68 research outputs found

    Social Work in Italy: a change in Italian social services

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    Actualment, el sistema de serveis socials a Itàlia encara és complex i incomplet i no és sostenible políticament ni econòmicament. Els drets universals han deixat de ser l’objectiu essencial de les seves accions. La crisi econòmica i les tensions relacionades amb els problemes de seguretat i inclusió social generen incertesa sobre el futur i una pèrdua d’identitat, donant lloc a noves exigències de control social i unes expectatives d’inclusió limitades.Actualmente, el sistema de servicios sociales en Italia todavía es complejo e incompleto y no es sostenible política ni económicamente. Los derechos universales han dejado de ser el objetivo esencial de sus acciones. La crisis económica y las tensiones relacionadas con los problemas de seguridad e inclusión social generan incertidumbre sobre el futuro y una pérdida de identidad, dando lugar a nuevas exigencias de control social y a unas expectativas de inclusión limitadas.Still today, the Italian social services system is complex and incomplete, and no longer sustainable either politically or economically. The universality of rights is no longer the underlying objective that its actions must pursue. The economic crisis and the tensions concerning the issues of security and social inclusion generate fears about the future and a loss of identity, giving rise to new demands for social control and reduced prospects of inclusion

    Assimilando a síntese proteica com auxílio de jogo didático

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    Orientadora : Profa. Dra. Lupe Furtado AlleMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Curso de Especialização em Genética para Professores do Ensino MédioInclui referênciasResumo : Os conhecimentos de genética apresentam relações com o contexto contemporâneo e multidisciplinar, que tem a necessidade de esclarecer a população a tomar conhecimentos deste assunto. A dupla hélice do DNA é a estrutura mais utilizada na mídia, porém grande parte da população não compreende a sua estrutura, como da sua replicação e a síntese das proteínas. A compreensão dos conceitos básicos é essencial para o conhecimento de novas tecnologias e pode ser facilitado pela inserção de recursos didáticos no processo ensino aprendizagem. Portanto, faz-se necessário buscar novos recursos didáticos que facilitem o processo de aprendizagem, principalmente, despertando o interesse dos alunos. Neste contexto, os jogos didáticos entram no cenário atual, pois são práticos, de fácil manipulação nas salas de aulas, tem um custo reduzido e promovem o processo de aprendizagem de uma maneira estimulante, desenvolvendo as relações sociais, a curiosidade e o desejo em adquirir mais conhecimento. Participaram desse trabalho alunos da disciplina de biologia do ensino médio do Colégio ESTADUAL CEEBJA CAMPO COMPRIDO, Curitiba. O intuito do jogo é discutir algumas formas de abordagem dos conteúdos, favorecendo o processo deensino- aprendizagem na perspectiva da cognição, motivação e da dialogicidade. Os possíveis resultados podem vir a apresentar a necessidade e diversificação de metodologias de ensino e de recursos que propiciem uma maior participação dos alunos no processo ensino aprendizagem e confirmem a importância da utilização de recursos simples como dispositivos educativos motivacionais. Os sujeitos envolvidos tendem a entender que participar do processo ensino aprendizagem potencializa a construção do conhecimento científico.

    Transfer of artificial syntax functions among equivalence - related stimuli: An event - related brain potentials study

