355 research outputs found

    Impact Of Choices When Creating Average Proximity Soundings As Applied To Lp/cl/hp Supercell Environments

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    The first half of this two-part study explores two ways of producing composite environmental soundings (feature averaging versus height averaging; FA vs. HA), why those composites differ from one another, how the compositing technique itself affects the resulting thermodynamic and wind parameters, and which technique results in preserving features. This exploration was applied to three groups of supercell proximity soundings: low-precipitation (LP), classic (CL), and high precipitation (HP) and the HA analysis from the Rasmusssen and Straka (RS98) paper are reanalyzed in both the FA and HA framework. The second half of this study investigates how well previously reported LP, CL, and HP supercell radar behavior (Beatty et al. 2009) is reproduced in an idealized three-dimensional cloud model using both the original and composite soundings. Reanalyzing the results from RS98 in both HA and FA frameworks, the LP group of soundings have a mean mixed-layer LCL (MLLCL) and mean MLLFC that are both significantly different (p \u3c 0.05) than those from the other sounding groups. Also, the HP group of soundings has a mean MLLFC that is significantly different (p \u3c 0.05) than the means from the other sounding groups. The HP sounding mean BL to 9 km shear and mean 4-10 km shear magnitude are significantly different (p \u3c 0.05; RS98 found p \u3c 0.02) and the mean HP sounding 9-10 km storm relative wind is significantly different (p \u3c 0.02) compared to the other sounding groups. Wind parameters and thermodynamic parameters computed from surface-based parcels for both the FA and HA composite sounding lay within one standard deviation of the distribution mean for each sounding group and mixed-layer parcel parameters lay farther from the distribution mean. The FA soundings parameters are not consistently closer to distribution means despite features such as the capping inversion and low-level moisture being preserved better within the FA sounding. Using relative humidity for the LP and CL FA and HA soundings (and vapor pressure for the HP soundings) produces the largest CAPE and least CIN, although averaging water vapor mixing ratio is arguably the most accurate and appropriate. From the dataset, 29 individual sounding cases were simulated--10 CL, 10 LP, and 9 HP supercells-- and only three storms in each class lasted at least 7200 seconds with an updraft helicity greater than 480 m2 s-2. Only two of these nine individual cases produced long lived supercells, one each from the LP and HP sounding classes, transitioned from a forward flank dominant to rear flank dominant maximum precipitation (following Beatty et al. 2009). The other seven cases maintained a forward flank dominant maximum precipitation. Compositing using only the three successful cases in each class only succeeded in producing long-lived supercells only for CL FA and HA composites and the HP HA composite. These cases produced forward flank dominant precipitation maximums, with no transition. Due to the lack of consistency in storm behavior within each class, it is concluded that cases should be simulated and studied individually, as compared to creating a composite sounding - particularly when studying environments with a very small sample size

    Keeping Up with International Children's Literature

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    This review of Reading Globally, K-8 discusses this book alongside others sponsored by the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY)

    Parent and teacher perceptions of school partnerships in New Hampshire schools

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    This quantitative, descriptive study assessed parent and teacher perceptions of the extent to which exemplary school-family-community partnership practices were being implemented at elementary and secondary schools within the state of New Hampshire. The teacher and parent participants were organized into four paired groups and were asked to indicate the frequency with which activities, that exemplify Epstein\u27s six types of school-family-community partnership practices, were utilized at their respective schools to determine whether significant differences exist among teachers\u27 and parent\u27s perceptions of partnership program implementation. The sample for this study was drawn from forty two elementary and secondary public schools across the state of New Hampshire and a forced response survey device gathered information to determine parents\u27 and teachers\u27 perceptions about practices that create a comprehensive program of school-family partnerships. Analysis of the survey data revealed significant variability in the perceptions of three paired groups of elementary and secondary school teachers and parents and negligible differences were observed in the perceptions of one paired group of teachers and parents. Additionally, the survey results determined that school level significantly influenced perceptions held by teachers and parents. In addition to testing the formal hypotheses concerning the differences in perceptions of partnership activities between study groups, the results of the study were used to assess the extent to which schools represented in the sample were implementing the partnership model and it was determined most were deficient in their implementation of partnership practices. Recommendations for future quantitative research into school-community partnerships are included in the study as are several recommendations regarding practice

