326 research outputs found

    All-Optical Production of Chromium Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We report on the production of ^52Cr Bose Einstein Condensates (BEC) with an all-optical method. We first load 5.10^6 metastable chromium atoms in a 1D far-off-resonance optical trap (FORT) from a Magneto Optical Trap (MOT), by combining the use of Radio Frequency (RF) frequency sweeps and depumping towards the ^5S_2 state. The atoms are then pumped to the absolute ground state, and transferred into a crossed FORT in which they are evaporated. The fast loading of the 1D FORT (35 ms 1/e time), and the use of relatively fast evaporative ramps allow us to obtain in 20 s about 15000 atoms in an almost pure condensate.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    potential biomarkers of haemophilic arthropathy correlations with compatible additive magnetic resonance imaging scores

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    Introduction: Although biomarkers are useful diagnostic tools to assess joint damage in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, few data exist for biomarkers of haemophilic arthropathy. Aim: To evaluate the association between biomarkers and compatible additive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scores in patients with severe haemophilia A. Methods: Patients aged 12–35 years with no history of factor VIII (FVIII) inhibitors were enrolled in a controlled, cross-sectional, multinational investigation. Patients received primary or secondary prophylaxis or on-demand treatment with FVIII and underwent MRI on four joints (two ankles, two knees). Soluble biomarkers of cartilage and bone degradation, inflammation, and angiogenesis were assessed (serum levels of C-terminal telopeptides of type I collagen [CTX-I], cartilage oligomeric matrix protein [COMP], chondroitin-sulphate aggrecan turnover 846 epitope [CS846], tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 [TIMP-1]; plasma levels of vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF], matrix metalloproteinases 3 and 9 [MMP3, MMP9]). Relationships between biomarkers and MRI scores were evaluated using Spearman rank correlation. Results: Biomarkers were assessed in 117 of 118 per-protocol patients. Mean and median CTX-I, COMP, TIMP-1, MMP3, MMP9, and VEGF values were within normal ranges (reference range not available for CS846 in healthy volunteers). No correlations between biomarkers and MRI scores were found, with the exception of CS846, which showed significant correlation in a subgroup of 22 on-demand patients (r = 0.436; P = 0.04). Conclusions: Compatible additive MRI scores showed no clear correlations with any of the potential biomarkers for haemophilic arthropathy in the overall population. CS846 levels were significantly correlated with MRI scores in patients treated on demand. (Less

    Superfield covariant analysis of the divergence structure of noncommutative supersymmetric QED4_4

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    Commutative supersymmetric Yang-Mills is known to be renormalizable for N=1,2{\cal N} = 1, 2, while finite for N=4{\cal N} = 4. However, in the noncommutative version of the model (NCSQED4_4) the UV/IR mechanism gives rise to infrared divergences which may spoil the perturbative expansion. In this work we pursue the study of the consistency of NCSQED4_4 by working systematically within the covariant superfield formulation. In the Landau gauge, it has already been shown for N=1{\cal N} = 1 that the gauge field two-point function is free of harmful UV/IR infrared singularities, in the one-loop approximation. Here we show that this result holds without restrictions on the number of allowed supersymmetries and for any arbitrary covariant gauge. We also investigate the divergence structure of the gauge field three-point function in the one-loop approximation. It is first proved that the cancellation of the leading UV/IR infrared divergences is a gauge invariant statement. Surprisingly, we have also found that there exist subleading harmful UV/IR infrared singularities whose cancellation only takes place in a particular covariant gauge. Thus, we conclude that these last mentioned singularities are in the gauge sector and, therefore, do not jeopardize the perturbative expansion and/or the renormalization of the theory.Comment: 36 pages, 11 figures. Minor correction

    Radio-frequency induced ground state degeneracy in a Chromium Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study the effect of strong radio-frequency (rf) fields on a chromium Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), in a regime where the rf frequency is much larger than the Larmor frequency. We use the modification of the Land\'{e} factor by the rf field to bring all Zeeman states to degeneracy, despite the presence of a static magnetic field of up to 100 mG. This is demonstrated by analyzing the trajectories of the atoms under the influence of dressed magnetic potentials in the strong field regime. We investigate the problem of adiabaticity of the rf dressing process, and relate it to how close the dressed states are to degeneracy. Finally, we measure the lifetime of the rf dressed BECs, and identify a new rf-assisted two-body loss process induced by dipole-dipole interactions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Random Matrix Theory of Transition Strengths and Universal Magnetoconductance in the Strongly Localized Regime

