126 research outputs found

    Fieldtrips and Virtual Tours as Geotourism Resources: Examples from the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geopark (NW Italy)

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    In the 20th anniversary year of the European Geopark Network, and 5 years on from the receipt of the UNESCO label for the geoparks, this research focuses on geotourism contents and solutions within one of the most recently designated geoparks, admitted for membership in 2013: the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geopark (Western Italian Alps). The main aim of this paper is to corroborate the use of fieldtrips and virtual tours as resources for geotourism. The analysis is developed according to: i) geodiversity and geoheritage of the geopark territory; ii) different approaches for planning fieldtrip and virtual tours. The lists of 18 geotrails, 68 geosites and 13 off-site geoheritage elements (e.g., museums, geolabs) are provided. Then, seven trails were selected as a mirror of the geodiversity and as container of on-site and off-site geoheritage within the geopark. They were described to highlight the different approaches that were implemented for their valorization. Most of the geotrails are equipped with panels, and supported by the presence of thematic laboratories or sections in museums. A multidisciplinary approach (e.g., history, ecology) is applied to some geotrails, and a few of them are translated into virtual tours. The variety of geosciences contents of the geopark territory is hence viewed as richness, in term of high geodiversity, but also in term of diversification for its valorization

    New trends in rehabilitation of children with ENT disorders

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    Negli ultimi 20 anni il miglioramento dellassistenza neonatale ha determinato un progressivo aumento dei bambini che sopravvivono in presenza di gravi malformazioni o patologie congenite. Questi bambini richiedono una riabilitazione prolungata, talora multidisciplinare e complessa. Purtroppo, unorganizzazione adeguata alla riabilitazione della disfagia, dei disturbi della comunicazione e della respirazione non è sempre disponibile, non è sempre coordinata in equipe multidisciplinari che operino sia negli ospedali che sul territorio e non è facile mantenere tutte le figure professionali coinvolte al passo con le sempre più rapide innovazioni. Scopo del presente lavoro è presentare un aggiornamento su alcuni aspetti tuttora controversi della riabilitazione in età pediatrica

    A multi-laboratory comparison of photon migration instruments and their performances – the BitMap Exercise

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    Performance assessment and standardization are indispensable for instruments of clinical relevance in general and clinical instrumentation based on photon migration/diffuse optics in particular. In this direction, a multi-laboratory exercise was initiated with the aim of assessing and comparing their performances. 29 diffuse optical instruments belonging to 11 partner institutions of a European level Marie Curie Consortium BitMap1 were considered for this exercise. The enrolled instruments covered different approaches (continuous wave, CW; frequency domain, FD; time domain, TD and spatial frequency domain imaging, SFDI) and applications (e.g. mammography, oximetry, functional imaging, tissue spectroscopy). 10 different tests from 3 well-accepted protocols, namely, the MEDPHOT2, the BIP3, and the nEUROPt4 protocols were chosen for the exercise and the necessary phantoms kits were circulated across labs and institutions enrolled in the study. A brief outline of the methodology of the exercise is presented here. Mainly, the design of some of the synthetic descriptors, (single numeric values used to summarize the result of a test and facilitate comparison between instruments) for some of the tests will be discussed.. Future actions of the exercise aim at deploying these measurements onto an open data repository and investigating common analysis tools for the whole dataset

    Diazepam actions in the VTA enhance social dominance and mitochondrial function in the nucleus accumbens by activation of dopamine D1 receptors.

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    Benzodiazepines can ameliorate social disturbances and increase social competition, particularly in high-anxious individuals. However, the neural circuits and mechanisms underlying benzodiazepines' effects in social competition are not understood. Converging evidence points to the mesolimbic system as a potential site of action for at least some benzodiazepine-mediated effects. Furthermore, mitochondrial function in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) has been causally implicated in the link between anxiety and social competitiveness. Here, we show that diazepam facilitates social dominance, ameliorating both the competitive disadvantage and low NAc mitochondrial function displayed by high-anxious rats, and identify the ventral tegmental area (VTA) as a key site of action for direct diazepam effects. We also show that intra-VTA diazepam infusion increases accumbal dopamine and DOPAC, as well as activity of dopamine D1- but not D2-containing cells. In addition, intra-NAc infusion of a D1-, but not D2, receptor agonist facilitates social dominance and mitochondrial respiration. Conversely, intra-VTA diazepam actions on social dominance and NAc mitochondrial respiration are blocked by pharmacological NAc micro-infusion of a mitochondrial complex I inhibitor or an antagonist of D1 receptors. Our data support the view that diazepam disinhibits VTA dopaminergic neurons, leading to the release of dopamine into the NAc where activation of D1-signaling transiently facilitates mitochondrial function, that is, increased respiration and enhanced ATP levels, which ultimately enhances social competitive behavior. Therefore, our findings critically involve the mesolimbic system in the facilitating effects of diazepam on social competition and highlight mitochondrial function as a potential therapeutic target for anxiety-related social dysfunctions

    Current Treatment of Endolymphatic Sac Tumor of the Temporal Bone

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    An endolymphatic sac tumor (ELST) is a rare, indolent but locally aggressive tumor arising in the posterior petrous ridge. Patients present with sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus. As the tumor progresses, patients may experience vertigo, ataxia, facial nerve paresis, pain and otorrhea. Most patients present in their 4th or 5th decade with a wide age range. Patients with von Hippel–Lindau disease have an increased likelihood of developing ELST. Histologically, ELST is a low-grade adenocarcinoma. As it progresses, it destroys bone and extends into adjacent tissues. The likelihood of regional or distant metastases is remote. The optimal treatment is resection with negative margins. Patients with positive margins, gross residual disease, or unresectable tumor are treated with radiotherapy or radiosurgery. Late recurrences are common, so long follow-up is necessary to assess efficacy. The likelihood of cure depends on tumor extent and is probably in the range of 50–75%