8 research outputs found

    Investigating the effects of water vaporization on the production of gas condensate reservoirs

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    Well productivity is an important issue in the development of most low and mediumpermeability gas-condensate reservoirs. However, accurate forecasts of productivity can be difficult because of the need to understand and account for the complex processes that occur in the near-well region. When the well pressure falls below the dew-point, a region of high liquid saturation builds up around the well, impairing the flow of gas and reducing the well productivity. It is essential to take account of this condensate-blockage effect when calculating well productivity. Most of the pressure drop in a gas condensate well occurs close to the well walls. Because of the increase in pressure drop and the increase in flow rate, two additional phenomena get involved in gas flow control: The effect of positive coupling (due to increased capillary number) and the effect of inertia (due to non-Darcy flow). In many gas-condensate wells, the final result of these two parameters is improving well productivity, reducing the impairment caused by condensate blockage. Another phenomenon that can take place in high temperature gas reservoir is water vaporization.Pressure drop near well wall causes molar content of water in gas-phase to increase, therefore connate water starts to vaporize near the well walls. This change in connate water saturation near the well wall can influence well productivity by changing saturation of fluids near well walls. The effect of water vaporization on well productivity of gas and gas - condensate reservoirs are investigated by considering a single well one dimensional radial model simulation. The simulations show that water vaporization increases productivity of well by increasing gas saturation and relative permeability near the well walls and improving the mobility of gas; and this effect is stronger in rich gas condensate reservoir than the lean ones.Keywords: Well, Gas, Pressure Drop, Vapor pressure of wate

    Bütschli dynamic droplet system

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    Dynamical oil-water systems such as droplets display lifelike properties and may lend themselves to chemical programming to perform useful work, specifically with respect to the built environment. We present Bütschli water-in-oil droplets as a model for further investigation into the development of a technology with living properties. Otto Bütschli first described the system in 1898, when he used alkaline water droplets in olive oil to initiate a saponification reaction. This simple recipe produced structures that moved and exhibited characteristics that resembled, at least superficially, the amoeba. We reconstructed the Bütschli system and observed its life span under a light microscope, observing chemical patterns and droplet behaviors in nearly three hundred replicate experiments. Self-organizing patterns were observed, and during this dynamic, embodied phase the droplets provided a means of introducing temporal and spatial order in the system with the potential for chemical programmability. The authors propose that the discrete formation of dynamic droplets, characterized by their lifelike behavior patterns, during a variable window of time (from 30 s to 30 min after the addition of alkaline water to the oil phase), qualify this system as an example of living technology. The analysis of the Bütschli droplets suggests that a set of conditions may precede the emergence of lifelike characteristics and exemplifies the richness of this rudimentary chemical system, not only for artificial life investigations but also for possible real-world applications in architectural practice

    The problems associated with sour gas in the oilfield industry and their solutions

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    Fossil fuels are still a necessary and important part of modern living, keeping cars running and houses heated for example. As demands have risen and reservoirs of oil and natural gas have depleted, it has become increasingly more important to tap into fields that were once classified as undesirable. Sour fields, fields high in acidic gases, such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, are one such option. There are many difficulties and dangers associated with working sour fields, such as toxicity of the sour gases, hydrate formation, and corrosion of equipment, that have prevented these resources from being used in the past. Many varied methods of overcoming these problems have been developed, from removing the sour components to inhibiting their effects. This review highlights the major issues raised by sour fields as well as a wide range of solutions in use today