    Infección del tracto urinario adquirida en la comunidad

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    Urinary tract infections (UTI) represent one of the most common infectious diseases and represent a high economic cost throughout the world every year. The term UTI encompasses the pathology in different anatomical areas: urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, and prostatitis; cystitis being the most common, which typically presents as dysuria, urinary frequency and urgency. UTIs include a wide variety of clinical presentations, from simple colonization to septic shock. Enteric bacteria are the main causes of UTI, of which Escherichia coli is the main pathogen. They are the second leading cause of bacterial infection in the community, after respiratory infections; and the incidence increases with age and in females. The episodes can be classified as uncomplicated for otherwise healthy, sexually active, non-pregnant female patients; the complicated ones occur in patients with a risk factor such as structural or functional abnormalities of the urinary tract, underlying pathologies or special populations such as pregnant women and children. The diagnosis is based mainly on the clinic, with the help of urine studies for cases that require it. Treatment is antibiotic therapy, administered empirically and outpatiently, in most cases.Las infecciones del tracto urinario (ITU) representan una de las enfermedades infecciosas más frecuentes en la actualidad y significan un alto costo económico a través del mundo cada año. El término ITU abarca la patología en diferentes zonas anatómicas: uretritis, cistitis, pielonefritis y prostatitis; siendo la cistitis la más común, la cual se presenta típicamente como disuria, frecuencia y urgencia urinarias. Las ITU comprenden una amplia variedad de presentaciones clínicas, desde la colonización simple hasta el shock séptico. Las bacterias entéricas son las principales causantes de ITU, de las cuales Escherichia coli es el principal patógeno. Son la segunda causa de infección bacteriana en la comunidad, después de las infecciones respiratorias; y la incidencia aumenta con la edad y en el sexo femenino.  Los cuadros se pueden clasificar en no complicados cuando se trata de pacientes femeninas por lo demás sanas, sexualmente activas, no embarazadas; los complicados se dan en pacientes con algún factor de riesgo como anomalías estructurales o funcionales de las vías urinarias, patologías de base o poblaciones especiales como mujeres embarazadas y niños. El diagnóstico se basa principalmente en la clínica, con ayuda de estudios de orina para los casos que lo requieran. El tratamiento es la terapia antibiótica, administrada de forma empírica y ambulatoria, en la mayoría de los casos

    How History as Mystery Reveals Historical Thinking: A Look at Two Accounts of Finding Typhoid Mary

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    While the words clue, evidence, and detective might not be the first words you associate with history, the idea of history as a mystery to be solved by historian-detectives has a substantial and lively past. That is because the analogy of a historian to a detective solving a mystery is a strong one. Both historians and detectives try to answer the same question: What happened? Both work with evidence from the past to create a plausible narrative using only fragments left behind. Both engage in inferencing as a means of learning from evidence. Both are problem solvers. In this article, we look at the implications of the history-mystery analogy for educators and young readers. We argue that presenting history as mystery provides a window on historical thinking that enables readers to consider what it means to do history. That means we must consider history as an investigative process that is much more than simply remembering or chronicling past events or drawing on the words of past authorities. To do this, we first look at how historians and educators have explored the history-mystery analogy in the past. Second, we focus on establishing a lens for reading historical nonfiction mysteries with children that is based on the concepts associated with historical thinking. Third, we apply these concepts to two accounts of finding typhoid Mary -accounts that emphasize the history-mystery analogy. We conclude by making specific suggestions for using history mysteries in the classroom

    Síndrome de ovario poliquístico

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine-metabolic disease that affects women of childbearing age and is the main cause of anovulatory infertility. One of the most important aspects of the syndrome is the excess of androgens of ovarian origin, which can be evidenced in the biochemical analysis or in the clinical manifestations it induces. The pathophysiology is not yet fully known, so other causes must be excluded to make the diagnosis, with 2 of the 3 following criteria: a) hyperandrogenism, b) oligo-ovulation, c) ovarian polymicrofollicular pattern. According to their manifestations, patients can be classified into 4 different phenotypes, which are also differentiated by their severity. It also has an obvious relationship with insulin resistance and, therefore, an increased risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disease. The treatment is mainly based on hygienic-dietary measures and the use of oral contraceptives, depending on the clinical manifestations of each patient and their desire for conception.El síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP) es la patología endocrinometabólica más frecuente que afecta a mujeres en edad fértil, y es la principal causa de infertilidad por anovulación. Uno de los aspectos más importantes del síndrome es el exceso de andrógenos de origen ovárico, que se puede evidenciar en el análisis bioquímico o en las manifestaciones clínicas que induce. La fisiopatología aún no se conoce por completo, por lo que se deben excluir otras causas para realizar el diagnóstico, con 2 de los 3 siguientes criterios: a) hiperandrogenismo, b) oligoovulación, c) patrón polimicrofolicular de ovarios. Según sus manifestaciones, las pacientes se pueden clasificar en 4 diferentes fenotipos, los cuales también se diferencian por su severidad. Además, una evidente relación con la resistencia a la insulina y, por lo tanto, un aumento en el riesgo de enfermedad metabólica y cardiovascular. El tratamiento se basa principalmente en medidas higiénico - dietéticas y el uso de anticonceptivos orales, dependiendo de la clínica de cada paciente y de su deseo de concepción