se refere a dois modelos de LEDs brancos disponíveis no mercado: i) associação de LEDs de baixa potência em grande número, ou ii) alguns LEDs de maior potência, e comparação com a iluminação convencional. O processo produtivo de placas de circuito impresso PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) com muitos LEDs exige automação, por outro lado, o processo com LEDs de alta potência, necessita de aprimoramento da tecnologia de dissipação de calor. A fim de comparar as opções de iluminação, as medições do espectro de cada fonte de luz, a energia, fluxo de fótons, brilho espectral por comprimento de onda e a temperatura da cor, foram investigados. Como serão mostrados, estes parâmetros permitem comparação entre os modelos de iluminação de modo que o LED e seu emprego na iluminação é opção que vem atender a redução no consume de energia e ao impacto ambiental, com um agravante que são os custos iniciais mais altos. Para avaliar os diversos modelos de LEDs, é usado o programa Spectraviz, desenvolvido em LabVIEW , o espectroradiômetro Modelo - Black_Comet C-SR 50-StellarNet, fonte modelo Keithley 2400, multímetro digital Keithley modelo 2100, além de componentes ópticos

    Polissacarídeos no desenvolvimento de péletes de teofilina de liberaçao colônica

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    Orientadora : Mayumi Eliza Otsuka SatoCo-orientador: Marco Aurélio da Silva Carvalho FilhoDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Ciencias Farmaceuticas. Defesa: Curitiba, 2006Inclui bibliografiaÁrea de concentraçao: Insumos, medicamentos e correlato

    BISNIS DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM (Telaah Aspek Keagamaan dalam Kehidupan Ekonomi)

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    Business in Islamic perspective is not only simply material ends but also immaterial ones. Given this, business in Islam must be carried out professionally and compatible to Syariah values. This is so since business in Islam has two dimensions: vertical and horizontal. The Koran therefore has offered the concept of business without loss (tijaratan lan taburra) to all businessmen, i.e. despite losing financially, yet making a profit in the form of religious rewards. Accordingly, this kind of business can only be acquired by observing carefully the vertical and horizontal dimension of business in Islam