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    Random matrix theory of the transition strengths is applied to transport in the strongly localized regime. The crossover distribution function between the different ensembles is derived and used to predict quantitatively the {\sl universal} magnetoconductance curves in the absence and in the presence of spin-orbit scattering. These predictions are confirmed numerically.Comment: 15 pages and two figures in postscript, revte

    Theory of nonlinear sub-Doppler laser spectroscopy taking into account atomic-motion-induced density-dependent effects in a gas

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    We develop a field-nonlinear theory of sub-Doppler spectroscopy in a gas of two-level atoms, based on a self-consistent solution of the Maxwell-Bloch equations in the mean field and single-atom density matrix approximations. This makes it possible to correctly take into account the effects caused by the free motion of atoms in a gas, which lead to a nonlinear dependence of the spectroscopic signal on the atomic density even in the absent of a direct interatomic interaction (e.g., dipole-dipole interaction). Within the framework of this approach, analytical expressions for the light field were obtained for an arbitrary number of resonant waves and arbitrary optical thickness of a gas medium. Sub-Doppler spectroscopy in the transmission signal for two counterpropagating and co-propagating waves has been studied in detail. A previously unknown red shift of a narrow sub-Doppler resonance is predicted in a counterpropagating waves scheme, when the frequency of one wave is fixed and the frequency of the other wave is varied. The magnitude of this shift depends on the atomic density and can be more than an order of magnitude greater than the known shift from the interatomic dipole-dipole interaction (Lorentz-Lorenz shift). The found effects, caused by the free motion of atoms, require a significant revision of the existing picture of spectroscopic effects depending on the density of atoms in a gas. Apart of fundamental aspect, obtained results are important for precision laser spectroscopy and optical atomic clocks.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Exact results in planar N=1 superconformal Yang-Mills theory

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    In the \beta-deformed N=4 supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills theory we study the class of operators O_J = Tr(\Phi_i^J \Phi_k), i\neq k and compute their exact anomalous dimensions for N,J\to\infty. This leads to a prediction for the masses of the corresponding states in the dual string theory sector. We test the exact formula perturbatively up to two loops. The consistency of the perturbative calculation with the exact result indicates that in the planar limit the one--loop condition g^2=h\bar{h} for superconformal invariance is indeed sufficient to insure the {\em exact} superconformal invariance of the theory. We present a direct proof of this point in perturbation theory. The O_J sector of this theory shares many similarities with the BMN sector of the N=4 theory in the large R--charge limit.Comment: LaTex, 14 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor corrections and one reference adde

    High strength tubular columns and connections under earthquake, fire loading and fatigue

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    High strength steel (HSS) has been available for many years. However, its use in onshore engineeringis quite restrictive. Nonetheless very recently, there was a growing trend for the use of HSS in tubularstructures thanks to Eurocode 3 Part 1-12 (2006) that extended its scope to steel grades up toS690/S700MC. Nonetheless, Eurocode 3 Part 1-12 imposes many limitations at thematerial, structuraland design level. The ambitious targets of two EU funded –ATTEL and HITUBES – projects are toincrease the performance of tubular structures, reduce weights, construction and operating costs bychange in conceptual design and implementation of HSS. In a greater detail, the intent of the ATTELproject, is to promote the use of HSS members endowed with circular hollow sections in buildings subjectto earthquake and fire, in order to understand the actual behaviour of HSS material and to show the possiblebenefits with respect to mild steel. The buildings were realized with TS590 for steel columns and S275 forbeams in order to satisfy the capacity design criterion for columns and beams under earthquakeloading. The preliminary design of these structures leaned towards two fundamental conclusions: i) the costbenefits related to the use of HSS columns in braced frames, which are mainly subjected to axialloads and low bending moments; ii) the cost benefits related to the use of HHS columns in unbraced framesonly achieved along the main direction and for "medium" earthquake loading (<0.25g). Physical testsboth on full scale beam-to-column joints and column base joints to be performed at the University of Trentowill allow details for these important components to be checked. As far as the HITUBES project is concerned,the main work regards members and joints subject to monotonic, low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue loading.In particular, the project is focusing on: i) extraction of tubular welded and bolted joints from two casestudies, i.e. a footbridge and a railway bridge, respectively; ii) definition of weld condition –overmatching andundermatching – electrode selection and post-weld treatment –peening- for welded tubular joints
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