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    La formación de clases de equivalencia entre estímulos ha sido propuesta en el campo del Análisis Experimental del Comportamiento como un prerrequisito conductual para el lenguaje. Adicionalmente, existe evidencia de que la transferencia de función entre estímulos equivalentes podría explicar la adquisición de estructuras sintácticas simples. No obstante, la simplicidad de las funciones sintácticas estudiadas no capturó la complejidad combinatoria de la gramática natural. Si la transferencia de funciones en clases de equivalencia es un modelo posible del desarrollo de estructuras gramaticales, debería verificarse en contextos más válidos para el estudio del lenguaje. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron: 1) analizar la transferencia de funciones sintácticas en clases de equivalencia en un contexto válido para el estudio de la adquisición de reglas gramaticales, utilizando para ello el paradigma de gramáticas artificiales 2) Analizar los potenciales cerebrales relacionados con el procesamiento de esta transferencia de función, en secuencias gramaticales y no gramaticales. Se encontró evidencia comportamental de transferencia de función en un subgrupo de los sujetos experimentales. El potencial P600, típicamente asociado al costo de integración sintáctica en contextos linguísticos, fue observado en estos sujetos ante: violaciones gramaticales con estímulos originales de la gramática artificial y secuencias con estímulos relacionados por equivalencia (gramaticales y no gramaticales). Se interpretó que el procesamiento de las secuencias artificiales implicó mecanismos neurobiológicos similares a los asociados a la sintaxis del lenguaje, y que el patrón de actividad P600 observado puede ser explicado por el aumento del costo de integración de los estímulos al contexto previo.Stimulus equivalence class formation has been proposed as a behavioral prerequisite for language within the field of experimental analysis of behavior. Additionally, there is evidence that transfer of function among equivalent stimuli may explain acquisition of simple syntactic structures. However these experiments analyzed sequence functions that did not capture the complexity and versatility of natural grammar. If transfer of function between stimuli that belong to the same equivalence classes is indeed a useful model for the development of grammatical structures, then we should be able to verify it in a more valid context for the study of language. Artificial grammar learning tasks have been applied to the study of several aspects of language acquisition, from word segmentation to phrase structure and syntax rules. Furthermore, it has been shown that patterns of brain activity during processing of artificial grammars resemble those observed in language syntax processing. In particular, structural violations of language sentences and artificial grammar sequences both activate Broca's area. Therefore, artificial grammars provide a valid paradigm to study the learning of syntactic functions. The main objectives of the current work were: (1) to analyze transfer of function within equivalence classes in a valid context for the study of syntax acquisition, applying the artificial grammar paradigm and (2) to analyze brain potentials related to the transfer of function in grammatical and ungrammatical sequences. Fifteen subjects were trained to form two three-stimulus equivalence classes and then performed an artificial grammar learning task. One stimulus from each equivalence class was included as an item in the artificial grammar categories. During a test stage, subjects were asked to classify new artificial grammar sequences as grammatical or ungrammatical, while their EEG activity was registered. Half of these new sequences were built using the original training items and the other half contained equivalence-related stimulus. Subjects were assigned to two groups according to their performance in this test stage. Those participants whose percentage of correct responses was above 50 % were considered to pass, while those below were assigned to the fail group. We found behavioral evidence of transfer of function in the pass subgroup. These participants were able to correctly discriminate grammatical from un grammatical sequences that were built using original or equivalence-related stimulus. Event-Related potential Analysis of the EEG signal indicated a posteriorly distributed positivity with a topography and time-course similar to the P600 potential. Within linguistic contexts, P600 is interpreted as the neural correlate of prediction and integration costs during syntax processing. It has been proposed that sentence comprehension depends on predictive mechanisms that combine lexical, semantic and syntactic information from linguistic input to anticipate future words. Processing of incoming stimuli is facilitated by pre- activation, allowing rapid integration to previous context. However, when the input does not match predictions, this integration becomes slower and more difficult, requiring additional neural resources. The P600 has been considered and index of increased integration costs, generated by unfulfilled predictions of word category and morphology based on previous context. In the present experiment, the P600 was observed after: grammar violations with the original artificial grammar lexicon and artificial sequences containing equivalence-related stimulus (both grammatical andungrammatical). Results showed that artificial grammar processing involved neurobiological mechanisms that are similar to those associated in natural grammar processing. We interpreted the observed P600 pattern in terms of an increased stimulus integration cost, both in the case of grammatical and ungrammatical equivalence-related stimulus. Even though we consider that transference of function and equivalence class formations are by themselves insufficient to explain the complexity of natural grammar, we propose that this processes might be relevant to its acquisition and evolution, constituting a behavioral prerequisite for language development.Fil: Tabullo, Angel Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Yorio, Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Zanutto, Silvano. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Wainselboim, Alejandro Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentin

    On the role of latent design conditions in cyber-physical systems security

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    As cyber-physical systems (CPS) become prevalent in everyday life, it is critical to understand the factors that may impact the security of such systems. In this paper, we present insights from an initial study of historical security incidents to analyse such factors for a particular class of CPS: industrial control systems (ICS). Our study challenges the usual tendency to blame human fallibility or resort to simple explanations for what are often complex issues that lead to a security incident. We highlight that (i) perception errors are key in such incidents (ii) latent design conditions -- e.g., improper specifications of a system's borders and capabilities -- play a fundamental role in shaping perceptions, leading to security issues. Such design-time considerations are particularly critical for ICS, the life-cycle of which is usually measured in decades. Based on this analysis, we discuss how key characteristics of future smart CPS in such industrial settings can pose further challenges with regards to tackling latent design flaws

    ¿Constituyen los elementos de una categoría combinatoria una clase de equivalencia?: evidencias comportamentales y neurobiológicas

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    It has been proposed that there is a relation between the capacity to acquire language and equivalence relations. Previous studies show that members of an equivalence class transfer combinatorial properties within an artificial grammar. Reciprocally, in the present work we analyzed whether, after training in an artificial grammar, stimuli with the same combinatorial properties verify properties of an equivalence class. Results show that stimuli of a same combinatorial class form a functional class that verifies the properties of equivalence (i.e. reflexivity; symmetry and transitivity). Processing these relations generates an N400 potential that is related to the number of nodal stimuli between stimuli pairs. This result could be explained in terms of a proactive system that extracts and retains statistical regularities of stimuli; connects new stimuli with relevant representations previously acquired and employs these associations to generate predictions of future eventsSe ha propuesto que la capacidad de adquirir lenguaje y relaciones de equivalencia están vinculadas. Estudios previos muestran que estímulos relacionados por equivalencia transfieren propiedades combinatorias en una gramática artificial. Recíprocamente, en el presente trabajo analizamos si estímulos que comparten las mismas propiedades combinatorias por entrenamiento en una gramática artificial verifican posteriormente las propiedades de una clase de equivalencia. Los resultados muestran que los estímulos de una misma clase combinatoria conforman una clase funcional que verifica las propiedades de la equivalencia (i.e. reflexividad, simetría y transitividad). El procesamiento de estas relaciones genera un potencial N400 que refleja un costo de procesamiento vinculado al número de estímulos nodales intervinientes. Este resultado podría explicarse en términos de un sistema proactivo que extrae y almacena regularidades estadísticas de los estímulos; conecta estímulos nuevos con las representaciones relevantes previamente adquiridas y utiliza estas asociaciones para generar predicciones sobre los eventos futuro

    The shadow warriors:in the no man’s land between industrial control systems and enterprise IT systems

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    Modern production processes are heavily reliant on industrial control systems (ICS) to help automate large-scale facilities. The security of these systems is paramount as evidenced by high profile attacks such as those against Iran’s nuclear facilities and the Ukrainian Power Grid. Existing research has largely focused on technical measures against such attacks and little attention has been given to the security challenges and complexities arising from non-technical factors. For instance, cyber security workers need to maintain security whilst satisfying the demands of varied stakeholders such as managers, control engineers, enterprise IT personnel and field site operators. Existing ICS models, such as the Purdue model, tend to abstract away such complexities. In this paper, we report on initial findings from interviews with 25 industry operatives in the UK and Italy. Our analysis shows that the varying demands of various stakeholders in an ICS represent many complexities that we term grey area. Security workers often play the role of shadow warriors tackling the competing and complex demands in these grey areas while protecting themselves, their integrity and credibility

    The shadow warriors:in the no man’s land between industrial control systems and enterprise IT systems

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    Modern production processes are heavily reliant on industrial control systems (ICS) to help automate large-scale facilities. The security of these systems is paramount as evidenced by high profile attacks such as those against Iran’s nuclear facilities and the Ukrainian Power Grid. Existing research has largely focused on technical measures against such attacks and little attention has been given to the security challenges and complexities arising from non-technical factors. For instance, cyber security workers need to maintain security whilst satisfying the demands of varied stakeholders such as managers, control engineers, enterprise IT personnel and field site operators. Existing ICS models, such as the Purdue model, tend to abstract away such complexities. In this paper, we report on initial findings from interviews with 25 industry operatives in the UK and Italy. Our analysis shows that the varying demands of various stakeholders in an ICS represent many complexities that we term grey area. Security workers often play the role of shadow warriors tackling the competing and complex demands in these grey areas while protecting themselves, their integrity and credibility