9 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to explore the model of of organizational cultureat Pesantren (Islamic boarding) university, the development of academicculture, and how to anticipate the obstacles, and who is responsible and willbe involved in the change and development of the academic culture. Pesantrenuniversity is an institution, which organizes higher education programsand is bound by the Laws regulation, to build an academic culture, which isslightly different from pesantren culture. Building an academic culture meanscreating a new culture within the pesantren envnironment, which focuses onresearch and development activities, which mainly undertakes documentingthe research. Building an academic culture, similar to building an organizationalculture, which can be conducted in the following 6 stages; 1) evaluatingthe organization’s situation and determining strategic objectives and direction;2) analyzing the existing culture and sketching the desired cultural;3) analyzing the gap between what is in and what is desired; 4) developing acultural development plan; 5) implementing the plan; 6) evaluating changesand new efforts to invlove in sustaining cultural change. Steps to build andmaintain an academic culture, carried out in the following combination ofprograms: changes in recruitment and selection procedures; forms socializationand training programs; conducting performance appraisal system; promotingsucessful people in expressing and symbolizing the desired culture;leadership that communicates cultural values in speech, action and materialarrangements; the use of academic symbols, in the form of language, actionand material objects. The actors of change are the Founders and Leaders,who are assisted by the underlying structure with limited proportions. It isnecessary that the appropriate Leadership role to the academic culture, notshifting from the basic values of Pesantren, and open attitude to the development of dynamic academic culture follow the demands of the development of Higher Education. </p

    Economic Recovery Strategy for the SMEs Post Covid-19 Pandemic in Ponorogo: The Role of the Penta Helix Model

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    This study aims to develop a Penta helix collaboration strategy for SMEs in Ponorogo. The research method used in this research is qualitative with data collection through interviews, surveys, and observations. This study indicates that to develop sustainable SMEs, necessary to involve elements that play and contribute equally in developing the competitiveness of sustainable SMEs. Ponorogo needs to apply the Penta helix strategy in planning, implementing, and developing SMEs.  The strategies that need to be carried out by the Penta helix elements involved are 1) The Government of Ponorogo needs to provide training and business assistance on an ongoing basis and provide convenience for MSMEs in terms of business legality. 2) Academics play a role as companions for MSME development and resource persons in business managerial training, 3) The media plays an active and sustainable role in publicizing and promoting MSME products so that they can be known by the wider community. 4) The Ponorogo community can play a role in assisting the right marketing strategy according to the problems faced by each MSMEs, and are also active in consuming MSMEs products. 5) Industry and business people play a role as partners who foster MSME product opportunities in facing competition by collaborating in the fields of training, marketing and assisting in building partnership networks.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan strategi kolaborasi Penta helix untuk UKM di Ponorogo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, survei, dan observasi. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk mengembangkan UKM yang berkelanjutan, perlu melibatkan unsur-unsur yang berperan dan berkontribusi secara merata dalam mengembangkan daya saing UKM yang berkelanjutan. Ponorogo perlu menerapkan strategi Penta helix dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengembangan UKM. Unsur-unsur Penta helix yang terlibat adalah 1) peran pemerintah sebagai regulator dan fasilitator, 2) peran akademisi sebagai pendamping dan nara sumber, 3) peran masyarakat sebagai katalisator, 4) fungsi lembaga. media dalam mempublikasikan dan mempromosikan produk UKM, 5) dunia industri dan dunia usaha, Sebagai mitra yang membina peluang produk UKM dalam persaingan

    The Prospect of “Halal Tourism” Destination: An Strategy for Ponorogo Regency, East Java (Indonesia)

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    Tourism is a prima donna sector that has a major contribution to the economy of the people and Indonesia's state income. Foreign tourist visits to Indonesia rank fourth in ASEAN, contributing to a GDP of 4.25% (Central Bureau of Statistics of Indonesia, 2020). In 2019, the number of Indonesians who are Muslim is 39.8 million and that is the majority, so tourism in East Java is very important to revitalize the concept of “halal tourism”, including for Ponorogo Regency. At this opportunity, the study concentrated on tourism objects in the Ponorogo Regency using the PESTLE method (political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental) to identify aspects that can meet the requirements of halal tourism. In general, this is a way of expanding and encouraging East Java Province to become an area capable of implementing halal tourism throughout its Regency by meeting certain criteria set by the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia. The weaknesses and limitations of the study have become a symbol of concern for future improvement. The concept of “halal tourism” is interpreted more broadly in various aspects, not only limited to religious tourism, pilgrimage, or visiting places of worship, but is applied to tourism objects that focus on the sharia process through various aspects. “halal tourism” has great potential to be realized, one of which is in Ponorogo Regenc

    Stakeholders Approach in Halal Tourism Development Strategy: A Case Study in Ponorogo District

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    The contribution of Muslim-friendly tourist sector, or halal tourism, towards the growth of economy have been significantly increasing for the past five years. Indonesia occupies the top five of outbound Muslim Travel Countries. This country has natural resources and cultures that are related to Islamic world thus it is ready to turn into halal tourism destination. However, there is still a gap in understanding of halal tourism that some parties deny to carry halal tourism theme in various province nor areas in Indonesia. Hence, there is no good awareness of halal tourism in Indonesian society. Therefore, a strategy to develop halal tourism in Indonesia is enormously needed. This study aims to arrange a strategy in halal tourism development using stakeholder approach. This was a descriptive qualitative study that the data collection technique used primary data through focus group discussion with 30 speakers consisting of stakeholders; government, Department of Tourism and Culture, academicians, media, tourism business sector, and the societies. The results showed that Governments need to have clear concepts, indicators, and rule related to halal tourism. They also needed to build awareness to the relevant stakeholders of halal tourism concept. It was then followed by the tourism business sector that needed to get empowerment in a sustainable program to inform them about halal tourism concept. To academician, they could participate in researches about various strategies to develop halal tourism and collaborate in training, mentoring, and monitoring the implementation of halal tourism by tourism business sector and other stakeholders. The tourists also required to get education related to the importance of halal tourism thus they could promote, give testimonial experience about halal travel, appreciate the halal tourism, and went viral for it. Moreover, the societies needed to be empowered in increasing the tourism potentials around them, as well as given opportunities to collaborate with tourism business sector, and synergize with the other stakeholders. As for the media or press, they needed to be more active in promoting, giving information related to the existence of halal tourism in Ponorogo district since the help of the media brought positive impacts to gain the attentions of not only local travelers but also overseas tourists to visit Ponorogo tourism objects

    Pembagian Waris Receptie Exit: Tinjauan Kritis Terhadap Pemikiran Hazairin

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    Hazairin as master on Indonesian’s traditions law proffer a device for implementing Islamic law by introduce receptie exit theory. He said, an Islamic inheritance law is not only hegemonized by Indonesian culture, but also by Arab culture which has a patrilineal system. Furthemore, he explained that the Islamic inheritance law does not interpret the Qur'an justice which is actually bilateral. So Hazairin created a new concept regarding of inheritance law. The purpose of this study is to explain that the Islamic inheritance is accordance with the Qur'an. Islamic inheritance law has a universal justice, because it’s inculde theological, maslahah, social and economic aspects. Thus, Hazairin’s concept does not only criticize of ulama ideas, In fact he deconstructs Islamic inheritance law where he negates ashaba, abolishes dzawu al-arḥam, and reconstructs the concept of hijab.Hazairin sebagai pakar hukum adat Indonesia menawarkan suatu perangkat dalam pelaksanaan hukum Islam dengan upayanya mengintroduksi teori receptie exit. Menurutnya hukum waris Islam yang teraplikasi tidak hanya terhegemoni oleh budaya Indonesia, tetapi juga terhegemoni budaya Arab yang mana bercorak patrilinieal. Lebih dalam beliau memaparkan bahwa hukum waris Islam saat ini tidak menginterpretasikan keadilan Al-Quran yang bercorak bilateral. Sehingga Hazairin membuat konsep baru tentang penerapan hukum waris. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bahwa kewarisan Islam yang teraplikasi sudah sesuai dengan Al-Quran. Di samping itu, keadilan hukum waris Islam bersifat universal karena melingkupi aspek teologi, maslahah, sosial serta ekonomi. Dengan demikian, secara ekplisit gagasan dari konsep Hazairin tidak hanya mengkritik gagasan dari para ulama, bahkan dalam pengaplikasiannya beliau mendekontruksi hukum waris Islam dimana ia menegasikan ashâba, mengahapuskan dzawu al-arḥam, dan merekontruksi konsep hijab


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    أظهر تطوير أعمال الحمل الحراري في فونركو تقدماً كبيراً للغاية مع مختلف الاحتياجات والاحتياجات. يتضح من تقدم أعمال الحمل الحراري في مجال الخدمات والتجارة. وينظر إلى هذا من المسلمين الإندونيسيين الذين هم مسلمون ويرون العدد المتزايد من الحملات في إندونيسيا. تشير بيانات وزارة الصناعة إلى ارتفاع عدد الحمل الحراري الإندونيسي إلى 1535 في إندونيسيا. لذلك هناك الكثير من المنافسة الديناميكية ويجب أن يكون مصنعو الملابس قادرين على التأثير على المستهلكين لشراء ملابسهم.تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى دراسة تأثير الدينية ، ونمط الحياة ، وجودة الانتياج على قرارات الشراء عند شراء الملابس الإسلامية رباني  بفونوروكو. هذا النوع من البحث هو كمي باستخدام تقنية الاستبيان. تم الحصول على البيانات من خلال مسح شمل 150 شخصًا ، أي المستهلكين الذين اشتروا ملابس رباني المسلمة وتم قياسها على مقياس ليكرت. أخذ العينات باستخدام احتمالية أخذ العينات مع تقنيات أخذ العينات العشوائية البسيطة. الأداة التحليلية المستخدمة هي حل البرنامج الاحصائي (SPSS) ، من خلال اختبار صلاحية وصلاحية اختبار متعدد الدوائر واختبار الافتراض الخطي المتعدد.أوضحت النتائج أن بُعد التدين لم يكن له تأثير إيجابي وهام على قرارات المستهلكين في شراء ملابس رباني مسلم فونوروكو ، في حين كان لمتغيرات نمط الحياة وجودة المنتج تأثير إيجابي كبير على قرارات المستهلكين في شراء ملابس رباني مسلم في بفونوروكو. واستناداً إلى نتائج الدراسة ، فإن نمط الحياة الذي تم الحصول عليه كان عدد 4،441 أكبر من ت - الجدول  1,655 بمستوى دلالة احصائية 0.05 وجودة المنتج التي تم الحصول عليها ت - الحساب 7،141 أكبر من ت - الجدول  1،655 بمستوى دلالة احصائية 0.05. يمكن القول أن مستوى التدين (X1) ليس له تأثير إيجابي لأن قيمة ت - الجدول  1,012 أصغر من ت - الجدول  1,655. وبالتالي ، فإن أسلوب الحياة (X2) وجودة المنتج (X3) لهما تأثير إيجابي علىقرار شراء الملابس الإسلامية رباني بفونوروكو.